politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » On the face of it Vince Cable is taking a risk linking with the Chapman “Democrats party” move
BREAKING @vincecable will join me in Parliament Square on 9.9.17 to launch #thedemocrats #nazisout #wemarchon ??????
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Overall, low-cost carriers account for only 33 percent of flights from Germany, against a market share of around 42 percent in Europe as a whole and 61 percent in Britain, according to data from Flightglobal Schedules data.
While Air Berlin is small internationally, it has 27 percent of the market for German domestic flights, while Lufthansa has 68 percent.
But Chapman is against any BREXIT, let alone an extreme one....
"BRITAIN has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.
There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is?"
1000s of words when the author could have just said "it was utter shit" Or as he put it, "Sky’s technology renders the BBC’s output akin to a Commodore 64 in comparison to a MacBook Air."
1) Chapman is lying;
2) Chapman has no clue what is going on;
3) Vince will turn up to see what happens but not to support what's happening.
I'm thinking 3 is unlikely.
But if either of the other two are true, why should we pay any attention at all to anything Chapman says on other issues?
She had to resign because it was true, not because it wasn't.
Can't have that. Next she'd have brought up the Third World habit of circumcising your female relatives.
- Taking extreme positions, like Remain without 2nd referendum, banning UKIP
- Personal abuse towards opponents
I'm beginning to wonder if Chapman is still working for David Davis!
Hat tip to Guido Fawkes https://order-order.com/
1. Pakistani muslims vote Labour - which 'trumps' (sic) rape.
2. Women come second in the party - always have and always will.
It's very hard to be sympathetic to her if she's only just discovered this.
The 3pm Saturday blackout is rapidly becoming unsustainable given that everywhere else in the world can watch them live, and in a lot of markets with the Sky syndicated English commentary as well.
1. Theresa May is a Nazi;
2. Channel 4 cancelling an interview with him proves that the British establishment is running scared of him;
3. He will not give any more interviews to the BBC until they agree to fire Andrew Neil.
Edit, he's also demanding that they fire John Humphrys.
Chapman turns up with 10 Conservative MPs all of whom defect to his new Party.
Laugh, we'd have to have a heart of stone not to...
So who is telling the truth?
"Post-It notes are a sad technology. Such a loser."
Chapman does sound deranged on twitter though. Will he and his £150k cohorts be the only politicians never to have gone for a drink with a journo?
When is the next general election?
I can understand the reasoning behind the blackout, but I think it's probably outweighed its usefulness by now - the streams are costing the broadcasters serious money and the technology isn't about to uninvent itself.
I am sure he is entirely consistent, so he must think that all the Schengen countries are Nazi states as well.
I'm an NFL Gamepass subscriber so I can stream the games live. I don't take Sky Sports as I don't watch enough other sport for it to be worthwhile, if this service didn't exist I'd probably either watch an illegal stream or more likely not watch the sport at all, in fact I only really got into the sport after I discovered Gamepass.
(This year's new platform is a bit buggy though
But will his pet unicorn manage to find the event?
There's also the reverse issue, in Brit tourist spots like southern France and Spain, the English bars there used to import Sky boxes from the UK with the manager's mum's subscription in the UK - but the new Sky satellite has a much smaller signal footprint that doesn't work south of the Channel Islands. So they've all got the Kodi boxes now too.
If she had genuinely stayed quietly in the background and let more effective campaigners lead - the likes of Johnson and McLoughlin or any random slime off a damp wall - it's not hard to imagine we would now be living under a Tory majority of 100.
Germany's Vice-Chancellor Says He's Shocked To Find UK Has "No Real Strategy" On Brexit
Gabriel also criticised Boris Johnson, his opposite number as British foreign secretary, for deciding to back Brexit for the benefit of his career.
"He’s clever and smart, no doubt about that," Gabriel said. "He was a gambler, a gambler with his own interests. We have personally good relations, he’s a person full of humour and of course an intelligent guy, but as a politician you should not gamble with the future of your own country."
The London Fire Brigade was closely consulted over the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower that included the installation of flammable cladding, the BBC has learned.
Documents seen by the BBC say there was "close liaison" between the fire brigade and the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (TMO).
What a plonker....
Time to pull down these old towers, they're not fit for purpose and can't be made fit for purpose.
Been biting my tongue somewhat on Champion's departure. Given Corbyn introduced Hamas and Hezbollah as friends, at least she was allowed to walk out of the door rather than depart via the roof.
If mainstream politics can't deal with the reality we're facing, they'll leave the field clear for the far right (Labour having been occupied by the far left).
Meanwhile his party hang their own MP Sarah Champion out to dry.
DUP would vote with the Govt.
I'd be very surprised if such a motion would pass.
The only ones who might under normal circumstances abstain are the Lib Dems but given the divisions over Europe I'd expect them to vote with Labour too. So there isn't much room for error here.
Told you so about Uncle Vince by the way; the update in the threader makes the whole thread a bit redundant.
Official data published on Wednesday showed an estimated 2.37m EU workers in Britain between April and June this year, which was up by 126,000 on the same period in 2016 and the highest figure since records began two decades ago. This suggests that the UK’s decision to leave the EU has not yet had a significant impact on the number of Europeans in work....
Commenting on the data Gerwyn Davies, senior labour market analyst at the CIPD, said that initial fears about the impact of Brexit on EU workers may have been overstated. “This perhaps isn’t surprising given that the UK economy is still generating a high number of jobs, and that the wage premium afforded to Romanian and Bulgarian workers is still significant compared to what they would be paid in their home country,” he said.