politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The August 2017 silly season continues – Ladbrokes now taking bets on “the Democrats” for the next General Election
Love the fonts, @jameschappers. Top is clearly Seventies porn movie title. Bottom is Atari c. 1986? pic.twitter.com/uAK7zKxGEt
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Takes time to condemn him, not the neo nazis again
'The Democrats' want to remain in the EU despite the people's wish to leave it as democratically expressed in the referendum last year.
So 'The Democrats' start a new party with the intention of overturning the people's wishes.
Most hilarious thing for me is that people have clearly put money on the Democrats. Would be even more hilarious if the LD price drifted....
He's going all SJW against a bloke who from later, calmer reports, might just have lost control of his car when surrounded by a mob.
No loss to the President's advisory board.
Maybe some imaginative franchise deal can be worked out? Hand the names over for a decade.
A bit of welcome income for the Lxxxxxx Dxxxxxxxx to replace the now-spent donation from fraudster Michael Brown?
It's more of a general anti-Big Pharma point.
Divide the Remain supporters and let Brexit rule.
Do they not realise the Lib Dems already are a Stop Brexit party?
You can whine like a little girl all you like but eventually you'll have to come to terms with it.
Re your opening statement: Leave WON, Remain LOST, it couldn't be more straightforward.
It includes a lack of anything on the ballot paper about which year we are to return to.
pre-1960 (when the UK set up EFTA, i.e. economic)
pre-1957 (EEC/Treaty of Rome, i.e. political)
pre-1939 (UK struggles to remain world no. 2)
pre-1914 (Britannia rules the waves, this side of the Atlantic anyway)?
Without further information, the only contract with the voters was to take them back to 1972, i.e. to leave the EU/EEC and stay in/rejoin anything that preceded that. I'm surprised Gina Miller hasn't already consulted her lawyers.
That's where the rot started.
As others have pointed out - YOU LOST, get over it man, there is nothing you can do.
1. Eddie Izzard
2. Bob Geldof
3. Alistair Campbell
4. Alan Sugar
5. Billy Bragg.
Said no real winner, ever.
- I thought the EU was weak and feeble but it's strong and stable
- I thought that trade deals would be easy but they're hard
- I thought the EU was irrelevant but it's proven it's not
- I thought the EU was insular but it's taking a lead globally
- I thought nobody really supported the EU but they do
- I thought that Ireland would follow us out but it won't
He's an arse. Add him to that list.
I'm counting down the seconds until we're out.
591 days 19 hours, 18 minutes 25 seconds.
I'm afraid that if you won't or can't understand that you're in denial.
11 days 11 hours 13 mins 20 seconds
(btw I thought you didn't live in this country?)
Or would you just prefer a world without pharmaceutical development ?
And btw, the 'bloke' has been charged with murder, according to later, calmer reports.
I think you can reasonably assume that UKIP is zero (possibly a very long-shot). So effectively it's a bet on the Democrats outperforming the LibDems. Maybe 100/1 ? (NB: speculation, not an offer)
Anything that strips votes from Labour/LDs aids Tory holds at the next GE.
There are too many people on both sides who have a vested interest in voting it down.
GE2017 truly was a disaster. May really did need that 60-80 majority to make it stick.
I assume you really mean people who voted Lib Dem ie not very many.
Who are you going to believe, Alex Jones or your own lying eyes?
On the Tory side, the ultras who don't want to pay a penny to Brussels and don't care (or even see as a problem) no deal might also vote it down.
It doesn't take many to defeat HMG.
If the Tories fail to deliver some kind of Brexit, they will be annihilated at the next election. They know that, hence some kind of Brexit will take place. As the only one available will be agreed by Barnier and Davis, that is what we'll get.
The interests of the Tory Party will take us out of the EU. Let's also remember the handful of Labour leavers who I expect to abstain on the final vote.
They are in a terrible place.
Everything else in your comment is pure wishful thinking.
Labour would not win 40% of the vote if they lost every Labour Leaver. There will be no second referendum because it would destroy the Tory Party.
No Brexit means Labour landslide with Corbyn as PM. It won't happen.
because even now in Brussels theyre preparing to slaughter the fatted calf as the prodigal returns
grow up
Good evening everybody. I'm still behind the sofa where politics is concerned.
The Conservatives will get crushed if they do not become the party of Remain in time, but they have been too completely infiltrated by hardcore Eurosceptic fruitcakes to realise it.