politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » It looks like David Davis will ensure the Brexit delivered is exactly as Vote Leave campaigned for (sans the £350m for the NHS)
Ministers dash business hopes of transitional Brexit deal https://t.co/N58qbJtyAp
Read the full story here
Edit: OK; having read to the end, DD foresees a "political backlash". This is presumably him signalling that he is a resolute 'ard brexiteer, in advance of a possible leadership contest.
I suspect if Labour were lead by a passionate pro-European the situation might be different.
"The government will do all it can to minimise the shock to business."
Says the Chancellor of the Exchequer, of an entirely voluntary policy course.
Who knew ?
Davis seems to be doing his duty by pouring fuel on the funeral pyre.
To stop Brexit the A50 enabling Act would have to be repealed and the EU27 would have to agree to the revoking of A50. A referendum would also require to be legislated. Legislation is vitually impossible outside of the government business agenda.
Their mistake was winning the referendum and then inviting the EU to play chicken. Do that and you end up as roadkill.
scottishBritish tennis player...I think the ICC should f##k off. What a stupid ruling .
Apparently, having placed the muzzle to our temple, we must pull the trigger, "or there'll be blood on the streets".
What happens if we've changed our minds?
EVERY TIME the Eurosages here assured us that it is Soft Brexit or no Brexit they have been wrong.
Currently failing to represent, as you say.
Some crazy ubergeek took a lot of brand new Class 345 Crossrail* train pics today!
* or should I say "Elizabeth Line"
UK opinion could swing very much against the EU if they overplay their hand
But redefining impartiality? pft. When Blair was backed into a corner, he tried this on with Hutton/Gilligan. Governments bullsh*t all the time and need to be constantly questioned about stuff that doesn't add up.
The blue brexiteers need to ask themselves whether they still want an independent BBC to be around holding a Corbyn government to account
Edit: ah, they aren't actually empty
Maybe everyone should stop giving a running commentary.
First time this year was in February and then not once until Fri 30th June and again just now. Both very political and this time a little more about Brexit.
So not once during the election but twice since.
I do not recall seeing any results from the pol of the 30th June. I'll wait and see if we get results from this one?
That will be democracy in action.
Between Leave and Remain though, I think they've regressed to 1997 all over again. It's not just the BBC either, Sky News and C4 News have the same problem that almost everyone who works for them took the same side of an issue which split the country outside of their middle class metropolitan bubble.
Politics for the foreseeable future is unpredictable and volatile and opinions will ebb and flow.
Been enjoying watching cricket, tennis and golf today with the Lions in the morning. Far better and much more rewarding than obsessing over the controversies of the day. Think we all need to chill out a bit
And what of the anger of those who will feel democracy has been subverted? Why bother with it? The clever dicks in Westminster will just ignore you.
Businesses will decide where to base themselves based on their own financial interests. This will not just be the level of tariffs but dozens of other factors including the availability of trained skilled workforce, infrastructure and, probably most importantly, the tax arrangements.
Besides being in the EU has facilitated the move of many jobs out of the UK to other countries, not least because in some cases the EU have provided grants for the moves.
Lets face it, you lot are getting nervous that there will be no Brexit after all. No Soft, hard, runny whatever. The game is up.
Of course what we all know is that had the vote gone the other way you would not be calling for a fresh referendum after a couple of years. You would have said the matter was settled for another generation or two.
That is democracy.
1035 from Liverpool Street arrives 1118 Shenfield
1139 from Shenfield arrives 1225 Liverpool Street
That's the only round trip currently operated by the new trains!
But the point is that the intelligent media, business, the professions, the City, academia and the vast majority of thinking people are on the same side and for that reason I really can see it happening.
The other side might have a slightly larger army but against all the generals and modern weaponry it counts for nothing. It's now easier to visualize this government-and even the next- falling than theresa May's version of Brexit ever becoming enacted.
One to look out for!
Yes, already, by the 7th. The economy seems to be going gangbusters.
Nothing about leaving the single market/customs union unless I have missed it.
Hard Brexit is the default option and just 20 short months away. A modicum of preparation would be wise.
I do note that of course Heath never dared have a referendum in 1972 prior to us joining as he knew he would have lost.
The manifesto mentioned making "best-in-class trade deals", which is difficult when in the Customs Union.
Totally baffled. Just concerned you guys are all missing out on my wise and witty contributions whenever I am not on my macbook