politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » It would appear some Tory MPs are determined to see a British En Marche happen
EXC: Dozens of Tory MPs have emailed Andrea Leadsom urging her to run for leader again https://t.co/X8iKsfggKh
Read the full story here
I can definitely confirm this is not true....
A more likely explanation is that the article is bollocks.
Leadsom campaigned in Bolsover iirc and helped get Helen Harrison 19+k votes there, a very decent score in the context of the evening.
If Labour can select a bonkers leader why can't the Conservatives do the same?
Labour are setting the agenda and i can't see this changing anytime soon.
I'd vote for it if I was on the oppo benches anyway - abstaining against a jobs first Brexit though. Ouchies for Corbyn...
I wonder if any will vote with the Government to oppose.
Well, my betting post got caught in the curse of the new thread.
After her silly comments about broadcasters being "patriotic", I doubt she'll get very far.
Then stopped myself. As we are now living in a Truman-show style political comedy then she will be leader by October.
I reckon Philip Davies will be the next leader.
Hence Tezza's decision, right IMO, to ride it out. Events have a habit of making fools of those predicting an end of history.
"A problem that particularly affects the working class is the growing number of Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) in betting shops. I have worked in the bookmaking industry for nearly twenty years, and in that time there have been a lot of changes. The existence of the betting exchanges, namely Betfair, has meant that the bookie vs punter battle is all but over. Bookmakers are unable to compete with the margins that the exchanges bet to, but what they lose in custom they make up for in wages. As the exchanges are the ultimate guide to the betting market, they no longer have to employ as many odds compilers, they just copy the exchange and add a bit of margin. If the bookmaker is out of line with the exchanges, and punters try to take the bookie price, the bookie stops them betting, or limits them to pennies. To all intents and purposes the high St bookie should be dead. They don't take many bets, and they don't let people bet much.
But they are kept afloat by the FOBTs. These are basically Fruit Machines on crack cocaine. There is no edge for the punter as the machines are programmed to win a certain percentage. It is not about skill, they cannot be beaten. Bookmakers now have as many of these machines as possible in betting shops, and staff I have spoken to have told me they are instructed to teach punters how to play them, and stay open as long as possible even when there is barely any sport to bet on. Labour MP Tom Watson has done a great deal of work on the problems of FOBTs. They are a social menace, causing misery to many who cant afford to lose the money they are, and the anger on the part of the player when they lose is often also distressing for the employee, who is usually working alone late at night. The bookmakers that are applying to open shops in High Streets in poor areas (Newham is a particular example) are only doing so in order to pile these machines into them.
Watson wants some kind of ban on them, Cameron is dithering."
"My idea would be to make bookmakers who want FOBTs in their shops re apply for a license as an amusement arcade rather than a bookmaker, and remove their ability to take bets on sport in that shop if such a licence is granted. I predict that Bookmakers such as Ladbrokes, Coral and William Hill would baulk at this, but at the moment they are no more than fences for FOBTs anyway. They wont take bets off people who have any clue about betting, but are happy to let the poorest in society lose their wages in a machine which it is impossible to beat. Strange as it may sound, the name Ladbrokes/Hills/Corals adds a cloak of respectability to the mugging that takes place inside their shops. Attaching their name to an amusement arcade would (a) discourage them from applying as it would damage their brand, and (b) give the authorities the chance to deny permission for the arcade. Either would be a bonus for the man in the street.
Because they cannot be beaten, the bookies let anybody have anything they like in these machines
rethink gambling @rethinkgambling Dec 15
.@Coral You took this from a known #gambling #addict on Friday. Anything to say to his children this Christmas? pic.twitter.com/5JIfztXZrL
I have written a couple of articles on this deception here
and here
and here is a blog from a betting shop worker who knows the truth behind the supposed advice to "Bet responsibly"
To encourage the existence of a traditional bookmakers, I would offer an tax incentive for those who bet to a low margin and accept large bets in FOBT-less shops. At the moment they bet to very big margins and refuse to take many bets. The betting market in the far east is thriving by accepting enormous bets at low margin, and that is something I feel we could tap into. I have many contacts in the bookmaking game, both poacher and gamekeeper so to speak, and could help pack out a detailed policy if you decide to follow it up.
If we press this policy I feel it will be both a vote winner and enhance UKIPs reputation as the party that has the interests of the working class at heart"
It is, however, a reasonable provision as part of a full deal for the post-Brexit relationship. As such, I can't see it being much of a problem. It's the post-Brexit trade deal which matters, not these minor sub-clauses of the trade deal.
"We've now seen Corbyn when he's in campaign mode.
He didn't CAMPAIGN for remain."
Perhaps people will begin to notice this - @Richard_H perhaps that will be it..?
She seems to know where the tory party should be heading with policies and she is very confident in herself.
For those of us who voted remain, the spectacle of Corbyn trying to get our votes on this basis is pretty distasteful. Not just a utopian, but a dishonest one, too.
In reality it is likely to be more complicated than that. If, for example, we want to remain a part of the European patent system (and we may well do) then we will have to give the CJE decisions on such matters effect in the UK. But I suggest that this sort of thing is going to be by exception, not by generality.
Have to say I thought that would be made up - but the irony is so delicious...
That is all!
The problem is that EU documents tend to tell you what they want to do rather than what they are actually doing. This means you are left with a lot of aspirational wording which Courts then have to try and give a "purposeful" intent to. This can make advising clients of the effect of the provisions a lot more complicated than a traditional black letter, reductivist approach.
There are areas, such as tax avoidance, where we have copied this approach. I am not sure it can be claimed these have greatly added to certainty or predictability.
Thank you for the considered responses and there's very little with which I would disagree.
I worked in betting shops in the 1980s and it was a very different world. Nowadays, the sheer volume of betting opportunities (both real and artificial) in shops makes any attempt to keep on top of them fruitless.
I do think the adage "less is more" applies and I also think the shops could become more like cafes with betting (on the continental model). As you say, take out the FOBTs, let half of them close and if they can be redeveloped as residential accommodation so be it.
I'm best man at a wedding that day.
But as I said it won't be as simple as that. One of the better parts of the Single Market rules from a lawyers point of view is the mutual enforcement provisions for judgments. I would be very disappointed if we lost that. It is much simpler at present to enforce a German decree than an American one. We should try to keep it that way.
And I haven't even started on my best man's speech.
So, does anyone have any experience of the commercial systems for filing Corporation Tax returns? Our affairs are extremely simple, so I just need the absolute basics and preferably at very low cost.
What other sport allows you to roll on a carpet with members of the opposite sex?
John Bercow speaker,
Eleanor Laing Ways & Means,
David Amess Temp Deputy speaker.
Andrew Griffiths 1st teller
Mrs Heather Wheeler 2nd teller.
More Wile E Coyote.
Ulster propping up May....or under her heel.....unlike Osborne to let that pass....
Will take a bet to win £500, more on request. They promise not to ban winners, though I know of one idiot who complained that he was banned and they were a sham etc, turned out he backed both horses in a 2-horse race!
geoff-banks.com are a proper old school bookmaker as well
That's when we should have cut public sector salaries by 5%-10% depending on the level. Plus slashed government spending on everything else by 5%.
That way we would have eliminated the deficit within a couple of years at a time when people could see it was necessary.
Now we still have a deficit of £50bn a year and few people think it is a problem (mistakenly) so it is harder to correct the problem.
IMF here we come.
Several more opposition missing today.
Good for them.
Wouldn't have happened without Cameron and the coalition.
Do Corbynistas not understand that it's pathetic to act like a member of cult as opposed to an individual capable of independent thinking? UK's answer to Trump 'MAGA' fanatics, but they can't see it.
I support Chuka Umunna doing this amendment. Can't way to see how sad Corbynistas try to argue that Chuka is a 'Tory' because of this when the men they support are closer to the line of Hard Brexit.