politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Whilst it is understandable national campaigning has been suspended, the general election must not be suspended
May spokesmn: "Conservative party will not be campaigning nationally today. We will review as day goes on &as more details of attack emerge"
Read the full story here
I think that's my first First since my BA, waaaay back in 2004.
More seriously, agree on the main point. If Theresa May postpones the election my vote will rapidly shuffle to the Liberal Democrats. But I don't think she will.
One further point - I think these attacks are linked to the election. Remember 2007 when there were a series of failed attacks just as Brown took office? Or the train attacks in Spain? Attempting to exploit maximum confusion and disorganisation is standard terrorist MO.
That makes it doubly important the election goes ahead even if we have to have men with guns outside every polling station.
There is no need to suspend the election.
Given how frequently these attacks are happening now, how unsophisticated they are, and how many people are reportedly prepared to carry them out, I think it must however be very likely we are going to get another before Friday, probably on General Election day itself.
Locked in a Vauxhall Tavern with Madonna blaring away on the jukebox is my idea of the 7th circle of hell, although bearable if there’s plenty of ice and a decent tonic for the gin.
We're going to have the sight of guns guarding polling stations.
The crucial thing is it mustn't stop it.
I have to go and play the organ. There's an impressive climax using an eight foot horn involved. I only hope it stays fully inflated throughout as on occasion this particular organ has had issues with its blower and it takes a lot of effort to pump it up by hand.
I do hope that mind bleach supplies will be shared equally and that you all have a good morning.
No suspension. We always make tough talk of not letting them affect us, it is a polite fiction we tell ourselves, to encourage our resilience, but to suspend would be a mistake of epic proportions. If nothing else, as has been noted if the election is itself a reason for increased activity, suspending doesn't help.
Also, which branch of the armed forces would have stopped this? I'm sure more Tornado bombers patrolling Syria would have halted a knife attack in central London.
Treat these scumbags with the contempt they deserve.
Anyone advocating a delay should be handed several packs of nappies, slapped across the face with a large haddock, and told to grow some ****ing balls.
Scottish poll from Survation, appologies if already posted
Strong numbers for Labour, SNP continue to fade
Mr. Andy, I agree, but the response to Manchester set something of a precedent, unfortunately.
Agree that we shouldn't miss a beat for this, however.
Who is to say that the suspension of campaigning for several days after the Manchester attack didn't encourage another?
If we get attacks on polling day, there would be chaos and turnout would collapse. The police would tell voters to stay at home.
In such circumstances, I would hope for at least a second day of voting. To enable things like that there need to be contingencies to suspend and reopen voting. It can't just be made up on the fly.
Resume on Monday morning with a minute's silence.
We've hit 2,000 plus comments before.
To everyone who thinks we have to stop all the clocks every time one of these things happen out of respect to the victims, I would ask the following. Firstly, what respect does it show to them to allow the terrorists to cause the disruption that they want? And secondly, what if this is the new normal, and one of these attacks happens every fortnight or every week from now on? Do we simply cancel our entire public life and replace it with one continuous period of national mourning?
(Or rather nearly 9 as I would have insisted on putting it at the time)
And Ramadan is more likely the crucial factor here. ISIL called for attacks during Ramadan, not the election; they just happen to coincide.
On topic. What does these terrorist levels, severe, critical etc practically achieve ?
Demonization of Corbyn either not taken seriously, or more likely the mantra is "my enemies, enemy is my friend"
Give them a role protecting all crowded places such as shopping centres, sporting events, and concerts. Ensure that all security staff have regular contact with the military. Increase defence education. Today it is bombs at concerts and marauders with vehicles; tomorrow it may be men with AK-47s at schools or hospitals, as in the Caucasus. Make readiness and defence more than words: mobilise the population.
* Prioritise
To meet some of the resource requirements, reduce British military expenditure in other areas, such as the defence of other countries (e.g. Estonia), engagements in other countries (e.g. Afghanistan), and bases around the world (e.g. Diego Garcia). Leave NATO. Let Estonia defend itself. End the alliance with the US. Prioritise the defence of Britain.
* Hit the money behind Daesh
Tell the Salafist dictatorships of Saudi and Qatar that all of their assets in Britain will be frozen within one week unless they change their orientation and cooperate with the British government and with the UNSC, the great powers, and the governments in the poor part of the Arab world, to wipe Daesh out. They are unlikely to cooperate (or they will demand enormous payments to do so) and one result will almost certainly be the nationalisation of the Qatari-rescued Barclays Bank. I cannot believe that no Daesh money men are known to British security. Arrest them. Britain tried applying Malaya to Northern Ireland, and they are to an extent trying to apply NI to Daesh, as everyone knows. It isn't working. If the money men have Saudi or Qatari diplomatic status, expel them from the country with one hour's notice and seize the motherfuckers' assets. Cease selling weapons to Saudi and Qatar with immediate effect. Require all foreign intelligence agencies active in Britain - such as agencies of the US, Israel, Saudi, Germany, etc. - to work under British oversight, and if they don't like it, shut them down. British national security should be under British control. Aim for a new and friendly relationship with all anti-Daesh states in the Arab and Muslim world and end support for Israel.
* Do NOT suspend the general election
Find a role for Jeremy Corbyn and Tim Farron in the government and make it clear that they and Theresa May will continue to cooperate in the government after the election, whatever the result of it is. Do NOT make national security an issue that divides the main political parties. At the very least, let the main party leaders appear together, in the same room, rather than making uncoordinated "tweets". Raise the level of symbolic unity in order to assist with increasing cooperation in all parts of society against the terrorist threat: this is basic social psychology and is important.
Keep calm and carry on, or we let the bastards win.
Threat levels in themselves do not require specific responses from the public. They are a tool for security practitioners working across different sectors of the Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) and the police to use in determining what protective security response may be required.
Vigilance is vital regardless of the current national threat level. It is especially important given the current national threat. Sharing national threat levels with the general public keeps everyone informed. It explains the context for the various security measures (for example airport security or bag searches) which we may encounter in our daily lives.
I say that as someone born towards the end of the 70s
Presumably even more so for Police etc.
Let's just remember for a second. What did jez do when asked if he would support an ISIS fund raiser release from prison for Christmas, go absolutely no bloody way. Of course not, he supported them. FFS...Robbing old ladies to fund ISIS and jezza goes into bat for them.
Then Of course we have mcIRA who supported getting rid of the spooks. 10k more plods in panda cars but no F##king intelligence agencies, that will do the trick.
These people disgust me.
Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
It is hereby ordered that on 8th June 2017 at 7:00am that the bells in all churches and religious calls in other faiths in my realm shall be rung for a period of 28 minutes to celebrate the lives of the Manchester and London victims and to reaffirm on election day the values of our cherished democracy.
Elizabeth R