Detective Fitalass stared at her paper. She knew that the pundits had to be right. She just knew. Curse those pesky academics with their research. Don't they know that detective Fitalass's intuition is far far better.
Then she saw it. A tweet from a Labour MP citing a academic piece of research. Ahh she thought. There it is. I am right and the experts are wrong. And back down she sat safe in the knowledge that everything, no matter what, was always bad for Labour.
Struggling A&E units in England are to get a £500m bailout over the next two years to ensure waiting times are kept under control, the BBC understands.
The facts are quite clear: Labour lost support, along with the Tories, but the Tories have regained some. So Labour's voteshare hasn't changed in the last three months, but the led has closed - and they are down 4% from peak.
@IOS "I think anyone who predicts a Tory majority should be forced to say which group of voters Cameron couldn't win at the last election against Brown he will win this time."
I would start with the 25% of current Labour supporters who don't think EdM would make best PM. Though I don't have a record of how they all voted last time.
Detective Fitalass stared at her paper. She knew that the pundits had to be right. She just knew. Curse those pesky academics with their research. Don't they know that detective Fitalass's intuition is far far better.
Then she saw it. A tweet from a Labour MP citing a academic piece of research. Ahh she thought. There it is. I am right and the experts are wrong. And back down she sat safe in the knowledge that everything, no matter what, was always bad for Labour.
You are getting even sadder IOS, not only are you channelling tim, you are making a point of attacking fitalass. You really are a terribly sad individual.
I am guessing you are one of Tim's stalkers who is looking for someone else to latch on. I don't exact;y see what makes my behavior sad but that's your look out. I am going to LOL at fitalass though when she says things like that. It is always a treat seeing Fitalass's insight to election results.
She is pretty harmless though. Unlike Plato who see's fit to slander all those on the left by saying we "have an issue with Jews"
I believe UKIP will end up with 6% of the votes - mostly from the Tories.
The ex-tories seem the most likely UKIP supporters to revert. So the bulk of UKIP's increased share in 2015 must surely come from 2010 LD, and 2010 non-voters.
You should read the views of some of these Con to UKIP switchers on Conhome . The chances of them reverting are close to zero as long as Cameron stays as leader . What we do not know is what % of all Con to UKIP switchers they represent .
Surbition predicts the UKIP vote will fall to 6%. A fall that drastic requires Con/Lab sympathisers to revert. 2010 LDs and 2010 non-voters have already passed on the Lab/Con choice.
UKIP getting 6% in 2015 would be a rise from last time, not a fall.
So anyone who points out how nasty you are in your style of posting is a stalker, that's an interesting point of view. Its what tim does or says to anyone who points out his style of posting. Then again, I did say you were channelling tim, and of course its clear you are a misogynist as well.. the parallel is exact n'est ce pas? You should look at tim and how he behaves towards other posters rather than use him as your standard bearer.
By no means are all those 44% up for grabs. But some of them are.
Really? Or are those 44% are simply desperate for Labour to win but are dissatisfied with Miliband because they don't think he'll deliver? If so they certainly aren't "up for grabs".
Re Plato's posting about the Left and Jews. She certainly did post it, I saw it.
Southam Observer quite amusingly took it gently to task immediately, the rest of us just left it. It was Plato after all, it's the kind of thing we all expect from that particular poster.
Elizabeth Windsor @Queen_UK 16m Spanish PM in the phone. Insists Bongo Bongo Land actually belongs to them and he's introducing a charge to travel there via Spain.
Is any of you a LibDem member?! Don't feel shy....I need you for a moment...
Apparently if you look at parliamentary selections section of LibDem website (which is in the part accessible only to members) there's another (it's not Berwick) LD held seat listed where new applications have been called.....suggesting the sitting MP is retiring.
I don't want to pay LD membership fee just to discover who is retiring....
I haven;t crunched the figures in detail. It looks he's slightly better than William Hague, but not as good as Michael Howard.
That's certainly a worry for Labour.
But two things work hugely in their favour compared to the Tories then. The general electoral dynamics (the anti-Tory 2010 Lib Dem vote, differential turnout etc), and the underlying strength of the Labour "brand".
but IOS you have made a specific point of attacking Fitalass.. yet you accuse me of stalking when I point it out to you. Its what tim does too anyone who points out the nastiness in his style of posting. Why are you specifically attacking Fitalass night after night and why are you stalking her. Its not coinicidental that tim is on holiday is it??
Is any of you a LibDem member?! Don't feel shy....I need you for a moment...
Apparently if you look at parliamentary selections section of LibDem website (which is in the part accessible only to members) there's another (it's not Berwick) LD held seat listed where new applications have been called.....suggesting the sitting MP is retiring.
I don't want to pay LD membership fee just to discover who is retiring....
Any evidence to the statement I attack her night after night?
That's a much more subjective assessment than a simple request for a link to an alleged comment.
I'm simply asking that supporting proof is given of a rather serious accusation based on a comment by Plato that apparently exists. That's all. Just to know where we all actually stand.
"New Tory election guru may find UK a tough nut to crack Anger at betrayal of the Democratic-Labour axis tempered with the belief Jim Messina is embarking on one campaign too many"
I don't think the Conservatives will win a majority at the next GE. I'd rate their chances as low as 15% .
But I am not convinced by Ed Miliband and however hard I try, I just can't see him as a leader. Controversially, I also doubt that very many important people in the Labour party are viscerally and determinedly committed to winning the next GE. I'm sure Ed Miliband is, but he needs to square a lot of very difficult circles with regard to his manifesto commitments, and how he squares those circles will take some political genius. Labour supporters will want hope and promises of growth and a return to rising living standards. And I don't think Miliband and Balls can sensibly offer those goodies given the economic difficulties.
Hence the impression I get (based on no science, just my own opinion) that the party are not fully behind a Labour victory. I'm not saying they want to lose, just that victory at the next GE isn't something they'll be getting overly excited about. 2015-2020 will be difficult, constrained years, with little extra money about to offer inspirational policies. I don't think it sits comfortably with Labour to govern under a £1trillion debt-pile. Their semi-reticence over winning (if I'm right) will display itself in the lack of enthusiam that I think will surround Miliband during the campaign. And let's face it, decent chap though he is, he will need backers with charm and articulacy.
So, despite my pessimism about Tory chances, I think there are some variables that could seriously help sustain a Tory recovery in the polls:
1. Miliband's lack of personal gravitas. 2. Labour's diluted desire to win. 3. An improving economy. 4. The better the devil we know vote.
On the flip side, UKIP are a looming and large worry for the Tories. The European elections next year fall at a very unhelpful time, UKIP will likely do extremely well and will bask in the media narrative for a few weeks, making the right look divided and bringing the dreaded Europe issue to the fore. This will not be a good time for the Tories.
I'd say that even if UKIP subside and Labour fail to look the part under Miliband the Tories will still not reach a figure that gets them a majority. A higher number of seats than Labour will be the best they can rationally expect, sadly.
We keep asking on here "Which Labour voters that voted for Brown can be persuaded to vote Tory?" or words to that effect. That may just lead our thinking along fixed lines. One of the questions for the next election might be "Can Ed Milliband do a better job of selling Ed Milliband than Peter Mandelson did of selling Gordon Brown?" The product is better, but the salesman less persuasive.
"New Tory election guru may find UK a tough nut to crack Anger at betrayal of the Democratic-Labour axis tempered with the belief Jim Messina is embarking on one campaign too many"
Reassuring words for Labour from Patrick Wintour..
This guy must be good. Shame I hadn't heard about him until a couple of days back. I hope he realises there isn't a billion dollar budget here and no TV commercials.
"New Tory election guru may find UK a tough nut to crack Anger at betrayal of the Democratic-Labour axis tempered with the belief Jim Messina is embarking on one campaign too many"
On the flip side, UKIP are a looming and large worry for the Tories. The European elections next year fall at a very unhelpful time, UKIP will likely do extremely well and will bask in the media narrative for a few weeks, making the right look divided and bringing the dreaded Europe issue to the fore. This will not be a good time for the Tories.
I'd say that even if UKIP subside and Labour fail to look the part under Miliband the Tories will still not reach a figure that gets them a majority. A higher number of seats than Labour will be the best they can rationally expect, sadly.
The 2013 May Elections have already given UKIP a dozen target seats where they can sell themselves as contenders, the May 2014 elections should provide more.
but IOS you have made a specific point of attacking Fitalass.. yet you accuse me of stalking when I point it out to you. Its what tim does too anyone who points out the nastiness in his style of posting. Why are you specifically attacking Fitalass night after night and why are you stalking her. Its not coinicidental that tim is on holiday is it??
Is Tim nastier than SeanT ? Why do you guys have such double standards ?
I believe UKIP will end up with 6% of the votes - mostly from the Tories.
The ex-tories seem the most likely UKIP supporters to revert. So the bulk of UKIP's increased share in 2015 must surely come from 2010 LD, and 2010 non-voters.
You should read the views of some of these Con to UKIP switchers on Conhome . The chances of them reverting are close to zero as long as Cameron stays as leader . What we do not know is what % of all Con to UKIP switchers they represent .
Surbition predicts the UKIP vote will fall to 6%. A fall that drastic requires Con/Lab sympathisers to revert. 2010 LDs and 2010 non-voters have already passed on the Lab/Con choice.
UKIP getting 6% in 2015 would be a rise from last time, not a fall.
"New Tory election guru may find UK a tough nut to crack Anger at betrayal of the Democratic-Labour axis tempered with the belief Jim Messina is embarking on one campaign too many"
Detective Fitalass stared at her paper. She knew that the pundits had to be right. She just knew. Curse those pesky academics with their research. Don't they know that detective Fitalass's intuition is far far better.
Then she saw it. A tweet from a Labour MP citing a academic piece of research. Ahh she thought. There it is. I am right and the experts are wrong. And back down she sat safe in the knowledge that everything, no matter what, was always bad for Labour.
But that's just wrong, if you bother to read the piece it says that Lab support is rock solid.
You seem to have appointed yourself tim's representative on earth, and discovered that it isn't quite as easy as he makes it look.
We have now proven it. For what it's worth I don't actually think Plato thinks that. But it is indicative of her inability to sometimes think beyond her very simple narrative to life.
Anyone want to point out to Plato that Ed Miliband is Jewish. Now Geoff. Want to point out how many of my sub 300 posts have been aimed at Fitalass?
The point is IOS is WHY you have recently chosen to pick on Fitalass. We all know Pork does it on a regular basis, we also know tim does it, so why have you suddenly picked up the cudgels. Its not because tim is on holiday is it??, I mean you wouldn't be deliberately picking on someone now would you?
"I find the odd relationship Labour has with the USA perplexing - it loves to hug the Democrats [who are to the right of the Tories on some issues] and yet is very anti-American almost as a matter of principle on everything else.
I give in trying to work out what's on. A bit like the Left's dislike of Jews on rather too many occasions. David Ward being the latest example. I'm not exercised much by it - just left scratching my head".
Perhaps I got it wrong , were you attacking Plato last night or Fitalass or both, I am sure you can remember, and its NOT inconsistent with the fact that tim's comments have dropped dramatically, hence the presumption he is on holiday or ill or whatever and you have decided to stick the boot in. I mean you did exchange e mail addresses with tim in the days of disqus didn't you.. I mean you made a point of doing so.
MIss Carola, one of the joys of being a man in the 21st century is that sometimes women criticise you for opening doors for them, and sometimes they criticise you for not opening doors for them
"Can Ed Milliband do a better job of selling Ed Milliband than Peter Mandelson did of selling Gordon Brown?" The product is better, but the salesman less persuasive.
The product is much, much worse, and the salesman inept.
MIss Carola, one of the joys of being a man in the 21st century is that sometimes women criticise you for opening doors for them, and sometimes they criticise you for not opening doors for them
Hold a door open for anyone. It's just good manners.
Don't hold a door open for a "young lady" with a flourish and a cheeky gawp at their chest. They, and everyone else, will think you're a twat.
Tips on modern life for PBTories, part one in a new series...
Yes, instead of being a complete fiction, it was a partial quote out of context. I still believed after that link had turned up that we were waiting for another stronger one. Glad we sorted that out anyway.
MIss Carola, one of the joys of being a man in the 21st century is that sometimes women criticise you for opening doors for them, and sometimes they criticise you for not opening doors for them
I'm not even sure it's chivalry when it raises its head on PB. More often than not it's using women 'victims' of your own political persuasion to have a dig at someone of a different political persuasion. It's patronising and pathetic. I'm surprised - well, probably not... more disappointed - that the defendees accept it.
"Can Ed Milliband do a better job of selling Ed Milliband than Peter Mandelson did of selling Gordon Brown?" The product is better, but the salesman less persuasive.
The product is much, much worse, and the salesman inept.
Apart from that, Ed Miliband PM nailed on...
Remind us again, your prediction for the Tory gains in Scotland in 2010 ?
Remind us again, your prediction for the Tory gains in Scotland in 2010 ?
Ask my creepy stalker for his fictitious numbers. I had a few speculative bets, but as other punters will be quick to point out, a bet is not a prediction, unless you would be interested in some Nigerian Gold Mining shares I can sell you...?
MIss Carola, one of the joys of being a man in the 21st century is that sometimes women criticise you for opening doors for them, and sometimes they criticise you for not opening doors for them
...I'm surprised - well, probably not... more disappointed ...
"I find the odd relationship Labour has with the USA perplexing - it loves to hug the Democrats [who are to the right of the Tories on some issues] and yet is very anti-American almost as a matter of principle on everything else.
I give in trying to work out what's on. A bit like the Left's dislike of Jews on rather too many occasions. David Ward being the latest example. I'm not exercised much by it - just left scratching my head".
Scott P isn't someone who wants to be taken seriously. He also has no impact on anything. He is just someone who wants to feel good about himself by looking down on someone else.
Scott P isn't someone who wants to be taken seriously. He also has no impact on anything. He is just someone who wants to feel good about himself by looking down on someone else.
A very sad life he must lead.
You should look in the mirror a bit more given the personal attacks you have made.
I feel like I should launch a personal attack on someone, or a counter-attack on a personal attack, or a staunch defence against a personal attack against a personal counter-attack.
Bangladesh U-19 are an improving side and Hossain batted well. Let's hope their youth development comes through at Test level as it did for Sri Lanka a few decades a go.
Yeah I will give you Scott was a personal attack. But then on that I don't really care. If he is really happy in himself then he can ignore me. But I suspect not.
Bangladesh U-19 are an improving side and Hossain batted well. Let's hope their youth development comes through at Test level as it did for Sri Lanka a few decades a go.
Edit: Carberry for the ODIs?
I see the young Yorkshire lad Will Rhodes making his mark with Eng U-19.
"I find the odd relationship Labour has with the USA perplexing - it loves to hug the Democrats [who are to the right of the Tories on some issues] and yet is very anti-American almost as a matter of principle on everything else.
I give in trying to work out what's on. A bit like the Left's dislike of Jews on rather too many occasions. David Ward being the latest example. I'm not exercised much by it - just left scratching my head".
A little more nuanced than your claim, no?
Not much.
I'm sure the customary PB lauding of Dan Hodges took place after his piece on Tory racism and anti-Semitism.
'Most Tory traditionalists aren't racist – but most Tory racists are traditionalists. What is the Right going to do about its Patrick Mercers?'
Bah. It's the big holidays. Take as long as you like.
You still have big holidays? Hasn't Govey got you learning the Bible backwards in Latin to recite to your Year 3s yet?
Lol. Not yet. Give it a while and I'll be taking a camp bed in full time no doubt
Usually I go into work for a week, go on holiday for a couple of weeks and do voluntary work for a couple of weeks... but I've crumpled my collar bone so all that's out this year.
Yeah I will give you Scott was a personal attack. But then on that I don't really care. If he is really happy in himself then he can ignore me. But I suspect not.
As for Fitalass, give over.
Why should I, You have been pretty unpleasant the last few nights. When you are more pleasant and less rude, I'll not need to highlight your unpleasantness will I?
Bangladesh U-19 are an improving side and Hossain batted well. Let's hope their youth development comes through at Test level as it did for Sri Lanka a few decades a go.
Edit: Carberry for the ODIs?
I see the young Yorkshire lad Will Rhodes making his mark with Eng U-19.
W. Rhodes, from Yorkshire ? He must be older than Jack W !
I think I posted here on tuesday maybe and that has been the only time in nearly 3 weeks ( I think) so I just think you are factually wrong about the commonality of your accusations.
Yeah I will give you Scott was a personal attack. But then on that I don't really care. If he is really happy in himself then he can ignore me. But I suspect not.
As for Fitalass, give over.
Why should I, You have been pretty unpleasant the last few nights. When you are more pleasant and less rude, I'll not need to highlight your unpleasantness will I?
Is it just Labour posters unpleasantness you choose to "highlight", out of interest?
Bangladesh U-19 are an improving side and Hossain batted well. Let's hope their youth development comes through at Test level as it did for Sri Lanka a few decades a go.
Edit: Carberry for the ODIs?
I see the young Yorkshire lad Will Rhodes making his mark with Eng U-19.
W. Rhodes, from Yorkshire ? He must be older than Jack W !
Not Quite ;-) I give you the great Wilfred Rhodes ;-)
Detective Fitalass stared at her paper. She knew that the pundits had to be right. She just knew. Curse those pesky academics with their research. Don't they know that detective Fitalass's intuition is far far better.
Then she saw it. A tweet from a Labour MP citing a academic piece of research. Ahh she thought. There it is. I am right and the experts are wrong. And back down she sat safe in the knowledge that everything, no matter what, was always bad for Labour.
Struggling A&E units in England are to get a £500m bailout over the next two years to ensure waiting times are kept under control, the BBC understands.
The facts are quite clear: Labour lost support, along with the Tories, but the Tories have regained some. So Labour's voteshare hasn't changed in the last three months, but the led has closed - and they are down 4% from peak.
Which was easier, shutting it down, or taking the trouble to hire managers with a brief to run the place properly?
"I think anyone who predicts a Tory majority should be forced to say which group of voters Cameron couldn't win at the last election against Brown he will win this time."
I would start with the 25% of current Labour supporters who don't think EdM would make best PM.
Though I don't have a record of how they all voted last time.
Or perhaps the 64% of the population who think he's doing badly as Labour leader.
Add 12% DontKnows to that, you've got a big pool to fish in.
You are getting even sadder IOS, not only are you channelling tim, you are making a point of attacking fitalass. You really are a terribly sad individual.
Hampshire at 202-3 look very well set.
I am guessing you are one of Tim's stalkers who is looking for someone else to latch on. I don't exact;y see what makes my behavior sad but that's your look out. I am going to LOL at fitalass though when she says things like that. It is always a treat seeing Fitalass's insight to election results.
She is pretty harmless though. Unlike Plato who see's fit to slander all those on the left by saying we "have an issue with Jews"
Mr Miliband has a net satisfaction rating of -1 among Labour supporters, with 43% satisfied and 44% dissatisfied.
By no means are all those 44% up for grabs. But some of them are.
You should look at tim and how he behaves towards other posters rather than use him as your standard bearer.
That action alone says more than a thousand 'supportive' tweets.
If only IOS could read the tealeaves.
Ho hum. At least it will make some of the current debts manageable.
Misogynist? Jeez don't devalue the word.
His average satisfied % is slightly higher than Hague's average.
I haven;t crunched the figures in detail. It looks he's slightly better than William Hague, but not as good as Michael Howard.
Some of those 44% may stay at home
Southam Observer quite amusingly took it gently to task immediately, the rest of us just left it. It was Plato after all, it's the kind of thing we all expect from that particular poster.
Spanish PM in the phone. Insists Bongo Bongo Land actually belongs to them and he's introducing a charge to travel there via Spain.
Apparently if you look at parliamentary selections section of LibDem website (which is in the part accessible only to members) there's another (it's not Berwick) LD held seat listed where new applications have been called.....suggesting the sitting MP is retiring.
I don't want to pay LD membership fee just to discover who is retiring....
But two things work hugely in their favour compared to the Tories then. The general electoral dynamics (the anti-Tory 2010 Lib Dem vote, differential turnout etc), and the underlying strength of the Labour "brand".
Why are you specifically attacking Fitalass night after night and why are you stalking her. Its not coinicidental that tim is on holiday is it??
When was it.
PBModerator. Can you look through the comments that ay have been edited. Are you going to take any action if it's proven?
Any evidence to the statement I attack her night after night?
I think.
I was waiting for Neil...but we have new twist in the classic "Labour PPC surrounded by activists with placards" photo
Placing your daughter with an implausible dress next to you
I'm simply asking that supporting proof is given of a rather serious accusation based on a comment by Plato that apparently exists. That's all. Just to know where we all actually stand.
Cheers in advance.
"New Tory election guru may find UK a tough nut to crack
Anger at betrayal of the Democratic-Labour axis tempered with the belief Jim Messina is embarking on one campaign too many"
Reassuring words for Labour from Patrick Wintour..
I don't think the Conservatives will win a majority at the next GE. I'd rate their chances as low as 15% .
But I am not convinced by Ed Miliband and however hard I try, I just can't see him as a leader. Controversially, I also doubt that very many important people in the Labour party are viscerally and determinedly committed to winning the next GE. I'm sure Ed Miliband is, but he needs to square a lot of very difficult circles with regard to his manifesto commitments, and how he squares those circles will take some political genius. Labour supporters will want hope and promises of growth and a return to rising living standards. And I don't think Miliband and Balls can sensibly offer those goodies given the economic difficulties.
Hence the impression I get (based on no science, just my own opinion) that the party are not fully behind a Labour victory. I'm not saying they want to lose, just that victory at the next GE isn't something they'll be getting overly excited about. 2015-2020 will be difficult, constrained years, with little extra money about to offer inspirational policies. I don't think it sits comfortably with Labour to govern under a £1trillion debt-pile. Their semi-reticence over winning (if I'm right) will display itself in the lack of enthusiam that I think will surround Miliband during the campaign. And let's face it, decent chap though he is, he will need backers with charm and articulacy.
So, despite my pessimism about Tory chances, I think there are some variables that could seriously help sustain a Tory recovery in the polls:
1. Miliband's lack of personal gravitas.
2. Labour's diluted desire to win.
3. An improving economy.
4. The better the devil we know vote.
On the flip side, UKIP are a looming and large worry for the Tories. The European elections next year fall at a very unhelpful time, UKIP will likely do extremely well and will bask in the media narrative for a few weeks, making the right look divided and bringing the dreaded Europe issue to the fore. This will not be a good time for the Tories.
I'd say that even if UKIP subside and Labour fail to look the part under Miliband the Tories will still not reach a figure that gets them a majority. A higher number of seats than Labour will be the best they can rationally expect, sadly.
@carl is this it?
That may just lead our thinking along fixed lines.
One of the questions for the next election might be
"Can Ed Milliband do a better job of selling Ed Milliband than Peter Mandelson did of selling Gordon Brown?"
The product is better, but the salesman less persuasive.
Considering I have less than 300 posts to my name I think we can statistically say it's a load of bollox pretty quickly/
Seems unlikely to me that 2010 Brown voters or anti-Tory 2010 Lib Dems will stay at home because they're not sure about Miliband, though.
Miss Vance, if that's true why did Labour apparently wish to hire him?
Does anyone have a way of contacting EdM? His mobile switched off.
Anyone want to point out to Plato that Ed Miliband is Jewish. Now Geoff. Want to point out how many of my sub 300 posts have been aimed at Fitalass?
As you saw fit to tell Carl off for making the claim without evidence you must have seen it as a serious accusation. Any chance of any action please.
Sorry , pbmoderator , it is not an unsubstantiated accusation but a statement of fact .
Only want to see whether this alleged comment exists. It's a binary yes/no, and the yes can be proved beyond doubt.
Edit: Great news. Mark Senior, SO, IOS and Carl have all seen this comment. So many people have seen it that the link will be along in a jiffy.
Don't misunderstand me. My interest here is the backing up of accusations ref other posters, not the comment itself.
You seem to have appointed yourself tim's representative on earth, and discovered that it isn't quite as easy as he makes it look.
We have now proven it. For what it's worth I don't actually think Plato thinks that. But it is indicative of her inability to sometimes think beyond her very simple narrative to life.
And simple it is.
Square root. Other than tonight can you find two other instances. If no drop the recently and continued part.
And I hardly call picking on her satirising her continued attempts to see everything as bad for Labour.
"I find the odd relationship Labour has with the USA perplexing - it loves to hug the Democrats [who are to the right of the Tories on some issues] and yet is very anti-American almost as a matter of principle on everything else.
I give in trying to work out what's on. A bit like the Left's dislike of Jews on rather too many occasions. David Ward being the latest example. I'm not exercised much by it - just left scratching my head".
A little more nuanced than your claim, no?
I read it slightly differently re Labour. It's not the will to win.
It's that they are still a bit taken aback, and slightly bewildered, that they're even in a position to win after the drubbing of 2010.
So they're rebuilding under a new regime whilst also trying to get ready for Government. A toughy, right enough.
IoS or Surbiton might set us right on that, I dunno.
It is still a pretty offensive remark. It still an extremely stupid remark.
Apart from that, Ed Miliband PM nailed on...
Don't hold a door open for a "young lady" with a flourish and a cheeky gawp at their chest. They, and everyone else, will think you're a twat.
Tips on modern life for PBTories, part one in a new series...
I still believed after that link had turned up that we were waiting for another stronger one.
Glad we sorted that out anyway.
Not when everyone knows you are a teacher!
For example, are the BNP or NF lefties ?
Have you picked over that report yet?
A very sad life he must lead.
Summat came up.
I'll do it by tomorra.
New thread?
It's like chum in the water... Not a post can go buy without comment.
Edit: Carberry for the ODIs?
Yeah I will give you Scott was a personal attack. But then on that I don't really care. If he is really happy in himself then he can ignore me. But I suspect not.
As for Fitalass, give over.
Not much.
I'm sure the customary PB lauding of Dan Hodges took place after his piece on Tory racism and anti-Semitism.
'Most Tory traditionalists aren't racist – but most Tory racists are traditionalists. What is the Right going to do about its Patrick Mercers?'
Usually I go into work for a week, go on holiday for a couple of weeks and do voluntary work for a couple of weeks... but I've crumpled my collar bone so all that's out this year.
Why should I, You have been pretty unpleasant the last few nights. When you are more pleasant and less rude, I'll not need to highlight your unpleasantness will I?
I think I posted here on tuesday maybe and that has been the only time in nearly 3 weeks ( I think) so I just think you are factually wrong about the commonality of your accusations.
Square Root humps the legs of all the lady posters who'll stroke him. Everyone turns away embarrassed........
Carola smacks the coquetish females for lying down and letting the drooling Square Root dribble all over them.
"It's patronizing and pathetic" says Carola. As Jolly Geoff joins in....
Just another night on PB......