politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The pressure on the President heralds the return of Marf
We’ve not seen a Marf cartoon on PB for some time but that all changes this afternoon with this drawing on Donald Trump who clearly is under a lot of pressure.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
That is poor, obviously Mr Grant has no chance of getting in but to be excluded from a Hustings due to religion I'm sure must be a legal violation of some sort...
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
"Bana Gora, chief executive of the Muslim Women's Council, said: “The women of Bradford West have requested the opportunity to engage with these two candidates on what real, tangible policies they will implement in Bradford, should they be elected to office."
Did she ask every single woman in Bradford West ? Really hate it when so called "community leaders" purport to be speaking for whole groups of people.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I find it hard to be realistic about this election. When it was called I thought that the Tories had a good shot at 50% and a 25% lead. Maybe 100 gains.
Now it's looking like Labour are doing better than that, so perhaps you might see the Tories on 47% with a 15% lead. So, "only" 50 Tory gains.
Is that realistic? I don't know. They are both absurd in their own multiple ways.
Someone said earlier that they thought the Conservative campaign hadn't started properly yet, that they were toying with Corbyn and would shortly go in for the kill. I don't know about that. I think that to fight an effective campaign you go in hard, you go in early and you go in often. I'm beginning to think that perhaps May and her team simply aren't as good as Cameron and Osborne at fighting election campaigns. Maybe not even as good as Corbyn.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
As of right now ?
Orkney Ceredigion Leeds North West Sheffield, Hallam
I think the polls are slightly over-estimating Labour, however 80 CON gains is a big ask. Probably in the range of 50-65 more likely. I think 33% for Labour is way off the end result. Corbyn is way too toxic for the vast majority for them to poll that much.
Imagine the furore if a candidate got excluded from a hustings on the grounds that they were Muslim? This sort of discrimination should not exist in 21st century Britain.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
Not much more than 50. I too reckon that Labour's vote share is being over-estimated, but beyond a certain point their seats start to become increasingly difficult to pick off (i.e. Conservative gains are increasingly dependent on the vast bulk of the Ukip vote coming across *AND* sitting Labour candidates and constituency parties having trouble mobilising the vote.) That said, the one thing that might tip the scale decisively in favour of Mrs May is if we also see heavy differentials in swing and turnout, i.e. the Tories outperforming in the marginals whilst Labour outperforms in ultra-safe urban constituencies, which is not at all out of the question - there are so many variables to be considered in this election, are there not.
Oh, and I'm a natural pessimist and find that this attitude means I am less frequently disappointed, and more often pleasantly surprised.
I think that the Scottish Conservatives will make no more than modest progress against the SNP, and the Tories and Lib Dems will essentially play out a score draw (say, Southport, Carshalton & Wallington and North Norfolk for Twickenham, Lewes and Kingston & Surbiton.)
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I find it hard to be realistic about this election. When it was called I thought that the Tories had a good shot at 50% and a 25% lead. Maybe 100 gains.
Now it's looking like Labour are doing better than that, so perhaps you might see the Tories on 47% with a 15% lead. So, "only" 50 Tory gains.
Is that realistic? I don't know. They are both absurd in their own multiple ways.
Someone said earlier that they thought the Conservative campaign hadn't started properly yet, that they were toying with Corbyn and would shortly go in for the kill. I don't know about that. I think that to fight an effective campaign you go in hard, you go in early and you go in often. I'm beginning to think that perhaps May and her team simply aren't as good as Cameron and Osborne at fighting election campaigns. Maybe not even as good as Corbyn.
I do think May has been fairly lacklustre to date and with a stronger Labour party might have been in some bother (although not with that Labour manifesto)
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I find it hard to be realistic about this election. When it was called I thought that the Tories had a good shot at 50% and a 25% lead. Maybe 100 gains.
Now it's looking like Labour are doing better than that, so perhaps you might see the Tories on 47% with a 15% lead. So, "only" 50 Tory gains.
Is that realistic? I don't know. They are both absurd in their own multiple ways.
Someone said earlier that they thought the Conservative campaign hadn't started properly yet, that they were toying with Corbyn and would shortly go in for the kill. I don't know about that. I think that to fight an effective campaign you go in hard, you go in early and you go in often. I'm beginning to think that perhaps May and her team simply aren't as good as Cameron and Osborne at fighting election campaigns. Maybe not even as good as Corbyn.
I feel exactly like you, but today I saw that 16% of current labour support is made up of people who did not vote during EuRef and last GE, these people, 95% of them will not vote. So the Labour share is being overestimated.
On the tory campaign Theresa May has said she wants to run a positive campaign.....we shall see about that. But if she wants a mandate to implement her manifesto then it would be better to win on the policies rather than "not corbyn". The manifesto is being launched tommorow, I think her (and it really is all about her) campaign will step up a gear from then on, before that and the public will have forgotton by election day.
That is poor, obviously Mr Grant has no chance of getting in but to be excluded from a Hustings due to religion I'm sure must be a legal violation of some sort...
I'm sure one of our lawyer or agent friends can comment on legality, but to exclude a main party candidate from an election hustings on the grounds of his religion appears on the face of it to be discriminatory. There would be outrage if the hustings was in a Christian centre and the Muslim candidate were not invited.
Someone said earlier that they thought the Conservative campaign hadn't started properly yet, that they were toying with Corbyn and would shortly go in for the kill. I don't know about that. I think that to fight an effective campaign you go in hard, you go in early and you go in often.
One of the few reliable things we know about advertising amid the all-pervasive charlatanry is that, unsurprisingly, adverts are more effective the closer to the decision moment they hit the brain. Instead of spending a fortune on an expensive agency (with 15% going to them out of ‘controlled expenditure’) and putting up posters to be ‘part of the national conversation’ weeks or months before the vote, we decided to 1) hire extremely smart physicists to consider everything from first principles, 2) put almost all our money into digital (~98%), 3) hold the vast majority of our budget back and drop it all right at the end with money spent on those adverts that experiments had shown were most effective (internal code name ‘Waterloo’). When things are digital you can be more empirical and control the timing. The world of advertising agencies and PR companies were sure we had screwed up because they did not see what we were doing. (Tim Bell told everybody we were doomed because we hadn’t hired one of his companies.) This points to another important issue – it is actually hard even for very competent and determined people to track digital communication accurately, and it is important that the political media is not set up to do this. There was not a single report anywhere (and very little curiosity) on how the official Leave campaign spent 98% of its marketing budget. There was a lot of coverage of a few tactical posters. (per Dominic Cummings; my emphasis)
If Twitter is correct, Labour have formed a joint administration with the SNP in Fife. No sign of their councillors there being suspended. If SLAB is prepared to actively take sides with the Nationalists in this way, then you really have to wonder (if you haven't already done so) what point there is to its continuing existence?
Political pressure that a customs border needs proper controls just strengthens the case for Northern Ireland being inside the EU customs union rather than outside it.
If Twitter is correct, Labour have formed a joint administration with the SNP in Fife. No sign of their councillors there being suspended. If SLAB is prepared to actively take sides with the Nationalists in this way, then you really have to wonder (if you haven't already done so) what point there is to its continuing existence?
Its the nature of PR elections that coalitions will be necessary between political opponents. Don't like it Labour? Then why on earth did you introduce PR elections to this country?
I guess Labour's only hope is that we have a 1983 Tory overstatement polling failure and the Tories are restricted to under 400 seats as they were then.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I find it hard to be realistic about this election. When it was called I thought that the Tories had a good shot at 50% and a 25% lead. Maybe 100 gains.
Now it's looking like Labour are doing better than that, so perhaps you might see the Tories on 47% with a 15% lead. So, "only" 50 Tory gains.
Is that realistic? I don't know. They are both absurd in their own multiple ways.
Someone said earlier that they thought the Conservative campaign hadn't started properly yet, that they were toying with Corbyn and would shortly go in for the kill. I don't know about that. I think that to fight an effective campaign you go in hard, you go in early and you go in often. I'm beginning to think that perhaps May and her team simply aren't as good as Cameron and Osborne at fighting election campaigns. Maybe not even as good as Corbyn.
I do think May has been fairly lacklustre to date and with a stronger Labour party might have been in some bother (although not with that Labour manifesto)
I'm finding the campaign very hard to read. Perhaps we're not finding it inspiring because we aren't amongst the targets? A lot of talk of campaigning moving increasingly beyond traditional methods and working through Facebook and social media, aimed at specific audiences. All I can say so far is that there are virtually no posters visible anywhere in town, and I did get some bumpf through the letter box for the locals but only a day or two before polling day.
All that said, (a) we've not had the Conservative manifesto launch and (b) perhaps they're saving the full blitz of attack ads for closer to the election? It might simply be that they don't want their messages to become stale, or for the hapless Corbyn to be battered so hard that some voters start to feel misplaced sympathy for the old bugger. And isn't it often said that most voters don't really start to pay attention until the moment of decision is imminent, anyway?
In the meantime, the newspapers have been doing a very efficient job of shredding Labour's plans on the Government's behalf. Even The Guardian led the day after the launch with McCluskey's less than helpful remarks.
"Bana Gora, chief executive of the Muslim Women's Council, said: “The women of Bradford West have requested the opportunity to engage with these two candidates on what real, tangible policies they will implement in Bradford, should they be elected to office."
Did she ask every single woman in Bradford West ? Really hate it when so called "community leaders" purport to be speaking for whole groups of people.
Indeed, sadly the worst aspects of subcontinental politics making their way over to the UK. I recall from 2015 a number of gender segregated meetings in places like Bradford too, not good.
Even worse, there will likely be sermons from the various imams on the Friday before the election, reminding their people who they should be voting for, along with 'representatives' at the polling stations to make sure they do.
If the Conservatives poll 48% or so, as the polls are currently suggesting, they will make large numbers of gains. Those extra votes have to go somewhere.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
SLab maybe cutting their nose off to spite their face here and loose the lot as Independents.
I guess Labour's only hope is that we have a 1983 Tory overstatement polling failure and the Tories are restricted to under 400 seats as they were then.
I thought that the 1983 fail was (a) modest and (b) under-estimated the vote share of the Alliance rather than Labour? But I may be misremembering, I've read so much of this sort of stuff over the last few weeks!
If Twitter is correct, Labour have formed a joint administration with the SNP in Fife. No sign of their councillors there being suspended. If SLAB is prepared to actively take sides with the Nationalists in this way, then you really have to wonder (if you haven't already done so) what point there is to its continuing existence?
Its the nature of PR elections that coalitions will be necessary between political opponents. Don't like it Labour? Then why on earth did you introduce PR elections to this country?
Because in 1997 it was the anti-Tory Alliance they were proud to be a part of. Two decades later it's the anti-SNP Alliance and they want nothing to do with it! Completely different, see
50% and a 25% lead would be alot more than 100 gains I think. More like 150.
Blair didn't get anywhere near 50% in 1997 remember. He won 418 seats with a 12.5% lead.
The last remaining Labour MPs will be seen huddling around braziers with only copies of their 2017 manifesto to burn to keep them warm.
(Blair made 145 gains in 1997 on a 10% swing. A lead for Team Theresa of 25% would equate to a swing of 9.3%, so nearer to 150 gains than 100 is certainly... realistic)
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
If the Conservatives poll 48% or so, as the polls are currently suggesting, they will make large numbers of gains. Those extra votes have to go somewhere.
Given some of the polling we have seen, they are pilling up votes where they need too. Labour on the other hand is pilling up votes where it doesn't. I still think it will be 70 gains or so for a hundred seat majority for Team TM
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
SLab maybe cutting their nose off to spite their face here and loose the lot as Independents.
Or worse...!
The local party might revolt, turn itself into "Aberdeen Independent Labour" or something, and simply fight the official party slate at every election from now on. This is just the kind of thing that has happened to Welsh Labour in some of the councils in the Valleys, where situations have developed that are not necessarily to Labour's advantage.
If the Conservatives poll 48% or so, as the polls are currently suggesting, they will make large numbers of gains. Those extra votes have to go somewhere.
Given some of the polling we have seen, they are pilling up votes where they need too. Labour on the other hand is pilling up votes where it doesn't. I still think it will be 70 gains or so for a hundred seat majority for Team TM
If the Conservatives poll 48% or so, as the polls are currently suggesting, they will make large numbers of gains. Those extra votes have to go somewhere.
Given some of the polling we have seen, they are pilling up votes where they need too. Labour on the other hand is pilling up votes where it doesn't. I still think it will be 70 gains or so for a hundred seat majority for Team TM
If the Conservatives poll 48% or so, as the polls are currently suggesting, they will make large numbers of gains. Those extra votes have to go somewhere.
Given some of the polling we have seen, they are pilling up votes where they need too. Labour on the other hand is pilling up votes where it doesn't. I still think it will be 70 gains or so for a hundred seat majority for Team TM
Sorry to be a pedant, but unless you're thinking that the Tories are going to make a huge number of gains from Labour but somehow lose several dozen seats back to the Lib Dems, then 70 gains doesn't equal a 100 seat majority.
If the Conservatives make a net 70 gains then they'd have a majority of about 150.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
As of right now ?
Orkney Ceredigion Leeds North West Sheffield, Hallam
Westmorland marginal. Cambridge marginal.
That's four losses to the Conservatives if you include Richmond Upon Thames.
Orkney & Shetland is as near a certainty as you're going to get, with a big swing to the LDs last year at Holyrood.
Ceredgion could be lost, you know. Not likely, but by no means impossible.
Both Leeds NW and Sheffield Hallam are vulnerable if the Labour Party really is polling 33% and the LDs 7%.
If the Conservatives poll 48% or so, as the polls are currently suggesting, they will make large numbers of gains. Those extra votes have to go somewhere.
Given some of the polling we have seen, they are pilling up votes where they need too. Labour on the other hand is pilling up votes where it doesn't. I still think it will be 70 gains or so for a hundred seat majority for Team TM
Sorry to be a pedant, but unless you're thinking that the Tories are going to make a huge number of gains from Labour but somehow lose several dozen seats back to the Lib Dems, then 70 gains doesn't equal a 100 seat majority.
If the Conservatives make a net 70 gains then they'd have a majority of about 150.
Be a pedant by all means. I had my maths wrong. However I don't believe the Tories will make many gains in Scotland, but will take many seats of labour.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
Quite the reverse. Firstly, the Labour politicians in Aberdeen were willing to get into bed with the Tories. Secondly, just because SLAB HQ has thrown a tantrum it doesn't mean that ordinary voters need take any notice. Thirdly, the risk for Labour has to be that the Aberdonian councillors react by setting up a rival outfit, which - if it weakens Labour in the area - may encourage more Labour voters to give up on the party and back an alternative Unionist candidate.
Finally, Labour councillors elsewhere have done deals with the SNP without facing this sort of reaction. If the impression that SLAB is just a pimple on the SNP's backside starts to gain credence, then any remaining Labour voters who are anti-independence are liable to walk away and seek an alternative.
If Twitter is correct, Labour have formed a joint administration with the SNP in Fife. No sign of their councillors there being suspended. If SLAB is prepared to actively take sides with the Nationalists in this way, then you really have to wonder (if you haven't already done so) what point there is to its continuing existence?
If Twitter is correct, Labour have formed a joint administration with the SNP in Fife. No sign of their councillors there being suspended. If SLAB is prepared to actively take sides with the Nationalists in this way, then you really have to wonder (if you haven't already done so) what point there is to its continuing existence?
Tories are not giving assurances on no compulsory redundancies for council workers. In Fife that problem does not exist.
It is actually astounding that given they are standing still on 2015, and the Tories surging, the LDs might even possibly hold 8 seats and not go any further backwards (excluding the by-election surprise) due to some reasonable prospects of 3 seats in Scotland.
I'm downgrading them to be lucky to get to 8 seats, as they seem certain to lose 3-4 of their current seats, and gains will be tough if the Tories are surging and Labour holding pretty firm.
They are a stubborn lot, who came back from the dead once, but do they have to will to do so again? I'm sure they thought, yes, but if they make no progress or even go backwards at this GE? Just give up, hope Labour split and join a new group. En march and all that.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
As of right now ?
Orkney Ceredigion Leeds North West Sheffield, Hallam
Westmorland marginal. Cambridge marginal.
That's four losses to the Conservatives if you include Richmond Upon Thames.
Orkney & Shetland is as near a certainty as you're going to get, with a big swing to the LDs last year at Holyrood.
Ceredgion could be lost, you know. Not likely, but by no means impossible.
Both Leeds NW and Sheffield Hallam are vulnerable if the Labour Party really is polling 33% and the LDs 7%.
Drove through Leeds North West today and in Headingley and Otley the only posters/placards are for Greg Mulholland. Then again, there was only about 8 of them.
So the split has already started, merely by reaching a local deal with SConservatives. After the GE, dissenting Labour MPs have only to declare themselves ALabour. If there are enough of them they might even become the official opposition.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
It is a spectacular move. No one can fail to question Dugdale's principles or decisiveness.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
@OliverCooper: Suspended for forming a coalition with the Conservatives. Yet more proof that the only vote against the SNP is a vote for the @ScotTories. twitter.com/bbcphilipsim/s…
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
As of right now ?
Orkney Ceredigion Leeds North West Sheffield, Hallam
Westmorland marginal. Cambridge marginal.
That's four losses to the Conservatives if you include Richmond Upon Thames.
Orkney & Shetland is as near a certainty as you're going to get, with a big swing to the LDs last year at Holyrood.
Ceredgion could be lost, you know. Not likely, but by no means impossible.
Both Leeds NW and Sheffield Hallam are vulnerable if the Labour Party really is polling 33% and the LDs 7%.
Ceredigion could be close between LD and Plaid. All the students from Aber and Lampeter will be back home before the election.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
It is a spectacular move. No one can fail to question Dugdale's principles or decisiveness.
Please explain your workings to a posh boy English Tory.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
It is a spectacular move. No one can fail to question Dugdale's principles or decisiveness.
Please explain your workings to a posh boy English Tory.
I don't know if it is a good move but it is certainly spectacular.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
Renfrewshire East:
SNP: 41% Lab: 34% Con: 22%
Edinburgh North & Leith: SNP: 41 Lab: 32 Con: 16
East Lothian: SNP: 43 Lab: 31 Con: 20
Aberdeen South SNP: 42 Lab 27 Con 23
SLAB - snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.....
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
@OliverCooper: Suspended for forming a coalition with the Conservatives. Yet more proof that the only vote against the SNP is a vote for the @ScotTories. twitter.com/bbcphilipsim/s…
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
It is a spectacular move. No one can fail to question Dugdale's principles or decisiveness.
Please explain your workings to a posh boy English Tory.
I don't know if it is a good move but it is certainly spectacular.
I'm waiting for what Ruth Davidson's response to it.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
As of right now ?
Orkney Ceredigion Leeds North West Sheffield, Hallam
Westmorland marginal. Cambridge marginal.
That's four losses to the Conservatives if you include Richmond Upon Thames.
Orkney & Shetland is as near a certainty as you're going to get, with a big swing to the LDs last year at Holyrood.
Ceredgion could be lost, you know. Not likely, but by no means impossible.
Both Leeds NW and Sheffield Hallam are vulnerable if the Labour Party really is polling 33% and the LDs 7%.
Drove through Leeds North West today and in Headingley and Otley the only posters/placards are for Greg Mulholland. Then again, there was only about 8 of them.
The only posters I've seen in Hampstead have been for the LibDems. And I'm fairly sure they're not going to win here.
Every single Scottish journo in my timeline is pointing out that Ruth is currently unwrapping the present Kezia has just hand delivered, with exquisite timing
I think Mrs May is continuing her predecessor's run of good luck. On a day where the relationship between the PM and Chancellor is under the microscope, the US Presidency appears to be crumbling. A slow news day it is not.
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
Renfrewshire East:
SNP: 41% Lab: 34% Con: 22%
Edinburgh North & Leith: SNP: 41 Lab: 32 Con: 16
East Lothian: SNP: 43 Lab: 31 Con: 20
Aberdeen South SNP: 42 Lab 27 Con 23
SLAB - snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.....
While this won't change the SNP numbers it may see some more movement from SLAB to SCON in Aberdeenshire especially
@BBCPhilipSim: Scottish Labour has suspended all nine members of the party's group in Aberdeen "for breaching party rules" over council coalition deal.
This doesn't bode well for tactical Unionist voting on June 8th does it?
Probably not. Hopeful unionists are expecting a great deal from the scots, but there are several barriers. First, they have to even be amendable to doing so in large numbers, and while that might be the case, it won't be universal. Second, there is already uncertainty in some areas like East Renfrewshire which unionist party has the best chance, because of the third issue, which is as none of them are standing down for the others, there is no pact in place, you were already relying on the public independently deciding in enough numbers to make significant gains, to vote tactically even as the parties don't officially endorse the idea.
That partisanship cannot be set aside even for local government arrangements, which for a system with such proportionality seems crazy, does not bode well at all. If the recent uptick in SNP subsample scores is reflected in reality (rather than subsample reality), then I'm feeling pretty confident about my SNP 50+ bet.
Straw poll: How many seats are people expecting the tories to GAIN realisticly? I'm thinking it will be something like: 75-85 gains. I think Labour are being overestimated again.
I think you're in the right ballpark there. Tories will gain from ALL other parties I expect though - not just Labour so could well be something like
8 Gains from the SNP 3 Gains from the Lib Dems 1 Gain from Plaid 80 Gains from Labour.
Which of the four LD - Con marginals do you expect to remain in LD hands? Or are you reckoning they win Twickenham to bring it back to three net.
As of right now ?
Orkney Ceredigion Leeds North West Sheffield, Hallam
Westmorland marginal. Cambridge marginal.
That's four losses to the Conservatives if you include Richmond Upon Thames.
Orkney & Shetland is as near a certainty as you're going to get, with a big swing to the LDs last year at Holyrood.
Ceredgion could be lost, you know. Not likely, but by no means impossible.
Both Leeds NW and Sheffield Hallam are vulnerable if the Labour Party really is polling 33% and the LDs 7%.
Ceredigion could be close between LD and Plaid. All the students from Aber and Lampeter will be back home before the election.
"Bana Gora, chief executive of the Muslim Women's Council, said: “The women of Bradford West have requested the opportunity to engage with these two candidates on what real, tangible policies they will implement in Bradford, should they be elected to office."
Did she ask every single woman in Bradford West ? Really hate it when so called "community leaders" purport to be speaking for whole groups of people.
Indeed, sadly the worst aspects of subcontinental politics making their way over to the UK. I recall from 2015 a number of gender segregated meetings in places like Bradford too, not good.
Even worse, there will likely be sermons from the various imams on the Friday before the election, reminding their people who they should be voting for, along with 'representatives' at the polling stations to make sure they do.
Expect a lot more of this sort of nonsense in the years ahead. The more that Labour moves to embrace the Far Left foreign policy agenda, and the more that it is forced back into the inner cities, the more it will fall under the influence of the less progressive inclinations of certain cultural minorities.
Hmm. What do PBers have on their toast? Butter? Margarine? Honey?
George Grant is the Conservative Party’s parliamentary candidate in Bradford West. He also happens to be a Christian, and is thereby excluded from Bradford’s Muslim Women’s Council General Election hustings, which appears to be restricted to Muslim candidates
8 Gains from the SNP
3 Gains from the Lib Dems
1 Gain from Plaid
80 Gains from Labour.
Did she ask every single woman in Bradford West ? Really hate it when so called "community leaders" purport to be speaking for whole groups of people.
Now it's looking like Labour are doing better than that, so perhaps you might see the Tories on 47% with a 15% lead. So, "only" 50 Tory gains.
Is that realistic? I don't know. They are both absurd in their own multiple ways.
Someone said earlier that they thought the Conservative campaign hadn't started properly yet, that they were toying with Corbyn and would shortly go in for the kill. I don't know about that. I think that to fight an effective campaign you go in hard, you go in early and you go in often. I'm beginning to think that perhaps May and her team simply aren't as good as Cameron and Osborne at fighting election campaigns. Maybe not even as good as Corbyn.
Leeds North West
Sheffield, Hallam
Westmorland marginal.
Cambridge marginal.
Ireland's biggest problem is going to be the EU.
Oh, and I'm a natural pessimist and find that this attitude means I am less frequently disappointed, and more often pleasantly surprised.
I think that the Scottish Conservatives will make no more than modest progress against the SNP, and the Tories and Lib Dems will essentially play out a score draw (say, Southport, Carshalton & Wallington and North Norfolk for Twickenham, Lewes and Kingston & Surbiton.)
Blair didn't get anywhere near 50% in 1997 remember. He won 418 seats with a 12.5% lead.
On the tory campaign Theresa May has said she wants to run a positive campaign.....we shall see about that. But if she wants a mandate to implement her manifesto then it would be better to win on the policies rather than "not corbyn". The manifesto is being launched tommorow, I think her (and it really is all about her) campaign will step up a gear from then on, before that and the public will have forgotton by election day.
We must be mad etc etc
All that said, (a) we've not had the Conservative manifesto launch and (b) perhaps they're saving the full blitz of attack ads for closer to the election? It might simply be that they don't want their messages to become stale, or for the hapless Corbyn to be battered so hard that some voters start to feel misplaced sympathy for the old bugger. And isn't it often said that most voters don't really start to pay attention until the moment of decision is imminent, anyway?
In the meantime, the newspapers have been doing a very efficient job of shredding Labour's plans on the Government's behalf. Even The Guardian led the day after the launch with McCluskey's less than helpful remarks.
Even worse, there will likely be sermons from the various imams on the Friday before the election, reminding their people who they should be voting for, along with 'representatives' at the polling stations to make sure they do.
Or worse...!
(Blair made 145 gains in 1997 on a 10% swing. A lead for Team Theresa of 25% would equate to a swing of 9.3%, so nearer to 150 gains than 100 is certainly... realistic)
If the Conservatives make a net 70 gains then they'd have a majority of about 150.
Orkney & Shetland is as near a certainty as you're going to get, with a big swing to the LDs last year at Holyrood.
Ceredgion could be lost, you know. Not likely, but by no means impossible.
Both Leeds NW and Sheffield Hallam are vulnerable if the Labour Party really is polling 33% and the LDs 7%.
Finally, Labour councillors elsewhere have done deals with the SNP without facing this sort of reaction. If the impression that SLAB is just a pimple on the SNP's backside starts to gain credence, then any remaining Labour voters who are anti-independence are liable to walk away and seek an alternative.
In Fife that problem does not exist.
I'm downgrading them to be lucky to get to 8 seats, as they seem certain to lose 3-4 of their current seats, and gains will be tough if the Tories are surging and Labour holding pretty firm.
They are a stubborn lot, who came back from the dead once, but do they have to will to do so again? I'm sure they thought, yes, but if they make no progress or even go backwards at this GE? Just give up, hope Labour split and join a new group. En march and all that.
Good evening, everybody.
SNP: 41%
Lab: 34%
Con: 22%
Edinburgh North & Leith:
SNP: 41
Lab: 32
Con: 16
East Lothian:
SNP: 43
Lab: 31
Con: 20
Aberdeen South
SNP: 42
Lab 27
Con 23
SLAB - snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.....
That will be spectacular.
On SportingIndex SELL 14 BUY 17
http://www.sportingindex.com/spread-betting/politics/british?tpid=6441&btag=a_7b_95c_ … … … … … …
On Spreadex SELL 14.5 BUY 17.5
https://spreadex.com?tid=356759spreadex.com/?tid=356759spreadex.com/?tid=356759spr … … …
Every single Scottish journo in my timeline is pointing out that Ruth is currently unwrapping the present Kezia has just hand delivered, with exquisite timing
That partisanship cannot be set aside even for local government arrangements, which for a system with such proportionality seems crazy, does not bode well at all. If the recent uptick in SNP subsample scores is reflected in reality (rather than subsample reality), then I'm feeling pretty confident about my SNP 50+ bet.
Expect a lot more of this sort of nonsense in the years ahead. The more that Labour moves to embrace the Far Left foreign policy agenda, and the more that it is forced back into the inner cities, the more it will fall under the influence of the less progressive inclinations of certain cultural minorities.
I hope you and all PBers followed my advice to buy the Tories at 378?