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  • richardDoddrichardDodd Posts: 5,472
    Total diversionary tosh from Liverpool/Cheshire today...must be some good news for the UK or Labour is in more trouble..
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    tim said:

    An excellent piece here on the Tories potentially illegal immigration spot checks

    For the love of god, tim, exactly the same happened when Labour was in power. You'll forgive me if I cant recall, for now, your posts about Labour's potentially illegal immigration spot checks.

    As I posted last night I wouldnt be surprised to find out that most of the arrests are due to people not knowing their rights and being intimidated into doing or saying something that gives the officials cause for arrest.
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724

    I admire your tenacity here - but why do you bother? It's designed to trap you in a web of half-truths and justifying yourself not the person who rubbishes your opinion.

    Just make your point without reference and we can all have our 2p.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    Unite behind politically correct bullshit and playing the race card on immigration:

    I really hope Unite make an issue of this.

    I really, really do.
  • JackWJackW Posts: 14,787
    tim said:

    Rexel56 said:

    tim said:


    PB Tory false memory syndrome

    London in the 80's

    Baa Baa Black sheep was banned
    Black coffeee was banned
    Black bin liners were banned
    References to manhole covers were banned.

    Other race based

    Immigrants use cats to stay in the country
    Black children were restricted to playing oil drums in school music lessons
    St George flag was banned for fear of upsetting Muslims
    England football shirts banned at school for fear of upsetting immigrants.

    1994 World Cup was played

    With larger goals
    In front of half empty stadiums
    In quarters for US TV
    With adverts obscuring half the screen

    The Trade Union ones legion, too legion to mention

    Must be more

    No farming related false memory syndromes then!

    I see you understand the difference between false memory syndrome and "Jack W is 109" well then
    Indeed we do.

    False memory syndrome is Ed Balls recollection of Labours Economic History 2005-10 and "Jack W is 109" was a bloody great party .... I mis-remember it well !!

  • AlanbrookeAlanbrooke Posts: 25,088
    tim said:

    tim said:

    CourtNewsUK ‏@CourtNewsUK 55s
    Ukranian student accused of murdering grandfather during anti-Muslim terror campaign will stand trial in January.

    Whose immigration status would David Cameron be checking first?

    But tim all immigration is good isn't it ?

    All the evidence shows no difference in crime rates between immigrants and the native population, perhaps with some evidence that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crime.

    I assume this Ukranian student entered since Camerons crackdown on students, which does not mean that his idiot pledge on students should be extended does it.

    Since it's been on the news here, the guy is not studying in the UK, he came over to do work at a local software company in the Midlands.
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    taffys said:

    I really hope Unite make an issue of this.

    I really, really do.

    Me too.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    Hmm, so I got stopped yesterday by the police doing spot ID checks. I refused their request. They gave me some absolute rubbish about counter terrorism laws allowing them to do it. I asked them on what basis they suspected me of being a terrorist. Then they let me go.

    We don't do ID checks in this country, it is not a legal requirement to be carrying "papers" and quite frankly this is a disgusting abuse of our freedoms by the government. If they want to do this then pass ID card laws through Parliament and see how far it gets.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    Racially profiled spot checks?
    Are you saying most illegal immigrants aren't from a different racial group to the one predominant in the UK?
  • MarkSeniorMarkSenior Posts: 4,699
    Mick_Pork said:

    Mick_Pork said:

    Sub samples are not an imperfect tool , they are useless .

    It was the ICM subsample not YouGov which is why I quoted it but still gave the caveat.

    Given that there is such limited data to work with it is not unreasonable to include the ICM subsample along with the Holyrood VI as long as that caveat is given

    Either way anyone who thinks the lib dems are not in deep, deep trouble in scotland has their head up their arse, and not JackW's infamous one. ;)

    Well you could have given the Comres Scottish subsample

    Lab 41 SNP 33 Con 9 LD 13

    or for completeness the Populus one as well

    Lab 39 SNP 36 Con 13 LD 11

    I didn't have them but by all means put them into the pot as they confirm roughly where the scottish lib dem and SCON votes are while it underlines that the SNP and SLAB are well in front fighting for that large remaining split.

    Like I said an imperfect tool but the better the pollster is and the more data there is to throw in for comparison the more likely it is to get at least a basic rough guide without a specific poll on scottish VI for 2015.

    It's tempting to use the Holyrood VI as a base comparator for them all right now but it's usefulness as a guide to 2015 reduces the closer we get to the actual 2015 GE given the fundamental differences in an actual Westmisnter general election campaign from the Holyrood one.
    you posted the ICM one only presumably because it had the lowest LD share and extrapolated that to showing LD's facing wipe out in Scotland . The overall picture shows the LDs down but by no means facing wipe out .
    I repeat sub samples are not an imperfect tool , individual sub samples are useless .
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724

    Total diversionary tosh from Liverpool/Cheshire today...must be some good news for the UK or Labour is in more trouble..

    The higher the abuse wattage - the lower the confidence
  • CarlottaVanceCarlottaVance Posts: 60,216
    Interesting article in the Speccie of the challenges to the welfare state posed by mass immigration (we need it to pay for it, but don't like giving money to 'foreigners'):

    Mass immigration or the welfare state? Because we may not be able to have both
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    Neil said:

    tim said:

    An excellent piece here on the Tories potentially illegal immigration spot checks

    For the love of god, tim, exactly the same happened when Labour was in power. You'll forgive me if I cant recall, for now, your posts about Labour's potentially illegal immigration spot checks.

    As I posted last night I wouldnt be surprised to find out that most of the arrests are due to people not knowing their rights and being intimidated into doing or saying something that gives the officials cause for arrest.
    He doesn't have anything better to do with his time, let him have this at least...
  • BlueberryBlueberry Posts: 408
    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724

    Unite behind politically correct bullshit and playing the race card on immigration:

    More please - along with their outrage over welfare reform and wanting more locations for gypsy sites, they're on a winner.
  • tim said:

    So far I've only seen a couple of posters supporting this

    It is illegal for an officer to conduct a speculative check on your immigration status. If you are a commuter simply going to the Tube station, you do not satisfy this standard.

    Anyone else care to chip in?

    Ok Wee Timmy, I'll bite....

    Most likely Secondary-Legislation or an Enabling Act. Probably based on some poorly drafted piece of shyte such as the Anti-Terrorism laws that Labour passed. Just as legislation has been misused for checking bins or school applicants so I am sure the case applies here.

    What is your view on the rule-of-law? Do you support positive handling of criminal behaviour where skin-pigment is a factor...?
  • JosiasJessopJosiasJessop Posts: 41,211

    tim said:

    tim said:

    CourtNewsUK ‏@CourtNewsUK 55s
    Ukranian student accused of murdering grandfather during anti-Muslim terror campaign will stand trial in January.

    Whose immigration status would David Cameron be checking first?

    But tim all immigration is good isn't it ?

    All the evidence shows no difference in crime rates between immigrants and the native population, perhaps with some evidence that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crime.

    I assume this Ukranian student entered since Camerons crackdown on students, which does not mean that his idiot pledge on students should be extended does it.

    Since it's been on the news here, the guy is not studying in the UK, he came over to do work at a local software company in the Midlands.
    We software engineers are dangerous.

    Mainly to ourselves, but dangerous nonetheless.

    Regarding the Ukrainian's incidents: I wonder how the bomber felt when he realised that one of his blasts was not discovered for a few weeks? It must've dented his pride a bit when he had to tell the police where it had gone off (allegedly).
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    The higher the abuse wattage - the lower the confidence

    The economic data is the real body blow to labour. No wonder Ballsie wants Mili's job. Labour's economic brief is starting to look like being Saddam's information minister....
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    Catrin Nye ‏@CatrinNye 32m
    Interesting calls to @bbcasiannetwork on immigration spot checks, as many people supporting them as objecting so far.

  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    Doreen Lawrence has produced no evidence that racial profiling is used but because she's Doreen it must be true.
  • Mick_PorkMick_Pork Posts: 6,530
    edited August 2013

    you posted the ICM one only presumably because it had the lowest LD share and extrapolated that to showing LD's facing wipe out in Scotland . The overall picture shows the LDs down but by no means facing wipe out .
    I repeat sub samples are not an imperfect tool , individual sub samples are useless .

    Incorrect. I used it as it was the one I had to hand, It's ICM, it tallies to some degree with the the Holyrood VI and the basic shape of a large chunk of votes being split between the SNP and labour with the tories and the lib dems trailing is a not unreasonable guide to how things are most likely to be.

    Had I wished to show the lib dems facing wipe out this is the poll I would use.
    New poll suggests Lib Dems face Scottish mainland wipeout

    According to the latest Ashcroft poll of marginal seats the Lib Dems are facing a total wipeout of MPs in mainland Scotland, with even Charlie Kennedy’s seat falling to the SNP.

    1247 voters in the 11 Lib Dem Scottish Westminster seats were polled last month, both as to their general party support, and who they would vote for in their own constituency.

    The result revealed that Lib-Dem support has collapsed and the Tories have fallen further back.

    While Labour saw a modest increase, the SNP was the major beneficiary. Current voting intention (with the 2010 figures in those seats in brackets) was SNP 31% (+16%) : Lab 26% (+6%) : LD 20% (-21%) : Con 16% (-5%): Other 7% (+4%).

    Although that vote change won’t be universal across every seat, the figures suggest that only Orkney and Shetland would remain in Lib Dem hands. Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk would fall to the Tories, while Labour would pick up East Dunbartonshire and Edinburgh West.

    The other seven seats would be won by the SNP - Aberdeenshire West & Kincardine; Argyll & Bute; Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross; North East Fife; Gordon; Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey; and Ross, Skye & Lochaber.

    If the results were to be repeated in the 2015 general election then such a scenario would see Sir Menzies Campbell, Danny Alexander and current Scottish Secretary Michael Moore all lose their seats
    It's just another poll to throw in there but it's focus on marginals is what distinguishes it from the rest.

  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    Plato said:


    I admire your tenacity here - but why do you bother? It's designed to trap you in a web of half-truths and justifying yourself not the person who rubbishes your opinion.

    Just make your point without reference and we can all have our 2p.

    Leaving the argument without responding to a question is PB lefty for admitting you've lost
  • FensterFenster Posts: 2,115
    edited August 2013
    Plato said:

    Fenster said:

    MikeK said:

    "Using the Tory Grandees to sell that story on telly will also be a good move, I think. Getting the likes of Heseltine, Major and Portillo on the news underlining the achievements would work: people like hearing from the veterans; the like the gravitas and experience."

    More likely these so called grandees would put them off and vote UKIP.
    Major comes over as a wimp nowadays, Heseltine looks what he he is; tired and used up and Portillo is #sadmanonatrain.

    I think you need to realise that swing voters don't necessarily view the political scene the way that right-wingers or UKIP voters do.

    Heseltine, a pro-European, would appeal to the middle-ground voters the Tories need to attract in the marginals. He and Portillo certainly wouldn't be attractive to UKIP.

    My point is, grandees can be useful in a campaign, and the Tories may well have an advantage here in that Major and Heseltine and co will hugely back Cameron, whereas Miliband will struggle to get the equivalent support.

    That's an interesting point - personally I recoil against Grandees.

    They usually have no constituency, are Lords, are past it for good reason and still yearn the limelight/back-seat drive.

    I don't want to know what any Tory pre-97 thinks. They had their day and now its 16yrs later.
    I think the value of having an experienced, semi-detached supporter (a good example is Paddy Ashdown) is that they are able to communicate a message from outside of the Westminster bubble. They are appear less biased and better able to encapsulate a message*. Largely - I suppose - because they don't have to get embroiled in the feral tete a tete over policy that ministers do.

    Someone like Portillo isn't my cup of tea, but I bet he'd gain more traction in the marginals than say a Chris Grayling or Theresa May or George Osborne, or a really good centre-right communicator like Dan Hannan.

    *I know this sounds bonkers but as a rugby coach I often ask the views of retired coaches who watch us play. It's amazing what they see that I won't necessarily see, so rammed is my head up the arse of all the peripheral things going on around me.
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    taffys said:

    Doreen Lawrence has produced no evidence that racial profiling is used but because she's Doreen it must be true.

    There is plenty of evidence that her claim that "police stop and search operations focus on people of colour" is correct. She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    Blueberry said:

    ...They do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    Assuming this is Crosby giving the HO types more confidence to get on with what they really think, I can't see an issue unless you want to be outraged.

    Being an illegal immigrant is well illegal. I worked at DWP when the terrorism threat was high and two of my white middle aged dull suited colleagues were stopped at Tube stations and searched.

    It was clearly a load of PC tosh to show the plod weren't *racial profiling*. Why the police can't profile is beyond me - it not *racist* its looking at a body of data and saying people who fit these criteria are more likely to do X. If they happen to come from largely sunny countries along the way is neither here nor there.

    They do it all the time for paedos or serial killers or the Dunblane sorts and we don't see a load of hoo-haa against men who live with their mothers/in bedrooms and have no friends offline.

    The HO or police have the data and its not exactly surprising that those who hail from certain countries/look like they do and live in areas with lots of illegal immigrants aren't rubbing shoulders with similar sorts.

  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    Neil said:

    There is plenty of evidence that her claim that "police stop and search operations focus on people of colour" is correct. She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

    Looking at all of the people being stopped when I was, I'm almost certain that racial profiling was being used. Every single person was brown or black.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    MaxPB said:

    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
    "Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting"

    Sorry to be pedantic, but it's only disgusting if they aren't stopping any white people
  • tim said:

    Try answering MaxPB's points then.

    The bloke who racially profiles software developers? You're 'aving a giraffe!
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,497
    Mr. Max, are you back in the UK permanently? I thought you'd flown off to Shanghai.
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    tim said:

    isam said:

    Plato said:


    I admire your tenacity here - but why do you bother? It's designed to trap you in a web of half-truths and justifying yourself not the person who rubbishes your opinion.

    Just make your point without reference and we can all have our 2p.

    Leaving the argument without responding to a question is PB lefty for admitting you've lost
    Try answering MaxPB's points then.

    He hasn't asked me a question!!
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

    I have no evidence but I don;t think we should accept it as gospel just because Doreen says it.
  • PulpstarPulpstar Posts: 77,376
    edited August 2013
    dr_spyn said:
    Liquidation was, incredible as it sounds, the best possible result to come out of the creditors meeting. SISU have 'liquidated' the soul of the club anyway, hopefully they can be got rid of shortly.

    The Football League really should throw us out now, a 15 point penalty is probably not enough.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101

    Mr. Max, are you back in the UK permanently? I thought you'd flown off to Shanghai.

    I was there for a while, it didn't work out, so now I'm back. Lots of hassle with the Chinese government after the Japan/China island dispute, visa issues and all sorts.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101

    tim said:

    Try answering MaxPB's points then.

    The bloke who racially profiles software developers? You're 'aving a giraffe!
    Or you the BNP idiot who thinks white people are superior to non-whites?
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    taffys said:

    I have no evidence but I don;t think we should accept it as gospel just because Doreen says it.

    She isnt asking you to, she's simply giving her opinion on the matter. I think it is highly likely that she is correct and I doiubt you really think she's wrong. The claim she did make (that stop and search affects ethnic minorities disproportionately) is backed by ample evidence.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    Why the police can't profile is beyond me

    Plato I've heard that financial advisors target people who are rich.

    Clear and blatant 'wealth profiling'.
  • RichardNabaviRichardNabavi Posts: 3,413
    Insolvency levels continuing to fall, NIESR boosting growth forecasts, exports up substantially, PMI indicators very positive indeed...

    I'm amused to see that Roger has, with characteristic elan, chosen today of all days to remind us all that I correctly pointed out that Osborne's judgement on the macro-economic positioning was near-perfect, even if he has misquoted me slightly.
  • AlanbrookeAlanbrooke Posts: 25,088
    Neil said:

    taffys said:

    Doreen Lawrence has produced no evidence that racial profiling is used but because she's Doreen it must be true.

    There is plenty of evidence that her claim that "police stop and search operations focus on people of colour" is correct. She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

    police stop and search operations focus on people of colour

    start worrying Neil, in this hot sunshine people with lobster red skin are just advertising they're Irish.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    isam said:

    MaxPB said:

    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
    "Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting"

    Sorry to be pedantic, but it's only disgusting if they aren't stopping any white people
    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.
  • Morris_DancerMorris_Dancer Posts: 61,497
    Mr. Max, I'm slightly surprised. I read a bit about the islands dispute but never imagined that'd affect your work.

    Glad you stood your ground. It'd be helpful for the debate on stop and search (regarding illegal immigration) if we had stats around the areas such immigrants generally live and the proportion that come from X, Y and Z. If most of them are, say, Samoans who live in mostly black areas then it makes more sense to stop a relatively high number of black people. On the other hand, if most of them are Poles who live in mostly white areas, it'd make more sense to mostly check whites.
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    Neil said:

    taffys said:

    Doreen Lawrence has produced no evidence that racial profiling is used but because she's Doreen it must be true.

    There is plenty of evidence that her claim that "police stop and search operations focus on people of colour" is correct. She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

    Surely you could simply provide evidence that your position is right?
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    She isnt asking you to, she's simply giving her opinion on the matter.

    She isn't asking me to, correct, but you are. For me her opinion carries no more weight than any other lay person in Britain.
  • MikeSmithsonMikeSmithson Posts: 7,382
    Ribble Valley not unusual. LDs perform strongly where they have good orgnisation. Elsewhere they are crap.

    What price will you offer me on Gordon Entwiatle retaining Burnley?
    tim said:


    The Ribble valley result looks unusual, who was the independent an ex Tory?
    Can't imagine Nigel Evans travails will have made that much difference

  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    Plato said:

    Neil said:

    taffys said:

    Doreen Lawrence has produced no evidence that racial profiling is used but because she's Doreen it must be true.

    There is plenty of evidence that her claim that "police stop and search operations focus on people of colour" is correct. She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

    Surely you could simply provide evidence that your position is right?
    The people being stopped where I was stopped were exclusive black or brown. Though I wasn't there for long so it could have been a coincidence.
  • BlueberryBlueberry Posts: 408
    MaxPB: I can't be bothered having an argument about it. But suffice to say, I don't have a problem iwth the police throwing a net out to see what they can catch. Even though it is a publicity stunt and too little, too late. As I said, the interest thing will be Labour's official reaction - what does the shadow home secretary think about it?
  • RichardNabaviRichardNabavi Posts: 3,413
    edited August 2013
    MaxPB said:

    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.

    Quite right, Max. This really is completely unacceptable.
  • MonikerDiCanioMonikerDiCanio Posts: 5,792
    edited August 2013
    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    MaxPB said:

    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
    "Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting"

    Sorry to be pedantic, but it's only disgusting if they aren't stopping any white people
    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.

    You sound like someone with a valid ticket complaining when the inspectors ask you to show your ticket. Get off your high horse and let them do their job of catching the fare dodgers.

  • MikeSmithsonMikeSmithson Posts: 7,382
    I'll do better than that when a bookie market goes up.
    tim said:

    Ribble Valley not unusual. LDs perform strongly where they have good orgnisation. Elsewhere they are crap.

    What price will you offer me on Gordon Entwiatle retaining Burnley?

    tim said:


    The Ribble valley result looks unusual, who was the independent an ex Tory?
    Can't imagine Nigel Evans travails will have made that much difference

    You can have £40 at 6/4
  • MikeSmithsonMikeSmithson Posts: 7,382

    MaxPB said:

    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.

    Quite right, Max. This really is completely unacceptable.
    Can I second - or should it be third that.

  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    edited August 2013
    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    Neil said:

    taffys said:

    Doreen Lawrence has produced no evidence that racial profiling is used but because she's Doreen it must be true.

    There is plenty of evidence that her claim that "police stop and search operations focus on people of colour" is correct. She also said she "thought" racial profiling was involved in these immigration cases, she's perfectly entitled to her opinion, do you have any evidence it is wrong?

    Surely you could simply provide evidence that your position is right?
    The people being stopped where I was stopped were exclusive black or brown. Though I wasn't there for long so it could have been a coincidence.
    I'm lost here - what is your beef?

    Most Caucasians here in the UK are mostly from Eastern EU and therefore legally here. Some will be here legally from Oz or NZ or the USA.

    The vast majority of those who are Caucasian will therefore be here legally or be a minority of overstayers - and they should be deported.

    So that leaves everyone from sunnier countries be they African or Asian who have no EU right to be here unless they happen to be French and Morrocan descent for example. It's not hard to deduce that most illegal immigrants aren't Caucasian and therefore have deeper tans as natural intended because that's where they hail from.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    MaxPB said:

    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
    "Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting"

    Sorry to be pedantic, but it's only disgusting if they aren't stopping any white people
    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.
    Somehow Sunil will side step this issue by pretending its not happening. Therasa May really wants to be PM !
  • AlanbrookeAlanbrooke Posts: 25,088
    MaxPB said:

    isam said:

    MaxPB said:

    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
    "Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting"

    Sorry to be pedantic, but it's only disgusting if they aren't stopping any white people
    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.
    when the provos were going full blast in the 80s I used to get stopped when travelling between Britain and Ireland at Uni terms - young single bloke doing lots of trips . Do you think young Asian men should have been stopped in equal numbers for Irish terrorism just in case it upset me ?
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    I sympathize with the government here. People won;t countenance giving illegals amnesties, and yet when the government gets serious about removals that's 'heavy handed'

    What the f8ck are the authorities supposed to do?
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    edited August 2013
    Who are the Tories targeting for votes in this "stop and search" of black or brown people ? These are people who have moved to UKIP or are right wing Tories. We have a few on here.

    How many centrist people who might vote Tory are put off as a result ?

    Richard Nabavi has avoided this burning topic as far as I can see. He is a sensible Tory. I am not suggesting he would take his votes elsewhere. But I don't think he would be very comfortable. I could be wrong.
  • SlackbladderSlackbladder Posts: 9,757
    tim said:

    I'll do better than that when a bookie market goes up.

    tim said:

    Ribble Valley not unusual. LDs perform strongly where they have good orgnisation. Elsewhere they are crap.

    What price will you offer me on Gordon Entwiatle retaining Burnley?

    tim said:


    The Ribble valley result looks unusual, who was the independent an ex Tory?
    Can't imagine Nigel Evans travails will have made that much difference

    You can have £40 at 6/4

    I've got mouths to feed.
    You could always, you know.. get a job?
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    edited August 2013

    It's a disgusting abuse of our freedoms whoever is being stopped IMO, but the pretty blatant targeting of non-whites just puts this idea of spot checks even further into that territory. It is not a legal requirement for a British citizen to carry any form of ID, and one does not have to be produced on demand to a law enforcement officer. That they were hiding behind some anti-terror rubbish (as the officer who stopped me said, at least) just points to how the government are abusing our freedoms.

    I don't get how it could work? If I were stopped and asked to prove I was legally entitled to be here I couldn't do it... Surely any illegal immigrant cold just say they dont carry ID with them?

    I'm not in favour of stopping randoms in this way, but if it happens then surely makes sense to stop people who look like they might originate from countries that a big number of illegal immigrants come from? I don't know where that is, but if its Sub Saharan Africa, then it makes sense to stop more black people, if its Iceland , New Zealand, Russia and Australia, makes sense to stop virtually no black people

    Thr whole thing smacks of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted anyway, we should be better at stopping illegal immigrants getting in rather than going on wild goose chases once they're here.
  • BlueberryBlueberry Posts: 408
    "Which papers should non white people be carrying today in your opinion?"

    Tim, when you say 'white people' how are you defining them?
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    edited August 2013
    @Alanbrooke @MaxPB

    "when the provos were going full blast in the 80s I used to get stopped when travelling between Britain and Ireland at Uni terms - young single bloke doing lots of trips . Do you think young Asian men should have been stopped in equal numbers for Irish terrorism just in case it upset me ?"

    My best friend was a red haired lady who's surname was Kelly - she was stopped at the border as a matter of routine. I don't recall any outrage here.

    This whole thing is bizarre - if white middle aged women with cats were to pop up as the most likely to buy Whiskas - does that makes the police biased or just following the data?
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    taffys said:

    She isn't asking me to, correct, but you are. For me her opinion carries no more weight than any other lay person in Britain.

    Can you point me to where I asked you to believe her? I said I think you probably do but if you really believe that racial profiling isnt involved then that's down to you.

  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101

    You sound like someone with a valid ticket complaining when the inspectors ask you to show your ticket. Get off your high horse and let them do their job of catching the fare dodgers.

    Part of the terms of travelling on the underground or on a train is that a valid ticket must be presented to an inspector on demand or face a fine. I buy a ticket knowing that, and take no issue with it. In fact I encourage train companies having more ticket inspectors because I hate fare dodgers. The issue is that in this country there is no legal requirement to be carrying a form of ID and there is no legal basis for a law enforcement officer to ask a person to produce one on demand. Yet this is what has been happening on mass over the last couple of days all over London. If the government want to make it a legal requirement to carry an ID card and to give the police and other agencies the power to compel people to produce those ID cards on demand then that's fine, but they need to legislate and get a bill through Parliament and onto the statute book, not use Labour's horrible anti-terror laws.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    Plato said:

    I'm lost here - what is your beef?

    Most Caucasians here in the UK are mostly from Eastern EU and therefore legally here. Some will be here legally from Oz or NZ or the USA.

    The vast majority of those who are Caucasian will therefore be here legally or be a minority of overstayers - and they should be deported.

    So that leaves everyone from sunnier countries be they African or Asian who have no EU right to be here unless they happen to be French and Morrocan descent for example. It's not hard to deduce that most illegal immigrants aren't Caucasian and therefore have deeper tans as natural intended because that's where they hail from.

    My issue is that I, a British citizen, born here, educated here and lived here my whole life, have been stopped, probably unlawfully, to check that I'm a citizen of this country. The manner by which they did it was awful as well, with the assumption of guilt, the first question I was asked was "do you speak English, we have Urdu to English translators available if you don't". I don't understand why you would support the wanton disregarding of our freedoms to possibly, maybe catch a couple of illegal immigrants. If they were serious about stopping illegal immigration then they need to go after the human trafficking gangs and such like, not just aim a scattershot at London commuters so it looks like they are doing something about it.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    We should be better at stopping illegal immigrants getting in rather than going on wild goose chases once they're here.

    Absolutely Sam but that's dodging the question of what we do with the large number of illegals who are already here.

    We either grant an amnesty or we try to catch and deport them. What do you think?
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    PB gets far too serious at times - this will cheer some up - fantastic Photoshop pix to go with the story

    "A man tried to smuggle his pet turtle through security in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport by hiding it in a KFC hamburger.

    The incident occurred on the morning of July 29, when a man, surnamed Li, was about to board China Southern Airlines flight 345 to Beijing, Guangzhou Daily reported. As Li passed through airport security, X-ray screening machines detected a few “odd protrusions” sticking out of a KFC burger that the man had packed in his bag.

    Airport staff determined that the protrusions looked suspiciously like turtle limbs, and asked to inspect Li’s luggage. “There’s no turtle in there, just a hamburger,” Li reportedly insisted. “There’s nothing special to see inside.”

    Li finally acquiesced to an inspection after repeated requests from airport staff, who uncovered the pet turtle hidden inside the burger. When asked why he had devised this strange idea, Li said that he had only wanted to travel together with his “beloved” turtle.

    After staff patiently explained that turtles could not be smuggled on board the plane, Li reluctantly agreed to allow a friend to care for his pet while he was away. A few amused Sina Weibo users commented on the story after it went live, and most said that Li’s affection for his turtle was cute. One user, however, questioned Li’s logic for stuffing his pet into a burger and then sending it through an airport screening machine.

    “That poor turtle!” the netizen wrote. “It had to absorb all those X-rays!”
  • DavidLDavidL Posts: 53,188
    PMI for construction led by house construction:

    You read it here first.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    If this "stop and ask" really is thought out Tory policy, then I must say they will start going the Republican way in the US. Yes, it might be popular with some hard core right wing voters [ a substantial numbers post here ], equally it will put off a few people who do not want to be associated with these horrible policies.

    Tory 2005 election strategy. Was it successful ?
  • carlcarl Posts: 750
    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    I'm lost here - what is your beef?

    Most Caucasians here in the UK are mostly from Eastern EU and therefore legally here. Some will be here legally from Oz or NZ or the USA.

    The vast majority of those who are Caucasian will therefore be here legally or be a minority of overstayers - and they should be deported.

    So that leaves everyone from sunnier countries be they African or Asian who have no EU right to be here unless they happen to be French and Morrocan descent for example. It's not hard to deduce that most illegal immigrants aren't Caucasian and therefore have deeper tans as natural intended because that's where they hail from.

    I don't understand why you would support the wanton disregarding of our freedoms to possibly, maybe catch a couple of illegal immigrants. .
    I suspect Plato and other Tories were probably less supportive when Labour were in Government overseeing similar abuses to our civil liberties.
  • MarkSeniorMarkSenior Posts: 4,699
    taffys said:

    We should be better at stopping illegal immigrants getting in rather than going on wild goose chases once they're here.

    Absolutely Sam but that's dodging the question of what we do with the large number of illegals who are already here.

    We either grant an amnesty or we try to catch and deport them. What do you think?

    One of the things that emerged during the 2010 GE campaign when Labour and the Conservatives attacked the LD's for proposing an amnesty for illegal immigrants who had been here for 10 years was that there was already an unofficial "rule " giving amnesty for those who have been here 14 years .

  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    surbiton said:

    If this "stop and ask" really is thought out Tory policy

    All these things happened under Labour too. Indeed Labour ramped up the legislation in various ways. I dont want to be associated with these practices so I dont vote for either Labour or Tories.
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.
    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    I'm lost here - what is your beef?

    Most Caucasians here in the UK are mostly from Eastern EU and therefore legally here. Some will be here legally from Oz or NZ or the USA.

    The vast majority of those who are Caucasian will therefore be here legally or be a minority of overstayers - and they should be deported.

    So that leaves everyone from sunnier countries be they African or Asian who have no EU right to be here unless they happen to be French and Morrocan descent for example. It's not hard to deduce that most illegal immigrants aren't Caucasian and therefore have deeper tans as natural intended because that's where they hail from.

    My issue is that I, a British citizen, born here, educated here and lived here my whole life, have been stopped, probably unlawfully, to check that I'm a citizen of this country. The manner by which they did it was awful as well, with the assumption of guilt, the first question I was asked was "do you speak English, we have Urdu to English translators available if you don't". I don't understand why you would support the wanton disregarding of our freedoms to possibly, maybe catch a couple of illegal immigrants. If they were serious about stopping illegal immigration then they need to go after the human trafficking gangs and such like, not just aim a scattershot at London commuters so it looks like they are doing something about it.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,415
    edited August 2013
    MaxPB said:

    You sound like someone with a valid ticket complaining when the inspectors ask you to show your ticket. Get off your high horse and let them do their job of catching the fare dodgers.

    Part of the terms of travelling on the underground or on a train is that a valid ticket must be presented to an inspector on demand or face a fine. I buy a ticket knowing that, and take no issue with it. In fact I encourage train companies having more ticket inspectors because I hate fare dodgers. The issue is that in this country there is no legal requirement to be carrying a form of ID and there is no legal basis for a law enforcement officer to ask a person to produce one on demand. Yet this is what has been happening on mass over the last couple of days all over London. If the government want to make it a legal requirement to carry an ID card and to give the police and other agencies the power to compel people to produce those ID cards on demand then that's fine, but they need to legislate and get a bill through Parliament and onto the statute book, not use Labour's horrible anti-terror laws.
    Agree but the law enforcement officer doesn't care about peoples' documents he cares about whether people are here illegally or not. The govt has made a huge investment politically in the idea of not tolerating illegal immigrants and this is one way they are trying to monetise that policy.

    I have no doubt that it is handled clumsily very often.

    As for profiling, I am a fan, if done sensibly. When you come through customs on eg. the Eurostar there is always a group of sour-faced gentlemen and women staring at disembarking passengers. They are of course profiling (and stop hardly anyone). The fact is, they are better at it than Plod at Shepherds Bush tube station.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    I'm lost here - what is your beef?

    Most Caucasians here in the UK are mostly from Eastern EU and therefore legally here. Some will be here legally from Oz or NZ or the USA.

    The vast majority of those who are Caucasian will therefore be here legally or be a minority of overstayers - and they should be deported.

    So that leaves everyone from sunnier countries be they African or Asian who have no EU right to be here unless they happen to be French and Morrocan descent for example. It's not hard to deduce that most illegal immigrants aren't Caucasian and therefore have deeper tans as natural intended because that's where they hail from.

    My issue is that I, a British citizen, born here, educated here and lived here my whole life, have been stopped, probably unlawfully, to check that I'm a citizen of this country. The manner by which they did it was awful as well, with the assumption of guilt, the first question I was asked was "do you speak English, we have Urdu to English translators available if you don't". I don't understand why you would support the wanton disregarding of our freedoms to possibly, maybe catch a couple of illegal immigrants. If they were serious about stopping illegal immigration then they need to go after the human trafficking gangs and such like, not just aim a scattershot at London commuters so it looks like they are doing something about it.
    Max was not randomly stopped. He was stopped because he was not white. Geddit ?
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    Neil said:

    surbiton said:

    If this "stop and ask" really is thought out Tory policy

    All these things happened under Labour too. Indeed Labour ramped up the legislation in various ways. I dont want to be associated with these practices so I dont vote for either Labour or Tories.
    Labour targeted searching black or brown people ?

  • surbiton said:

    If this "stop and ask" really is thought out Tory policy, then I must say they will start going the Republican way in the US. Yes, it might be popular with some hard core right wing voters [ a substantial numbers post here ], equally it will put off a few people who do not want to be associated with these horrible policies.

    Tory 2005 election strategy. Was it successful ?

    Surbiton , isn't your beloved New Labour the party of " nothing to hide , nothing to fear " ?

    Mass illegal immigration is just another New Labour mess that the Coalition has the sickening task of clearing up.

    Enough of your wretched sanctimony.

  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    surbiton said:

    Labour targeted searching black or brown people ?

    Exactly the same practices happened when Labour was in power.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    One of the things that emerged during the 2010 GE campaign when Labour and the Conservatives attacked the LD's for proposing an amnesty for illegal immigrants who had been here for 10 years was that there was already an unofficial "rule " giving amnesty for those who have been here 14 years .

    That's a good point Mark.

    Now the public are seeing the corollary of not granting amnesties, perhaps there will be more support for amnesty.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    Well done, you avoided the question. I expected nothing less of course.
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    The Tories could make this more official by creating statute. To save them time, they should just copy the "pass laws" of apartheid era South Africa.
  • MaxPBMaxPB Posts: 38,101
    TOPPING said:

    Agree but the law enforcement officer doesn't care about peoples' documents he cares about whether people are here illegally or not. The govt has made a huge investment politically in the idea of not tolerating illegal immigrants and this is one way they are trying to monetise that policy.

    I have no doubt that it is handled clumsily very often.

    As for profiling, I am a fan, if done sensibly. When you come through customs on eg. the Eurostar there is always a group of sour-faced gentlemen and women staring at disembarking passengers. They are of course profiling (and stop hardly anyone). The fact is, they are better at it than Plod at Shepherds Bush tube station.

    Therein lies the problem, I am in and out of airports probably more than anyone on here bar SeanT. I never get stopped for extra security, or at customs or generally anywhere else. The one time I did get stopped it turned out to be the ONS who wanted me to fill in their survey. Profiling done right is useful, I don't doubt that. This mass targeting of non-white people is the wrong way of doing it.

    The other issue, which you have raised, is that the police don't seem to care about the law, they want "results". The fact that I told them to do one and went on my merry way tells me that they probably know that what they are doing wouldn't stand up to legal scrutiny, and yet, there they are, doing it anyway.
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    So my white middle aged colleague in a suit who was stopped for being white and middle aged in a suit was? I can't think of a single terrorist who met this criterion.

    If you want to be outraged - be outraged. No stats will sate your view that Evil Torees are Racist Bigots.

    Do you want the police to look at the most likely sorts to have done a crime or a random cross sample of the populace so no one gets offended?
    surbiton said:

    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    I'm lost here - what is your beef?

    Most Caucasians here in the UK are mostly from Eastern EU and therefore legally here. Some will be here legally from Oz or NZ or the USA.

    The vast majority of those who are Caucasian will therefore be here legally or be a minority of overstayers - and they should be deported.

    So that leaves everyone from sunnier countries be they African or Asian who have no EU right to be here unless they happen to be French and Morrocan descent for example. It's not hard to deduce that most illegal immigrants aren't Caucasian and therefore have deeper tans as natural intended because that's where they hail from.

    Max was not randomly stopped. He was stopped because he was not white. Geddit ?
  • MarkSeniorMarkSenior Posts: 4,699
    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    Well done, you avoided the question. I expected nothing less of course.
    Plato will support and justify any Conservative policy however abhorrent it is . Of course if it had been Labour policy she would have been equally strident in condemning it .

  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    surbiton said:

    The Tories could make this more official by creating statute. To save them time, they should just copy the "pass laws" of apartheid era South Africa.

    Please dont give Labour any ideas for what they could do to ramp this stuff up even more if they ever got back into power.

  • CD13CD13 Posts: 6,364

    "Black coffeee was banned."

    Excuse me for being pedantic but you claimed that some PB Tories believed that black coffee was banned.

    Now I can quite believe that they eat babies, probably for breakfast and for the midday meal that they strangely call "lunch", but if they believed that black coffee was banned, they really shouldn't be out on their own. You should let us know who they are so that we can get them some help.

    Surely you didn't just make this up?
  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724

    I made the point that profiling is adjusted for the crime.

    Be it middle aged white blokes or where you hail from ethnically. It's pretty hard to be Caucasian and be an illegal immigrant.
    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    Well done, you avoided the question. I expected nothing less of course.
  • taffystaffys Posts: 9,753
    The Tories could make this more official by creating statute. To save them time, they should just copy the "pass laws" of apartheid era South Africa.

    What a ridiculous point. There is , thankfully, no comparison between apartheid South Africa and modern Britain and to make that claim is frankly idiotic.
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983

    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    Well done, you avoided the question. I expected nothing less of course.
    Plato will support and justify any Conservative policy however abhorrent it is . Of course if it had been Labour policy she would have been equally strident in condemning it .

    Of course in this case it was something that happened under Labour too.
  • TOPPINGTOPPING Posts: 42,415
    MaxPB said:

    TOPPING said:

    Agree but the law enforcement officer doesn't care about peoples' documents he cares about whether people are here illegally or not. The govt has made a huge investment politically in the idea of not tolerating illegal immigrants and this is one way they are trying to monetise that policy.

    I have no doubt that it is handled clumsily very often.

    As for profiling, I am a fan, if done sensibly. When you come through customs on eg. the Eurostar there is always a group of sour-faced gentlemen and women staring at disembarking passengers. They are of course profiling (and stop hardly anyone). The fact is, they are better at it than Plod at Shepherds Bush tube station.

    Therein lies the problem, I am in and out of airports probably more than anyone on here bar SeanT. I never get stopped for extra security, or at customs or generally anywhere else. The one time I did get stopped it turned out to be the ONS who wanted me to fill in their survey. Profiling done right is useful, I don't doubt that. This mass targeting of non-white people is the wrong way of doing it.

    The other issue, which you have raised, is that the police don't seem to care about the law, they want "results". The fact that I told them to do one and went on my merry way tells me that they probably know that what they are doing wouldn't stand up to legal scrutiny, and yet, there they are, doing it anyway.
    Don't disagree.
  • AlanbrookeAlanbrooke Posts: 25,088
    Plato said:

    @Alanbrooke @MaxPB

    "when the provos were going full blast in the 80s I used to get stopped when travelling between Britain and Ireland at Uni terms - young single bloke doing lots of trips . Do you think young Asian men should have been stopped in equal numbers for Irish terrorism just in case it upset me ?"

    My best friend was a red haired lady who's surname was Kelly - she was stopped at the border as a matter of routine. I don't recall any outrage here.

    This whole thing is bizarre - if white middle aged women with cats were to pop up as the most likely to buy Whiskas - does that makes the police biased or just following the data?

    I'm afraid it's one of those things communities associated with violence have to learn to accept. I came from a pool of 1.5 million people who were more likely than most to kill people. If you factor up the 3,600 deaths between 69 and 98 that would be the equivalent of 72,000 dead on the mainland UK, what are the authorities meant to do stand back and ignore it in case somebody gets upset ? There was no point in stopping Asian, African or any other group for Irish violence as they weren't remotely involved. We the Irish did it, so why should everybody else be hassled just because we have some idiots living in our community who we won't sort out ?
  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    Everyone knows that this "stop and ask" exercise is not to catch illegal immigrants. How many would you catch ? It is more to sublimate the message to people like Plato that the Tories are being tough.

    If they really wanted to catch illegals, they should make raids on cleaning firms who pay next to nothing to clean offices in the middle of the night. How does anyone think our offices get cleaned ? Who do think offers to get your car get hand washed ?
  • isamisam Posts: 41,118
    taffys said:

    We should be better at stopping illegal immigrants getting in rather than going on wild goose chases once they're here.

    Absolutely Sam but that's dodging the question of what we do with the large number of illegals who are already here.

    We either grant an amnesty or we try to catch and deport them. What do you think?

    Difficult question to answer, I am not completely sure.

    I wouldn't grant an amnesty. I don't think it's worth trying to catch people either.

    Maybe if any illegal immigrant is caught breaking the law they get double the standard fine or sentence? Then deported?

    I guess if people are here illegally but not causing any aggro, the effect of living with the worry of instant deportation if they are rumbled should be enough stress.

    And zero tolerance/instant deportation regardless if any family they have gained as a result of being here illegally

  • PlatoPlato Posts: 15,724
    @GeoffM made a superb and grimly funny point re this sort type of hyperbole on FPT

    "MarkSenior: Can you see any difference between today in this country and the SS stopping people and asking them to prove they are not Jewish"

    Actually you are right. Although the authorities haven't actually started raping, starving, gassing and conducting genetic experiments on illegal immigrants yet it's only a matter of days. Maybe mere hours.

    Already our resident railway expert Gruppenführer Doctor of Death Prasannan is toiling away converting his beloved trains into cattle-trucks, etc etc. Arbeit macht frei, old chap.
    taffys said:

    The Tories could make this more official by creating statute. To save them time, they should just copy the "pass laws" of apartheid era South Africa.

    What a ridiculous point. There is , thankfully, no comparison between apartheid South Africa and modern Britain and to make that claim is frankly idiotic.

  • MontyMonty Posts: 346
    MaxPB said:

    Blueberry said:

    Tim, the do stops at my tube station all the time - drugs, weapons, fare-dodgers. It's normal, keeps things safe and I support it. I've been pulled over myself. Dog sniffs you. Not a big deal.

    But that's not the point of this, is it? It's to open up 'removal' as a political flank and force Labour and the Lib Dems to say what they'd do. It'll be interesting to find out...

    It's not the same, a weapons check etc... is for the safety of passengers on the tube or to ensure people are paying their fares. Stopping brown and black people at train and tube stations to ask them for ID and proof they are UK citizens is disgusting. We don't have ID cards in the UK because there is no popular support for them, Labour tried and failed for years to get them through their own benches, before that Michael Howard tried and failed as Home Sec to get ID cards on the statue book. If the government want people to carry around "papers" or ID cards that can be spot checked at any time by law enforcement officers then they need to pass legislation through Parliament, not hide behind bullsh*t anti-terrorism laws which they promised to reform when they came into power in 2010.
    in the absence of an "I agree" button, can I just say I agree wholeheartedly. A lot of the anti-terrorist legislation needs to be repealed urgently as it is too easy to abuse by the police.
  • West Midlands

    1 Neena Gill
    2 Simon Sion
    3 Linda Waltho
    4 Ansar Khan
    5 Olwen Hamer
    6 Tony Ethapemi
    7 Claire Edwards

    Labour currently have 1 MEP in WM. Looking for second
  • NeilNeil Posts: 7,983
    surbiton said:

    It is more to sublimate the message to people like Plato that the Tories are being tough.

    Presumably Labour was hoping for the same messaging when this was happening when they were in power.
  • AndreaParma_82AndreaParma_82 Posts: 4,714
    edited August 2013
    East Midlands (currently 1 Labour seat)

    1. Glenis Willmott MEP
    2. Rory Palmer
    3. Linda Woodings
    4. Khalid Hadadi
    5. Nicki Brooks

    North East (1)

    1. Judith Kirton Darling
    2. Paul Brannen
    3. Jayne Shotton

  • Scotland (2)

    1 David Martine MEP
    2 Catherine Stihler MEP
    3 Derek Munn
    4 Katrina Murray
    5. Asim Khan
    6 Kirsty O'Brien

    Wales (1)

    1. Derek Vaughan MEP
    2 Jaune Bryant
    3 Alex Thomas
    4 Christine Rees

  • edmundintokyoedmundintokyo Posts: 17,511
    Plato said:

    It's pretty hard to be Caucasian and be an illegal immigrant.

  • surbitonsurbiton Posts: 13,549
    Neil said:

    MaxPB said:

    Plato said:

    So if you are randomly stopped by the plod on a Friday night for drunken driving between 0000 and 0400 - are you appalled?

    Most D&D drivers are found then. And people who are driving drunks are middle aged white men and youngsters IIRC. Should they feel aggrieved because the police stop them more often as a result?

    There are lots of reasons why characteristics are used by the police to group likely suspects. Your skin colour and style of beard may have something to do with it.

    Well done, you avoided the question. I expected nothing less of course.
    Plato will support and justify any Conservative policy however abhorrent it is . Of course if it had been Labour policy she would have been equally strident in condemning it .

    Of course in this case it was something that happened under Labour too.
    When did Labour carry out "search and ask" in tube stations ? Making raids in the middle of night on intelligence that someone was smuggling illegals is different. It is specific and not random. If you are talking about SUS law in Brixton etc. it started well before 1997 [ in the 80's ] and was , in fact, greatly reduced in the noughties !
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