This post is kinda what I was on about a week or two back when I suggested that GEs are usually won by whichever party, to a thoughtful person, most obviously has the best leader.
Thatcher vs Callaghan Thatcher vs Foot Thatcher vs Kinnochio Major versus Kinnochio Blair versus Major Blair versus Hague Blair versus Howard Cameron versus Brown Cameron versus Miliband?
I don't mean the winner is whoever's leader is more popular. The popularity rating includes the views of people who mostly aren't thoughtful. I mean the winner is whoever an honest and intelligent person would think the better leader.
On that basis, it seems obvious that Miliband won't win in 2015, although as in 2010, this isn't to say that Cameron therefore will.
It doesn't work well outside GEs. Every Scottish politician is necessarily a nonentity or a buffoon, for example, so choosing between Salmond and one of the others (I can't name any others) is a mug's game. It does work quite well for assessing Salmond's chances versus Westminster, though. Will Scotland get independence? Clearly not, if he has to get it past Cameron.
That is rater simplistic particularly in relation to 1978/1979 . Throughout 1978 Callaghan had very substantially better approval ratings than Thatcher The winter of discontent hit his figures very badly in January 1979 but had recovered quite a lot by the end of March . If your theory were correct then Callaghan would have won an autumn 1978 GE easily .
Former Glasgow MP Sarwar is a step closer to become Governor of Punjab. The Pakistani government has sent the summary report to the President for approval.
During his UK political career he was commonly known as Mohammed Sarwar. In Pakistan he is called Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar.
One of my favourite "Desolate" places is Bowland,and of course it is possibly the best Fracking field in the UK. Large tracts are owned by the Duke,already one of Britains richest men,somehow,I think he will prefer his land stays as a shooting estate.
I am a big fan of the Duke,and have had a few meetings with him,and always found him very reasonable,I dislike the ramblers and their long campaigns against him. To all you PBers,why is it called Bowland,I think I know the answer.
This post is kinda what I was on about a week or two back when I suggested that GEs are usually won by whichever party, to a thoughtful person, most obviously has the best leader.
Thatcher vs Callaghan Thatcher vs Foot Thatcher vs Kinnochio Major versus Kinnochio Blair versus Major Blair versus Hague Blair versus Howard Cameron versus Brown Cameron versus Miliband?
I don't mean the winner is whoever's leader is more popular. The popularity rating includes the views of people who mostly aren't thoughtful. I mean the winner is whoever an honest and intelligent person would think the better leader.
On that basis, it seems obvious that Miliband won't win in 2015, although as in 2010, this isn't to say that Cameron therefore will.
It doesn't work well outside GEs. Every Scottish politician is necessarily a nonentity or a buffoon, for example, so choosing between Salmond and one of the others (I can't name any others) is a mug's game. It does work quite well for assessing Salmond's chances versus Westminster, though. Will Scotland get independence? Clearly not, if he has to get it past Cameron.
That is rater simplistic particularly in relation to 1978/1979 . Throughout 1978 Callaghan had very substantially better approval ratings than Thatcher The winter of discontent hit his figures very badly in January 1979 but had recovered quite a lot by the end of March . If your theory were correct then Callaghan would have won an autumn 1978 GE easily .
I thought it was common historical knowledge that he would have won had he called an election before the Winter of Discontent?
That is rater simplistic particularly in relation to 1978/1979 . Throughout 1978 Callaghan had very substantially better approval ratings than Thatcher
As I said, I'm ignoring approval ratings because these feature the views of everyone. What I am suggesting is that to a thoughtful person it has been obvious in every electoion sibnce 1979, and perhaps also 1975, who was going to win.
By analogy, Henman was more popular at Wimbledon than Federer, but a thoughtful person would always back Federer.
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
Come visit the desolate North, the land the Tories are struggling to win
Downing Street distances itself from 'Frack the desolate North East' Tory peer
Downing Street has distanced itself from George Osborne’s father-in-law after he was condemned by the Archbishop of Canterbury and MPs for describing the North East of England as “desolate”.
That is rater simplistic particularly in relation to 1978/1979 . Throughout 1978 Callaghan had very substantially better approval ratings than Thatcher
As I said, I'm ignoring approval ratings because these feature the views of everyone. What I am suggesting is that to a thoughtful person it has been obvious in every electoion sibnce 1979, and perhaps also 1975, who was going to win.
That is rater simplistic particularly in relation to 1978/1979 . Throughout 1978 Callaghan had very substantially better approval ratings than Thatcher
As I said, I'm ignoring approval ratings because these feature the views of everyone. What I am suggesting is that to a thoughtful person it has been obvious in every electoion sibnce 1979, and perhaps also 1975, who was going to win.
By analogy, Henman was more popular at Wimbledon than Federer, but a thoughtful person would always back Federer.
As I said , you are being simplistic , because it is clear that an autumn election in 1978 would have been won by Callaghan but he was done by the winter of discontent .
Will Scotland get independence? Clearly not, if he has to get it past Cameron.
Given that Cameron is doing everything he can to avoid a debate with Salmond, it looks like he disagrees with you.
I don't know why you are bothering with a spoof poster since a simple look at the approval ratings shows just how laughable and ignorant that post is. Presumably all polling is now bunk since VI "includes the views of people who mostly aren't thoughtful". Risible stuff.
Former Glasgow MP Sarwar is a step closer to become Governor of Punjab. The Pakistani government has sent the summary report to the President for approval.
During his UK political career he was commonly known as Mohammed Sarwar. In Pakistan he is called Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar.
They could do a lot worse. I remember his refusal to speak to segregated audiences in his constituency - traditionalist Muslims grumbled but eventually went along with him. Given the size of his majority, he could easily have just coasted along without annoying anyone. He'll have lots of such challenges, and others, in the Punjab.
This post is kinda what I was on about a week or two back when I suggested that GEs are usually won by whichever party, to a thoughtful person, most obviously has the best leader.
Thatcher vs Callaghan Thatcher vs Foot Thatcher vs Kinnochio Major versus Kinnochio Blair versus Major Blair versus Hague Blair versus Howard Cameron versus Brown Cameron versus Miliband?
I don't mean the winner is whoever's leader is more popular. The popularity rating includes the views of people who mostly aren't thoughtful. I mean the winner is whoever an honest and intelligent person would think the better leader.
The trouble is that honest and intelligent people disagree on what honest and intelligent people ought to think. It seems to me obvious that Kinnock was a better leader than Major, but you not only disagree but call him by a childish nickname. I don't question your honesty and intelligence, but your judgment seems debatable.
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
Former Glasgow MP Sarwar is a step closer to become Governor of Punjab. The Pakistani government has sent the summary report to the President for approval.
During his UK political career he was commonly known as Mohammed Sarwar. In Pakistan he is called Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar.
They could do a lot worse. I remember his refusal to speak to segregated audiences in his constituency - traditionalist Muslims grumbled but eventually went along with him. Given the size of his majority, he could easily have just coasted along without annoying anyone. He'll have lots of such challenges, and others, in the Punjab.
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
That is rater simplistic particularly in relation to 1978/1979 . Throughout 1978 Callaghan had very substantially better approval ratings than Thatcher
As I said, I'm ignoring approval ratings because these feature the views of everyone. What I am suggesting is that to a thoughtful person it has been obvious in every electoion sibnce 1979, and perhaps also 1975, who was going to win.
By analogy, Henman was more popular at Wimbledon than Federer, but a thoughtful person would always back Federer.
As I said , you are being simplistic , because it is clear that an autumn election in 1978 would have been won by Callaghan but he was done by the winter of discontent .
I see a young man from Northumberland has been arrested for rape threat tweets.
Bet he's feeling desolate now.
"Je suis désolé"
Can we have that in Latin, please? I did LOL at your Pythonesque correction to Roger last night.
Doleo. Possibly even desoleo or desolesco.
Roger needs to up his game if he wants to mix with Japanese graduettes.
I am only trying to help.
(Don't ask me - I did French and German at school!)
Slipped in* for fun, Sunil.
Doleo and Dolesco (as edited) are correct.
Probably "poenitet me" would be the best phrase for "I am sorry".
*If you meant my "desoleo" rather than your "desolo".
Thanks Avery! On second thoughts it appears 'desolo' is "I desolate", as in the verb.
I didn't think you could desolate something - but then again impact wasn't treated as a verb either when I was younger. I hate *impacted* - it describes wisdom teeth in my book.
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
"Despite multiple offers to, @nick_clegg won't say he'll veto the 'go home' posters going nationwide."
I expect Nick was too busy organising the photo op with his wife on the Thames - the one tim posted about endlessly.....
"Now let’s see... you’re running the country while the PM is away and keen to get some good publicity after taking a recent hammering. So why not ditch the official Jaguar and meet the people on the commute into work? Better not to join the hordes on the sweaty Tube, the river bus is much nicer on a lovely summer morning, even if it is more expensive. And, gosh, how lucky, a photographer just happens to be there to record your ‘impromptu’ trip as you swig coffee, chat to fellow commuters and exchange loving glances with your wife... "
I see a young man from Northumberland has been arrested for rape threat tweets.
Bet he's feeling desolate now.
"Je suis désolé"
Can we have that in Latin, please? I did LOL at your Pythonesque correction to Roger last night.
Doleo. Possibly even desoleo or desolesco.
Roger needs to up his game if he wants to mix with Japanese graduettes.
I am only trying to help.
(Don't ask me - I did French and German at school!)
Slipped in* for fun, Sunil.
Doleo and Dolesco (as edited) are correct.
Probably "poenitet me" would be the best phrase for "I am sorry".
*If you meant my "desoleo" rather than your "desolo".
Thanks Avery! On second thoughts it appears 'desolo' is "I desolate", as in the verb.
I didn't think you could desolate something - but then again impact wasn't treated as a verb either when I was younger. I hate *impacted* - it describes wisdom teeth in my book.
That opens up the whole question of whether a verb is transitive or intransitive.
Almost, but not quite, as difficult for a ten year old as the difference between a gerund and a gerundive.
Molesworth shows how a quest for knowledge can used for gain:
When he gets to Latin, [Molesworth] has to admit however that the only way really is to WORK ('chiz chiz…'); so instead he outlines a few ways to distract the teacher and thereby get the odd brief moment of respite.
One trick that never fails (he claims) is to put up your hand and ask, earnestly: "What is a Gerund, Sir?" This, he says, will cause the master (who has no idea) to stutter, clutch the desk and flip his way surreptitiously underneath it through the pages of Kennedy's Shortbread Eating Primer until he finds the relevant bit, giving the class at least a couple of minutes off…
All those who learned latin will have no fond memory of "Kennedy's Latin Primer", the universal text book of the time.
Whilst I really enjoyed Latin in a quite perverse way [we had a battleaxe for a teacher] - how you've retained the lingo is most impressive and entertaining at times.
"And of course there is next year’s special conference to change the relationship between the Labour Party and its trade union funders. That, as sure as night follows day, will be described by the Left as a “distraction” that is preventing “the movement from taking the fight to the real enemies, the Tories”.
I'm against these vans on the basis that they are a waste of money and it's the government admitting that they aren't very good at catching you if you are here illegally. It's effectively marketing budget spent on criminals. Surely the money would be better spent stopping these people moving about Britain illegally in the first place.
One of the Lib Dems (it may have been Cable) accidentally made a very salient point about illegal immigrants, in that there can't be that many here, because it is so tough to be one: you can't a) legally work, or b) legally own a property. Therefore many illegal immigrants are likely involved in crime. Bad crime too, like drugs smuggling, people trafficking, even terrorism. The kind of stuff you really, really wouldn't want to get caught doing.
And the government is effectively admitting as much, driving ads around telling these naughty people that the boogieman is out to get them. Not very clever or productive to my mind.
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
Another Hodges entry in the Oxford Book of Political Quotations:
Since the turn of the year, Labour has been successfully defined as the party that wants to grab the nation’s credit card and hand it to the nearest benefits scrounger.
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
I dont know why you are trying to make great leaps of logic here. I simply stated that I am opposed to the government wasting taxpayers' money to party political ends. Not that complicated to understand, surely?
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
I dont know why you are trying to make great leaps of logic here. I simply stated that I am opposed to the government wasting taxpayers' money to party political ends. Not that complicated to understand, surely?
You, like me, Neil are here prefectly legally! Don't worry about the van posters - I don't think they had you in mind
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
I dont know why you are trying to make great leaps of logic here. I simply stated that I am opposed to the government wasting taxpayers' money to party political ends. Not that complicated to understand, surely?
Don't worry about the van posters
I find Governments wasting taxpayers' money for party political ends pretty concerning whoever they are after, Sunil.
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
That's a very divisive article. Hodges is clearly trying to drive a wedge between Ed and his friends and allies on the far Left. Ed should pay no heed to the siren voices of the Blairites. With the Comeback Clegg on the march, the last thing Ed needs is for those disgruntled Lib Dems to abandon Labour because of its flirting with Osbornism and other manifestations of the neo-Thatcherite credo. Ed must hold his nerve and stay the course, or else all is lost!
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
I dont know why you are trying to make great leaps of logic here. I simply stated that I am opposed to the government wasting taxpayers' money to party political ends. Not that complicated to understand, surely?
Don't worry about the van posters
I find Governments wasting taxpayers' money for party political ends pretty concerning whoever they are after, Sunil.
Stop fretting about the vans. Neil, I'm 100% certain they'll leave you to go about your business
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
He's now a radio presenter - and just won an award for it IIRC.
He'd be perfect MoL fodder post Boris - he's gay, Tory, well known via LBC, runs his own publishing house [Biteback] that specialises in political books, has diabetes, is in a civil partnership.
He also likes Cliff Richard. How many boxes does that tick?!
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
O/T - Rumours that 2 recently elected UKIP CC's from Lincolnshire are about to defect to Conservatives following their demotions from the role of deputy leader . They are Victoria Ayling Spilsby Fen and Robin Hunter-Clarke Skegness South .
A couple of days ago I started having the symptoms of hay fever.
Does anyone know what type of hay fever starts at this time of year?
That'll be hay making fever, it is hay making season after all :-)
I'm currently being eaten by mosquitos here - when harvesting starts across the lane, it'll be those tiny wriggly hay thunder bugs everywhere instead...
He's now a radio presenter - and just won an award for it IIRC.
He'd be perfect MoL fodder post Boris - he's gay, Tory, well known via LBC, runs his own publishing house [Biteback] that specialises in political books, has diabetes, is in a civil partnership.
He also likes Cliff Richard. How many boxes does that tick?!
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
Looking at the details of the responses to this YouGov question poster campaign on this Home Office campaign, it would seem that the wording on them was quite responsible framed. Its the faux outrage generated by Labour, UKIP and the Libdems in an attempt to give these campaign posters a 'racist' element for purely party political reasons that has back fired. You have to hand it to the Libdems, they actually managed to highlight this poster campaign further by trying to make it a party political dividing line with their Coalition partners. For 10K out lay, the Home Office must be delighted at all the free publicity this posturing has garnered for a campaign aimed at targeting those that live here illegally.
Are you also suggesting that every crime prevention poster put out by the Home Office or your local police station over the last few decades is driven by a Government who wants to waste taxpayers money making a party points? I follow Greater Manchester Police and a few other police forces on twitter, and often admire their very proactive use of all the on line tools available to them to help fight crime. Is that too a waste of taxpayers money for political ends?
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
I dont know why you are trying to make great leaps of logic here. I simply stated that I am opposed to the government wasting taxpayers' money to party political ends. Not that complicated to understand, surely?
He's now a radio presenter - and just won an award for it IIRC.
He'd be perfect MoL fodder post Boris - he's gay, Tory, well known via LBC, runs his own publishing house [Biteback] that specialises in political books, has diabetes, is in a civil partnership.
He also likes Cliff Richard. How many boxes does that tick?!
Are you also suggesting that every crime prevention poster put out by the Home Office or your local police station over the last few decades is driven by a Government who wants to waste taxpayers money making a party points?
No, I'm suggesting this one was a waste of taxpayers' money and aimed at nakedly party political ends. I really cant put it more simply than that.
Iain Dale was once a periodic poster here and generously sponsored the first ever pb drinks in 2005. Rik Willis was there and tpfkar and Roger too. And I managed to get safely home. Happy days.
Iain Dale was once a periodic poster here and generously sponsored the first ever pb drinks in 2005. Rik Willis was there and tpfkar and Roger too. And I managed to get safely home. Happy days.
You got home safely last time. Eventually.
Look on the bright side, you didn't end up in Brighton.
Not that there's anything wrong with Brighton, but it has bars that you could imagine me DJing in
I wonder what the likelihood is of my being 'phoned by two different companies within a coupla weeks of each other. The 1st was Ipsos MORI and the 2nd was, err, different. Curiosity satisfied by the 1st, I sent the second one packing. If I am typical then that should be a factor in weighting---the "fed up effect". What really put me off was the sneaky questions, in passing as it were, about other factors in my life style---how many 'phones did I own etc.
@Neil - I think (memory, tricks and all that) the first two were at some posh pub, so I would guess the first at the NLC (courtesy of the much missed Augustus Carp) must have been in 2007.
As for me, well I'm here legally, I don't find the poster offensive
You dont find the Government wasting your taxpayer money for nakedly party political reasons offensive?
So you think those here illegally should either i) stay or ii) be deported at great expense and iii) are opposed to them going voluntarily and cheaply?
I dont know why you are trying to make great leaps of logic here. I simply stated that I am opposed to the government wasting taxpayers' money to party political ends. Not that complicated to understand, surely?
You know its a waste? Who is making great leaps of logic?
@Neil - I think (memory, tricks and all that) the first two were at some posh pub, so I would guess the first at the NLC (courtesy of the much missed Augustus Carp) must have been in 2007.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Carp at a PB do - charming fellow.
Unfortunately his performance in Norfolk North in 2005 shows he's not an electoral Titan, quite the opposite, which is a shame as I quite like him
Met Iain once in Fuengirola and he was very impressive in person - although he took great exception to my criticical comments about Ann Widdecombe with whom was doing a stage show in the UK at the time.
I remember when Iain originally had his own blog (before the abortive Dale and Co). He used to prowl the comments section for things he didn't agree with and got very tetchy with certain individuals. It rather stifled free expression, as I recall.
Over half of Labour and Lib Dems find it stupid and offensive, 24% and 21% of Tories and Kippers
That's the split in British politics, stupid people like stupid gesture policies ostensibly aimed at foreigners which are actually aimed at one wing of the stupid half of politics
No wonder this country reckons immigration is a bigger problem thatn anywhere else in Europe. Tragic right wingers looking for scapegoats
Fortunately, the voters as a whole are wiser than most Labour and Lib Dem voters.
I was recently contacted for the first time by Ipsos Mori, but as a woman of a certain age I was then very tactfully told that I was surplus to their requirements.
I wonder what the likelihood is of my being 'phoned by two different companies within a coupla weeks of each other. The 1st was Ipsos MORI and the 2nd was, err, different. Curiosity satisfied by the 1st, I sent the second one packing. If I am typical then that should be a factor in weighting---the "fed up effect". What really put me off was the sneaky questions, in passing as it were, about other factors in my life style---how many 'phones did I own etc.
@Neil - I think (memory, tricks and all that) the first two were at some posh pub, so I would guess the first at the NLC (courtesy of the much missed Augustus Carp) must have been in 2007.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Carp at a PB do - charming fellow.
Indeed. A real gent. As is, if truth be told, Roger in the flesh.
Unfortunately his performance in Norfolk North in 2005 shows he's not an electoral Titan, quite the opposite, which is a shame as I quite like him
Met Iain once in Fuengirola and he was very impressive in person - although he took great exception to my criticical comments about Ann Widdecombe with whom was doing a stage show in the UK at the time.
I remember when Iain originally had his own blog (before the abortive Dale and Co). He used to prowl the comments section for things he didn't agree with and got very tetchy with certain individuals. It rather stifled free expression, as I recall.
IME he does have a rather thin skin and ended up in spats that didn't really achieve much. From listening to his radio shows - he's clearly someone who feels greatly touched by subjects/has a cry so I guess what makes him empathetic also leads to spattery.
I was recently contacted for the first time by Ipsos Mori, but as a woman of a certain age I was then very tactfully told that I was surplus to their requirements.
I wonder what the likelihood is of my being 'phoned by two different companies within a coupla weeks of each other. The 1st was Ipsos MORI and the 2nd was, err, different. Curiosity satisfied by the 1st, I sent the second one packing. If I am typical then that should be a factor in weighting---the "fed up effect". What really put me off was the sneaky questions, in passing as it were, about other factors in my life style---how many 'phones did I own etc.
I don't think my age was asked for. Maybe next time---assuming I haven't been blacklisted---I might wickedly, um, bend the truth.
One of the Lib Dems (it may have been Cable) accidentally made a very salient point about illegal immigrants, in that there can't be that many here, because it is so tough to be one: you can't a) legally work, or b) legally own a property. Therefore many illegal immigrants are likely involved in crime. Bad crime too, like drugs smuggling, people trafficking, even terrorism. The kind of stuff you really, really wouldn't want to get caught doing.
And the government is effectively admitting as much, driving ads around telling these naughty people that the boogieman is out to get them. Not very clever or productive to my mind.
Back in the old days of PB, Roger often showed real flashes of gentlemanly charm on occasion. But as with the rest of us here these days it seems, his bark has got decidedly more grumpy over time.
@Neil - I think (memory, tricks and all that) the first two were at some posh pub, so I would guess the first at the NLC (courtesy of the much missed Augustus Carp) must have been in 2007.
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Carp at a PB do - charming fellow.
Indeed. A real gent. As is, if truth be told, Roger in the flesh.
He's now a radio presenter - and just won an award for it IIRC.
He'd be perfect MoL fodder post Boris - he's gay, Tory, well known via LBC, runs his own publishing house [Biteback] that specialises in political books, has diabetes, is in a civil partnership.
He also likes Cliff Richard. How many boxes does that tick?!
This is a comment on the YouGov site over the van posters
"Also why's this van not outside big businesses saying; "Do you pay your corporation tax? If not text this number and we'll help you pay or remove your business from this country!"
Labour party hq would be an appropriate spot too !
Why ?
Why not?
Because if there is no sensible reason they may as well park a van outside your home .
Unfortunately his performance in Norfolk North in 2005 shows he's not an electoral Titan, quite the opposite, which is a shame as I quite like him
David Cameron a new type of Conservative. He's ended up sponsoring Go Home vans...
It's John Cruddas I feel sorry for. Immigration was going to be Labour's killer new issue until Ed vacillated, wobbled and left Cruddas humiliated. Check out this historical curiosity:
'Regaining the blue collar vote is crucial for both parties. This must involve understanding the blue collar mindset and the desire for economic security. Cruddas argues that, “Labour's future in England is conservative. “ If he is successful at reinserting the conservative element of the Labour tradition, Tory strategists should be very nervous indeed.
He also understands concerns about immigration and welfare, once saying that immigration had been used as a “21st Century form of incomes policy.” We found that pledges to control welfare and cut immigration would be the two things that Labour could do to attract potential Labour voters.'
During his UK political career he was commonly known as Mohammed Sarwar. In Pakistan he is called Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar.
Betfair have cut commission to half a percent on their football asian handicaps.
It seems someone has knocked some sense into betfair, finally.
I am a big fan of the Duke,and have had a few meetings with him,and always found him very reasonable,I dislike the ramblers and their long campaigns against him.
To all you PBers,why is it called Bowland,I think I know the answer.
By analogy, Henman was more popular at Wimbledon than Federer, but a thoughtful person would always back Federer.
'Net Racist'
OA: -30
Con: -64
Lab: -4
LibD: -9
UKIP: -81
Poor old incompetent fops. At least it keeps the inept tory spinners busy as the twits blunder about in their usual out of touch way.
Roger needs to up his game if he wants to mix with Japanese graduettes.
I am only trying to help.
(Don't ask me - I did French and German at school!)
How about this?:
Doleo and Dolesco (as edited) are correct.
Probably "poenitet me" would be the best phrase for "I am sorry".
*If you meant my "desoleo" rather than your "desolo".
I refer you again to Iain Dale . You don't seem to understand how corporation tax works do you ?
"The immigration poster at the heart of the CON-LD row. The Tories want it - the LDs are opposed"
Tom Newton Dunn tweeted earlier:
"Despite multiple offers to, @nick_clegg won't say he'll veto the 'go home' posters going nationwide."
I expect Nick was too busy organising the photo op with his wife on the Thames - the one tim posted about endlessly.....
"Now let’s see... you’re running the country while the PM is away and keen to get some good publicity after taking a recent hammering.
So why not ditch the official Jaguar and meet the people on the commute into work?
Better not to join the hordes on the sweaty Tube, the river bus is much nicer on a lovely summer morning, even if it is more expensive.
And, gosh, how lucky, a photographer just happens to be there to record your ‘impromptu’ trip as you swig coffee, chat to fellow commuters and exchange loving glances with your wife... "
Read more:
Almost, but not quite, as difficult for a ten year old as the difference between a gerund and a gerundive.
Molesworth shows how a quest for knowledge can used for gain:
When he gets to Latin, [Molesworth] has to admit however that the only way really is to WORK ('chiz chiz…'); so instead he outlines a few ways to distract the teacher and thereby get the odd brief moment of respite.
One trick that never fails (he claims) is to put up your hand and ask, earnestly: "What is a Gerund, Sir?" This, he says, will cause the master (who has no idea) to stutter, clutch the desk and flip his way surreptitiously underneath it through the pages of Kennedy's Shortbread Eating Primer until he finds the relevant bit, giving the class at least a couple of minutes off…
All those who learned latin will have no fond memory of "Kennedy's Latin Primer", the universal text book of the time.
Whilst I really enjoyed Latin in a quite perverse way [we had a battleaxe for a teacher] - how you've retained the lingo is most impressive and entertaining at times.
Darn! I've been outed!
One of the Lib Dems (it may have been Cable) accidentally made a very salient point about illegal immigrants, in that there can't be that many here, because it is so tough to be one: you can't a) legally work, or b) legally own a property. Therefore many illegal immigrants are likely involved in crime. Bad crime too, like drugs smuggling, people trafficking, even terrorism. The kind of stuff you really, really wouldn't want to get caught doing.
And the government is effectively admitting as much, driving ads around telling these naughty people that the boogieman is out to get them. Not very clever or productive to my mind.
Since the turn of the year, Labour has been successfully defined as the party that wants to grab the nation’s credit card and hand it to the nearest benefits scrounger.
What more do you want as evidence that I think £10k is trivial in the grand scheme of things the HOffice spends money on?
A couple of days ago I started having the symptoms of hay fever.
Does anyone know what type of hay fever starts at this time of year?
Chickenfeed compared to the £18 BILLION we pay into the EU each year!
Watch the 10k's and the 18 billions will look after themselves.
We have long passed breakeven.
Sit back and enjoy the cash cow.
Con: 44.89%
Lab: 37.74%
Lib: 14.17%
Others: 3.20%
1983 was as follows:
Con: 43.51%
Lab: 28.28%
SDP/Liberal Alliance: 26.02%
Others: 2.19%
Con: -1.38%
Lab: -9.46%
Alliance: +11.84%
Others: -1.01%
Swing, Lab to Con: 4.04%
He'd be perfect MoL fodder post Boris - he's gay, Tory, well known via LBC, runs his own publishing house [Biteback] that specialises in political books, has diabetes, is in a civil partnership.
He also likes Cliff Richard. How many boxes does that tick?!
I've got the embargoed figures and they show ....
Quite astonishing.
Are you also suggesting that every crime prevention poster put out by the Home Office or your local police station over the last few decades is driven by a Government who wants to waste taxpayers money making a party points? I follow Greater Manchester Police and a few other police forces on twitter, and often admire their very proactive use of all the on line tools available to them to help fight crime. Is that too a waste of taxpayers money for political ends?
From your teasing , flirtacious tone , I'd predict a continuation of the LibDem revival. Hopefully at Labour's expense.
Happy days.
Unfortunately his performance in Norfolk North in 2005 shows he's not an electoral Titan, quite the opposite, which is a shame as I quite like him.
Dale whinges too much. A fatal flaw in a politician seeking election.
Just look at Andy Burnham.
Listen to me! You're not here illegally - pay the van posters no mind!
I'd forgotten about that one. When was the booklaunch at the Liberal Club, I mistakenly thought that was the first pb drinks.
Look on the bright side, you didn't end up in Brighton.
Not that there's anything wrong with Brighton, but it has bars that you could imagine me DJing in
I remember when Iain originally had his own blog (before the abortive Dale and Co). He used to prowl the comments section for things he didn't agree with and got very tetchy with certain individuals. It rather stifled free expression, as I recall.
basically we are screwed
Ha ha ha ho ho hee hee please stop it.
But I'm not worried. tim will make up the losses.
'Regaining the blue collar vote is crucial for both parties. This must involve understanding the blue collar mindset and the desire for economic security. Cruddas argues that, “Labour's future in England is conservative. “ If he is successful at reinserting the conservative element of the Labour tradition, Tory strategists should be very nervous indeed.
He also understands concerns about immigration and welfare, once saying that immigration had been used as a “21st Century form of incomes policy.” We found that pledges to control welfare and cut immigration would be the two things that Labour could do to attract potential Labour voters.'