The scale of the problem was not due to people taking on loans a few quid over their traditional 3x salary limit.
A few quid over?
oh dear, what do you think the earnings/price ratios are across London now?
FWIW I was offered a mortgage on 6x my personal income to buy a 2 bed flat. Clearly not just a few quid over...
"A few quid over the 3x Salary limit" is a classic from TGOHF.
You seem to have not being paying attention tim.
It wasn't the Smythe-Pattersons from no 23 Acacia avenue over extending themselves that caused the meltdown - it was your mate Gordon asleep at the wheel.
You seem to think there's been a house price crash in this country. Plus massive subprime repossessions,when in fact prices didnt fall much and are back above peak in some areas even before Osbornes bubble pumping gets going
Who mentioned a house price crash ? The problem for the banks were the core quality and hence true value of loans - whether US or Uk.
This topic seems a bit complex for you timmy - stick to racism.
A few quid over 3x salary, And you're supposed to be one of the brighter ones
I think even the Lynton Crosby story has got more legs than this dead horse tim.
Fancy having an adviser about the internet who doesn't actually know how the internet works?!?
Problem for Guido is that he was 'hosting' links on his website yesterday. She has Google Analytics working on her site so it's likely to have recorded some of the inbound links coming direct from Guido's site. He removed them pretty quickly but they were there at the time of her comments.
Fancy having an adviser about the internet who doesn't actually know how the internet works?!?
Problem for Guido is that he was 'hosting' links on his website yesterday. She has Google Analytics working on her site so it's likely to have recorded some of the inbound links coming direct from Guido's site. He removed them pretty quickly but they were there at the time of her comments.
What difference does that make? She is alleging that he sponsored the hack on her website (an illegal activity) when anyone with half a brain would know that isn't true. Guido may be a lot of things, but there is no way he would get in the mud like that. It's far more likely that 4chan or Anonymous were pissed off with her incessant hectoring about porn and hacked her website to prove a point. One that she has now made for them (that she is technologically illiterate) by accusing Guido of "sponsoring" said attack.
What difference does that make? She is alleging that he sponsored the hack on her website (an illegal activity) when anyone with half a brain would know that isn't true. Guido may be a lot of things, but there is no way he would get in the mud like that. It's far more likely that 4chan or Anonymous were pissed off with her incessant hectoring about porn and hacked her website to prove a point. One that she has now made for them (that she is technologically illiterate) by accusing Guido of "sponsoring" said attack.
Point is that Guido is claiming he that wasn't hosting links when he was, and that is now being used against her "doesn't know what a link is" when it was false.
Her use of language around sponsorship was loose admittedly.
Here are figures for Birkenhead ...
Terraced House 2006 = £114,950 2013 = £90,000
Of course, farmland in Cheshire may be different.
Her use of language around sponsorship was loose admittedly.