As a consequence of Labour right wing MPs deciding to perform the Farewell Symphony through the medium of interpretive dance, political observers have two Parliamentary by-elections to brighten up a dank February. In normal circumstances these would both be easy Labour holds. Yet, following a cascade of money that has no doubt been prompted by Labour’s speleological exploration of new polling depths, the prices offered by the bookies suggest something very different. In Stoke Central, Labour are narrow favourites ahead of UKIP, with the maillot jaune having swapped between these two parties more than once. In Copeland, the Conservatives are heavily-backed favourites, despite not having taken the seat since the Second World War.
In Stoke, Nuttall looks doomed although I'm not sure how deeply Hillsborough resonates 50 miles south of Liverpool.
Trivia: that was the only election ever lost by the Labour candidate, one Tony Blair.
So it may just be that the swing was unusual because the good folk of Beaconsfield could spot a wrong 'un....
Nuttell has proven to be a nutter, a dishonest fantasist who now has the black spot from Nigel. His tenure as leader is almost over and a poor result in Stoke will probably be enough. I don't think we will miss him much.
Lock him up. Lock him up.
The defenestration of Flynn has really annoyed them.
Hurrah for the Yellow Peril.
In a sense though I wonder if we are missing the point with these. The results are almost immaterial now, because the mere fact they are at risk shows how bad things are for Labour. Anything other than two very comfortable holds signals they could be on course for sub-170 at the next General Election.
This has also happened at a time when Corbyn's appeal has been damaged by his actions over Brexit, which is popular with precisely nobody, and the Shadow Cabinet itself is falling to pieces. If there were a leadership election now, he might well be struggling. However, a third leadership election in three years also carries risks - not least of looking like the EU's long-held policy on referendum results it doesn't like (keep running them until you get the right answer). Unless Corbyn resigns, and he shows no sign of being aware of just how bad things are, I doubt if we will see another putsch.
The real possibility is therefore that the loss of either of these seats leaves Corbyn's leadership effectively dead but doesn't provide anything to replace it. In such a case, it is easy to imagine a senior figure on the left of the shadow cabinet becoming the focus for what little power there is. Could McDonnell suddenly become the leader de facto - and if so what implications does that have for the next leadership betting?
More seriously, it's a good point. I can't get worked up over Donald Trump being treated like this, but supposing it was somebody equally bad but that they happened to like? The further the military and security services stay from politics, the better.
Hats off to Russia though for their extra time victory in the Cold War.
Yes, the right are fortunate that they are up against somebody so abject as the Jezziah. But can they find someone who can exploit it for them? The fact that last time they couldn't manage anyone better than Angela Eagle and Owen Smith suggests not.
Here's hoping you're right and I'm wrong.
UKIP seem to me to be ungovernable.
He still managed to vote against party policy over Trident though, which is something to cherish. Says quite a lot about his priorities as well.
Like the Tour de France reference Mr M
The leaking is just awful - no one wins by plotting against the winning team.
How would you feel about this here?
When/if Steve Rotherham becomes Mayor of Liverpool, in the subsequent by election in Liverpool Walton, UKIP will lose their deposit.
Take a bow Paul Nuttall and Arron Banks
I don't think they've ever dipped below 30% in the seat, and are usually at about 35% of the vote. It's just they are outvoted by Whitehaven itself.
What I find odd is the lies that were told about there being no such contacts, lies that according to the NYT article the White House is still standing by. This puts what might have been completely proper discussions into a different context, especially when the Russians stand accused of interfering in the election process. To say that the Trump administration was not handling this well would be an understatement. Their lack of political and public life experience means they are making mistakes that are going to cause them problems.
Or perhaps not.
US politics is dysfunctional.
Trump needs to do a deal with the defense establishment to diffuse this. That probably means U-turning on NATO.
When members of your own Transition team inc Obama legacy - are spying/selectively leaking your phone calls to discredit you?? And leftist press creating sensational headlines?
It's abominable and sinister Deep State. If we discovered Mi5 was doing this - we'd be appalled
Labour MPs will have learnt the challenge of a premature challenge in 2016 and will surely wait awhile yet. Yes that means Labour losing swathes of councillors in 2017 and 2018 (and possibly 2019) but their focus is on winning their seats in 2020 (under new boundaries of course).
Good article, Mr. Meeks. Certainly a pair of intriguing by-elections shortly before the first F1 test kicks off.
Speaking of intrigue, Journeys, the new fantasy anthology featuring a story by me, is out today:
And MI5 has done it here, against Harold Wilson.
Tennessee GOP
BREAKING: President Trump signs repeal of Dodd-Frank provision.
Labour MPs will have learnt the lesson of a premature challenge in 2016 and will surely wait awhile yet. Yes that means Labour losing swathes of councillors in 2017 and 2018 (and possibly 2019) but their focus is on winning their seats in 2020 (under new boundaries of course).
He cant be combative all the time and he may now be recognising that fact.
The Spicer presser yesterday would have had him squirming under the oval office desk.
Clearly there are big problems within the American system, but you only see the "blame" as laying with one side. Everything is so partisan that the traditional checks and balances are breaking down horribly, with a lack of independent figures prepared to step outside of party lines to fulfil their roles properly. When virtually everything is seen in the context of what it will do for prospects of re-election, then that is democracy gone wrong.
Obviously, though, it was absolutely fine for the head of the FBI to scupper Hillary Clinton just a few weeks before the presidential election. And as for voter suppression. That's not a problem at all.
Here's a strange notion: what if Trump has taken note of the warnings about Flynn given to him by the DoJ, confidentially and unleaked. weeks ago?
MI5 in the 70s was heaving with Cambridge educated gentlemen whose loyalty would have been to the Soviet Union, no way they would have plotted against a Labour leader.
Again, why were you not appalled by the wikileaks emails?
There have been scores of incidents over a long period of time.
One case might not be accurate.
Therefore all other cases can now be ignored.
Awkward facts are therefore removed from history.
Done job. All is well. Move along. Nothing to see here, citizen.
It's insane to pretend that somehow Trump's attempt at détente is scary in comparison. Just for a minute stop being tribal and look at facts vs whatyouwanttobetrue
They were in a very difficult position.
Conway is being monstered in really ugly ways, she's got a young family to look after.
The NYT reporter outed for calling the First Lady 'a hooker' is typical - nothing is too low nowadays. It's horrible to watch - the vile stuff about Barron who's only 10yr old is another
I don't know if Trump will be a good or bad President but the US political establishment will have a very uncomfortable 4 years and if Trump is anywhere near successful, it could be 8 years!
I just hope that some of the deep seated corruption is rooted out and removed and some of the pork barrel politics is exposed for what it is.
But if as a private citizen he conspired with a foreign power to win an election by hacking his opponent in exchange for lifting sanctions then very, very obviously that's not okay.
Can all the PB sharp minds who were predicting a Trumpency would subside into a run of the mill, unremarkable administration reveal when that's going to kick in?
Asking for a friend. In fact all my friends. And my family. And me.
It's a very dirty fight - becoming POTUS like Brexit, was just the start.
Still I would rather Banks spent his time on this than starting the English Democrats party or whatever.
There's a 20% chance she's playing poker and will come out with a brexit masterplan manifesto to put to the country in a GE this year.