The Flynn story (which is leading the news in some countries (though may have suffered from Trump-outrage fatigue in Britain) is interesting, not least as it appears that the FBI have deliberately briefed against Flynn (after tapping his call to the ambassador, which in Britain at least would I believe require a warrant - in the US too?). Perhaps having a feud with your own intelligence agency has its drawbacks.
Great rugby match today, the icing on the cake being making a healthy profit betting in play on England when they were 5-6 points down. They find a way to win and there's still quite a bit of value around on them when behind but within a score.
Great rugby match today, the icing on the cake being making a healthy profit betting in play on England when they were 5-6 points down. They find a way to win and there's still quite a bit of value around on them when behind but within a score.
Outstanding match. Always bet on Wales throwing it away. Their improvement being that the chucking was in the last 10, now it's the last 5 ....
Does anyone else follow Aftertime Ansell on twitter? Brilliant collection of tweets demonstrating expert betting advice & knowledge made when the event has finished
I think Leo's logic is a little flawed here. Comparing approval ratings when someone left their job is not the same as appraising the whole of their premirship. Thatcher was very unpopular when she left office but I'm sure many of those people (AT THE TIME) nonetheless believed she had been a good PM overall if you take into account the whole 11 years. Listening to the podcast I couldn't help sense there was a certain scorn from Keiran towards Labour voters who aren't grateful for the Blair-Brown governments. Betrayal can run both ways and whilst we're all alert to how people in Labour areas feel let down by their elites, the elites are also, I would suggested, rather annoyed at the voters who have betrayed them nd not acknowledged all Labour has done fo them.
A complete debunking of Carlotta's much trumpeted Telegraph fake news the other day. Independent Scotland would be fast-tracked into EU says top Brussels official Jacqueline Minor says Scotland would be "starting from a point different from other applicant countries" because it had already incorporated European laws.
I notice Andra Neil had his arse handed him on a plate this afternoon. Apparently he thinks Bosnia & Herzegovina are two countries.
To be fair at one point they were separate and the Turks (I think) combined them for administrative convenience. I think they are still pretty distinct with one being Catholic and one Muslim.
The present admistrative division is between Serbs and Croats/Muslims.
A complete debunking of Carlotta's much trumpeted Telegraph fake news the other day. Independent Scotland would be fast-tracked into EU says top Brussels official Jacqueline Minor says Scotland would be "starting from a point different from other applicant countries" because it had already incorporated European laws.
I notice Andra Neil had his arse handed him on a plate this afternoon. Apparently he thinks Bosnia & Herzegovina are two countries.
The unionists seem absolutely desperate for the EU to reject Scotland. In a crowded field it's possibly the nuttiest political position in the UK at the moment.
FWIW, I expect the EU to offer transition arrangements to Scotland if it votes for independence and to remain in the EU. Scotland would still have to apply for membership as a separate country, but it wouldn't have to create new arrangements only to go back to where it was when it was still part of the UK and the EU.
But - big but - this would be difficult to achieve without the cooperation of the remnant UK government: in agreeing an independence referendum before the UK leaves the EU and in obstructing the transition arrangements should the referendum carry. Theresa May would be playing with fire if she goes down that route.
"We shall let in true refugees”, Mr Orban told a cheering audience: “Germans, Dutch, French and Italians, terrified politicians and journalists who here in Hungary want to find the Europe they have lost in their homelands.”
Reading between the lines, Snell's a prize turkey and Labour are in real trouble.
I would face a really difficult choice if I lived in Stoke. Do I vote for a party led by a man who hangs out with serial killers and Holocaust deniers, or for a party led by a man who is (a) a candidate and (b) is a serial liar who doesn't even seem to know for sure where he lives?
As Jeremy Corbyn might also arguably fit part (b) of the latter criteria too I suppose it could be argued Nuttall is the lesser of two evils. However, the real value in this by-election would seem to be for turnout to be below 10%.That not being available, UKIP to poll between 30-40% (which would surely make it close) looks like value even at 5/4 with Ladbrokes.
On the ComRes poll, UKIP dropping below 20% looks value at 8/1, They normally poll high for the kippers. Nicks canvassing report is interesting. Paul Nuttall and 3 others is not much of a ground game, though he does seem to believe there is no such thing as bad publicity.
It is indeed bizarre positioning. Were you around yesterday when we were assured that border patrols would be required on the Tweed but not on the Foyle? Odd, you might think. Apparently not. The Leaver-'unionists' were instead proposing a hard internal border between NI and the rest of the UK.
Corbyn can't quit unless he can persuade the PLP to guarantee a leftie the nominations. They might agree to that with Rebecca, but it's by no means guaranteed she'd win the subsequent election. In any case I was told recently that it is nonsense about her being groomed.
A proper Comres poll at last! From Mark Senior's observations it sounds a bit suspect - as ever. Have not had time to delve into the details yet but have noticed the Scotland crossbreak which looks very odd. On the basis of past vote, it seems to be saying that in 2015 Scotland voted 19% Con. and 12% Lab. Those figures ignore Non Voters , but the actual figures were Con 14% Lab 24%. One can only hope that the rest of the sample is more meaningful than that crossbreak.
This is pre-Chilcot findings of course but post-financial crisis/Leveson/Tony Blair Associates.
SNP 56, TORY 22, LAB 10, LIB 7,UKIP4, GREEN 2
Put this together with Indy running at 49 per cent and surely Ms Sturgeon's finger is poised over the referendum button?
But - big but - this would be difficult to achieve without the cooperation of the remnant UK government: in agreeing an independence referendum before the UK leaves the EU and in obstructing the transition arrangements should the referendum carry. Theresa May would be playing with fire if she goes down that route.
"We shall let in true refugees”, Mr Orban told a cheering audience: “Germans, Dutch, French and Italians, terrified politicians and journalists who here in Hungary want to find the Europe they have lost in their homelands.”
Voice of Europe
Orban: Hungary Will Welcome 'European Refugees' Fleeing Multicultural West.
It is indeed bizarre positioning. Were you around yesterday when we were assured that border patrols would be required on the Tweed but not on the Foyle? Odd, you might think. Apparently not. The Leaver-'unionists' were instead proposing a hard internal border between NI and the rest of the UK.