Overnight there has been a bit of a betting flowey following reports that Corbyn has shared with Close colleagues his planned date to leave the LAB leadership. William Hill say thry’ve been forced to take evasive action by slashing their odds for Jeremy Corbyn to cease to be Labour leader during 2017, after a rush of bets for him saw the odds slashed from 2/1 (33% chance) to Even money (50%).
First (*following stewards' enquiry).
Just imagine in the debates of 2020, someone like Sir Keir, or Hillary Benn could destroy Theresa May.
The 2-1 seems very long ! - 50:50 at best for the Tories.
My head is spinning....
Q3 2017 is at 5.3, which covers the scheduled Labour Conference in September.
"An outspoken Saudi royal who hoped to bring “objective” journalism to the Arab world was forced to give up his television venture yesterday, when the channel failed to find a new home after it was shut down in Bahrain."
I am well covered on both but HH is a proven parliamentary performer, and Ashworth an effective organiser.
Off the top of my head, Romsey 2000 and Mitchin and Morden in 1982 are the two times the principal opposition have lost seats in by elections.
Are there more in recent times?
Ah, but what would be the membership's price?
If Labour wishes to redefine as an anti-Brexit party - and there has to be a chance of that happening via a leadership contest - we should bear in mind that Leave won in about 430 seats.
The ring-tailed lemur has total female dominance. The African hunting dog (which has the best kill rate of any predator) is unusual because the males stay and the females roam, contrary to the norm. Those (and the male seahorse giving birth) are the oddest gender things I know of animals (well, until you told me of female hyenas).
In any case, there's no leader so bad that you can't find someone worse. Admittedly, it's a tough challenge to find someone worse than Corbyn, but the fact that Rebecca Long-Bailey is being mooted suggests that it's a challenge which Labour intends to take on.
Somebody got through...
@SkyNewsBreak: Surrey County Council leader has insisted the decision to scrap 15% council tax rise "was ours alone & there has been no deal" with the Govt
Or something like that.
I found some doozies about her.
She said she wouldn't be surprised if MI5 were behind plots to topple Corbyn and she also said if she became Chancellor 'God help the world if that happened'
Mr D, thanks.
As for Long-Bailey, looks like Corbyn in a dress to me. The interviews I've seen of her make her look badly out of her depth. She's only been an MP for 18 months I think - very unfair to force her into such a complicated role rather than getting good experience as an MP first. They could do a lot worse than Harriet Harman though.
Who cares? Corbyn and Labour are utterly irrelevant.
Jezza is overwhelmingly popular with his members and has won two landslide leadership elections "back to back".
He's going nowhere. Why should he?
OT. A review on "Moorside" the extraordinary story of the disappearance of Shannon Matthews. About a community geographically not far from any of us but with as much in common as the man in the moon.
(First episode on I player second episode next week)
If @AndyJS is around, could his arm be twisted to look at this (on a quick and dirty basis)?
Here's what Robert Peston has found out:
Hodge said he “swears on the bible there was no sweetheart deal”.
But he concedes the texts he sent were supposed to go to Nick King, the special adviser to Sajid Javid.
Instead they went - by mistake - to a Labour councillor, Hodge told me. He is furious because he feels that the honour code of members of the Local Government Association, that they don’t leak against each other, has been breached by the leaker ...
Hodge told me he remains deeply concerned by what he described as the “crisis in social care” - which he says is a huge contributor to the shortage of beds in hospitals, with old people unable to leave hospitals because the money isn’t available to care for them outside.
He says that the reason he called off the referendum is that he is persuaded the government is working on proposals that may put social care on a more sustainable footing.
I think there is only one Labour councillor on SCC so it shouldn't be too difficult to work out who it is. Quite frankly Hodge should resign over this, utter incompetence.
I can access my texts on non mobile phones too.
Totally unbizarre.
Nowadays they should be setting up dedicated whatsapp groups.
Hostage to fortune...
Meyers ==> May
pined ==> pained
EDIT: also ratings ==> rating
But yes, you're right, everything is rosy in GU21.
The pair created sitcoms including Hancock's Half Hour and Steptoe and Son.
flowey ==> flurry
Close ==> close
Even ==> even
JC's ==> JC
he planned exit data ==> his planned exit date
Diane Abbott is ruining my social life.
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/08/brexit-debate-vote-live-theresa-may-pmqs/