politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » The Greens have the best YouGov party favourability ratings – Paul Nuttall’s UKIP the worst
As I indicated in last post I’m knocked out with after effects of a nasty cold and am feeling very sorry for my myself so won’t be doing much analysis.
Read the full story here
Greens I assume is driven substantially by indifference.
Their favourability rating may well be lower in Scotland than in other parts.
He signed an executive order to review the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulations, which some people on Wall Street say are overly-restrictive.
Edit: he doesn't like Basel various either. Again, they're flawed and Basel IV has the risk of driving tradition banks out of the debt business but I don't believe that rigour is where he's coming from. It's evil foreigners stuff at its basest.
(apart from Paul Nuttall)
Wikipedia gives the LibDem national equivalent vote at local elections in non general election years prior to 2010 as:
2009 28%
2008 25%
2007 26%
2006 25%
2004 27%
2003 27%
2002 27%
2000 26%
1999 24%
1998 25%
1996 23%
1995 23%
1994 27%
1993 25%
With Labour disintegrating, UKIP having achieved its purpose and the Remain voters to be a champion of the LibDems should be aiming to get a national equivalent share of at least 25%.
does that mean youll stop saying we havent left yet ?
Angela Merkel looked very down and worried.
Angela describes her ample chest while getting rogered by the bloke behind
Tezza tries to figure out if all EU summits are like this
bald bloke wonders if hes up next
Earlier in the week I asked my Twitter followers what we should ask the voters who helped send Donald Trump to the White House. Many of the answers were along the lines of, “do you regret it yet?” Judging from my focus groups in Macomb County, Michigan – which backed Obama in 2012 but last year swung behind the Republican, helping him to win the state by just 0.3 per cent – the answer is a resounding “no”.....
......The fact that the president had persisted in the face of protests was “good, because it shows he’s not worried about public opinion.” Some were puzzled by the response: “it’s happened before in 2011, and nobody seemed to notice when Obama did it.”
The Guardian reporting just now that the Labour leadership are in talks with the Greens and Lib Dems to dial down their campaigns to keep UKIP out
They must be seriously worried
Beats Thatcher any day.
And that's before whatever black swans are caused by Trump/Russia/Fundies/NeoNazis.
Hope you soon feel better.
Thank you, feel free to use time and time again
This doesn't mean - of course - that another Greek crisis is out of the question. But it does mean that fixating on the prices of very short dated bonds with limited liquidity may be not be telling you much. Put in context, a bond that matures with value 100 in May, that moves from 99 to 98, has effectively seen its yield go from 4% to 8% (on an annual basis).
But the reason they top the polls is because its an insanely fragmented political landscape in the Netherlands. There are two parties (the CDA and the VVD) that occupy the space taken by Cameron's Conservatives. There are two parties - in parliament - that occupy the space that is taken by the Green Party (the Ecology Party and the The Party of the Animals).
The PVV will get approximately 30 seats at the General Election, which is c. 20% of the vote. But who will they ally with?
street cred
Anyway, it's not about the past, it's about the future. It's Leavers who dream of some Once Upon A Time.
"The former Lib Dem MP Andrew George admitted that Stoke posed a difficult question, but said it was important to remember that his party came fourth in the seat in the last election.
"If there really was a chance of us pulling off a remarkable result then we should give it our all,” he said. “However, we should also be careful that, in our enthusiasm, we don’t unintentionally help elect a thinly disguised fascist to parliament."
Election went ahead as planned