With just nine days to go till his inauguration Donald Trump has held a major press conference dealing with how his business interests will operate while he’s in the White House, the Mexican wall and who’ll pay for it, and, of course. the revelations in the past 24 hours about his alleged relationship with Russia and what is said to have gone on in that hotel room.
WRONNNNNNNNGFAKE NEWWWWS .http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08bb6rg
he did bugger all
It’s going to be as entertaining as hell, - the press barons will not know what hit them.
In the meantime he can continue to market his steaks (note the product placement at today's launch) , get foreign dignitaries to overpay for rooms at his hotels and help out his buddy Putin.
I would hazard a guess that if Obama had four more years of governing ahead of him at this point, all else unchanged, his approval ratings would not be 55%
Sounds a bit Alf Garnett-ish to me
It is also the ISDS court which makes the ECJ look the epitome of democratic justice.
In any trade agreement with the US, the US interests will completely dominate because of our relative sizes and US practices. It would make a total mockery of "Take Back Control".
You might not like it... But there's been a ton of stuff done.
Obamacare probably the biggest piece of legislation for a generation.
Enormous stimulus package.
Wall Street reform, ended Iraq war, killed bin Laden, saved GM, repealed don't ask don't tell, transformed student loans, Iran nuclear deal, appointed two supreme court judges, reopened relations with Cuba...
If your first principle is to take a view on someone, and then see EVERYTHING though that prism it doesn't make for objective analysis, and can lead to embarrassing errors.
Not so much FDR as GFR
It was me: Sworn Trump enemy John McCain admits HE handed smear dossier to FBI - as details surface of document's bizarre journey from British former spy and diplomat
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4108960/How-Trump-s-nemesis-John-McCain-kicked-Kremlin-memo-scandal-handing-dossier-FBI-sending-emissary-abroad-collect-it.html#ixzz4VTo9mmee
Trump doesn't even have a political party supporting him and I don't see Trump storm troops on the streets.
That x-axis is both messed up in the centre and has a wildly exaggerated scale. The index went down 8 points, 0.3%, hardly a crash.
Ignore the facts that economic crises are part of the human condition, a bit like death, and you will be proved right.
It's just a shame about the other 200,000 predictions you got wrong.
One has to wonder if all these tapes exist why they didn't leak during the campaign, especially after the damage grab them by the pussy did. I have to say when we got that tape I was expecting an avalanche of them.
we all know invoking A50 will start WW3 before Trump even gets settled in
There, I've just saved us a bunch of money we can spend on the NHS.
Even the story as published today could have taken up a couple of days of the campaign. In the era before anyone started talking about fake news, it might have swung a few votes.
Where's your defence NOW Germany
It's like a bad TV show that's forever on repeat.
oh wait
I think Trump is right on this one.
Tony Blair says so