politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Team Corbyn makes a generous New Year gift to Tim Farron given that 68% of current LAB voters think it is wrong to leave
Corbyn's new year gift to Tim Farron given that 68% of current LAB voters think BREXIT wrong (YouGov)https://t.co/j6UEazIaBp
Read the full story here
This is either a brilliant move from Corbyn or the greatest strategic blunder since the Empire of Japan decided to attack the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour to keep the Americans out of WWII
He was OUT before anyone lol....
Gross misconduct, at least maybe they're waking up to that now.
Tim will be joining them, as Jezza has called this right.
Not something we hear every day..........
Will he have anyone left in his labour
Labour moving to a policy of Red Brexit is a real threat to dithering May. Sure, the Labour Remainers will be annoyed, but post A 50 the debate will move on.
Is there anyone in the Lib Dems who isn't white?
How to double down
""'We do not publish this book as a municipality, we buy it from a bookshop and give it as a gift to the marriage.
'The contents of the book are open to interpretation. The verse consists of works based on hadith [reports from the Islamic prophet Muhammad] and scientific research.'
"scientific research" lol
Firstly, his new position will both (a) not be believed by most Brexit voters, notably the Red Ukip types he is probably hoping to recover with this strategy, and (b) severely annoy his Europhile and No Borders elements.
Secondly, those who have spent recent months waffling about the "progressive alliance" can kiss that goodbye. The Greens, the SNP and Lib Dems are all mad-keen on the EU and most of them are strongly wedded to free movement, and to the single market (which Britain hasn't a prayer of remaining within unless it swallows all of the four freedoms whole.)
Thirdly, the pro-Brexit voters that Corbyn now appears to be chasing tend to be older, more rural and more conservative. These are the categories of voters most likely to approve strongly of Theresa May, and amongst whom the Labour Party as a whole and Jeremy Corbyn in particular are deeply, deeply unpopular.
This latest move is madness. It's a recipe for shipping voters to the Lib Dems (and Greens) much faster than they can possibly be recovered from Ukip.
May's direction of travel has been strongly signposted for some time. The strong implication of single market withdrawal included in the interview yesterday had, essentially, already been priced in by the markets.
The majority of Labour constituences voted Leave.
It is reasonable to think that many poorer inner-city ones voted Remain purely because they thought we'd turn into some UKIP led, 1930s style fascist state with mass deportations etc and they would be singled out on racial, religious or nationality grounds.
If we don't, which we won't, then the Labour Remain vote reconciles itself to Labour Leave and they are just left with the insipid Cameron/Clegg/Blair tendency clinging to the euro gravy train.
Sounds like a vote winner to me - he can take back UKippers and actually stand as a leftwing candidate supporting traditional leftwing principles, not economic liberal principles some here seem to think count as leftwing."
Corbyn could have lost Hampstead and Cambridge but secured West Bromwich and Hartlepool and there are rather more of the latter than the former
Even Hartlepool has a lot of Labour Remainers.
2. Jeremy Corbyn's history is hardly going to help him in a General Election campaign.
Bennites were against the EU when Thatcherites were wetting their knickers over the Single Market.
Seats where Labour can't afford to lose 10-15% of their voters to the LD will be well within reach for Tories now...
Anyone interested in a secondary/proxy bet on this? ^
Bet settled amicably 4/1
Welched/lawyers involved 1/4
Max £10
"This was brought home to me very starkly one day. I was conducting focus groups of Conservative voters. I talked with them about immigration for 20 minutes (all focus groups now start with immigration and tend to revert to it within two minutes unless you stop them). We then moved onto the economy. After two minutes of listening I was puzzled and said – who did you vote for? Labour they all said. An admin error by the company meant that I had been talking to core Labour voters, not core Tory voters. On the subject of immigration, these working class / lower middle class people were practically indistinguishable from all the Tories and UKIP people I had been talking to."
He wants full access to the single market and controls over free movement.
Quite a crowded party. Who invited Corbyn?
Paul Martin, UK head of retail at KPMG, who help to produce the report, suggested that consumers had "splashed out on treating themselves" ahead of predicted price rises next year.
Hold on...only a few weeks ago the BBC ran a piece saying because of Brexit / currency rates Christmas was much more expensive and that would be dire..now apparently we have been splashing out resulting in bumper Christmas.
Have to say in my experience the shops have been nuts even post Christmas, if anything busier than leading up to them.
In terms of judging, I'd suggest the UK no longer appearing in this page: https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries/member-countries_en
In other words, the EU itself no longer understands the UK to be a member.
I think I'd rather be on Sean's side of the bet, stakes are well out of my league though
Though negotiations often get drawn out, extended etc - so Glenn has a fair chance to win.
SeanT 1-2, Glenn 2-1 maybe.
The last time I went, my other half believed she had a small splinter in her eye. We were seen within 10 minutes for triage and 2 hrs for the eye Doctor - which was quite good I think.
111 itself advised us to go there, I'm not sure she could be classified as 'seriously ill' on any count though ?
I guess in years gone by a GP could have done it 'out of hours', but those are no longer a thing..
And what a good thing it is too. A disagreement about a NORMAL political fuck up would trigger Assembly elections. Glad to see it tbh.
* Option 1) That by 23:59 Dec 31st 2019 there is no UK member on the European Council with voting rights
* or Option 2) That by 23:59 Dec 31st 2019 there are no UK MEPs in the European Parliament with voting rights
* or Option 3) That by 23:59 Dec 31st 2019 there are no UK Commissioners in the European Commission with a portfolio
These definitions allow for the possibility of UK members remaining as observers