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Manchester City footballer Yaya Toure has been charged with drink driving, police have confirmed.
Where's my cake...
1) I'm not a devout Muslim
2) I don't drink
Detoxifying the Tories.
The debates gave Clegg a huge degree of media coverage, he performed well, and he was an alternative alternative to Brown. Previously that mantle had rested comfortably on Cameron's shoulders. The debates were a clear strategic mistake by Cameron, and good for both Brown and Clegg.
I agree May is not especially impressive, but if she faces Corbyn at the election she may still do very well.
On-topic: UKIP's got a lot of serious short term problems, but if Nuttall can overcome them the party's strategic position is great. Like being a millionaire in a building that's on fire.
Somebody needs to shout "Fatcha!!!!!" more often.
Having seen May at QT, I think she will flop. Most likely she will try to dodge them, but I would expect her to be empty chaired if she does. She can run but cannot hide.
The debates being abandoned would be a damned good thing, that said.
No swing against - no problem.
(You can always canvass for an "Independent" who'll follow the Conservative party line in almost all matters, give that candidate your local electoral data, even send MPs to campaign for him/her, but if he or she loses or gets a swing against, it won't matter - "He wasn't ours in the first place"
This tactic might not be of much use in a General Election, to be fair.
1. Politicians generally unpopular - but Tories much the least unpopular.
2. Lib Dems not doing substantially better than Corbynite Labour on this measure.
3. SNP and Ukip are both niche products, which are widely abhorred outside of their supporter bases (the difference, of course, being that support for one is well-concentrated geographically, support for the other is mostly diffuse.)
As a result his parole was cancelled and he was ordered to serve the remainder of his sentence for peddling heroin.
The time that he looks to have enjoyed most this year was campaigning in the leadership contest. He loves debating so is in his element. He is not a good listener, but then neither is May. She has no people skills.
Play nicely people, and thanks for not mentioning Sunderland. Foxestalk is in meltdown ;-)
It's a novel about the terrible events that occur when the rightful government of a nation is challenged by internal dissent and foreign interference, with an emphasis on the loyalty and honour of the true ruler's family and officials.
The media is there to report on the course political events take, not to try and determine that course.
Tomorrow I Just need Liverpool to win 9 - 8 with Mane, Firmino, and Lallana all scoring hat tricks, and Lovren scoring eight own goals before he's sent off.
What do you mean by that?
This is hilarious . Double standards from the lib dems
You feel remainer mp's in areas that voted leave should resign then?
At the ToR May faces a very similar situation. She's the only party leader who fits Britain's psychological template of what a PM should look like. It suits her to go head to head with Corbyn or have the Munchkins all on show. But 3 all party debates like 2010 ? Ain't gonna happen.
I mean it's the Express but WTF?
"According to Dutch media advisors from the anti-discrimination bureau MiND said that, while homophobic abuse was usually a crime, it was justifiable if you were Muslim due to laws on freedom of religious expression.
They argued that the Koran says it is acceptable to kill people for being homosexual, and so death threats towards gay people from Muslims could not be discriminatory.
In a jaw-dropping email explaining why they could not take up the complaint, they wrote: “The remarks must be seen in the context of religious beliefs in Islam, which juridically takes away the insulting character." "
However it does seem that AFTER people complained they said
A spokesman for the MiND hotline admitted that after “further research” of the issue it had concluded that the complaint had been “unjustly assessed”.
You think????????
Compensatory coverage... Hmm... Yes I guess thats fair. What did they do last time with Cameron a no show?
Will the Lib Dems keep " Major Party " status from OFCOM in 2020 ? They'll rely on contemporary polling and local authority gains, Richmond Park etc. The 8% and 8 seats in 2015 may not be enough in it's self. Brexit may have saved them.