Tadley South (Con defence) on Basingstoke and Deane Result of council at last election (2015): Conservatives 32, Labour 17, Liberal Democrats 7, Independents 4 (Conservative majority of 4) Result of ward at last election (2015): Conservative 1,787 (61%), Liberal Democrat 674 (23%), Labour 454 (16%) EU Referendum Result: REMAIN 48,257 (48%) LEAVE 52,071 (52%) on a turnout of 78% Candidates duly nominated: Claire Ballard (Lab), Kerri Carruthers (Con), Phil Heath (UKIP), Jo Slimin (Lib Dem)
BBC4's vintage Top of the Pops run starting in 1976 five years ago has reached 9th September 1982:
Could actually be encouraging if true. *IF* there is willingness to find an acceptable compromise (e.g. preferential market access and freedom to negotiate trade deals with third parties, in exchange for chunky financial contributions) then it could allow Britain to leave quickly, provide certainty for us, and allow the EU27 to concentrate on their other problems. A final deal could then be worked out over the course of a few years.
However, of course, the devil is in the detail...
Head of the European Parliament Martin Schulz quits ‘so he can challenge Angela Merkel in next year’s German elections
Also thanks to the PBer who said about the Cat S60 the other day.
Just bought one, love it.
* well as significant as parish council results get
(Although that much said, if the EU itself fails to survive all of the other challenges it has to deal with then the point becomes moot...)
US election recount: Jill Stein raises funds to examine Wisconsin result
Isis terror cell 'planned to attack Disneyland Paris and Champs Elysees Christmas market on 1 December'
They also planned to target France's counter-intelligence services hub, the police crime-investigation headquarters and the nearby high court building, a source close to the inquiry told Reuters.
That £350 million is going to have to appear, or it will be the #Edstone of the next GE.
Edit: A total of 418 people have been arrested in France for suspected links to terror networks since the start of the year, including 43 people this month alone.
Why? Saville?
"The £3,000 allegedly came from a bank account set up by another man who had previously left the UK to fight with the self-styled Islamic State group (IS) in Syria. Most of it was from benefits payments, the court heard."
The welfare state - funding terrorism.
I know a ball boy who was sexually abused in the 80's (who has not disclosed)..and if I know one, I think there will be others.
FWIW...your language using the words "kiddy fiddling" and "scandal"....is pretty damn horrible to describe these types of terrible crimes. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself....
My general point was that the guy who is the centre of focus is not a new name. He has been convicted three times. It unlike Savile isn't a new out of the blue shock story. I am just scratching my head why it has blow up now.
One might also wonder how he managed to continue to get jobs in the industry even up until fairly recently. Haven't all those safeguarding checks you have to do been in place for a quite a while now.
a) approx six missile nuclear submarines[1], or
b) approx eighty state-of-the-art NHS hospitals[2]
It is most certainly not a pinprick
[1] https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/successor-submarine-programme-factsheet/successor-submarine-programme-factsheet
[2] https://fullfact.org/europe/did-eu-misspend-enough-money-build-10-new-hospitals/
Former health secretary ‘disappointed’ the autumn statement failed to provide more money to services struggling to cope
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth-class_aircraft_carrier
I personally think the lack of protection we gave to children from 1970-2000 was terrible and there are many tens of thousands who were terribly abused as a result. This is just one of the many vehicles..scouts, church, schools, children's homes...and now football that gave abusers easy access to children during these times
I think it has become news because one of the victims has gone public.
He said the Better Care Fund, which brought together money from the NHS and social care, amounted to “robbing Peter to pay Paul”.
[4] The RAF has about 900 aircraft. I'm assuming an average of £30 million per aircraft, bt that doesn't include spairs nor maintenance. So the RAF replacement cost is about 27 billion, tho' some of those aircraft would be second hand.
The one led by the (soft) Remain Prime Minister
Or the one led by the (soft) Leave LotO?
Top GearThe Grand Tour cracking night of entertainment.Ezekiel Elliott signed a four year contract with the Cowboys worth $25.956 million. Elliott received a $16.35 million signing bonus. The entire contract is guaranteed.
The aforesaid Mr Lansley designed a system that gave all the money toConflict of Interest Commisioners that was ultimately bound to bankrupt the Acute Sector.
Mr Hunt made matters worse by fining hospitals that dont dischrge to non existent places and he also stole £bns of NHS monies to give to LAs without any requirements to spend on Health or Social Care.
Leaders of LA openly call the Better Care Fund the"pot hole fund."
Hospitals are completely screwed as Circle said when quitting their Hospital Contrac
' The outlook for wages is "dreadful" with the squeeze on pay lasting for more than 10 years, independent economists have said.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said workers would earn less in real wages in 2021 than they did in 2008.
Other analysis shows the biggest losers between now and 2020 will be lower income families, with the poorest third likely to see incomes drop. '
' Former chancellor George Osborne made more than £320,000 over 31 days for giving speeches, records show.
Mr Osborne declared payments for six speeches between 27 September and 27 October, including to a US bank and a university.
The Tatton MP was sacked by Theresa May when she became prime minister. He is now a backbencher.
His largest fee was £81,174 from JP Morgan for a speech on 4 October, the register of MPs' interests shows.
A total of seven hours' work was listed for this and another speech for which he was paid £60,578 from JP Morgan.
Mr Osborne signed up to the Washington Speakers' Bureau, from where he is due to be paid £80,240 from a company called Palmex Derivatives for a speech in New York he gave on 27 October - which he recorded as a total of two hours' work.
He also expects to be paid £69,992 by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association in return for speaking on 27 September and 18 October, and £28,454 from the Hoover Institution at Stanford University for a speech on 17 October, listed as three hours' work. '
Spain would reject any attempt by Nicola Sturgeon for Scotland to stay in the EU single market if the rest of the UK comes out, one of the country’s most powerful MEPs warned last night.
Esteban Gonzalez Pons, who leads the Spanish delegation of MEPs in the European Parliament’s largest political grouping, told the Telegraph that Ms Sturgeon’s proposals for a special Scottish deal are “impossible.”
Of course you are right about the two-year timeframe. Certainly there is zero chance of all the detail being sorted out in anything like two years. But that is a cliff-edge almost as much for our EU friends as it is for us.
Con 215
UKIP 145
Lab 57
There seems to be unlimited amounts of money for certain organisations to pi55 up the wall and I wonder how much of that they earned themselves.
Still if these certain organisations get into financial difficulties themselves I dare say they'll be looked on in favourable terms by governments.
BTW as a prominent Osborne fan I wonder if you might have access to these speeches.
It would be interesting to compare their quality to that which we can read for free on PB each day.
The surface of Mars is about 150million square kilometers, that's 150 trillion square metres, and we need to fill it about 100km deep, that's 100,000 metres deep, so that's 15,000,000 trillion cubic metres of air to Mars . At a billion dollars per cubic metre.
Shit, I'll have to switch to exponential here.
15*10^18 cubic metres at 1*10^9 dollars per cubic metre, gives us
15*10^27dollars to make Mars air breathable, or
(deep breath)
15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars.
Fuck it, let's build a Death Star...
That's the same JP Morgan who paid Blair millions after he left office.