politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Who should we include in the next PB/YouGov Favourability ratings?
In August PB was able to have its own YouGov favourability ratings. I am pleased to say that we are now in a position to go forward with a similar survey.
Warren ? Donald Trump Vladimir Putin Angela Merkel Conservative Party Labour Party Liberal Democrats UKIP SNP Theresa May Boris Johnson David Davis Phillip Hammond Jeremy Corbyn Tim Farron Obsorne MPs generally Your MP
Watched the first episode of "The Grand Tour" last night. I thought "The American" sucked, wasn't too impressed with the new track, and some of the humor was a bit forced.
But I think Amazon is on to a real winner once the show finds its feet, which won't take long.
I was quite surprised in the closing credits to see how many names I recognized from Top Gear credits.
In conclusion - great show which will only get better.
I thought it might be interesting to see a comparison using the same sample and with the same weighting methodology rather than try and translate from one to the other.
I thought it might be interesting to see a comparison using the same sample and with the same weighting methodology rather than try and translate from one to the other.
I think it'll be "no" by a comfortable margin. Interestingly, a lot of my Italian Facebook friends are voting "no" because they are worried about what a Five Star government without mean if Italy were to become unicameral.
Chorizo, Rosemary and Potato pizza in the fridge for this evening. Given I'm moping around with a stinking cold I've been looking forward to it all day.
I think it'll be "no" by a comfortable margin. Interestingly, a lot of my Italian Facebook friends are voting "no" because they are worried about what a Five Star government without mean if Italy were to become unicameral.
I wonder what comes after a "No" vote? Even if Renzi decides to try to tough it out, might there be more instability and another Eurozone eruption?
One of the funnier things about the US Presidential election was the "Chulhu for President" meme. Campaign slogan, "Why settle for the lesser evil?"
I reckoned that we were probably going to survive the Trump presidency the morning after the election, when Cthulhu failed to emerge from the abyssal depths to spread fire, rage and insanity. That is, there probably will be plenty of fire, rage and insanity anyway, but not quite on an apocalyptic scale.
We're not going to "sever all ties with Europe! What are we going to do, sail away to Diamantina?
That's what people voted for. The government has to deliver it sooner than immediately.
What rubbish. Our "foreign policy" ties with EU member states include our defence treaty with France, NATO, Le Touquet, and so many others. Nobody voted to end those.
As some day it may happen that a victim must be found, I've got a little list — I've got a little list, Of society offenders who might well be underground...
Include Putin and Merkel again please. Would really like to see what the u.k public think about these two. and Le Pen aswell, would be nice to seee how many Brits know who she is.
According to wikipedia Farron claims to have joined the LibDems at age 16, so that would be 1986.
So, when was Cathy screened in around 1985 or 86 such that he was fired up to join Shelter and then LibDems?
He says it was on TV and therefore not a repeat shown at school as Mr Jessop mentions.
FPT: I wouldn't be so sure... 'on TV' could be a TV pulled into the classroom. That's different from 'Live TV'.
That makes me wonder: I would have seen them in the 1979 to 1982 timeframe - i.e. before VHS (I think). What would they have played them off?
I think VHS hit Britain in 1978 or 79, although expensive at first, but by 1982 there would be plenty around iirc.
Betamax pre-dated VHS slightly, but VHS won out
Not everywhere. My old man swore by Betamax and used to bring blank tapes back with him from Indonesia, where it was still the leading format long after they stopped selling them here.
Can they not do comedy fruit and veg polls like they do in Spain?
oh for goodness sakes. Renzi will lose easily, f8 the polls, if the politicians would get out of their ivory towers long enough they would know he has zero chance of winning this.
I think it'll be "no" by a comfortable margin. Interestingly, a lot of my Italian Facebook friends are voting "no" because they are worried about what a Five Star government without mean if Italy were to become unicameral.
I wonder what comes after a "No" vote? Even if Renzi decides to try to tough it out, might there be more instability and another Eurozone eruption?
One of the funnier things about the US Presidential election was the "Chulhu for President" meme. Campaign slogan, "Why settle for the lesser evil?"
I reckoned that we were probably going to survive the Trump presidency the morning after the election, when Cthulhu failed to emerge from the abyssal depths to spread fire, rage and insanity. That is, there probably will be plenty of fire, rage and insanity anyway, but not quite on an apocalyptic scale.
If the referendum is lost, Renzi will resign and another politician from the DP will become PM, in all likelihood.
According to wikipedia Farron claims to have joined the LibDems at age 16, so that would be 1986.
So, when was Cathy screened in around 1985 or 86 such that he was fired up to join Shelter and then LibDems?
He says it was on TV and therefore not a repeat shown at school as Mr Jessop mentions.
FPT: I wouldn't be so sure... 'on TV' could be a TV pulled into the classroom. That's different from 'Live TV'.
That makes me wonder: I would have seen them in the 1979 to 1982 timeframe - i.e. before VHS (I think). What would they have played them off?
I think VHS hit Britain in 1978 or 79, although expensive at first, but by 1982 there would be plenty around iirc.
Betamax pre-dated VHS slightly, but VHS won out
Not everywhere. My old man swore by Betamax and used to bring blank tapes back with him from Indonesia, where it was still the leading format long after they stopped selling them here.
Betamax was the superior format in terms of video and sound quality, but VHS was cheaper and had a longer playing time per cassette.
Sanders wins the NH write-ins, with 4,493 votes (0.6%) Transgender bathroom Gov. guy loses eventhough Trump won easily, should be a warning shot about putting someone who is too socially conservative on the supreme court.
Big day in North Carolina—Gov. Elect Cooper’s lead jumped to 6,026. I expect this to continue to grow as the canvass continues. 0 replies . 69 retweets 119 likes
Advent is a fast, Christmas is a feast. So not until 25 December I'm afraid!
1st weekend after 6th... TBH i'm not massively fussed when other people start to "feel Christmassy". Do slightly hate The Dome in Edinburgh putting their lights up in October though.
Advent is a fast, Christmas is a feast. So not until 25 December I'm afraid!
1st weekend after 6th... TBH i'm not massively fussed when other people start to "feel Christmassy". Do slightly hate The Dome in Edinburgh putting their lights up in October though.
In the days when Sears Roebuck had catalogs, we would get the 'Sears Christmas Wish Book' in the mail in late August or early September.
Early chatter of a GOP rebellion over the Sessions appointment. Hopefully Trump and his team reconsider, it would be an absolutely terrible idea. Conservative I understand, openly racist against blacks, I don't.
According to wikipedia Farron claims to have joined the LibDems at age 16, so that would be 1986.
So, when was Cathy screened in around 1985 or 86 such that he was fired up to join Shelter and then LibDems?
He says it was on TV and therefore not a repeat shown at school as Mr Jessop mentions.
Nigel Farage
Marianne Le Pen (sp)
I'm thinking of "Senior judges".
CON: 42% (+1)
LAB: 28% (+1)
UKIP: 11% (-)
LDEM: 9% (-2)
GRN: 4% (-)
(via YouGov / 14 - 15 Nov)
Marion Le Pen (Marion Maréchal-Le Pen) is her niece, and more right wing
Spelling counts!
Donald Trump
Vladimir Putin
Angela Merkel
Conservative Party
Labour Party
Liberal Democrats
Theresa May
Boris Johnson
David Davis
Phillip Hammond
Jeremy Corbyn
Tim Farron
MPs generally
Your MP
Internet blogs - best source of news
Edited - question maybe less leading
I wouldn't be so sure... 'on TV' could be a TV pulled into the classroom. That's different from 'Live TV'.
That makes me wonder: I would have seen them in the 1979 to 1982 timeframe - i.e. before VHS (I think). What would they have played them off?
I think the ratings for Merkel vs Trump will help us gauge what the British people want from our trading relationship.
By 46% to 43% those polled by YouGov say it was right to vote to leave the EU
But I think Amazon is on to a real winner once the show finds its feet, which won't take long.
I was quite surprised in the closing credits to see how many names I recognized from Top Gear credits.
In conclusion - great show which will only get better.
Nicola S
Elmo from Sesame Street
But madder.
Nigel Farage
The grass gets longer every day...
The Nats have the same problem, forever equating the SNP with Scotland.
I've got a little list — I've got a little list,
Of society offenders who might well be underground...
and Le Pen aswell, would be nice to seee how many Brits know who she is.
Is "has been" a step up or down from "nobody"?
Sanders wins the NH write-ins, with 4,493 votes (0.6%)
Transgender bathroom Gov. guy loses eventhough Trump won easily, should be a warning shot about putting someone who is too socially conservative on the supreme court.
Marc E. Elias @marceelias 3h3 hours ago
Big day in North Carolina—Gov. Elect Cooper’s lead jumped to 6,026. I expect this to continue to grow as the canvass continues.
0 replies . 69 retweets 119 likes
TBH i'm not massively fussed when other people start to "feel Christmassy". Do slightly hate The Dome in Edinburgh putting their lights up in October though.
and retire to a safe distance...