I was curious to trace the famous pithy mini homily "When One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He marks, not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."
It is attributed to the US sports writer Grantland Rice. Funny: I thought it smacked of Public School hypocrisy. But, as he was an American we can let ourselves pull every trick we can to get our way.
It's hard sometimes, as a political wonk, to realise that even though Corbyn comes across as so very lacking in leadership quality (when away from the leadership hustings) that even though with much reason for misgivings, it seems like May is the only choice in a head to head, millions upon millions will vote for a party Corbyn leads. It's such a shock that I bounce back and consider, could he in fact actually do quite well? I find it hard to credit such a situation, but the Tories are not without problems, so maybe? But how, when you see this sort of thing from him?
That's why it seems worth while trying to see politics the way Mr Corbyn is seeing politics.
I see she's spinning some misleading bullcrap - warning judges to accept the people have spoken. Her own government accepted it was a legitimate point for the court to rule on whether the government had the power to trigger A50 or not. She thinks they got the ruling wrong, but it was made very clear the moral and policy question of implementing the referendum was not a consideration.
Indeed, the article says May accepts that, and yet that is way down the article, and it opens with warning europhile 'politicians and judges', explicitly linking the judge's to wanting to prevent Brexit.
So yes, No. 10, it may have been nonsense to suggest the government questioned the independence of the judiciary. Except the Telegraph reporting of May's comments has just now indicated she is questioning it, by warning them to accept that the people have spoken, implying their ruling did not accept that.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
You mean like the leavers did after the 1975 referendum?
Remember a few days before the 2016 referendum Farage said he wouldn't stop fighting for Leave if Remain won 52-48
No-one is expected to give up on their beliefs after losing, they are however expected to respect the result. In this case, that means Remainers should accept us leaving the EU, but of course they are entitled to campaign for another referendum on taking us back in.
As far as I know 1975 'Leavers' did not behave in the manner of certain elements among today's Remainers, correct me if I'm wrong.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
I'm reasonably positive about Labour's chances because they have large numbers of very enthusiastic troops and a still-effective party machine, and there is some mileage in JC's quiet-man persona. And although the Mail and Sun will tear him to shreds, I don't think the other parties will get a smooth ride either.
Very enthusiastic troops on social media =/= Very enthusiastic troops on the ground
No, they do have troops on the ground too, in the conurbations at least. Here in Birmingham for example they won't have any shortage of door-knockers. To use a US analogy, they have a red wall of about 150 seats. They will lose a few seats in their small-town bastions like West Yorkshire and Lancashire, though much more likely to the Tories than to Ukip.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
You mean like the leavers did after the 1975 referendum?
Remember a few days before the 2016 referendum Farage said he wouldn't stop fighting for Leave if Remain won 52-48
No-one is expected to give up on their beliefs after losing, they are however expected to respect the result. In this case, that means Remainers should accept us leaving the EU, but of course they are entitled to campaign for another referendum on taking us back in.
As far as I know 1975 'Leavers' did not behave in the manner of certain elements among today's Remainers, correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll give you a history lesson on it either tomorrow night or on Monday
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
The death of that poor lady had nothing to do with thr leave campaign. And I know you will use the weasel words thats not what i said. But that is what you imply.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
You mean like the leavers did after the 1975 referendum?
Remember a few days before the 2016 referendum Farage said he wouldn't stop fighting for Leave if Remain won 52-48
Perhaps we should leave the EU and then anyone who wants to can then campaign to rejoin.
Monksfield said: "We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state."
Yes. I would have added the word willy-nilly to that.
The rage is something else, however, and, characteristically, out of all proportion to the offence that has itself been imagined. So this has been a depressing, if also uncomfortably revealing, 24 hours. A reminder too of how easily so many of the things the ‘Leave’ campaign said it was campaigning for can be surrendered at the first hint of inconvenience. If too many ‘Leavers’ are looking like playground bullies this morning there may, I suppose, be a reason for that.
Very well. If it really is the judges versus the people and parliament versus the government then we have a choice to make and it will be a revealing one. For my part, I choose an independent judiciary and a sovereign parliament over the ‘people’ and an over-mighty executive. Your mileage may differ, of course but there you have it. A nation of laws, you know, if you can keep it.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
Trump rallies usually get great crowds whereas Clinton rallies get poor crowds. However there's no evidence that crowd size at events translates into percentage of votes come election time.
The utter intolerance of alternative views by far too many Leavers is what is going to consign Brexit to disastrous failure. Once it has crashed and burned, the rebuilding can recommence. We must hope that the damage to our civic structures in the meantime isn't irreparable.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
You mean like the leavers did after the 1975 referendum?
Remember a few days before the 2016 referendum Farage said he wouldn't stop fighting for Leave if Remain won 52-48
Perhaps we should leave the EU and then anyone who wants to can then campaign to rejoin.
I think passionate EU-philes know deep down that they lost despite enjoying the status quo advantage. Once that passes to EU-sceptics they'd be pissing in the wind to get us to vote back in.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
Nope. Because that was some random nutter.
You know I'm right. Remain have to stop now. Stop all the legal shit, stop the Lords crap, stop trying to frustrate Brexit. Stop any attempt whatsoever to overturn. Stop talking about it. STOP.
Or this will end badly for us all.
Others need to build bridges. Our new Brexit elite have done nothing to address Remain concerns. This is partly why we're here.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
Nope. Because that was some random nutter.
You know I'm right. Remain have to stop now. Stop all the legal shit, stop the Lords crap, stop trying to frustrate Brexit. Stop any attempt whatsoever to overturn. Stop talking about it. STOP.
Or this will end badly for us all.
We have to Leave and we're leaving but you and other Leavers wanting to abandon the rule of law is alarming and worrying.
Fortunately there's some Leavers who do respect the rule of law.
You know I'm right. Remain have to stop now. Stop all the legal shit, stop the Lords crap, stop trying to frustrate Brexit. Stop any attempt whatsoever to overturn. Stop talking about it. STOP.
Or this will end badly for us all.
You lost the court case, accept it. Stop this talk of the Supreme Court and appealing. Stop any attempt to circumvent parliamentary scrutiny
But in all seriousness May should just put an A50 enabling act through Parliament, who should then shut up until some sort of deal begins to take shape, THEN they should get some scrutiny. Right now Parliament are just screwing up our chances of getting a decent deal. The government can't just dictate what Brexit looks like but they can't provide a running commentary or a strategy sheet either
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
You're intelligent enough to see it depends on your perspective. From where I'm looking most of the stirring-up is being done by the Leavers. Among my Leaver friends on FB (and to an extent here) there's quickly developed a "sore winner" mentality that is seeking to shut down all debate. This is partly May's fault for (despite the rhetoric) allowing a vacuum to form. If she'd had better legal advice (or followed the advice she's ignored) we would've already had a debate in parliament, dealt with the Lords, and be invoking Article 50 before Christmas.
One thing I agree with you is on the silly second-referendum talk. There will be no second referendum. But again, it wouldn't even be a question if the government was acting more efficiently.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
And the public will know after the negotiations have been completed. It is just absurd to go to Parliament and say this is what we want to achieve but this is what we will accept.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
Nope. Because that was some random nutter.
You know I'm right. Remain have to stop now. Stop all the legal shit, stop the Lords crap, stop trying to frustrate Brexit. Stop any attempt whatsoever to overturn. Stop talking about it. STOP.
Or this will end badly for us all.
No. The Brexiters [ by all accounts, the less educated ] should calm down and let Parliament carry out the Brexit that will be good for Britain. We cannot let the thugs take over.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
But that was 'mental problems' Tommy, nowt to do with honest Brexiteerism.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
The country voted to leave the EU. That means they have no say over our laws and if that means leaving the single market so be it
You don't think abandoning the rule of law would end badly for all of us.
For pity's sake. There is an arguable case - put by David H the other day - that the Royal Prerogative could be used to trigger Article 50. It is also legitimate for Leavers to worry that Remainers in Parliament will try to block Brexit, given the openly stated intentions of David Lammy, Owen Smith, Ken Clarke, and the rest. Arguing against the court's decision is not the same as wanting to abandon the rule of law and you know it.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
We voted to LEAVE the European Union.
In case, you did not know, Norway is outside the EU too !
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
We voted to LEAVE the European Union.
That in no way answered the question that was asked. We all know perfectly well a hard core will not accept leaving under any circumstances, and a hard core want as hard an exit as is humanly possible and will see leaving in any other way as a betrayal. Where we fall between the two extremes has not been settled yet, and that is something people are still fighting for. It is being overshadowed at present by people who want to prevent Brexit altogether, but frustration at that does not make asking the question about what kind of Brexit we will get less legitimate, just as question about the process is legitimate no matter the motivation. There are good reasons the government will not want to go into detail, but asking for it is reasonable nonetheless. No one is obliged to take the government's word on things.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
We voted to LEAVE the European Union.
In case, you did not know, Norway is outside the EU too !
In case you missed it, no less fewer than 166 out of 193 current UN members are outside the EU!
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
I was having a go at Scott P (who clearly wants to reverse the vote) not sane Remainers like you who accept the result.
I don't want a Liam Fox Hard Brexit either, but if these traitorous ultra-Remainers (and that's what they are: traitors) keep trying to reverse the vote, thats where we will end up, as people like me recoil from the disgraceful anti-democratic stunts, and repulsive fraudulence, and we take any bloody Brexit we can get.
There is still time to save this. But the ultra-Remainers have to be squashed. No reversal, no rerun, no 2nd referendum. End this shit, now.
The ultra-Remainers believe that Britain has failed them and deserves to be destroyed if they can't have their way.
Its the mentality of a tantruming toddler channelled through political obsessiveness and fundamentalist bigotry.
To be fair there's probably people like that in a wide variety of political and religious causes.
You don't think abandoning the rule of law would end badly for all of us.
For pity's sake. There is an arguable case - put by David H the other day - that the Royal Prerogative could be used to trigger Article 50. It is also legitimate for Leavers to worry that Remainers in Parliament will try to block Brexit, given the openly stated intentions of David Lammy, Owen Smith, Ken Clarke, and the rest. Arguing against the court's decision is not the same as wanting to abandon the rule of law and you know it.
That depends on how one is arguing against the court's decision and you know that. Arguing the judges made the wrong legal judgement about the extent of the royal prerogative is perfectly valid and may well be correct, and I for one will be fine with that. What is not fine is when people imply (or outright state) that the court was wrong because it goes against the will of the people to leave, as that does imply abandoning the rule of law because it suggests the government's interpretation should not have been allowed to have been challenged even if it is legally incorrect because it was carrying out the will of the people.
The government gratifyingly did not share that view, although the Telegraph's reporting of May's comments seem to indicate she is a bit woolly on that, since she is warning 'Europhile politicians and judges' to accept the will of the people.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
But that was 'mental problems' Tommy, nowt to do with honest Brexiteerism.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
Did you get this angry when a Remain supporting MP was murdered by someone who gave his name as 'Death to traitors, freedom for Britain'?
But that was 'mental problems' Tommy, nowt to do with honest Brexiteerism.
How about British Muslims committing acts of terrorism, is that "mental problems" too?
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
We voted to LEAVE the European Union.
That in no way answered the question that was asked. We all know perfectly well a hard core will not accept leaving under any circumstances, and a hard core want as hard an exit as is humanly possible and will see leaving in any other way as a betrayal. Where we fall between the two extremes has not been settled yet, and that is something people are still fighting for. It is being overshadowed at present by people who want to prevent Brexit altogether, but frustration at that does not make asking the question about what kind of Brexit we will get less legitimate, just as question about the process is legitimate no matter the motivation. There are good reasons the government will not want to go into detail, but asking for it is reasonable nonetheless. No one is obliged to take the government's word on things.
In 1975, we voted to REMAIN in the EU's legal predecessor, the EEC. In 2016 we voted to LEAVE.
This site has some very smart people and yet the way this site has descended into tedious and vitriolic arguments about a ruling for parliamentary debate is worrying. If the mainly well educated and engaged on here are having divisive arguments like this then what about the less engaged?
Thanx Cameron for the Referendum, but this division is your shitty legacy now.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
How many whiskies have you had? Calm down.
Stone cold sober. Just spent evening with older daughter. Genuinely angry at how the Remainers are stirring up the nation. They have to STOP.
Stop the court cases, stop the legal challenges, stop the 2nd referendum talk, stop all of it. Accept that we have made a decision and then the nation may - may - begin to heal.
If they continue as they are these bitter divisions will get nastier.
This is partly May's fault for (despite the rhetoric) allowing a vacuum to form. If she'd had better legal advice (or followed the advice she's ignored) we would've already had a debate in parliament, dealt with the Lords, and be invoking Article 50 before Christmas.
I don't think she is this Machiavellian, plus its a risky strategy, but given I think she is hardly upset by the original ruling (particularly if she is rightly confident the government will win on appeal) given how useful a distraction it is, I expect conspiracy theories to arise suggesting the government deliberately put its case poorly in the High Court so they could angry people up and win later for a proper triumph.
For pity's sake. There is an arguable case - put by David H the other day - that the Royal Prerogative could be used to trigger Article 50.
Arguing against the court's decision is not the same as wanting to abandon the rule of law and you know it.
That case was argued. And lost.
And Sean is not arguing against the court's decision. He wants all legal process abandoned.
There's an appeal, which is part of the rule of law. If it too goes against the government I'll accept it, though it would still be morally unacceptable for Parliament to block Article 50.
You can say 'Unhinged...' all you want but it doesn't make it true. Go back to copying and pasting Faisal Islam's Twitter feed, you're good at that.
So we can look forward to you condemning any politician (or others) who is opposing or delaying Brexit ?
Politicians oppose things. The headbangers have been opposing for 30 years, so it would not be logical to condemn politicians for opposing Brexit, although I expect them to fail.
As for delay, May has set out a timetable, but that is only in jeopardy because her legal advisers can't get their shit together
For pity's sake. There is an arguable case - put by David H the other day - that the Royal Prerogative could be used to trigger Article 50.
Arguing against the court's decision is not the same as wanting to abandon the rule of law and you know it.
That case was argued. And lost.
And Sean is not arguing against the court's decision. He wants all legal process abandoned.
There's an appeal, which is part of the rule of law. If it too goes against the government I'll accept it, though it would still be morally unacceptable for Parliament to block Article 50.
You can say 'Unhinged...' all you want but it doesn't make it true. Go back to copying and pasting Faisal Islam's Twitter feed, you're good at that.
This site has some very smart people and yet the way this site has descended into tedious and vitriolic arguments about a ruling for parliamentary debate is worrying. If the mainly well educated and engaged on here are having divisive arguments like this then what about the less engaged?
Thanx Cameron for the Referendum, but this division is your shitty legacy now.
I think the less engaged are watching Strictly, to be honest. I don't detect much Brexit anger (either way) outside forums like this.
The press has -technical term - been doing its nut.
I'm reasonably positive about Labour's chances because they have large numbers of very enthusiastic troops and a still-effective party machine, and there is some mileage in JC's quiet-man persona. And although the Mail and Sun will tear him to shreds, I don't think the other parties will get a smooth ride either.
Very enthusiastic troops on social media =/= Very enthusiastic troops on the ground
No, they do have troops on the ground too, in the conurbations at least. Here in Birmingham for example they won't have any shortage of door-knockers. To use a US analogy, they have a red wall of about 150 seats. They will lose a few seats in their small-town bastions like West Yorkshire and Lancashire, though much more likely to the Tories than to Ukip.
That's Labour's problem. Hard Left policies are genuinely popular, in parts of Inner London, Merseyside, Manchester, inner Birmingham, Brighton & Hove, and university cities. But, nowhere else.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Seate.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
We voted to LEAVE the European Union.
That in no way answered the question that was asked. We all know perfectly well a hard core will not accept leaving under any circumstances, and a hard core want as hard an exit as is humanly possible and will see leaving in any other way as a betrayal. Where we fall between the two extremes has not been settled yet, and that is something people are still fighting for. It is being overshadowed at present by people who want to prevent Brexit altogether, but frustration at that does not make asking the question about what kind of Brexit we will get less legitimate, just as question about the process is legitimate no matter the motivation. There are good reasons the government will not want to go into detail, but asking for it is reasonable nonetheless. No one is obliged to take the government's word on things.
In 1975, we voted to REMAIN in the EU's legal predecessor, the EEC. In 2016 we voted to LEAVE.
Yes, thank you for completely ignoring the point again, which was about the legitimacy of questioning how we leave and what kind of leave we get, a point lost by people who either seek to prevent brexit altogether and those who boil the answer down to 'we voted to leave', ignoring that the issue raised was, accepting we voted to leave, what questions are legitimate to raise in the aftermath of that, a stance you've ably demonstrated.
1789 is an interesting parallel. Interestingly the sans culottes didn't benefit much then though? Instead the revolutionaries dealt with the ancien regime before turning on each other in the quest for revolutionary purity.
For pity's sake. There is an arguable case - put by David H the other day - that the Royal Prerogative could be used to trigger Article 50.
Arguing against the court's decision is not the same as wanting to abandon the rule of law and you know it.
That case was argued. And lost.
And Sean is not arguing against the court's decision. He wants all legal process abandoned.
We have an establishment that will not accept the will of the people. They will do anything to stop .it. T May. Made a mistake by letting this go to law, she should have said this is an abuse of process. But what is done is done. I hope she makes the most of this and uses it to rein in the judiciary and bring about Lords reform. And if that has to be via a general election so be it.
The Remainers are very unlikely to go quietly. They believe they have had their futures and the futures of their children hijacked by ignorant xenophobes.
Nearly all the remainers I know -which is almost everyone I spend time with -are incandescent with anger and wont go quietly. What they'll do I have no idea. I'm sure something will present itself.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Seate.
52 v 48 was still a victory for LEAVE. (see graph posted up thread)
But it does not mean any BREXIT would do ? The country has a right to know what kind of Brexit will it be.
We voted to LEAVE the European Union.
That in no way answered the question that was asked. We all know perfectly well a hard core will not accept leaving under any circumstances, and a hard core want as hard an exit as is humanly possible and will see leaving in any other way as a betrayal. Where we fall between the two extremes has not been settled yet, and that is something people are still fighting for. It is being overshadowed at present by people who want to prevent Brexit altogether, but frustration at that does not make asking the question about what kind of Brexit we will get less legitimate, just as question about the process is legitimate no matter the motivation. There are good reasons the government will not want to go into detail, but asking for it is reasonable nonetheless. No one is obliged to take the government's word on things.
In 1975, we voted to REMAIN in the EU's legal predecessor, the EEC. In 2016 we voted to LEAVE.
Yes, thank you for completely ignoring the point again, which was about the legitimacy of questioning how we leave and what kind of leave we get, a point lost by people who either seek to prevent brexit altogether and those who boil the answer down to 'we voted to leave', ignoring that the issue raised was, accepting we voted to leave, what questions are legitimate to raise in the aftermath of that, a stance you've ably demonstrated.
I was having a go at Scott P (who clearly wants to reverse the vote)
On the contrary, I am with Alastair on this. The only way we can cauterise the Brexit wound is to go all in.
Hard as fuck Brexit.
Border controls, full tariffs. Bring it on. But do it legally so no Brexiteers can weasel out of it in the courts later.
So we can look forward to you condemning any politician (or others) who is opposing or delaying Brexit ?
The way in which Leavers seek to delegitimise any view opposed to their own is why Brexit will be a disaster. In a pluralist society we are each entitled to press our views.
The madness of Leavers is that every tenet of our society must potentially be sacrificed on the altar of Brexit. It's Jonestown politics.
This site has some very smart people and yet the way this site has descended into tedious and vitriolic arguments about a ruling for parliamentary debate is worrying. If the mainly well educated and engaged on here are having divisive arguments like this then what about the less engaged?
Thanx Cameron for the Referendum, but this division is your shitty legacy now.
As PM Cameron liked making apologies for events in the past.
Perhaps he'd like to make one now for the mess he left.
There's more to leadership than looking smart in a nice suit and making glib speeches from an autocue.
Trump rallies usually get great crowds whereas Clinton rallies get poor crowds. However there's no evidence that crowd size at events translates into percentage of votes come election time.
Well it rained on Hillary Clinton's Parade. (Enthusiasm was pointed to here as one of the reasons why the Tories won 2015 and Brexit in 2016 IIRC)
Trump rallies usually get great crowds whereas Clinton rallies get poor crowds. However there's no evidence that crowd size at events translates into percentage of votes come election time.
Well it rained on Hillary Clinton's Parade. (Enthusiasm was pointed to here as one of the reasons why the Tories won 2015 and Brexit in 2016 IIRC)
I was having a go at Scott P (who clearly wants to reverse the vote)
On the contrary, I am with Alastair on this. The only way we can cauterise the Brexit wound is to go all in.
Hard as fuck Brexit.
Border controls, full tariffs. Bring it on. But do it legally so no Brexiteers can weasel out of it in the courts later.
So we can look forward to you condemning any politician (or others) who is opposing or delaying Brexit ?
The way in which Leavers seek to delegitimise any view opposed to their own is why Brexit will be a disaster. In a pluralist society we are each entitled to press our views.
The madness of Leavers is that every tenet of our society must potentially be sacrificed on the altar or Brexit. It's Jonestown politics.
Ground needs to be given on both sides. We're leaving, right?
I was having a go at Scott P (who clearly wants to reverse the vote)
On the contrary, I am with Alastair on this. The only way we can cauterise the Brexit wound is to go all in.
Hard as fuck Brexit.
Border controls, full tariffs. Bring it on. But do it legally so no Brexiteers can weasel out of it in the courts later.
So we can look forward to you condemning any politician (or others) who is opposing or delaying Brexit ?
The way in which Leavers seek to delegitimise any view opposed to their own is why Brexit will be a disaster. In a pluralist society we are each entitled to press our views.
The madness of Leavers is that every tenet of our society must potentially be sacrificed on the altar or Brexit. It's Jonestown politics.
For the first time I sincerely wonder if this will end in violence. Remainers need to get a grip.
Umm, the folk inciting civil disobedience after the judgement were Brexiteers.
If you are worried about violence, tell your friends to STFU for a bit
People like you should just leave the internet. You lost. Get over it. Move on. But more importantly, go away and never be heard from, again.
This is the only way we can heal the division, the losers - your lot - have to accept that you lost, that this is lost, that you have lost, stop trying to overturn the result whatever way you can, and go away and never be heard from again.
Basically, you have to disappear. GO.
Fuck off Sean, it wasn't 80/20. The country divided almost down the middle and to make it look otherwise the right wing media has decided it's 1935. I accept the idea of Brexit but not whatever lunacy Fox and Farage are cooking up. The Mail, Express et al need to tone it the fuck down, because as far as I can see their main objective is to incite Kristallnacht. If May had an iota of nous she would have had Dacre et al in weeks ago and told them to stfu.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
I was having a go at Scott P (who clearly wants to reverse the vote) not sane Remainers like you who accept the result.
I don't want a Liam Fox Hard Brexit either, but if these traitorous ultra-Remainers (and that's what they are: traitors) keep trying to reverse the vote, thats where we will end up, as people like me recoil from the disgraceful anti-democratic stunts, and repulsive fraudulence, and we take any bloody Brexit we can get.
There is still time to save this. But the ultra-Remainers have to be squashed. No reversal, no rerun, no 2nd referendum. End this shit, now.
I don't plan to enter the argument other than to ask when did treacherous become traitorous? Or have they always been interchangeable?
I was curious to trace the famous pithy mini homily
"When One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He marks, not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."
It is attributed to the US sports writer Grantland Rice. Funny: I thought it smacked of Public School hypocrisy. But, as he was an American we can let ourselves pull every trick we can to get our way.
I am trying, but can't say I've got anywhere yet.
Indeed, the article says May accepts that, and yet that is way down the article, and it opens with warning europhile 'politicians and judges', explicitly linking the judge's to wanting to prevent Brexit.
So yes, No. 10, it may have been nonsense to suggest the government questioned the independence of the judiciary. Except the Telegraph reporting of May's comments has just now indicated she is questioning it, by warning them to accept that the people have spoken, implying their ruling did not accept that.
That's all the Brexiteers want...
Get a grip Sean
As far as I know 1975 'Leavers' did not behave in the manner of certain elements among today's Remainers, correct me if I'm wrong.
The separation would mean she would be taking on liabilities.
Trump reminds me of Alan Bond. Remember what Tiny Rowland did to him ? The billionaire had feet of clay. He was bankrupt soon.
We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state.
"We live in a world that is only going to get more global, not less, and I want a solution that reflects that, not one that turns Britain into a nasty, inward looking, pugilistic little island state."
Yes. I would have added the word willy-nilly to that.
Very well. If it really is the judges versus the people and parliament versus the government then we have a choice to make and it will be a revealing one. For my part, I choose an independent judiciary and a sovereign parliament over the ‘people’ and an over-mighty executive. Your mileage may differ, of course but there you have it. A nation of laws, you know, if you can keep it.
They need to take responsibility.
Fortunately there's some Leavers who do respect the rule of law.
But in all seriousness May should just put an A50 enabling act through Parliament, who should then shut up until some sort of deal begins to take shape, THEN they should get some scrutiny. Right now Parliament are just screwing up our chances of getting a decent deal.
The government can't just dictate what Brexit looks like but they can't provide a running commentary or a strategy sheet either
One thing I agree with you is on the silly second-referendum talk. There will be no second referendum. But again, it wouldn't even be a question if the government was acting more efficiently.
The country voted to leave the EU. That means they have no say over our laws and if that means leaving the single market so be it
Hard as fuck Brexit.
Border controls, full tariffs. Bring it on. But do it legally so no Brexiteers can weasel out of it in the courts later.
lessfewer than 166 out of 193 current UN members are outside the EU!Its the mentality of a tantruming toddler channelled through political obsessiveness and fundamentalist bigotry.
To be fair there's probably people like that in a wide variety of political and religious causes.
The government gratifyingly did not share that view, although the Telegraph's reporting of May's comments seem to indicate she is a bit woolly on that, since she is warning 'Europhile politicians and judges' to accept the will of the people.
And Sean is not arguing against the court's decision. He wants all legal process abandoned.
The morning thread is likely to cause you distress and alarm, please take appropriate measures before you log in to PB in the morning.
In 2016 we voted to LEAVE.
History essay question. Sometime in the 2050s...
Compare & Contrast:
1. France 1789
2. Ireland 1916
3. England 2016
Thanx Cameron for the Referendum, but this division is your shitty legacy now.
You can say 'Unhinged...' all you want but it doesn't make it true. Go back to copying and pasting Faisal Islam's Twitter feed, you're good at that.
As for delay, May has set out a timetable, but that is only in jeopardy because her legal advisers can't get their shit together
Thank you. What an erudite response.
Nearly all the remainers I know -which is almost everyone I spend time with -are incandescent with anger and wont go quietly. What they'll do I have no idea. I'm sure something will present itself.
The Brexiteers are unhinged.
The madness of Leavers is that every tenet of our society must potentially be sacrificed on the altar of Brexit. It's Jonestown politics.
Perhaps he'd like to make one now for the mess he left.
There's more to leadership than looking smart in a nice suit and making glib speeches from an autocue.
Trump 52.31%
Clinton 47.69%