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First day of in-person voting in NC in 2012:
Dem 57.1, Rep 25.4
White 58.6, Black 37.0
Female 55.0 Male 44.0
—Bill Shankly
"Dozens treated and two in hospital after 'chemical incident' closes London City Airport"
"Or we may end up in same situation. Gone from Single Market and no way back in thanks to a veto from Ruritania."
Indeed, that is a non-trivial risk. But it would be hard for any European parliament to argue that the deal the UK would get would make us more competitive, and hence more of a threat to their way of life, than our previous arrangement. Doesn't mean they wouldn't try, but it would not be true.
Probably the biggest risk to any free trade deal post Brexit is where arbitration would be done. Clearly a deal between the EU and UK could/should not use the ECJ.
But all of the above does not, for me, add up to doom and gloom about Brexit, quite the contrary. If the EU has got to the stage where it is unable to deliver additional free trade deals, whereas the rest of the world continues to make new deals, the relative benefits of being inside the single market are much reduced.
Con+UKIP 48.5%
Sliding upwards?
Exhibit A, Mr Meeks' reaction.
If not a 34 faced pantomime horse, as you call it, then some kind of supranational parliament is needed.
Brexiters can't moan about Westminster being passed over if they are also to complain about a multi-parliamentary process.
Unless you:
A. are calling for no democratic oversight at all
B. are calling for supranational oversight
C. don't wish to have trade deals at all with our neighbours.
We should be wary about prioritizing the US, as I fear a US-UK deal might end up way too one-sided.
(Not an entirely rhetorical question -it's what's implied by the Brexit)
The Prime Minister made clear that she will ignore EU leaders by attempting to strike trade deals around the world before the country formally leaves the EU. Brussels leaders have demanded that Britain does not try to do any deals before Brexit, which is expected in 2019.
However, Mrs May said on Friday: "The UK has long been one of the strongest advocates on Europe for free trade and will continue to be so.
"Indeed I want the UK to become more active not less in making the case for free trade around the world. That means that while we remain a member of the EU the UK will continue to back the EU's free trade negotiations.
"And as we prepare to leave the EU, I've been clear that the UK is discussing our future trading relationship with third countries.
"This will not undermine the EU's trade agenda. It is not in competition with it. We will continue to help the EU reach these important trade agreements. It is about seizing the opportunities of Brexit. About forging an ambitious and optimistic new role for Britain in the world."
Con 43.5%
Lab 27.3%
UKIP 10.0%
LD 8.0%
Greens 4.5%
Baxtered: Con maj 112
Rubio tied in a Florida poll for the first time since June
http://opinionsavvy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/OS-FL-General-10.21.16.pdf …
After the UK leaves the EU they will remain a full member of the WTO.
Clinton 45 .. Trump 38
National - ARG - Sample 1,006 - 17-20 Oct
Clinton 49 .. Trump 42
Via 538
Clinton 49 .. Trump 45
The UK is a full member:
It is also not possible to expel or suspend members so the UK will definitely remain a full member post Brexit.
Wonderful touching tribute at http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/queens-personal-message-people-aberfan-12061242
For example, look at Poole.
Tory vote of more tan 50%.
Libs slipped back from 2nd to 4th in 2010.
UKIP share of 16.8%, most of which will be going Tory next time.
I can confidently assert that LDs will not win Poole in either of our lifetimes...
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn
The first day of in-person early voting in North Carolina:
Dem 52.7, Rep 24.3
White 67, Black 27.8
Female 55.1, Male 43.5
Clinton 46 .. Trump 50
White +8.4 Black -9.2 Other (Asian I guess) +0.8
Female +0.1 Male -0.5 Trans +0.4
Bilateral is the sensible way to go.
* I am 1/16th Walloon I think though ^^;
Reps were up in 2016 Postal voting but massively down compared to their 2012 response rate.
Must be an extraordinary thing to have had to live with. My Gramp worked for the NCB and helped with the rescue operation - he was in his early thirties and my mother - at the time - was a similar age to the children who died.
He never said much about it but I know the people who were there were scarred forever by it. Unimaginable tragedy - if you ever visit the remembrance graveyard the names and ages of all those children are hard to take in.
Their objection is to the ISDS which allows corporates to sue governments for breach of treaty.
Given the rise of Trump, Farage, Le Pen et al - shouldn't we welcome an attempt to amend the less acceptable face of globalisation?
Perhaps good that Twitter went down; it could have been happy hour for tin foilers.
To my mind this is a more fraught issue than our EU treaty.