politicalbetting.com » Blog Archive » Celebrity Corbyn cheerleader Paul Mason caught on video plotting against LAB leader saying he should be replaced by Clive Lewis
Corbyn cheerleader Paul Mason caught by Sun attacking LAB leader & saying he should be replaced by Clive Lewis https://t.co/mCqg3qpEn9 pic.twitter.com/2n2cCWthoH
Read the full story here
Journalist caught telling the truth SHOCKER
Paul Who?
If not already an unperson I suspect the status rapidly beckons.....meanwhile Mason's twitter stream is a hoot...
We did what the law allows: We published newsworthy information about a subject of deep public concern. If Mr. Trump disagrees, if he believes that American citizens had no right to hear what these women had to say and that the law of this country forces us and those who would dare to criticize him to stand silent or be punished, we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight.
I am going to tell your mum and dad about you...
Indeed I am quite tempted by one of their Hard Shakes next time I am up there. Liverpool is a great town at night.
This is all a bit of a non-story, reporter speculating on who follows on from Jezzz in a few years time. Must be a slow news day at the Sun.
Much respect from me for his Northern Soul documentary, and Keeping the Faith at Wigan Casino:
He referred about a dozen times to the NYT in his speech yesterday (transcript). As NYT David McCraw says in his letter, Trump's legal threat is built on sand, but nonetheless there will be more shots in the battle.
Wasn't Hogan's case allowed because illegal methods were used to gather information with no public interest defence?
If you are interested in learning more, check out these links about a current libel case involving an author based in Ohio who is also, shall we say, not quite aware of the correct way to behave around ladies:
Clinton 45 .. Trump 38
Clinton 43 .. Trump 47
Clinton 48 .. Trump 38
Clinton 44.2 .. Trump 44.3
Indeed there may be some value in Con take Bootle too.
"I am dismayed by our own Republicans who are bailing like rats off a ship. He who is without sin can cast the first stone. I am sure they are not as pure as the driven snow, either."
I wonder whether she often mixes three metaphors like that. Her message seems to be "sink with the ship".
I am glad in a way that Mason has been exposed as a cynical hypocrite. I did not want him to be what he has appeared to be over the summer: a total fool.
I expect it's all over and that he will take a hammering but it's not yet surefire according to the polls.
What a tit.
and of course there's the notorious Trump 'Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey...'
There's a value flutter to be had on Trump: better than buying a lottery ticket anyway.
.....analysts agreed that Trump’s chances depended on being able to convince female voters in places like suburban Philadelphia. In what my team claims to be a stoke of strategic and methodological genius, but which I know for a fact to be a fluke, our focus groups this week were with… women voters in suburban Philadelphia.
2) If Scotland left the UK it would be leaving it's biggest market
Economics, bad enough already, would get worse.
A basket case would likely become a failed state.
Authenticity is in the eye of the beholder and both the Left and the WWC are more nuanced and multifaceted than some on here opine.
His Northern Soul documentary is not just about great music, it is very insightful about WWC in Britain in the Seventies in the North. Indeed if you really want to see the WWC in all its glory try a Northern Soul Weekender in Skegness. It is not like Shoredich!
Apart from that...
Labour at the moment are 25% behind in southern and midland marginals - as Amol from the Indy said last night.
And you wait till Labour are painted as wanting to Remaij by the back door. They'll be 45% behind.
Have you heard of a big country called Spain?
As a conservative talk show host, Sykes finds this “really bothersome, because for years I’ve been arguing we don’t do this just for the ratings, we actually believe this, we care about this, these things are important to us. And then to watch one after another of some of the leading conservative media figures in America basically go, ‘yeah, we’re not really interested in principles, yes, we’ll peddle these conspiracy theories if it scores points for us.”
These theories had become one of the most worrying aspects of the campaign. “You have the dark fever-swamps of the right. I am a right-wing talk-show host but there are some serious fever swamps out there, and they traffic in the most bizarre conspiracy theories. And they’re difficult to refute because too many conservative commentators do not want to challenge them. They know that their audiences will believe them.” And the really disturbing thing was that “Donald Trump will see something, some bizarre, unfounded conspiracy theory. And you’re tempted to dismiss is as too far out of the mainstream, and the next thing, Donald Trump, who may be the next president of the United States, is tweeting out links to these kinds of things… How do you deal with somebody who actually doesn’t seem to have a filter, what is true what is false, what is responsible, what is irresponsible?..
Apart from that...
If Hard Brexit wrecks the Tory reputation for economic competence, there is a way back. We are not yet in a one party state.
When you can read this, remember someone taught you how to when you were very young.
One of the worse Met commissioners.
"None of the [female, suburban Philadeplphia] Trump supporters we spoke to had been put off by this latest story. A few dismissed it as a non-story (“everybody talks like that when they’re with other people”). More often, they acknowledged his flaws (“there’s an art to communicating with people, and I don’t think he’s quite mastered that art”; “he’s different like a drunk uncle”), but returned to the point that the election was a choice between two imperfect alternatives: “I wish he was a different man, but he’s not. But I don’t want another career politician. I want change, and Trump is going to bring change;” “I think Trump’s an idiot, I don’t think he has the capability to be a good president at all. I just think he’s slightly less awful than Hillary.”
With the National Enquirer specifically, there is the additional factor that many celebrities will work on the basis that most people don't believe what it prints anyway so taking action will simply give further publicity to the allegations.
The Gawker case was not about libel. It was predominantly about invasion of privacy. The decision is controversial in the US on First Amendment grounds but the UK courts would probably have come to the same conclusion.
This is a total sea change from 2 years ago. Also while the three Brexiteers have been busy insulting any European who comes to hand Sturgeon et co have been engaged in pretty extensive diplomacy.
It is easy enough to track where Sturgeon, Salmond, Robertson, Russell and Hyslop have been in recent weeks from public statements. The returns from that work will soon be clear enough.
America has a lot more free expression than us, though this election seems to be a race to the bottom (literally in the case of Trumps hands!)
I think in your case wish has proven father to the thought.
Have a good weekend everyone.
If you realised the levels of antipathy toward the SNP in the rest of the country, you'd get why.
Don't normally share fundraisers, but someone I know online has one up for a lawyer retainer necessary for the father of her nieces to file for custody. Her nieces have been sexually abused by their mother's boyfriend, and the mother's doing nothing to stop it, despite knowing.
So, if anyone put a pound or two on the Verstappen tip, or has a bundle of cash, do give what you can:
Scexit while "staying in the EU" is not feasible. Scexit outside the EU is perfectly possible. Insane, but that is not a barrier these days.
Chairman Corbyn will not tolerate this disloyalty from the non-person Mason. Clearly his days at the rightwing rabble-rousing BBC has corrupted his commitment to the proletariat.
No matter! A few short decades at the Siberian Educational Correction and Mining Facility will remind non-person Mason of Chairman Corbyn's limitless merit!
Absolutely. The SNP, in all honesty, share striking similarities to those advocating hard brexit at any cost - why else would you prioritise a market where you send 15% of your exports against one where you send 60%. Again coupled with the currency issue, budget deficit...
I also wonder if the SNPs judgement comes into play here - the white paper at the last ref was totally and utterly farcicial in terms of its predictions.