I'm on the market for a new gaming PC, and I was wondering if anyone here could give some advice on suppliers (ISTR this has been talked about before). I can't be faffed to assemble myself, but would like names of reliable, reputable gaming system builders.
Also, if anyone has any advice on what to look for, or not. Price range £1,000 to 1,500, not including monitor, keyboard and other peripherals. As it's a gaming PC, good graphics are a must (i.e. GTX 980 performance min). Processor less important, but would like an i7 ideally. Good power supply a must.
TIA. Doing my part for the post-Brexit vote economy by spending money that would otherwise just sit in the bank gaining cobwebs and f'all interest.
Scan's 3XS systems are superb, can highly, highly recommend them
Look at customizing one of their Value Gaming range rather than Custom Pro Gaming computers as the Pro Gaming range come with unnecessary bollocks like fancy cases and LED lighting
I would recommend
Who have supplied my last three PCs. Good service; no complaints. They claim to be UK's no.1 gaming PC supplier. They offer bundles but you can also effectively build your own, by choosing all the components separately and they will build it for you.
"For the UK, it will mean more control of free movement of low skilled Labour (I think the Government will discount high skilled)"
Sorry, Mr. Royale, could you please explain that one too us. What does discount mean in this context? How is the Border Force to know who is high skilled and who is low skilled unless there is some pre-arrival method of checking (aka visas or work permits).
As ever with these discussions the tricky bit is how does the UK quickly and efficiently remove from its shores those that are in breach of their terms of entry? Unless such people as are deemed undesirable can be thrown out then there is not much point in setting up systems to control who comes in. That would seem to me to require the UK to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the ECtHR.
It's not for me to justify HMG policy but the intent and direction of it is clear to me from Hammond's statement on free movement of financial workers from the EU a couple of weeks ago:
I think there may be a salary test, or some form of income bond. Excluding, say, free movement from those on under £40k a year but allowing it for those above.
I certainly don't expect you or anyone on here to Justify HMG policy, i am just interested in exploring some ideas that people put forward.
If a person earning more than £x p.a. is to be given easier access to the UK then there has to be a mechanism for determining that the person has a solid job offer that includes a salary of £x+ befor he he is allowed in. That sounds a lot like a visa/work permit system to me and not a "discounted" system of free movement.
You can only get an NI number if in possession of a written job offer of more than £40k. At the one year mark, if you're still in possession of that job (or another paying £40k+), the NI number is extended for a further period. After five years, assuming you've had a £40k+ job for 85% of the time, it's made permanent.
Doesn't seem to be that complicated.
Furthermore it should not just apply to Europe but be a global standard. If an Australian or an American gets offered a £50,000 pa job why should they be leaping through hoops that a continental on minimum wage did not?
The son of an imam who was murdered for his moderate beliefs has warned that Islamic State supporters are posing as charity workers to radicalise young people in Rochdale.
Saleh al-Arif said that some members of the town’s Muslim community are concerned the Islamic terror group has many supporters among Bengalis in Rochdale. Mr. al-Arif spoke out after Islamic State sympathiser Mohammed Syeedy was given a 24 year jail sentence for his part in the murder of Jalal Uddin, which took place in February this year.
She's doing an awful lot of overruling at present.
I get the feeling she's quite enjoying publicly shooting down her cabinet ministers. She's done it with several of them now. A power play to show who's boss. Same reason Osborne's sacking was so public.
I think this is common sense. Brexit is not going to be a comfortable experience. The government will be very exposed when a company who has been doing business here for decades pulls out or when they have to make difficult spending choices on a reduced taxbase. A half built royal yacht on which to sign all the wonderful Brexit deals that aren't materialising would be hubris on a comic scale, when you are struggling for answers on the most basic questions.
This is basically Boris and the water cannons all over again - he is incapable of making decisions based on common sense and value for money, always being swayed by the symbolism of things. Hence why we have a cable car to nowhere swinging above East London and million pound buses on the streets with a rear platform that is never open, because employing conductors is unaffordable.
She's doing an awful lot of overruling at present.
I get the feeling she's quite enjoying publicly shooting down her cabinet ministers. She's done it with several of them now. A power play to show who's boss. Same reason Osborne's sacking was so public.
She's certainly more of a CEO than Cameron, who was more like an Executive Chairman as PM. Will be interesting to see how that plays out over time, but she's clearly notbafraid to publicly criticise ministers.
We all would have told Osborne to leave by the back door, if we were in May's position that first evening.
Well not so much speed, but hubris. The Chinese Note 7 has used the Amperex battery mentioned in the article from the start because the Chinese regulator wouldn't approve the SDI batter for safe use. Instead of going back and sourcing their batteries from Panasonic, Amperex and Sony as they normally do, they ploughed ahead with the battery from their own division.
It's a classic case of chaebol culture, and it afflicts all of Korean industry.
She's doing an awful lot of overruling at present.
I get the feeling she's quite enjoying publicly shooting down her cabinet ministers. She's done it with several of them now. A power play to show who's boss. Same reason Osborne's sacking was so public.
I think this is common sense. Brexit is not going to be a comfortable experience. The government will be very exposed when a company who has been doing business here for decades pulls out or when they have to make difficult spending choices on a reduced taxbase. A half built royal yacht on which to sign all the wonderful Brexit deals that aren't materialising would be hubris on a comic scale, when you are struggling for answers on the most basic questions.
This is basically Boris and the water cannons all over again - he is incapable of making decisions based on common sense and value for money, always being swayed by the symbolism of things. Hence why we have a cable car to nowhere swinging above East London and million pound buses on the streets with a rear platform that is never open, because employing conductors is unaffordable.
Boris isn't sticking to the script, which makes him interesting of course. His Foreign Minister job is supposed to be a sinecure. In exchange for which, he is due to lend his considerable PR skills to selling whatever transpires from Brexit as great government success. Instead he hatches unwelcome schemes to do with royal yachts and plots against his own government through the Change Britain organisation.
Usual fear the backlash....one thing...Do you call somebody who he hadn't been enrolled in college for over 6 months a student...I would call them perhaps unemployed?
Apparently, it's standard procedure for those with a Secret Service detail, but not for those without, which is why Trump has no ambulance in his motorcade.
Be interesting to see if former Presidents, such as Bill, who do have Secret Service details, have ambulances in their motorcades.
If it were quite the standard, there would surely have been one with her the other week in New York - so why did her security bundle her into her own van, rather than the medically equipped one?
Farah was granted a therapeutic use exemption – for the corticosteroid triamcinolone in October 2008 and in July 2014 when he was placed on a morphine drip after collapsing following a training run. Farah said in 2015, during the uproar surrounding his coach, Alberto Salazar, in the wake of allegations in a BBC Panorama documentary over his methods, that he had only ever had one TUE.
Well not so much speed, but hubris. The Chinese Note 7 has used the Amperex battery mentioned in the article from the start because the Chinese regulator wouldn't approve the SDI batter for safe use. Instead of going back and sourcing their batteries from Panasonic, Amperex and Sony as they normally do, they ploughed ahead with the battery from their own division.
It's a classic case of chaebol culture, and it afflicts all of Korean industry.
Ah, so the faulty battery was Samsung's own new design, rather than from an established player? Sounds awfully like the Boeing 787 and its own dodgy battery problems.
Apparently, it's standard procedure for those with a Secret Service detail, but not for those without, which is why Trump has no ambulance in his motorcade.
Be interesting to see if former Presidents, such as Bill, who do have Secret Service details, have ambulances in their motorcades.
If it were quite the standard, there would surely have been one with her the other week in New York - so why did her security bundle her into her own van, rather than the medically equipped one?
I believe there was also some issue about taking her to the ER or not. I am going to guess they thought the apartment was more secure option.
Well not so much speed, but hubris. The Chinese Note 7 has used the Amperex battery mentioned in the article from the start because the Chinese regulator wouldn't approve the SDI batter for safe use. Instead of going back and sourcing their batteries from Panasonic, Amperex and Sony as they normally do, they ploughed ahead with the battery from their own division.
It's a classic case of chaebol culture, and it afflicts all of Korean industry.
Ah, so the faulty battery was Samsung's own new design, rather than from an established player? Sounds awfully like the Boeing 787 and its own dodgy battery problems.
Yes, it was from their own Samsung SDI subsidiary, rather than from Panasonic or Sony who have around 50% market share between them for gadget batteries. SDI make good batteries as well, and as rhe article mentions, they make them for Apple, but Samsung used an untested type of battery for their own flagship unit because they'd kept the technology in reserve. The Chinese Note 7 has a lower battery rating for this reason, but it doesnt explode.
The damning part for me is that they went ahead with the SDI batter for the global version despite being told by the Chinese that it was not safe and that the only way to release it in China was to use a different supplier. The speculation at the time of the refusal was that the Chinese government wanted Samsung to use a Chinese brand of battery to boost their fledgling chemicals industry. Clearly that wasn't the case given they used a Japanese sourced one and it was a legitimate safety concern for rejecting the original Note 7.
Apparently, it's standard procedure for those with a Secret Service detail, but not for those without, which is why Trump has no ambulance in his motorcade.
Be interesting to see if former Presidents, such as Bill, who do have Secret Service details, have ambulances in their motorcades.
If it were quite the standard, there would surely have been one with her the other week in New York - so why did her security bundle her into her own van, rather than the medically equipped one?
I believe there was also some issue about taking her to the ER or not. I am going to guess they thought the apartment was more secure option.
Where they took her is not the issue. The point is that if she had an ambulance in her motorcade as standard, why was she not put into that? An ambulance would have proper equipment to help with respiratory issues and have the right chair/trolley to keep her safe during the transit to apartment or hospital.
Where was the ambulance in her motorcade on 9/11/16...?
Apparently, it's standard procedure for those with a Secret Service detail, but not for those without, which is why Trump has no ambulance in his motorcade.
Be interesting to see if former Presidents, such as Bill, who do have Secret Service details, have ambulances in their motorcades.
If it were quite the standard, there would surely have been one with her the other week in New York - so why did her security bundle her into her own van, rather than the medically equipped one?
I believe there was also some issue about taking her to the ER or not. I am going to guess they thought the apartment was more secure option.
Secret Service protocol says head to the nearest ER - which they have already scoped out. Hillary over-ruled this because she didn't want to risk any medical information becoming public. Another example of her pathological urge for secrecy and lying hurting her, and feeding into the whole meme of her dishonesty and lack of trustworthiness.
It's possible that the likes of Juncker will try to push for a like it or lump it, everything-or-nothing, deal but I think he'd be sacrificed ahead of the interests of the major EU member states.
Except some will argue it's not in "the interests of the major EU member states" for Brexit to be seen as a success.
What would stop them following suit?
Both sides would spin it as a victory. The EU will say the UK is not in the single market now, and must accept EU trade rules unilaterally in order to sell into the bloc. The UK will say we're out of the EU and able to trade with them without tariffs which ensures out industries are safe and we've got restrictions on unskilled migration and access to welfare.
For Brexit to be both an economic and political success, we need to be free from automatic application of EU regulations on our industry, and we need the ability to negotiate our own trade deals. Accepting 'EU trade rules unilaterally' has to be a non-starter. Unless you mean something else. Obviously, goods sold into the EU have to meet EU standards, and for any type of FTA we'd assume that NTBs would not be allowed.
Surely for BREXIT to be an economic success, the UK needs to have a higher trend growth after leaving than before, plus a higher trend growth than Germany.
Not for most Leavers, for them the most important thing was to cut immigration
The two are interlinked and immigration remains the top political issue
Those questioned by Ashcroft were expressly offered immigration as a "main reason"; 33% chose it, against 49% who chose decision making. What do you mean "immigration remains the top political issue", and how do you know?
He doesn't but it's a great nasty tag and easily attached despite it being complete utter bollocks.
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
I've ordered the Xperia XZ. Not a huge fan of the 1+1 which I currently use. For £550 including sellable headphones it's a pretty good deal. Plus I've used it and it is pretty amazing. The fingerprint scanner in the standby button looks great and the camera should be very good once the better camera software is made compatible.
Apparently, it's standard procedure for those with a Secret Service detail, but not for those without, which is why Trump has no ambulance in his motorcade.
Be interesting to see if former Presidents, such as Bill, who do have Secret Service details, have ambulances in their motorcades.
If it were quite the standard, there would surely have been one with her the other week in New York - so why did her security bundle her into her own van, rather than the medically equipped one?
I believe there was also some issue about taking her to the ER or not. I am going to guess they thought the apartment was more secure option.
Which is bollocks, and just adds to the conspiracy theories. If the 'medical event' was a one off, they would have had her in the nearest hospital in no time at all.
That they went to a private apartment some distance away, suggests that her team saw this as something of a routine event. *That* is what is worrying to the public when deciding if she's fit to lead the Nation.
Well not so much speed, but hubris. The Chinese Note 7 has used the Amperex battery mentioned in the article from the start because the Chinese regulator wouldn't approve the SDI batter for safe use. Instead of going back and sourcing their batteries from Panasonic, Amperex and Sony as they normally do, they ploughed ahead with the battery from their own division.
It's a classic case of chaebol culture, and it afflicts all of Korean industry.
Ah, so the faulty battery was Samsung's own new design, rather than from an established player? Sounds awfully like the Boeing 787 and its own dodgy battery problems.
Yes, it was from their own Samsung SDI subsidiary, rather than from Panasonic or Sony who have around 50% market share between them for gadget batteries. SDI make good batteries as well, and as rhe article mentions, they make them for Apple, but Samsung used an untested type of battery for their own flagship unit because they'd kept the technology in reserve. The Chinese Note 7 has a lower battery rating for this reason, but it doesnt explode.
The damning part for me is that they went ahead with the SDI batter for the global version despite being told by the Chinese that it was not safe and that the only way to release it in China was to use a different supplier. The speculation at the time of the refusal was that the Chinese government wanted Samsung to use a Chinese brand of battery to boost their fledgling chemicals industry. Clearly that wasn't the case given they used a Japanese sourced one and it was a legitimate safety concern for rejecting the original Note 7.
Good background which I hadn't understood. Thanks.
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
What is so good about the OnePlus 3? I know little about it, other than they had some viral marketing campaign.
1. Fabulous build quality. It really feels as good as an iPhone in terms of how it's made, really premium.
2. It's got a clean Android build, with no bloat. And it has 7mb of RAM, so it absolutely flies. It's the only Android phone I know that makes my iPhone feel slow.
3. It's £320. That's half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung or an HTC.
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
What is so good about the OnePlus 3? I know little about it, other than they had some viral marketing campaign.
1. Fabulous build quality. It really feels as good as an iPhone in terms of how it's made, really premium.
2. It's got a clean Android build, with no bloat. And it has 7mb of RAM, so it absolutely flies. It's the only Android phone I know that makes my iPhone feel slow.
3. It's £320. That's half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung or an HTC.
But it looks like an off brand HTC. 6gb of RAM no? 7mb would be pretty crazy!
She's doing an awful lot of overruling at present.
The Britannia required 250 crew to serve one or two Important People. That's enough to man two of the new frigates and those sailors are supposed to fight.
The Britannia was an important business venue that could move internationally with brilliant pageantry.
My ship was tied up on the same quay as her for over a week and we saw many business leaders and deals being done. All of these were Aided and abetted by the special circumstances and setting. She was far more than just "two people" trouble is lefties could never see that.....or didn't want to.
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.
Full Videos – Click the “Watch Full Video Link” below on each debate to watch the entire debate video.
Time – The debates will air from 9pm to 10:30pm ET (8pm – 9:30pm CT, 7pm – 8:30pm MT, 6pm – 7:30pm PT)
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
Monday, September 26, 2016 First presidential debate Moderator: Lester Holt, Anchor, NBC Nightly News Location: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
The first debate will be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on major topics to be selected by the moderator and announced at least one week before the debate. The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a deeper discussion of the topic. Read more at http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-debate-schedule/2016-presidential-debate-schedule/#BKqxPDjmDQx0jV8f.99
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
What is so good about the OnePlus 3? I know little about it, other than they had some viral marketing campaign.
1. Fabulous build quality. It really feels as good as an iPhone in terms of how it's made, really premium.
2. It's got a clean Android build, with no bloat. And it has 7mb of RAM, so it absolutely flies. It's the only Android phone I know that makes my iPhone feel slow.
3. It's £320. That's half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung or an HTC.
I've had a OnePlus 3 for a month and it is as sensational as people say. It is the only smartphone to have 6GB RAM which makes it amazingly fast. Everything just works instantly.
Its Dash charging system outperforms by a big margin other fast chargers..
Its lovely to hold and the screen is a gem. Fantastic.
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.
Full Videos – Click the “Watch Full Video Link” below on each debate to watch the entire debate video.
Time – The debates will air from 9pm to 10:30pm ET (8pm – 9:30pm CT, 7pm – 8:30pm MT, 6pm – 7:30pm PT)
It's normally around this time in the US electoral cycle that lots of stories start to appear in the press about US citizens wanting to mass emigrate to Canada.
Only fair, given that every successful Canadian broadcaster and entertainer ends up in the US.
Canada's in NATO though and the bits worth living in would be in the way of the fall-out plumes from the prairie missile silo fields. We're planning to head to Ireland if Trump gets in as at least it's neutral, plus herself has an Irish passport and as a Brit I'd get CTA privs to live there (unless Brexit buggers that up too). Personally I'd prefer New Zealand for safety, but we haven't figured out if we could qualify for immigration there yet.
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.
Full Videos – Click the “Watch Full Video Link” below on each debate to watch the entire debate video.
Time – The debates will air from 9pm to 10:30pm ET (8pm – 9:30pm CT, 7pm – 8:30pm MT, 6pm – 7:30pm PT)
In Britain, the coaching companies published schedules providing details of the corrections required ... Leeds time was six minutes behind London, whilst Bristol was ten minutes behind; sunrise for towns to the east such as Norwich occurred several minutes ahead of London.
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.
Full Videos – Click the “Watch Full Video Link” below on each debate to watch the entire debate video.
Time – The debates will air from 9pm to 10:30pm ET (8pm – 9:30pm CT, 7pm – 8:30pm MT, 6pm – 7:30pm PT)
In Britain, the coaching companies published schedules providing details of the corrections required ... Leeds time was six minutes behind London, whilst Bristol was ten minutes behind; sunrise for towns to the east such as Norwich occurred several minutes ahead of London.
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
What is so good about the OnePlus 3? I know little about it, other than they had some viral marketing campaign.
1. Fabulous build quality. It really feels as good as an iPhone in terms of how it's made, really premium.
2. It's got a clean Android build, with no bloat. And it has 7mb of RAM, so it absolutely flies. It's the only Android phone I know that makes my iPhone feel slow.
3. It's £320. That's half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung or an HTC.
I've had a OnePlus 3 for a month and it is as sensational as people say. It is the only smartphone to have 6GB RAM which makes it amazingly fast. Everything just works instantly.
Its Dash charging system outperforms by a big margin other fast chargers..
Its lovely to hold and the screen is a gem. Fantastic.
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.
Full Videos – Click the “Watch Full Video Link” below on each debate to watch the entire debate video.
Time – The debates will air from 9pm to 10:30pm ET (8pm – 9:30pm CT, 7pm – 8:30pm MT, 6pm – 7:30pm PT)
In Britain, the coaching companies published schedules providing details of the corrections required ... Leeds time was six minutes behind London, whilst Bristol was ten minutes behind; sunrise for towns to the east such as Norwich occurred several minutes ahead of London.
I know I've mentioned it before but RealClearPolitics random sampling period for the LA Times tracker is infuriating. It makes if f'ing impossible to go through their historical poll data and get useful info out of it easily, especially as they randomly sprinkle the LA Times tracker around the results (so September polls appear in the middle of July data etc).
Why they aren't including it on a fixed weekly schedule is a total mystery.
Hmm. Connection's conked out twice in a short time. Happens now and then and turning off and on usually fixes it, but rare to have a recurrence (just mentioning it in case it worsens and I vanish for a little while).
All will start to become clear a week today - the first debate.
At what time is the debate? I fear it will be an all nighter for those of us in a weird middle time zone.
Monday, September 26, 2016 First presidential debate Moderator: Lester Holt, Anchor, NBC Nightly News Location: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
The first debate will be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on major topics to be selected by the moderator and announced at least one week before the debate. The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a deeper discussion of the topic. Read more at http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-debate-schedule/2016-presidential-debate-schedule/#BKqxPDjmDQx0jV8f.99
Time is 9pm-10.30pm ET
That's not actually too bad. 5am start for me (GMT+4) so I'll wake early rather than stay up to watch. And boy, will it be worth watching!!
The Pennsylvania one is interesting because it is by a Democratic leaning pollster who has Hillary ahead by 9 nationally. If Penn does become competitive, and there is no sign of that till now, the FOP that @JackW has been going on about is distinctly possible.
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
What is so good about the OnePlus 3? I know little about it, other than they had some viral marketing campaign.
1. Fabulous build quality. It really feels as good as an iPhone in terms of how it's made, really premium.
2. It's got a clean Android build, with no bloat. And it has 7mb of RAM, so it absolutely flies. It's the only Android phone I know that makes my iPhone feel slow.
3. It's £320. That's half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung or an HTC.
I've had a OnePlus 3 for a month and it is as sensational as people say. It is the only smartphone to have 6GB RAM which makes it amazingly fast. Everything just works instantly.
Its Dash charging system outperforms by a big margin other fast chargers..
Its lovely to hold and the screen is a gem. Fantastic.
The Pennsylvania one is interesting because it is by a Democratic leaning pollster who has Hillary ahead by 9 nationally. If Penn does become competitive, and there is no sign of that till now, the FOP that @JackW has been going on about is distinctly possible.
Hillary has had Obama campaigning for her in PA last week.That's a sign that PA is competitive.
The second speaker grill that Apple put on the iPhone 7 in place of the headphone jack is just aesthetic and doesn't produce any sound. Now that's courage...
The Pennsylvania one is interesting because it is by a Democratic leaning pollster who has Hillary ahead by 9 nationally. If Penn does become competitive, and there is no sign of that till now, the FOP that @JackW has been going on about is distinctly possible.
Hillary has had Obama campaigning for her in PA last week.That's a sign that PA is competitive.
Mr. Sandpit, thought you were talking about the Japanese Grand Prix for a moment
That starts at a fantastic 09:00 here in the sandpit Memories of getting up at what felt like the middle of the UK night to watch Senna and Prost crash into each other in 1989 and 1990.
Mr. Sandpit, not checked, but I'd guess it's a tedious 5am. May be one for the radio (if I get up, that means walking the dog, which means a rise of 4.30am give or take).
The second speaker grill that Apple put on the iPhone 7 in place of the headphone jack is just aesthetic and doesn't produce any sound. Now that's courage...
Is that teardown like a Top Gear episode where Clarkson drives a car to a really remote place and then helicoptered back to the hotel for a steak and chips, while some poor sod has to go and get the car back?
Some poor intern has been left with all the bits and the tear down video and told to have it back together and working by the morning...
Mr. Sandpit, not checked, but I'd guess it's a tedious 5am. May be one for the radio (if I get up, that means walking the dog, which means a rise of 4.30am give or take).
O/T - But would I be right in saying that no failed Labour leadership candidate has ever gone on to win the top job?
I can't find any examples of someone having failed once and then succeeding. And whilst it could change in the future, it seems unlikely that anyone defeated by Corbyn could move forward and claim the leadership in the future.
Edit - I didn't go back far enough - Wilson failed on his attempt to defeat Gaistkell in 1960. But none of the pretenders are a Wilson
The Pennsylvania one is interesting because it is by a Democratic leaning pollster who has Hillary ahead by 9 nationally. If Penn does become competitive, and there is no sign of that till now, the FOP that @JackW has been going on about is distinctly possible.
Ignore the PA one, that's from Feb but has only just been added to the list.
O/T - But would I be right in saying that no failed Labour leadership candidate has ever gone on to win the top job?
I can't find any examples of someone having failed once and then succeeding. And whilst it could change in the future, it seems unlikely that anyone defeated by Corbyn could move forward and claim the leadership in the future.
Brown (although I think he withdrew/didn't stand in 1994 rather than lost)
O/T - But would I be right in saying that no failed Labour leadership candidate has ever gone on to win the top job?
I can't find any examples of someone having failed once and then succeeding. And whilst it could change in the future, it seems unlikely that anyone defeated by Corbyn could move forward and claim the leadership in the future.
Edit - I didn't go back far enough - Wilson failed on his attempt to defeat Gaistkell in 1960. But none of the pretenders are a Wilson
The Pennsylvania one is interesting because it is by a Democratic leaning pollster who has Hillary ahead by 9 nationally. If Penn does become competitive, and there is no sign of that till now, the FOP that @JackW has been going on about is distinctly possible.
Ignore the PA one, that's from Feb but has only just been added to the list.
So's that Clinton +9 (Mea Culpa). A New National has been added - Trump +2 And Florida Trump +1 - so the polls tighten still further.
Who have supplied my last three PCs. Good service; no complaints. They claim to be UK's no.1 gaming PC supplier. They offer bundles but you can also effectively build your own, by choosing all the components separately and they will build it for you.
"Aharrr Jim lad. A vast behind!"
- sorry, it's just one of the Kardashian girls.......
It never ends well because you can never outdo Apple's brilliance.
The son of an imam who was murdered for his moderate beliefs has warned that Islamic State supporters are posing as charity workers to radicalise young people in Rochdale.
Saleh al-Arif said that some members of the town’s Muslim community are concerned the Islamic terror group has many supporters among Bengalis in Rochdale. Mr. al-Arif spoke out after Islamic State sympathiser Mohammed Syeedy was given a 24 year jail sentence for his part in the murder of Jalal Uddin, which took place in February this year.
What does he make his jam with?
We all would have told Osborne to leave by the back door, if we were in May's position that first evening.
Sorry, but there it is.
It's a classic case of chaebol culture, and it afflicts all of Korean industry.
Clinton has the support of 41 percent of likely voters in the New York Times Upshot/Siena College Research poll. Trump is backed by 40 percent.
Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson has 9 percent support and Green Party nominee Jill Stein has 2 percent.
Usual fear the backlash....one thing...Do you call somebody who he hadn't been enrolled in college for over 6 months a student...I would call them perhaps unemployed?
.@ukhomeoffice to pay £80m for new contract to provide security at #Calais, #Dunkirk & #Coquelles, 10 times the value of current deal.
Sounds awfully like the Boeing 787 and its own dodgy battery problems.
The damning part for me is that they went ahead with the SDI batter for the global version despite being told by the Chinese that it was not safe and that the only way to release it in China was to use a different supplier. The speculation at the time of the refusal was that the Chinese government wanted Samsung to use a Chinese brand of battery to boost their fledgling chemicals industry. Clearly that wasn't the case given they used a Japanese sourced one and it was a legitimate safety concern for rejecting the original Note 7.
Where was the ambulance in her motorcade on 9/11/16...?
"...rip up the dysfunctional visa system and build one incorporating the best technological tools available. Decisions on visas and work permits should be made in hours, not months."
1. Anyone buying an Android phone that's not the new OnePlus 3 is a fool*.
2. Did Diane James really say that - alongside Churchill and Thatcher - Putin was one of her heroes?
* OK, maybe foolish, rather than a fool.
2. Uh-huh.
What is it with right wing populists?
That they went to a private apartment some distance away, suggests that her team saw this as something of a routine event. *That* is what is worrying to the public when deciding if she's fit to lead the Nation.
2. It's got a clean Android build, with no bloat. And it has 7mb of RAM, so it absolutely flies. It's the only Android phone I know that makes my iPhone feel slow.
3. It's £320. That's half the price of an iPhone or a Samsung or an HTC.
Poll 1 : Trump +7 (LV)
Poll 2: Clinton +9 (AV)
Is this a record divergence?
(And a Pennsylvania - Trump +1)
The Britannia was an important business venue that could move internationally with brilliant pageantry.
My ship was tied up on the same quay as her for over a week and we saw many business leaders and deals being done. All of these were Aided and abetted by the special circumstances and setting. She was far more than just "two people" trouble is lefties could never see that.....or didn't want to.
TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.
Full Videos – Click the “Watch Full Video Link” below on each debate to watch the entire debate video.
Time – The debates will air from 9pm to 10:30pm ET (8pm – 9:30pm CT, 7pm – 8:30pm MT, 6pm – 7:30pm PT)
Isn't that sort of 2 - 3.30am UK time?
Read more at http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-debate-schedule/2016-presidential-debate-schedule/#biDgYGdT3gU6driP.99
First presidential debate
Moderator: Lester Holt, Anchor, NBC Nightly News
Location: Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
The first debate will be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on major topics to be selected by the moderator and announced at least one week before the debate. The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. Candidates will then have an opportunity to respond to each other. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a deeper discussion of the topic.
Read more at http://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2016-debate-schedule/2016-presidential-debate-schedule/#BKqxPDjmDQx0jV8f.99
Time is 9pm-10.30pm ET
Its Dash charging system outperforms by a big margin other fast chargers..
Its lovely to hold and the screen is a gem. Fantastic.
Nope - it's EXACTLY 2-3.30am UK time.
Your job is to calculate the chance of this happening given the volume of tv, films, computer games and books that have bombs exploding in New York.
In Britain, the coaching companies published schedules providing details of the corrections required ... Leeds time was six minutes behind London, whilst Bristol was ten minutes behind; sunrise for towns to the east such as Norwich occurred several minutes ahead of London.
They are either the best or worst pollster at this very moment in time.
Why they aren't including it on a fixed weekly schedule is a total mystery.
Damn, I did, ages ago. Hey ho.
This is either a very big move or a rogue poll.
Memories of getting up at what felt like the middle of the UK night to watch Senna and Prost crash into each other in 1989 and 1990.
Mr. Glenn, we can only salute their heroism.
Some poor intern has been left with all the bits and the tear down video and told to have it back together and working by the morning...
I can't find any examples of someone having failed once and then succeeding. And whilst it could change in the future, it seems unlikely that anyone defeated by Corbyn could move forward and claim the leadership in the future.
Edit - I didn't go back far enough - Wilson failed on his attempt to defeat Gaistkell in 1960. But none of the pretenders are a Wilson
Mr. Urquhart, could be wrong, but I believe that 4x4, left at the top of a mountain, also had its keys locked inside by Clarkson [by mistake].
Eight children’s television programmes for the enjoyment and enlightenment of Momentum Kids