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If they used even 18-34 and 35-49 ranges they wouldn't get their majority for the socialist in the youngest group.
A bar chart to make the Lib Dems proud.
I love the fact that Hillary Clinton ended her rally with "I feel good" by James Brown. Who died of pneumonia.
European Union President Donald Tusk told reporters that British Prime Minister Theresa May "declared it was almost impossible to trigger Article 50 this year but it's quite likely they will be ready in January or February next year."
"The threats to the referendum outcome are increasing by the day," she said, adding she would reject "Brexit-lite".
She told the UKIP conference "Yes to a 100% European Union exit. Can I be any clearer? Yes to a sovereign independent UK. Yes to a UK free to make trade deals with whoever and whenever we want and yes to an immigration policy that allows entry regardless of origin to those with the skills and the expertise and the social values that this country wants."
There was an ominous threat to Corbyn too "If you're watching this afternoon, you'll be watching the opposition party in waiting."
She concluded "Mrs May: from one grammar school girl to another, stop the faff, stop the fudge and the farce, get on with it - invoke Article 50 and give UKIP the best Christmas present we could ever have."
Her win was also a boost for the Farage-Woolfe faction and a defeat for the Carswell-Evans backed Lisa Duffy. Soon after Carswell's allotted time to speak to the conference was cut and Neil Hamilton was replaced on Saturday's rota of speakers by Nathan Gill who he ousted
A Little Johnny story
Mr Corbyn was visiting a London Primary school and the class was in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked Mr Corbyn if he would like to lead the discussion on the word “Tragedy”. So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of “Tragedy”.
A little boy stood up and offered “If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a tragedy”.
“Incorrect” said Corbyn. “That would be an accident”.
A little girl raised her hand “If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everybody inside, that would be a tragedy”.
“I’m afraid not” explained Corbyn: “That’s what we would refer to as a great loss”.
The room went silent. No other children volunteered.
Corbyn searched the room. “Isn’t there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy ?”
Finally, at the back of the room, little Johnny raised his hand and said “If a plane carrying you and Mr Balls, Mrs Harman and all the other Labour Party members was struck by a “friendly fire” missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy”.
“Fantastic” exclaimed Corbyn, “ and can you tell me why that would be a tragedy ?”
“Well” said Johnny, “ it has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn’t be a great loss, and it probably wouldn’t be a bloody accident either”.
"He is feeding into the worst impulses - the bigotry and bias that lurks in our country."
They got played hard and they'll do it again, much like Charlie brown, Lucy and the football.
The Democrats are now licking their wounds - after having had their prize tactic neutered they are now saying it didn't matter and blaming Trump for 'being judge of whether Obama is American'.
"Following his statement, Mrs Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook said: "Trump's actions today were disgraceful.
"After five years of pushing a racist conspiracy theory into the mainstream, it was appalling to watch Trump appoint himself the judge of whether the President of the United States is American."
If Mr Mook wishes to appeal the Judge's decision I would be very interested.
Theresa May will be fine, because Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the Labour party. I don't really agree with her grammar schools' policy though. Social mobility and poverty are fairly complicated issues, and there is no single policy out there that is going to be a panacea for it. I'm also not sure what is exactly is going happen to those who don't get into grammar schools - after all, their chances of a great future shouldn't die at age 11.
I don't see Diane James who has always come across as socially and fiscally conservative really appealing to Labour voters.
I'm still curious as to why Trump seems to have so many on PB that are particularly keen on him. I have a feeling that if another candidate had made the kind of statements Trump has made about minorities about white people there would be an uproar on this site and they would be hated. Yet being suspicious about Trump's view of minorities seems to be totally mocked on this site despite his statements, and there almost seems to be an expectation that minorities should put aside any concerns or grievances they have regarding Trump and support him. Speaking of Trump and minorities, are there any other polls that show his position improving (I should say) with minorities other than the LA Times poll? They've been showing Trump's position as improving (generally with voters) for sometime now, although I found out fairly recently they are a self-selecting panel (like YouGov I think). After finding that out, I don't know how to take their poll findings.
It is unfortunate that America that this time has some seriously dire candidates for President. It almost makes me wish Obama could do another four years, because even he is better than that lot.
EDIT: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/09/15/politics/donald-trump-obama-birther-united-states/
The fact that this was even thing is simply unbelievable. Although I'm sure the people who frequent Breibart.com still think Obama isn't American.
Where ever it goes it will cause a certain level of upheaval and won't be cheap, but we need the extra capacity like yesterday.
Article 50 triggered in first half of 2017. 1.75 on Betfair. £50 available.
Just make the bloody decision and live with it. Right now any decision of Heathrow is better than more procrastination. We elected you lot to make these difficult decisions. Grr.
Meanwhile, Team Owen have been emailing to say that they are convincing lots of undecideds to back their man. Spin or substance? We'll find out soon enough.
Beyond satire.
Sterilisation would do it.
"Next week, I’m starting the LBC Middle East Process. Yes, really. On my radio show I’ll be hosting an hour-long debate between the Israeli Ambassador to London Mark Regev, and the Palestinian Ambassador, Manuel Hassassian.I’ve interviewed them separately before, and I hope that we can have at least a partial meeting of minds.
"Clearly, there will be huge differences between them, but in my experience they are both reasonable men who have the ability to see a different point of view from their own. Whatever the outcome, I think I can assure you an hour of gripping radio."
I have mixed feelings about grammar schools but a policy that lures back kippers while making the left foam is good politics.
I've got reservations but it is just great to see someone just let rip because he is funding himself and dosent have to tread on eggshells the whole time because he cant afford to offend some special interest group with a professional chip on their shoulder the size of the grand canyon who will lean on the candidates corporate sponsors if they put a word out of place that offends liberal (in the US sense) sensibilities.
Why am I not the least bit surprised that the moronic Brexit nihilists also love Trump?
In 1960, Kennedy said: and He understood it, and tried to correct it. The current two minions running for presidency don't understand that the country they will serve can do amazing things, but is stagnating. They need to inspire people, show their people that chants of "USA! USA!" are pointless if the country's directionless and leaderless.
I think perhaps the last president to understand this was Reagan.
Find a British owned airport and let them expand.
I think perhaps the last president to understand this was Reagan."
I don't entirely agree, what America does not need now is an inspirational leader but a tough, competent one who gets things done, which Obama did not always do, however good his speechmaking. For example, JFK was succeeded by LBJ and Nixon, neither anything like as inspiring but both got things done, Hillary or Trump would certainly be closer to the latter than Obama's more JFK like persona. Equally Reagan was succeeded by the dull Bush Snr, who proved to be highly effective in foreign policy particularly
"Please note that the testing does not imply that there are spaces but allows us to establish a waiting list of suitable boys should a place become available."
That gives the impression that entry after 13 is only possible if places are freed up by other kids leaving, rather than being a normal means of entry.