A new YouGov poll this morning finds that there has been a less than overwhelming response to TMay’s main domestic policy – the return of grammar schools. 34% say they back the plan; 25% want all existing grammars closed and 20% thought things should stay as they are.
Tupton (North East Derbyshire) result:
LDEM: 38.3% (+38.3)
LAB: 34.7% (-32.4)
CON: 17.5% (-15.4)
UKIP: 8.9% (+8.9)
BPP: 0.7% (+0.7)
Blakelaw (Newcastle upon Tyne) result:
LAB: 43.2% (-20.0)
LDEM: 28.1% (+19.0)
UKIP: 19.1% (+3.0)
CON: 5.1% (-2.4)
GRN: 4.5% (+0.5)
Puckeridge (East Hertfordshire) result:
CON: 42.9% (-24.6)
UKIP: 18.9% (+18.9)
LDEM: 18.0% (+18.0)
LAB: 11.0% (-8.9)
GRN: 9.1% (-3.5)
Castle (Carlisle) result:
LAB: 46.5% (+9.2)
CON: 26.7% (+7.7)
UKIP: 12.5% (-10.4)
LDEM: 10.3% (-0.6)
GRN: 4.0% (-3.5)
Reading Nick's article, and the Paul Waugh article which Plato just linked to, prompted me to look again at the 'Corbyn To Go Before Next General Election?' market on Betfair.
I was already on No, and I've just topped up at 1.5. This looks like a no-brainer to me, apart from actuarial risk. Sad though it is from the points of view both of entertainment and of betting opportunities, I have to say that Nick is right when he says in his article: Forget about a third leadership election before 2020. Once was necessary when Ed stood down. Twice was perhaps understandable in view of the PLP unrest. Three would be ridiculous. At some point the result of elections needs to be respected, and we’ve reached it.
In addition, there's a kind of stalemate which makes Corbyn's position very strong indeed.
Though that might just be internal party score-settling, I suppose.
If he switched, he would have to fight another by-election. This time he might lose.
A nice tip
Another by-election would be a bit irritating to the good citizens of Clacton.
Osborne's challenge is good for hard Brexit lovers.
To have a new Royal Yacht would be a cracking idea, not least for the reasons Mr. Charles mentions (assuming there is a shipyard in the UK capable of building such a thing), but to dig the old girl out of retirement would be a very bad idea on so many levels.
One idea I did have a few years ago was that a new yacht could be built by public subscription. The livery companies in the City are filthy rich and their members even more so. Given the right approach I think one could raise £100 million for a Royal Yacht out of the city in about a month, maybe six weeks. Crikey you could probably get that much out of the Goldsmiths alone. Open the subscription up to the wider public and there would be more than enough.
The problem would be crewing the vessel. The RN haven't got enough sailors to crew their existing ships.
Just have to hope the "purge" hasn't worked too well for Smith...
Rule Britannia.
If he'd had any sense (and dignity) he'd have announced his intention to resign on his own terms with Cameron shortly after the referendum.
As is an 11% annualised tax free return is not to be sniffed out.
What are the side effects of prolonged popper use?
I'd imagine it makes it harder to hold for UKIP. But I'm not sure if that also means that were he to go back to Con he'd need a fight to the death with some sitting MP to get on the ballot.
He's enough of a pro to realise that politics is a brutal game, and fortunes can turn on a sixpence. Who knows what the situation will look like in a few years' time?
Ladbrokes aren't taking bets on J. Greening (well not at 20).
Major planning reform is long overdue, would be my #1 suggestion for the Queen's Speech.
My guess/hope is the clinton/trump book will tighten up to ~99% as the debates approach.
That would leave;
500 johnson
500 Pence
500 Kaine
1000 Biden
>=1000 sanders
500 Gop (other)
Realistic prices, IMO
The best POTUS bet is laying sanders.
Shadsy will put her back in at 12s maybe.
I'm not playing this market at present though.
Paradise? No, Luton Airport.
Backed a 20-1 shot,
Backed a 1.5
And laid an 80-1 outsider !
The business plan for BI only works if LHR gets sold off to build a new town, but BI is completely the wrong side of London for most of the South East to get to it. Business located along the M3 and M4 corridors need the airport to be where it is. Would probably have to widen the whole M25 to accommodate the traffic too.
He seems a remarkably quiet chancellor.
But other than that, it's a good idea?
Half the UK population lives N of the Severn/Wash line, yet 99% of the attention is on London. At the time of the Channel Tunnel, through trains; e.g., Manchester or Birmingham to Paris, were promised. It never happened; we just got a white elephant at Waterloo!
Corbyn has compromised several times - not pressing his NATO scepticism or his republicanism, agreeing that his reference to Hamas as "friends" was a mistake and tacitly agreeing to a free vote on Trident (not yet formalised but it's clearly coming). He's not an elastic politician like Boris, but he's learned as leader - a year ago I think he'd have walked into the "why not talk with ISIS?" trap that Owen walked into.
On the other hand, he's happy to publicly reassure bankers that there won't be a problem;
In the tory worldview bankers need security and certainty.
Families, apparently, don't.
What he (or at least May) has said is that they would like to guarantee the rights, but it is contingent on the rights of British citizens living in the EU being guaranteed.
If the EU would show a willingness to be sensible this could be taken off the table very quickly.
I think it would be reckless of HMG to surrender this card until they have.
Joined up decision making would give the go-ahead to LHR and HS2 at the same time, and have the railway go to the airport.
Crossrail will I think allow direct trains from Reading to Heathrow when it opens, which will allow much better access for those without a car. Some more joined up thinking would build a massive park and ride on the route - maybe somewhere West of Maidenhead, near where the A404M crosses the train line.
If we are going to become a trading nation again then we'll need a method of getting people together in a way that can't be offered by any other nation. The Brittania seems a solution to me, even a new replacement for a £100-150m would be worth it.
So old oak common is just as good a point and would save a fortune
Tories 1/100
Labour & LibDems 25/1
UKIP 50/1
Greens 100/1