Hardly a day’s gone by without some new UK poll much of it focused on the new PM and, of course, the Smth-Corbyn battle for the Labour leadership. On top of that WH2016 gets closer and the question is being asked of whether a Hillary Clinton is now inevitable.
I do like that we are still in the phase where people are arguing if May is cautious and competent, smartly remaining out of fights, or just has nothing to her, does nothing and says nothing and so survives but won't flourish. We shall see.
Red Arrows on this afternoon makes you proud to be British.
Looks like this
Smith and Corbyn as bad as each other. All well and good saying things like "end poverty" and "free education", which people will probably agree with, but where's the substance? Where's all the money coming from? Corbyn keeps saying it'll be from the 50p tax rate and clamping down on tax avoidance but there'll be nowhere near enough.
Then there's the 500 billion extra spending, privisation of railways, some sort of universal education service, unilateral nuclear disarmament, cutting tax relief for drug research...
Take this sort of stuff to the electorate and it'll be a bloodbath.
He wants to turn the Labour Party into Stop the War
@jonwalker121: (for the record, event was in Solihull which isn't part of Birmingham but the world won't end if you call it Birmingham) #LabourLeadership
Such things are what world wars are made of though I suspect this time that it would take about 5 hours to complete rather than 5 years.
For what it is worth they seem to generate more casual hate than other parties, although Labour get plenty among the politically inclined on the right.
Now, they are intending to return to being a non-voter, but if such a person would, if pressed, go for Labour even though I cannot see what about it appeals to them (definitely no Corbynista), or at least repels them the least, then will enough hold on for Labour to prevent disaster at the least, and spring surprises at best?
formexperiencebentclean as the Olympic boxing judges.Maybe someone like Isinbayeva, having just missed a great chance at a gold medal through no fault of her own, is the sort of person the IOC needs to come down hard on the drugs issue. As in lifetime bans from the Olympics for anyone caught using drugs.
@joerichlaw: Labour facing cancellation of next month's crucial Party Conference as officials fail to arrange security contract https://t.co/DEK9z9mLjd
The mists clear.
It's only their domination of wiff-waff giving them a chance of overhauling us.
Team GB has 3 or more Golds in only two events, Cycling and Rowing, and our top three (including sailing) comes to 11 out of our 21.
The USA is absurdly dominant in swimming, with 16 golds alone, and if you include their top 3 events (a little unfair as it includes athletics, which covers a much wider area than others) then 26 of their 31 has come from 3 sports areas.
So we have a decent spread of Golds to be honest.
1) elect an elderly nutcase with no intelligence or experience as leader on the basis he utters the right cliches;
2) Have the leader repeatedly vote against his own party's defence policy;
3) Have almost the entire Shadow Cabinet resign in protest at his laziness, discourtesy and incompetence;
4) Have said members of the shadow cabinet verbally and physically assaulted, while the said leader does nothing despite urging a 'kinder, gentler politics,;
5) Have 80% of MPs vote against the leader in a confidence motion which he ignores;
6) Have a leadership election which is subject to two separate legal challenges, one of which is overturned on appeal;
7) Have a leadership contest that focuses exclusively on foreign policy which it turns out neither candidate has the least understanding of;
8) Cancel the conference because you can't work with any of the security firms that could keep people safe.
Labour have done their recent bout of self-destruction with style and panache. Any one would be sufficient, but they decided to do them all. Maybe their solution to the problem of security is to have so few MPs that they can hold future meetings in a taxi (a Reliant Robin, maybe)?
If only it was an Olympic sport so we could get another gold out of it.
Anyway, if it's true and that is the City's representative view, May will be able to wipe the sweat from her brow.
They should just construct signs, placed strategically around all the borders of the EU, saying:
Abandon hope all ye who leave here
This is a fundamental clash with no obvious solution that could easily end with the total destruction of the Labour movement. About the only avoidable mistake they haven't made is attempting assassinations of each other.
It's a bit difficult to accurately assess the situation with crowds. I think there is a lot of comparison with London, where the crowd attendence was unprecedented. I remember quotes from athletes expressing astonishment at the huge attendance at sessions which all by all precedents were pretty sparsely attended (eg. morning/"qualifying" sessions at athletics). Can't recall how attendance generally was pre London.
The rest is meh.