There’s such a contrast between the two women who’ll fight it out over the next eight weeks to become prime minister. May is well-known, very experienced and has started her campaign with a confidence that suggests that she’s been planning this career move for years.
Neill surely? Hasn't Paxo retired?
That said, she did well in her interview with Kuenssberg yesterday - but a more forensic grilling may be more difficult.....
Never mind, the true BELEAVErs won't be deflected....St Angela of BREXIT is above reproach and beyond where's that tax return?
I see the Sun has already come out for May as well as the Mail. Leadsom will certainly get er..scrutiny now
The left wing media (ie BBC Guardian etc. and Twitterati) need to lay off though as they will just drive the blue rinse brigade into Leadsoms arms if they do what they did during the referendum.
Cheers OGH, - the ‘accidental challenger’ pretty much sums it up. – good luck to both ladies.
@haveigotnewsforyou: Andrea Leadsom says criticism of her CV is 'ridiculous', and she didn't have to put up with this nonsense when she was an astronaut. UK Settlement Statement.pdf
If Leadsom holds views that need questioning, they should be questioned. If the blue-rinsed brigade then choose her, it's internal party democracy in action.
She should not get a free pass from justified questioning of her views just because it might upset some party members.
Certainly, her views on religion and gay rights (amongst others) should be explored. If she can't field them well then she's certainly not PM material. It sounds as if she responded well to a stupid question yesterday.
The same goes for May as well; although as she's better-known there might be less room for attack.
It was Eustace who was quoted in the press at its launch:
What are the ECJ’s “peverse decisions”. Ones that Fresh Start didn’t agree with? Documents?Opendocument
"The annual number of episodes rose between 2000 and 2009 from 2283 to 3939 and the30
day death rate fell consistently from 4.3% of cases to 2.6%.This was despitean increase in
the proportion of more complex and higher risk cases. These figures, suggest that rather
than turning away higher risk patients during an era when outcomes have been monitored
closely, , a greater proportion of more complex patients were taken on, 30 day death rates
for children’s heart surgery in the UK are low, falling and compare well with similar data
from other, internationaldatabases."
Leicesters figures are actually better than predicted, the outliers are elsewhere (Glasgow and Newcastle in particular). The reasons for closure are more to do with numbers and geography than quality of the work.
It's easy for supporters to call the former the latter, especially if she doesn't answer well.
If say, it were Leadsom v Soubry, the outcome would be very different, regardless how MP's voted.
Whoever wins is going to be PM. The audience is not just the Conservative electorate, but all of us. For millions this will be their first proper contact with both candidates' views (although May's should certainly be better-known).
The Conservative members should ask themselves whether the candidates' views will play well with the rest of the electorate. Basically: is this person electable?
Otherwise they might as wel ljust elect a Con Corbyn.
Here's a contemporaneous report on Conservative Home which also lists her as heading the group.
Leadsom, the Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire, had a career in the City prior to entering politics, having been Financial Institutions Director at Barclays Bank, Managing Director of a London hedge fund and then, Head of Corporate Governance for Invesco Perpetual. Leadsom runs Fresh Start and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for European Reform (see below) from her office, and has regular co-ordinating messages with Heaton-Harris and Eustice.
I don't think much of either candidate. Both are repulsive in their own ways. I cannot see why people consider May as a safe pair of hands. Her lack of achievement is quite noticeable, her claim to fame is the absence of disasters on her watch. She gets off very lightly for doing very nearly bugger all. She does politics like an Italian football team, conceding few goals but also scoring very few.
There are clearly better candidates around than what was on offer, but they probably don't want to spend 2-3 years shoveling shite, they want to challenge in 2019 and do the sunlight uplands bit for the next general election (Boris etc).
Lots of personal attacks that seem quite unjustified - the liberal Left journalists seem to be amongst the worst. It's the Remain campaign with knobs on.
I'm waiting to see their various interviews/hustings now. Perhaps that will inject some sense into the contest rather the gnashing of teeth/caricaturing either of them.
More important, though, is that she would be a disastrous choice to lead the country. As things stand, I am not convinced the majority of Tory members are as stupid and as selfish as the majority of Labour members. But then I didn't think Corbyn could possibly win either.
The only person in my extended family with a vote in the for PM is my mother. Leadsom is her choice.
Besides, my point still stands: a question that person A thinks is 'taking the piss' might be seen by person B as a good, probing question.
1) Repeal all labour passed laws since Wilson got into power.
2) A grammar school for every town to segregate the thickos.
3) Restoration of responsible government in Rhodeasia.
4) No wooftas.
5) repeal the equality act
6) No wooftas.
7) Pardon and reinstatement of pension for Constable Savage
8) No wooftas.
9) Compulsory Moose Shooting Lessons.
10) Abolish the BBC
And, just for the record, while I can see that taking away the right to vote from very long term prisoners is understandable, I thought that part of the thinking around prison nowadays was “reform", and allowing participation in the democratic system can be seem as apart of that re-education process.
But of course I’m a committed Remainer and indeed hope that as a result of the Brexit negotiations we do in fact Remain.
Choosing the next PM solely through the prism of whether they supported leave or remain is silly. Although the negotiations will be an important (perhaps the most) task facing the next PM, it's just part of the job.
The next PM could get the best deal for the UK possible from the EU and still f*ck the country up.
But then I remember that Leadsom would be this country's leader and that it is not a joke, it is serious and, therefore, quite frightening.
The Leavers fear that May is at best going to give an Out is so close to In that no one could tell the difference, or at worst going to find some excuse to revisit or annul the referendum
Remainers fear that at best Leadsom is going to be unexpectedly competent and manage a full WTO type exit, and at worse it going to turn into some sort of totalitarian idiot.
I rest my case.
The question is: would the 'accidental challenger' (great phrase) be more likely to achieve it than TM?
May has a bigger and better organised entourage than Leadsome. But as her heart won't be in either the big or little issues involved in negotiating Brexit, I'd prefer Leadsome to get the gig.
12) Reinstate capital punishment
13). Reinstate birching for young offenders
14). Income tax relief for the employment of servants
15). Prison for strikers
Leadsom is a Leaver, May will not implement the referendum result properly.
Leadsom has experience of both the City and of European negotiations.
Leadsom is not a career politician and has experience of the real world outside politics.
She's jolly well going to give Mr Putin what for. As the former Secretary General of NATO she certainly knows his weak spots.'
Oh how we laughed at that childish comment.
Both no Ever Closer Union and "Access to Benefits" are deemed to have been "partially achieved". I wonder what the overall score was. ie, what was the pass mark for them to have accepted the negotiations. 100/100?
On Leadsom, the feeling is that she is less than mediocre on the most generous assessment, and not up to the job.
17) Commit three crimes and you get life -any three crimes.
18) Repeal the Statute of Westminster.
19) Repeal the Government of Ireland Act.
20) Reclaim Heligoland
You seem to be just viewing the 'success' of a PM through the prism of the EU. IMO that's dangerous. The EU's important, but there's so much more that the PM has to do.
"Carelessness". That's kind. Stupidity and arrogance are other choices. Not thinking or realising that you might be found out. Not caring because you think - and there has been some evidence of that on here - others won't care.
An occasionally engaging person who can come over well but who has an odd relationship with the truth. Now which other Tory does that remind me of? Ah yes, Jeffrey Archer. The female Jeffrey Archer.
If Leadsome actually becomes PM, with Bill Cash, John Redwood, IDS, The Moggster in tow, I worry about social cohesion. Not that there will be riots on the streets, just that we will be perceived as being less welcoming, less open, less tolerant. Nasty, even.
For all his faults, this would not have been something I would have worried about with a Boris premiership.
Unfortunately this does not seem to be the case in Higher Education, which is perhaps an indication that reform of Universities needs to be on the agenda.
You're splitting people into 'leavers' and 'remainers'. Us and them. That's not just terrible politics; it's wrong.
On 3 - in what sense can May be considered a "career politician with no experience of the real world outside politics"?
The Leaver/Remainer issue has moved on to be people who think there should be full FoM, and people who think it should be up to parliament to control our borders, and a relative handful that think there is some middle ground.
Can I take it you won't be using the terms Leaver and Remainer any more ? I am sure it has been used by half the posters on the current thread
But if Tim Montgomerie and Nigel Farage can express their views from outside the Conservative party, so can I.