"Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says."
Pick a number, any number, make it a big one, multiple it by 4, then add on a few 1000 for effect of looking as if the result of a complex mathematical model....
Sean T is correct.
Osborne is effectively promising to avoid recession. If we vote Remain and there is a recession (very likely) there will be no forgiveness.
After six years of economic growth, a recession (even if only a mild one) is quite likely in the near future, regardless of Brexit.
I wonder what excuse George Osborne will come up with if we vote Remain.
He will be in full on stealth submarine mode if that happens.
"Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says."
Pick a number, any number, make it a big one, multiple it by 4, then add on a few 1000 for effect of looking as if the result of a complex mathematical model....
By my calculations two individuals will lose their jobs, Cameron and Osborne.
@alastairmeeks - thanks for the feedback. My view is that we are being asked to vote on our continued membership of the European Union, which is a clear prospectus, and, therefore, it's appropriate to focus on what that means based upon the body of evidence available to us. Conversely, Leave, depends upon what future UK Governments choose to do; however, I did comment with my view on the likely economic consequences of a Leave in the short, medium and long-term.
I suppose I could have explored in more detail the various potential political outcomes and long-term choices open to the UK, following a Leave vote, and what that might mean, in a future blogpost. That would be for us to decide, of course.
I must admit that I'd bought IDS re-invention of himself but he appears to be perhaps the greatest EU headbanger in the tory party (no small feat) in the sense of throwing fellow Tories either under the bus or trying to with little care as to confidences = all in his quest to Leave.
The same might apply to Cammo re Boris but IDS seems to have a machine gun approach to attacking blue-on-blue.
I'm bored of the whole thing so barely reading 1% of what's going on but his name in relation to attacks on other blues seems all too frequent.
Mr. Llama, comedy is a great good. It lessens stress, improves mood and enhances health. Utilisation of the mongoose in this area proves the inherent goodness of mongooses.
I must admit that I'd bought IDS re-invention of himself but he appears to be perhaps the greatest EU headbanger in the tory party (no small feat) in the sense of throwing fellow Tories either under the bus or trying to with little care as to confidences = all in his quest to Leave.
The same might apply to Cammo re Boris but IDS seems to have a machine gun approach to attacking blue-on-blue.
I'm bored of the whole thing so barely reading 1% of what's going on but his name in relation to attacks on other blues seems all too frequent.
Every time I see IDS on the telly I think 'yup the Tory party was right to ditch him in 2003'
And about a quarter of those in prison. This goes some way to explaining -- but most certainly not excusing -- why children in care, often living chaotic lives, were not listened to when they complained of abuse, assault or rape. .... It ought to be a national scandal.
Yes. Into this system that clearly has major failings, some do-gooders want to bring in thousands more children who are currently in France and Italy etc. Their life chances do not look so good when placed in our institutions.
Exactly - after strumming their virtue signalling last month, they've moved on. I bet most can't even recall what petitions they've signed.
"Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says."
Pick a number, any number, make it a big one, multiple it by 4, then add on a few 1000 for effect of looking as if the result of a complex mathematical model....
Leaves policy RE immigration numbers?
Well we have actual figures of 540000 a year: no 'maybe's', 'mights', 'coulds' 'perhaps', 'possiblies' etc So in 10 years the population of England will have increased by the population of Scotland - and that excludes any Turks coming over.
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
"Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says."
Pick a number, any number, make it a big one, multiple it by 4, then add on a few 1000 for effect of looking as if the result of a complex mathematical model....
Leaves policy RE immigration numbers?
Well we have actual figures of 540000 a year: no 'maybe's', 'mights', 'coulds' 'perhaps', 'possiblies' etc So in 10 years the population of England will have increased by the population of Scotland - and that excludes any Turks coming over.
Not denying immigration is a problem. Just pointing out that Leave are quite capable of massaging figures themselves...
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
Hah! Would you like me to list all of insults aimed at me and the other Remainers on PB?
Traitors and and the very naughty c word than rhymes with runts feature quite heavily in the insults aimed our way.
"With up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says."
"Up to" includes zero. The advert promising up to 50% off can mean nothing off. And minus numbers are possible.
Error ranges should be used in economic forecasts to make them honest. However the 95% range is unknown, so they should be plus or minus infinity. That Georg Cantor has a lot to answer for.
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
The hatred towards the man who delivered the referendum is not rational. Its religious in its fervour and unattractive.
@jimwaterson: My mum has bumped into a Boris anti-EU event on her way to the shops. She's decided to try reporting for first time. https://t.co/SSe2JJWuBh
"Leaving the European Union would tip the UK into a year-long recession, with up to 820,000 jobs lost within two years, Chancellor George Osborne says."
Pick a number, any number, make it a big one, multiple it by 4, then add on a few 1000 for effect of looking as if the result of a complex mathematical model....
Leaves policy RE immigration numbers?
Well we have actual figures of 540000 a year: no 'maybe's', 'mights', 'coulds' 'perhaps', 'possiblies' etc So in 10 years the population of England will have increased by the population of Scotland - and that excludes any Turks coming over.
Not denying immigration is a problem. Just pointing out that Leave are quite capable of massaging figures themselves...
No problem - "Up to 25 million more immigrants are expected in the UK over the next 5 years if we remain." - Perfectly correct - and more accurate than "Up to 840,000 jobs could be lost if we leave the EU"
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
The hatred towards the man who delivered the referendum is not rational. Its religious in its fervour and unattractive.
Rubbish, Mr. MidWinter, unadulterated piffle. I bear no hatred towards Cameron. I wouldn't piss in his ear if his brain were on fire but that has nothing to do with religious fervour but a result of the difference of listening to what the bloke has said over ten years or so and what he has done since he has been PM.
But then I am not a political tribalist, just a bloke who looks at what is going on, what is being said , and makes up his own mind.
Hofer has won this. Simply because the media are saying that the Green guy is ahead slightly. If you look at elections across the world and including in the U.K GE and Scotland the right or centre right has been consistently underestimated. This doesn't mean this has happened again and this is not the traditional left vs. right wing spectrum we are used to but my gut says the postal votes are more for the far right.
Does anyone know are absentee votes in Austria likely to be older voters?
Edit: If the far right win in Austria because the young don't turn out just what would it take for them to turn out?
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
The hatred towards the man who delivered the referendum is not rational. Its religious in its fervour and unattractive.
Perhaps because there is considerable overlap between religious beliefs and political beliefs.
If a leader of a religion becomes a heretic, you'd expect a furious reaction.
Incidentally, how is the opprobrium vented on Cameron any different to that vented on Reckless by some on this board?
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
Hah! Would you like me to list all of insults aimed at me and the other Remainers on PB?
Traitors and and the very naughty c word than rhymes with runts feature quite heavily in the insults aimed our way.
On the Treasury report, I think the 'Shock' scenario looks pretty realistic as a central forecast. The 'Severe shock' scenario is what I would regard at the worst case - possible, but less than a 10% chance of it being as bad as that.
And since when has the English language been consistent?
I think we should make Norman French or Latin as the official language of Le Royaume-Uni
What? I have no idea what the "Le Royaume-Uni" is, but if you think I am going to speak French, even Norman-French, except to my cat (French is of course the natural language of moggies), then you can F**k right off.
As for Latin nobody even knows how to pronounce it. When I was at school "C"s were soft nowadays I am told that was wrong and C should be pronounced hard, as a "K". Esperanto might be a better bet.
And since when has the English language been consistent?
I think we should make Norman French or Latin as the official language of Le Royaume-Uni
What? I have no idea what the "Le Royaume-Uni" is, but if you think I am going to speak French, even Norman-French, except to my cat (French is of course the natural language of moggies), then you can F**k right off.
As for Latin nobody even knows how to pronounce it. When I was at school "C"s were soft nowadays I am told that was wrong and C should be pronounced hard, as a "K". Esperanto might be a better bet.
Le Royaume-Uni is the French for the United Kingdom. French is a great language, especially swearing in, as someone once put it, it's like wiping your arse with silk.
Norman French is still used in Parliament
Norman French is a language used in Parliament in some of the formal exchanges between the two Houses during a Bill's passage through Parliament. It is also used at Royal Assent. This is because these procedures have barely changed since they began, hundreds of years ago, at a time when Norman French was the official language of Government.
I have to say, I'd have thought Sam deserved something a bit better, or at least something with fewer miles on the clock!
Apparently she fancied something lightweight, easily steered and that wouldn't keep going for more than a couple of years. (As far as the car goes, she was looking for a blue one).
This referendum is developing into a fact-free spat something like the nutrition debate on being fat-free. Association and correlation mixed up, anecdote and Micky Mouse economics, and the less the knowledge the more the assertion.
Fats are neither good nor bad as a whole. Some fats are better than others. Yet everyone joins in. The Luvvies love a weird diet and coconut fat is the latest. Why would you believe a celebrity who next week will be supporting colonic irrigation?
I'd put Osborne in the same category. He may know a lot about hanging wallpaper but it says little for his knowledge of economics (not essential anyway), or more importantly his judgement on who to believe. If indeed, he believes anything.
He wants to win the referendum - he doesn't care how.
Celebrities at least believe that sticking a pipe up your anus is a good way to go.
And the Leave campaign are fighting fire with fire.
I have to say, I'd have thought Sam deserved something a bit better, or at least something with fewer miles on the clock!
Apparently she fancied something lightweight, easily steered and that wouldn't keep going for more than a couple of years. (As far as the car goes, she was looking for a blue one).
If it is a Nissan, it will keep going ... what about Dave?
Just received notification about my postal vote in the referendum. The letter says inter alia "You will not be able to vote at a polling station". I think someone was asking about that a day or two ago.
This referendum is developing into a fact-free spat something like the nutrition debate on being fat-free. Association and correlation mixed up, anecdote and Micky Mouse economics, and the less the knowledge the more the assertion.
Fats are neither good nor bad as a whole. Some fats are better than others. Yet everyone joins in. The Luvvies love a weird diet and coconut fat is the latest. Why would you believe a celebrity who next week will be supporting colonic irrigation?
I'd put Osborne in the same category. He may know a lot about hanging wallpaper but it says little for his knowledge of economics (not essential anyway), or more importantly his judgement on who to believe. If indeed, he believes anything.
He wants to win the referendum - he doesn't care how.
Celebrities at least believe that sticking a pipe up your anus is a good way to go.
And the Leave campaign are fighting fire with fire.
Following you off-topic (and thus missing the point) but haven't they just found salt might be harmless after all?
And since when has the English language been consistent?
I think we should make Norman French or Latin as the official language of Le Royaume-Uni
What? I have no idea what the "Le Royaume-Uni" is, but if you think I am going to speak French, even Norman-French, except to my cat (French is of course the natural language of moggies), then you can F**k right off.
As for Latin nobody even knows how to pronounce it. When I was at school "C"s were soft nowadays I am told that was wrong and C should be pronounced hard, as a "K". Esperanto might be a better bet.
Le Royaume-Uni is the French for the United Kingdom. French is a great language, especially swearing in, as someone once put it, it's like wiping your arse with silk.
Norman French is still used in Parliament
Norman French is a language used in Parliament in some of the formal exchanges between the two Houses during a Bill's passage through Parliament. It is also used at Royal Assent. This is because these procedures have barely changed since they began, hundreds of years ago, at a time when Norman French was the official language of Government.
So you want us not only to turn the clock back 600 years or so, to the time when the aristocracy spoke one language and the plebs another, but to regress further and force everyone to speak a foreign language - not even William the Bastard was that mad.
Edward III, made English the official language of England, that a bunch of ponces in the back corridors of Parliament haven't quite caught up yet is not an issue. The holy Roman Emperor Charles V is reported to have said "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to Women, French to Men, and German to my Horse." That was a misprint put out by the medieval equivalent of the EU commissioners, what he really said was, "I speak English to everyone, except my cat who likes me to talk to him in French".
P.S. German or Arabic are better for swearing than French, though my God-Daughter tells me that Dutch is better still.
Looking ahead to June 24th there'll be absolute rage regardless of the outcome. If Leave win the Remainers will be apoplectic, set on revenge. If Remain win Leave will be gutted, but Remain will have to eat an awful lot of humble pie to charm back voters they offended.
The political landscape has changed forever, factions have appeared that won't be reconciled.
This referendum is developing into a fact-free spat something like the nutrition debate on being fat-free. Association and correlation mixed up, anecdote and Micky Mouse economics, and the less the knowledge the more the assertion.
Fats are neither good nor bad as a whole. Some fats are better than others. Yet everyone joins in. The Luvvies love a weird diet and coconut fat is the latest. Why would you believe a celebrity who next week will be supporting colonic irrigation?
I'd put Osborne in the same category. He may know a lot about hanging wallpaper but it says little for his knowledge of economics (not essential anyway), or more importantly his judgement on who to believe. If indeed, he believes anything.
He wants to win the referendum - he doesn't care how.
Celebrities at least believe that sticking a pipe up your anus is a good way to go.
And the Leave campaign are fighting fire with fire.
Following you off-topic (and thus missing the point) but haven't they just found salt might be harmless after all?
"People who cut back their salt intake to half the recommended amount per day may be more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke, scientists have warned.
Eating less than three grams of salt a day could lead to serious health problems in the future, according to a new study, which found current health recommendations appear to be confined only to those who have high blood pressure."
Looking ahead to June 24th there'll be absolute rage regardless of the outcome. If Leave win the Remainers will be apoplectic, set on revenge. If Remain win Leave will be gutted, but Remain will have to eat an awful lot of humble pie to charm back voters they offended.
The political landscape has changed forever, factions have appeared that won't be reconciled.
Which part of without Cameron there would be no Tory majority and no referendum is difficult for the haters to understand.
They aren't rational. Some of the Tory Leavers are worse than the Corbynites or ISIS when it comes to fervour and belief they are right and everyone else is wrong, even when you present them with the facts.
That may be true, Mr. Eagles, but I suggest to you that most people who favour leaving the EU are perfectly rational, have looked at the facts and made their decision accordingly.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
Hah! Would you like me to list all of insults aimed at me and the other Remainers on PB?
Traitors and and the very naughty c word than rhymes with runts feature quite heavily in the insults aimed our way.
Maybe it's because of you pretending to be on the leave side,brilliant how you said you were for leave while posting non stop pro remain propaganda.
@GuidoFawkes: Two new SNP MPs would have bust their spending limits if they'd declared the helicopter according to the rules: https://t.co/5bRKHVeCS2
Dear old Guido is flinging an awful lot of chaff around on election expenses and it is hard not to suspect the Conservative defence on Battlebusgate will be "it's a fair cop, guv, but everyone's at it".
And since when has the English language been consistent?
I think we should make Norman French or Latin as the official language of Le Royaume-Uni
What? I have no idea what the "Le Royaume-Uni" is, but if you think I am going to speak French, even Norman-French, except to my cat (French is of course the natural language of moggies), then you can F**k right off.
As for Latin nobody even knows how to pronounce it. When I was at school "C"s were soft nowadays I am told that was wrong and C should be pronounced hard, as a "K". Esperanto might be a better bet.
Le Royaume-Uni is the French for the United Kingdom. French is a great language, especially swearing in, as someone once put it, it's like wiping your arse with silk.
Norman French is still used in Parliament
Norman French is a language used in Parliament in some of the formal exchanges between the two Houses during a Bill's passage through Parliament. It is also used at Royal Assent. This is because these procedures have barely changed since they began, hundreds of years ago, at a time when Norman French was the official language of Government.
So you want us not only to turn the clock back 600 years or so, to the time when the aristocracy spoke one language and the plebs another, but to regress further and force everyone to speak a foreign language - not even William the Bastard was that mad.
Edward III, made English the official language of England, that a bunch of ponces in the back corridors of Parliament haven't quite caught up yet is not an issue. The holy Roman Emperor Charles V is reported to have said "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to Women, French to Men, and German to my Horse." That was a misprint put out by the medieval equivalent of the EU commissioners, what he really said was, "I speak English to everyone, except my cat who likes me to talk to him in French".
P.S. German or Arabic are better for swearing than French, though my God-Daughter tells me that Dutch is better still.
The downside of campaigning for Remain is that it has turned me into a Francophile until the 23rd of June.
@GuidoFawkes: Two new SNP MPs would have bust their spending limits if they'd declared the helicopter according to the rules: https://t.co/5bRKHVeCS2
Dear old Guido is flinging an awful lot of chaff around on election expenses and it is hard not to suspect the Conservative defence on Battlebusgate will be "it's a fair cop, guv, but everyone's at it".
The Conservative defence is that it was national spend.
According to the Austrian "expert" Van der Bellen desperately needs more than 60.5%. Stay tuned. It is incredibly exciting.
any links to live results. Thanx.
No, I can't find a live ticker anywhere. Several people have linked to screenshots and a news page giving regular updates but it is annoying there is no live ticker.
Lets face it, you just use the mongoose as a vehicle for rather clever humourous quips. Fair enough but I am not sure they deserve it.
@alastairmeeks - thanks for the feedback. My view is that we are being asked to vote on our continued membership of the European Union, which is a clear prospectus, and, therefore, it's appropriate to focus on what that means based upon the body of evidence available to us. Conversely, Leave, depends upon what future UK Governments choose to do; however, I did comment with my view on the likely economic consequences of a Leave in the short, medium and long-term.
I suppose I could have explored in more detail the various potential political outcomes and long-term choices open to the UK, following a Leave vote, and what that might mean, in a future blogpost. That would be for us to decide, of course.
The same might apply to Cammo re Boris but IDS seems to have a machine gun approach to attacking blue-on-blue.
I'm bored of the whole thing so barely reading 1% of what's going on but his name in relation to attacks on other blues seems all too frequent.
If you, and Mr Scott_P, are unable to accept that and feel you have to label people as irrational, headbangers and all the rest of the dreary insults that are regularly trotted out on this site then that is, I am afraid, a reflection of your problems.
Looks like I was spot on...
Traitors and and the very naughty c word than rhymes with runts feature quite heavily in the insults aimed our way.
"Up to" includes zero. The advert promising up to 50% off can mean nothing off. And minus numbers are possible.
Error ranges should be used in economic forecasts to make them honest. However the 95% range is unknown, so they should be plus or minus infinity. That Georg Cantor has a lot to answer for.
@jimwaterson: My mum has bumped into a Boris anti-EU event on her way to the shops. She's decided to try reporting for first time. https://t.co/SSe2JJWuBh
I have to say, I'd have thought Sam deserved something a bit better, or at least something with fewer miles on the clock!
But then I am not a political tribalist, just a bloke who looks at what is going on, what is being said , and makes up his own mind.
We are having a referendum
The bastard...
If a leader of a religion becomes a heretic, you'd expect a furious reaction.
Incidentally, how is the opprobrium vented on Cameron any different to that vented on Reckless by some on this board?
After the weekend main course of Turkey, Leave have started on the fruit basket of bananas.
With Turkey yesterday, and this today, I'm wondering if Leave are on a core vote strategy. Ominous
Footage has emerged of Jeremy Corbyn applauding the leader of the Communist Party of Britain for refusing to toast the Queen
As for Latin nobody even knows how to pronounce it. When I was at school "C"s were soft nowadays I am told that was wrong and C should be pronounced hard, as a "K". Esperanto might be a better bet.
Norman French is still used in Parliament
Norman French is a language used in Parliament in some of the formal exchanges between the two Houses during a Bill's passage through Parliament. It is also used at Royal Assent. This is because these procedures have barely changed since they began, hundreds of years ago, at a time when Norman French was the official language of Government.
George is just so...
This referendum is developing into a fact-free spat something like the nutrition debate on being fat-free. Association and correlation mixed up, anecdote and Micky Mouse economics, and the less the knowledge the more the assertion.
Fats are neither good nor bad as a whole. Some fats are better than others. Yet everyone joins in. The Luvvies love a weird diet and coconut fat is the latest. Why would you believe a celebrity who next week will be supporting colonic irrigation?
I'd put Osborne in the same category. He may know a lot about hanging wallpaper but it says little for his knowledge of economics (not essential anyway), or more importantly his judgement on who to believe. If indeed, he believes anything.
He wants to win the referendum - he doesn't care how.
Celebrities at least believe that sticking a pipe up your anus is a good way to go.
And the Leave campaign are fighting fire with fire.
So steht es derzeit bei den Wahlkarten (Auszählungsstand 13.38 Uhr):
Van der Bellen: 60,4%
Hofer: 39,6%
He may win but it will be his ruination.
Will go to the wire...
330,000 postal ballots counted so far - Van Bellen 60.4% Hofer 39.6% #Austria #Hofer #Election #vdb
Where's the line?
Tommy Docherty was sacked soon after winning the FA Cup. Guus Hiddink won the FA Cup and left shortly afterwards, but was not sacked.
The letter says inter alia "You will not be able to vote at a polling station".
I think someone was asking about that a day or two ago.
p.s. corrected
'Yoko Ono: “I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s”'
Alex Wickham
Would be awful if an MP called the cops on another party and then landed his own party in it. https://t.co/gSFf9TBecS
Edward III, made English the official language of England, that a bunch of ponces in the back corridors of Parliament haven't quite caught up yet is not an issue. The holy Roman Emperor Charles V is reported to have said "I speak Spanish to God, Italian to Women, French to Men, and German to my Horse." That was a misprint put out by the medieval equivalent of the EU commissioners, what he really said was, "I speak English to everyone, except my cat who likes me to talk to him in French".
P.S. German or Arabic are better for swearing than French, though my God-Daughter tells me that Dutch is better still.
The political landscape has changed forever, factions have appeared that won't be reconciled.
Eating less than three grams of salt a day could lead to serious health problems in the future, according to a new study, which found current health recommendations appear to be confined only to those who have high blood pressure."
The shame. THE SHAME!
They didn't win a majority. Support for another referendum is on the wane, and there won't be one this Parliament anyway