Anything upto a quarter of the votes cast in the referendum will be by post and the time-table stipulated by the Electoral Commission states that ballot packs to postal voters should start to go out on Monday. Initially those who currently live overseas will be mailed but the plan is that UK-based postal voters will start getting their ballots by the weekend.
Oh, and first like REMAIN.
"Please post your own vote before assisting others.
I'm not sure Manchester City Centre is the best place to be on a Saturday, it's a mad place at the moment, with massive building works and road closures etc. Also the weather today is absolutely atrocious.
I shall be WALKING to my local Polling Station on 23rd June to VOTE LEAVE.
An excellent railway.
Across England, Scotland and Wales, the proportion of electors who chose to vote by post was 16.9%.
86.0% of people who were sent a postal ballot pack voted, compared with 63.5% of those who were entitled to vote at a polling station.
A total of 46.4 million people were registered to vote in the UK Parliamentary elections on 7 May 2015. Some 30.8 million votes were included in the count, representing an overall turnout of 66.4%.
Electoral Commission Report on the administration of the 7 May 2015 elections
There should be a rule to stop this. Likewise with the two routes from Birmingham to London or Exeter to London.
"Directly Operated Railways took over the East Coast line four years ago, when National Express controversially handed it back to the Government. Its turnover for the year to April rose 4.2% to £693.8 million, as ticket sales, catering and parking fees ticked up, generating that £208.7 million profit."
Oh well, next time I'll send my personal robot with my card. Gotta make them see I mean business.
The Govt site indicates that currently registration is running at 60,000 a day - but does that include local govt registartions?
Last week a quote from Elect Commission on radio was that 7.5m were not yet registered and that was 15% of the electorate. Which would indicate an electorate of 50m.
At GE15 there were 46.4m registered but since then we have had the new registration per person fully deployed.
Mind you I can remember the days of the dining car under BR, real kippers for breakfast served by a chap in a white jacket, and brown Windsor Soup followed by roast lamb with all the trimmings for lunch and, on some services, a separate wine waiter. ut those days are never coming back.
If electorate down to 45.4m and turnout overall 59% but same number of postal voters (5.25m) vote in referendum then the PVs would be 19.4% of the votes cast.
On same basis if turnout 54% then PVs = 21.2% of votes cast.
So PVs will be important but may be not massively so unless turnout drops in the level of Council or European elections.
Trump Rising.
Hillary sinking.
I still think postal votes should be far harder to get, but there we are.
I'd guess Magnussen will get the Renault one. Probably Ricciardo (if only on seniority) but if Verstappen gets it, the Aussie won't be happy.
Outside chance of Red Bull winning in Monaco (though the odds don't tempt me).
I will walk round to the polling station when I get home from work on the 23rd and vote LEAVE.
Then I will start digging an air raid shelter in case Brexit wins.
Miss Plato, some say Fallout 4 is also known as Brexit Simulator 2016
Mind you, if The 100 is right, I for one welcome our frisky lesbian overlords. Overladies?
[Title reminds me The Ten Thousand].
If so then nothing can save you from Brexit.
That way I can vote remain and let them know how awful I think their campaign and general behaviour has been at the same time.
I personally think the franchising model works quite well.The problem on the East Coast is that the DfT took the biggest offer on premiums and on two occasions the operator went bust. I think there are new rules in place that stop companies walking away when they've overstretched themeelves. Personally, I think National Express should have been stripped of their other franchise (c2c) when they walked away from East Coast.
“Despite some polls suggesting it’s neck and neck, over the last few days we’ve seen enough to be convinced,” Paddy Power, Ireland’s largest bookmaker, said in an e-mail in Dublin on Wednesday. ‘‘In a race with two potential outcomes we’ve seen over 85 percent of money go one way and that’s massive.’’ '
Actual result:
Yes 39%
No 61%,_2015
Absent Bairstow and Hales, it's not as if England's other nine did all that well.
The other two will I guess be firm Remainers.
For 90% of us who didn't use these services and had to contend with Sprinters, rail buses, random cancellations, damaged and dirty seats, mouldy sandwiches and cold coffee and tea, privatised railways are a great improvement.
I was thinking more though of his brilliant record in destroying everything he touched...a kind of opposite of Midas.
And the 125s introduced by BR in the 70s are still operating plenty of intercity services.
Every time they get a new colour scheme mug passengers think they are on a brand new train.
Postal voting should be banned, if old people want to vote they can get off their arse and go to the Polling station like a young person.
I didn't realise anywhere still used Sprinters. I though they'd been replaced by 158s. Do the Isle of Wight still use those 1930s underground stock?
I also thought railbuses had been condemned. If not, that's pretty poor given their known dangers.
Here's a free sample:
The Pacers should be gone by 2020. There are changes to accessibility regulations that mean all stock needs to have an accessible toilet (if it has a toilet) by then. Which is why the new trains on the Great Western Main Line are needed by then - the HSTs don't meet the new rules.
That would be the problem.
Mr. Betting, forget ye not the swine flu pandemic. Or the plague of bird flu.
The privatised services are a bit of a mixed bag but customer service is generally hugely better, as are the physical trains (though too many pre-1990 units still exist), as are the stations. By contrast, on-the-day ticket prices for any distance are much higher than they were and ticketing in general is too complex unless you don't care about cost.