Ernest Hemingway believed the best thing he ever wrote was a six word advert “For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn”. You can understand why a novelist might be happy with such an effective use of six words. If he’d spent his time in advertising he might have honed his technique further and managed something equally effective but using only three. “Beanz Meanz Heinz”.
It would be hilarious if some ISIS spokesman actually came out and said that.
This might be a travesty, but do advertisers have an edge in political campaigns anymore in a world where anyone can make a meme on photoshop which has the potential to go viral on social media?
I'm not sure how much more a physical poster besides an A-road has anymore, even if covered well on TV.
The more the two campaigns address themselves to Tories, the more they alienate everybody else, or don`t they?
Which I maintain is the most effective political poster in the last 35 years
Polling suggests that Remain have it fairly easily unless a good chunk of the undecideds vote Leave - but if you're not decided by now then it's unlikely that you'll vote for anything that might materially change the situation.
Betting markets are stubbornly holding their position too.
That should surely change the tenor of the Remain campaign a bit, reduce the heat. The scare story tactic has not been a great success and is surely alienating Tory voters, who might just not even bother in 2020.
A young couple walk up to successive queues asking 'Is this the queue for the 50p stalls'?
No, this is the queue for the Unemployed
No, this is the queue for hip operations.....and so forth
They finally find the correct queue (50p? You've got to be joking mate, with inflation its now £1..) and there's a rather feeble joke about Labour not being the Marx Brothers, but some other comedians.....
Not bad recall 37 years on.....
The main point is find your opponents weakness and poke fun at them.....mercilessly.....
It's literally free advertising if it goes viral. Didn't some agency calculate that Trump got $1.7bn worth of free advertising because he got so much coverage from the media every time he had an outburst.
Dodgy, and now quite obviously going mad Dave could stay on to lose it...
Another very good thread btw.
Cameron as Junker's Glove puppet (because let's face it, it would be accurate) might have some traction.
1) He deeply cares what they think.
2) He is personally extremely polite about opponents anyway.
My suggestion for Leave would be something like a picture of a plumber entangled in red tape with a big pair of scissors inviting voters to 'Cut the knot'. Keep it down-to-earth and rooted in the actual experience (or perceived experience) of voters.
For Remain, they should obviously concentrate on the risk to jobs and prosperity. It shouldn't be hard for an ad agency to come up with some image encapsulating that.
Clinton 48 .. Trump 45
Sanders 53 .. Trump 41
Clinton 54 .. Sanders 40
Sample 14,100
I don't know how effective it'd be but I'd enjoy a poster of the Bayeux Tapestry.
I would also have Erdogan controlling Merkel, Dave and Hollande being with marionette strings.
More like totally and completely buggered up the next election ....
Not a likely outcome but not completely impossible.
So posters could be 'Here's what they did in the last 50 years - what are they going to do in the next?'
Images could be of pushy salesmen wanting contracts written in blood, judges handing down life sentences, reluctant brides entering into the matrimonial state 'till death do us part' with unattractive partners, blank cheques (as in don't give them a..) etc.
The more outrageous the better.
I couldn't possibly comment ....
Can't be long until we have voldemort, Dr no, hanibal lector, the joker & lec lurther quoted!!!
Caption: "Your future, or theirs?"
#Vote Leave
I mean really .... PM Corbyn ....
Perhaps with Euro 2016 coming up there could be a football themed poster. Cameron in goal making a heroic save with the caption, 'He can't stop all of them'. It would be ambiguous whether he was playing on the same team as Europe or not but would work both ways - in one instance their defence is weak and unreliable, in the other they're actively trying to get one past us.
I think the advertising industry is near irrelevant in politics. The best, most viral propaganda is now produced by amateurs.
"Indeed, allegations surrounding Labour’s battle bus surfaced just yesterday. This is unlikely to remain a Conservative only issue."
Or one showing Cameron stabbing John Bull in the back.
Edit: Miss @Plato_Says makes the same point in fewer words, because she works in PR and I work in IT.
And they're saying ' I hope we can count on your vote?'. Poster in run down Labour areas. Osborne at the front obviously. People in the poster mostly laughing.
There's been some funny and awful ones, but nothing like those of the past.
The epidemic of homemade ones on social media has diluted the whole market. And who can forget Cameron as Gene Hunt.
The best posters are those that are not trying to be too clever.
Actually the history of posters and related stunts is that many backfire. #edstone anyone?
If Parliament decided to ignore any leave vote I would begin putting money on UKIP to come second in the next election, which would come sooner rather than later as the government lose a vote of confidence.
@GdnPolitics: Boris Johnon: no guarantee vote to remain will settle EU issue for ever
We haven't even mentioned the Lords yet, stuffed full of EU placemen (aka Lib Dems).
It's very hard to predict what would happen if there is a close Leave win on a low turnout. However I very much doubt the current Parliament would pass legislation to leave in such circumstances. About 75% of MPs oppose leaving and for many - perhaps most - it is an issue of principle which transcends all other considerations. A prolonged period of uncertainty would ensue, and the Tory party would be consumed by internal dissension as activists tried to deselect Remainers or force them into line.