So far we haven’t seen any betting markets linked to the referendum TV debates but that’s likely to happen as this becomes a bigger issue following the Vote Leave reaction to the ITV event planned for June 9th. This is when Farage and Cameron are due to appear in the same programme although they won’t debate directly with each other.
Absolutely bonkers!
On the bright side (sic) it will drive the 'Establishment Stab-in-the-Back/Stitch Up' narrative when LEAVE lose and will keep St Nigel and the UKIP Martyrs in gainful employment for decades to come.....
The problem for the SNP is that they’re a one-trick pony. Their electoral success shows that it’s been very good trick, but if you try to repeat any trick too often people eventually work out how it’s done and the magic is ruined. This particular trick only works if you have a credible economic case for independence, and that simply doesn’t exist.
There, now you feel better.
What's not to like.
“A young voters’ show from Glasgow – presented by Victoria Derbyshire.”
And some say we should scrap the licence fee – for shame…!
I am not convinced that much of it will be worth watching.
8888 seconds
But if he's going to be visible, a debate is the best use of him.
Going to court to silence someone on their own side would look ridiculous.
Black armband time for Jahadi Jez.
Cameron is also not a good debater, and struggles when not fighting from a prepared position.
Dan Hannan is the answer IMHO. Good at speeches, and debating.
He might only appeal to ABs, but ABs are what's needed.
My primary concern is that an EU debate which is mainly about squabbles within the Conservative party doesn't do the subject justice. Most Remainers are not Conservative voters.
Executive summary: it's a mess.
And it's quite obvious precisely who within Vote Leave overreacted too.
Nevertheless, ITV played a bit dirty on this and should reconsider.
Cameron v Farage is proper box office, they are a commercial tv station, they won't care a toss for Vote Leave.
VoteLeave appear to want a veto over who appears and their hysterical reaction to the Robert Peston who campaigned for the Euro and now runs ITV decision which 'will have consequences' as the current occupants of Downing Street 'won't be there much longer' raises questions over senior VoteLeave judgement - AFAIK, neither Gove nor Boris have repeated these claims, nor do I think they would endorse them......
The Council chairman and a guy from BT blamed the lack of high speed broadband in our village on the need to get EU approval to put in subsidised broadband lines.
Major is making a speech that apparently accuses the Leave campaign of turning Tories into Kippers... and Lagard is doing a You're Doomed turn to.
Cameron is reaping what he sowed:
* EU immigrant bashing and misleading stats on benefit claims were deemed helpful for short-term electoral gain, but now that genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back.
* Voter registration rules were rewritten to favour the Tories; it turns out potential Remain voters are most likely to be disenfranchised.
* The referendum was designed to quieten down the Tory right; that's alienated the Labour people Cameron needs to turnout in order to win.
It's a masterpiece of bad planning in which short-term gain has taken precedence over long-term strategic thought. If Remain does lose, Cameron will have no-one to blame but himself. He'll be remembered as the PM who took the UK out of Europe: scorned on all sides at home and abroad. What a legacy.
Not a chance, Cameron has fucked up badly.
Why would he be scorned for respecting the will of the people?
I spoke about mood yesterday, its changing........
He has.
Scorn would be if he scurried back to Brussels seeking 'an improved deal' a la Boris.....
Those immigration stats are awful and manna for VoteLeave. A MILLION+ more than HMG claimed?!?! And 800k more from the EU alone
Cameron's tens of thousands manifesto commitment is looking more and more like a giant lie.
This is what you should do.
And we've said:
Fuck off.
I'm not impressed by the latter at all. I like John Major - but he's going about this all wrong if his speech turns out as trailed.
Since, as LEAVErs promise us, a gloriously prosperous future and freedom awaits us if we do LEAVE, Cameron should be feted as a hero?
No? Thought not. Much of LEAVE is consumed by hatred of Cameron.
Ofcom regulating rather than the BBC itself seems like common sense and, try as I might, i can't get excited about a board replacing a trust.
Yes, but why is seeking, then respecting, the will of the people something worthy of scorn?
The football audience will perhaps be a distraction for some, but probably more the C2DE than ABC1 demographic, and male rather than female. It could well weight the young vote even more to Remain.
There is also the possibility of the conviviality of the Euro 2016, like Eurovision, showing how much like other Europeans we are, reducing fear of "the other".
I don't expect it to have a big effect, though will dominate TV, with football pointy heads arguing with made up statistics rather than political ones!
Its astonishing, unprecedented.
Let's not pretend he had noble motives or that covering his arse was anything other than covering his arse.
Sure he beat Clegg in 2014 but a tub of lard could have beaten 2014 Clegg.
Let's not forget that he was also on the 2015 debates, one of them with Cameron.
2015 Farage with his Aids comments etc did not beat Cameron in the debates nor did he in my view remotely appeal to over 51% of the voters as Vote Leave need to.
Eff Me - I've seen the quotes on Sky - no bridges left unburned.
And Nige is box office.
Just have a look back at some of the pathetic speeches he made from 1992-1997, often channelling Heseltine or the European Movement. His suggestion that the UK would get hyperinflation if it left the ERM being a classic example.
My hospital often recruits from Europe for short term vacancies, for example.
I presume Major is saying this in an attempt to corral swing Tories - I can't see it making much difference, yet it will alienate a huge swathe of members. He isn't saying this without Number Ten's encouragement.
I seriously can't believe what Remain are doing - it's so incredibly damaging to their own Party.
REMAINers hate him because the people might get the answer wrong so shouldn't have been asked in the first place.
LEAVErs hate him (despite giving them the first vote in 40 years), well, because
Doubt it.
I'm not stirred. Peston seems to be arguing that having it audited for value for money, compelling it to tender much of its programming to the private sector, and having it regulated by an external regulator will lead to a stifling of creative output.
The complaint strategy of poorly accountable organisations in receipt of public largesse for decades. And I love the idea that the BBC being subject to competition will mean it is unable to make popular new programmes.
Colour me unmoved.
As we saw with the photo of Cameron with Ashdown & Kinnock, the reaction in the Ashcroft focus groups was one of nostalgic affection - not 'THAT B*STARD WHO HAS EARNED MILLIONS FROM THE EU - CAMERON IS FINISHED NOW (again) - as confidently predicted on here.
I suspect a similar reaction to Major - 'Is he still around - oh yes, didn't he do the naughty with that dreadful Currie woman - imagine eh?'
John Major has grown on me over the years. I voted Labour in 92 and 97 (as I recall you did too) appalled by the zombie Tory party ripping its own entrails out over Europe. However he has behaved with far more dignity than any other ex PM since Callaghan.
If Leave are to win they need to win a significant share of Labour supporters. Apart from IDS pointing out that uncontrolled immigration damages the less well off in society they seem to me to be largely ignored and IDS is just never going to appeal to that electorate even if he is right.
Leave simply cannot win this with the more right wing half of the Tories +UKIP. It is nowhere near enough and they should be paying a lot more attention to that in the selection of spokespeople than they seem to be at the moment.
Who do you think would get a bigger audience than Cameron vs Farage?
But he is an Osborne appointment who personally sought him out, and negotiated his salary and package, and is clearly not independent. He called Osborne's voodoo Treasury paper a 'sound analytic process'.
The former Governer of the BoE has said the threat is exaggerated and refused to rule out voting for Brexit:
But regarding Cameron refusing to debate Gove or Boris, does he think he isn't already indirectly? That his party isn't tearing itself apart already? That people are stupid enough to realise this referendum is a giant mistake born of his personal desperation? He's going around saying a vote to leave would bring a out economic collapse and war. What kid of irresponsible idiot would risk that for the sake of trying to win an election? So he's either dragged the country to the edge of this abyss to serve his own narrow ends, or he's telling ever stupider lies.
Or both.
Tell you what. Let's have him on telly all the time. It's great.
If he hadn't done any one of those, he wouldn't be hated anywhere near as much. Saying he can't win, whilst accurate, doesn't really reflect that it's his own fault. Nobody but him has painted him into this corner.