2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Sauce for the Goose. Besides, I actually believe what I say.
This is all very reminiscent of the Nats saying the Scots won't believe what a English Tory Chancellor says during the Indyref, because of his and his party's rating in Scotland.
As we said this morning.
Again what is interesting is the folk who said he was absolutely right last time, but wrong this time, despite being entirely consistent...
I suppose we should look at what Cameron promised Scotland before the Indy Referendum.
When is evidence of hiring and investment being on hold and European groups delaying investment 'project fear'. It seems to be the reality and is best recognised as the price the Country has to pay for a democratic decision by the British people.
Or it could be other reasons - like national living wage.
The FT article makes it clear that it is the referendum.
The FT advocated: 1) Britain’s membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in the early 1990s; 2) it opposed the Falklands war in 1982; 3) endorsed Neil Kinnock as prime minister in the 1992 general election and 4) advocated us being part of the Euro and wailed for years after that we had made a big mistake not joining it..
It is not an editorial - it is comments by various contributors. It does seem that those that want to leave just dismiss all comments that doesn't fit their narrative as scare stories. Leave do need to accept that there will be some disruption to markets on a leave vote but that the longer term benefits of their vision outway the short term negatives
But for example on the issue of London property prices we have had a mini boom to avoid the stamp duty changes from Osborne prior to 1st April followed by reduced prices thereafter probably caused by the need to shift property that missed the 1st April changes. I say probably the FT quotes people all blaming the threat of Brexit. Quality journalism? The FT Editor, Lionel Barber was rightly castigated in The Guilty Men!
I still believe that it is necessary for leave to accept there will be a short term issue in the markets. It is going to happen and it would be an honest position to take
OK that is your view but the folk running LEAVE will decide what is best for LEAVE. IMHO how can anyone predict what will happen 3 months from now with certainty. It is all a risk and many of us bet on those risks.
It is the trend in the markets which is evidencing the concern over the referendum and it is happening now, not three months away
Persisting with the Tory civil war theme, for no reason other than I personally enjoy it, is Osborne going to be in the group equivalent to the regicides, left unprotected by the Act promising a clean slate following the civil war to everyone else? The 'crimes' of some may be too much to be ignored even during attempted reconciliations, particularly if you are incompetent.
Or will he contrive the be John Thurloe, so in deep with the enemy that by rights he should be punished, but allowed to live on the condition he helped out the new authorities from time to time because they are just too useful?
Osborne a royalist fop, with a fate similar to Charles I.
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Sauce for the Goose. Besides, I actually believe what I say.
This is going to be one of those irregular verbs isn't it.
When is evidence of hiring and investment being on hold and European groups delaying investment 'project fear'. It seems to be the reality and is best recognised as the price the Country has to pay for a democratic decision by the British people.
Or it could be other reasons - like national living wage.
The FT article makes it clear that it is the referendum.
The FT advocated: 1) Britain’s membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in the early 1990s; 2) it opposed the Falklands war in 1982; 3) endorsed Neil Kinnock as prime minister in the 1992 general election and 4) advocated us being part of the Euro and wailed for years after that we had made a big mistake not joining it..
It is not an editorial - it is comments by various contributors. It does seem that those that want to leave just dismiss all comments that doesn't fit their narrative as scare stories. Leave do need to accept that there will be some disruption to markets on a leave vote but that the longer term benefits of their vision outway the short term negatives
But for example on the issue of London property prices we have had a mini boom to avoid the stamp duty changes from Osborne prior to 1st April followed by reduced prices thereafter probably caused by the need to shift property that missed the 1st April changes. I say probably the FT quotes people all blaming the threat of Brexit. Quality journalism? The FT Editor, Lionel Barber was rightly castigated in The Guilty Men!
I still believe that it is necessary for leave to accept there will be a short term issue in the markets. It is going to happen and it would be an honest position to take
OK that is your view but the folk running LEAVE will decide what is best for LEAVE. IMHO how can anyone predict what will happen 3 months from now with certainty. It is all a risk and many of us bet on those risks.
It is the trend in the markets which is evidencing the concern over the referendum and it is happening now, not three months away
Which trend in the markets are you specifically refering to?
No - I mean the opposite. It strikes many that the Fear is being ramped up way beyond any reality.
Except that "Project Fear" is bogeyman that exists only in the increasingly fevered minds of the Brexiteers, unless Cameron and Osborne have persuaded the other members of the EU, the IMF and President Obama to join their Worldwide conspiracy.
Maybe George is sitting in the Treasury right now stroking a white cat...
Brexiteers invoking Project Fear to try and invalidate every inconvenient fact is having diminishing returns, and making them look slightly paranoid.
On the contrary, the establishment of the phrase 'Project Fear' in the public consciousness is a good PR tactic because it brings into question the statements of whatever the next VIP to get trotted out (have we had Ban Ki Moon yet? Has the Dalai Lama a dire warning for us?) before it has happened. It's not a total antidote; it would be silly to kid ourselves that the establishment doesn't have some capital left to (desperately) spend, but it is useful. And therefore foolhardy of Osborne or anyone in the Remain camp to spread its usage.
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell Douglas Carswell MP Retweeted Nick Sutton First time I met George Osborne, he told me Britain should not rule out joining the Euro. Wrong then. Wrong now
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Osborne: "Brexit will cost us £4,300 per household"
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell Douglas Carswell MP Retweeted Nick Sutton First time I met George Osborne, he told me Britain should not rule out joining the Euro. Wrong then. Wrong now
@SamCoatesTimes: Osborne: Tomorrow's Treasury analysis looks at the impact to GDP of Brexit with Canadian-style deal. Concludes hit per household of £4,300/y
@SamCoatesTimes: Osborne in Times takes aim at Tory Brexit colleagues. "They claim it's all part of an international conspiracy called ‘Project Fear’." Ow
You do have to wonder how long it will be before 'project fear' does start to cause problems for leave. It seems that there is a different story every day, today's being the concern of the Irish and the issues of cross border security. Believe the nationalist's are calling for unification in the event of leave. Should interest Jeremy
If it works on us remaining,then this country will never be free of the EU and if it works on this,just watch in future of project fear on our full sign up to a European superstate.
I do not think the EU will survive to a Superstate. I expect it to experience more and more turmoil and that in a few years there will be new alliances with the UK having a big role to play . (If we remain of course)
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Sauce for the Goose. Besides, I actually believe what I say.
This is going to be one of those irregular verbs isn't it.
Yep. Except as I should have pointed out I have not criticised the use of Project Fear... I actually think this might even be the first time I have ever written those words on here.
I have found it far more productive to take each example and show how it is wrong. Forget labeling it. Just show how it is bollocks. It is a very fruitful course of action when dealing with Remainder claims.
In fact I would suggest we rename it from Project Fear to Project Bollocks. It is far more satisfying.
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Osborne: "Brexit will cost us £4,300 per household"
PB Leaver: And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell Douglas Carswell MP Retweeted Nick Sutton First time I met George Osborne, he told me Britain should not rule out joining the Euro. Wrong then. Wrong now
Now, if that could be backed up and stuck in the public consciousness, Leave could do it.
Well if there was any doubt that the government now fear losing the referendum these 6% smaller GDP and NHS cuts surely spell the end of that. It looks like Dave has hit the panic button, but rather than a week before this time it is two months before. Of course if these hyperbolic claims unravel the public will stop listening to the government.
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell Douglas Carswell MP Retweeted Nick Sutton First time I met George Osborne, he told me Britain should not rule out joining the Euro. Wrong then. Wrong now
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
Now this is interesting Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said. Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security. Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives. Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks. However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/17/theresa-may-to-get-enhanced-role-in-eu-referendum-to-win-over-wa/
Yes interesting. i did wonder when she would make an entrance and she does not have the baggage Cameron and Osborne have. But, she has one little problem. Immigration. Her record is so bad when compared to the promise made in 2010 and 2015 manifestos that she could get slaughtered by certain newspapers.
Psychologically the rantings of Osborne remind me of someone in a bunker (or a Junker). They are getting worse and worse by the day. Obviously the LEAVE NHS-advert has hit home.
I suppose it's what happens when you are faced with the end.
Well if there was any doubt that the government now fear losing the referendum these 6% smaller GDP and NHS cuts surely spell the end of that. It looks like Dave his hit the panic button, but rather than a week before this time it is two months before. Of course if these hyperbolic claims unravel the public will stop listening to the government.
Exactly. See my post below
'It's not working'
'Why can't we make the numbers bigger?'
'How about taking whatever numbers we can find and double them, or maybe triple them?'
'How about assuming all kinds of bad things will happen, feeding them into a model and hey presto, lots of bad things will happen.'
Now this is interesting Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said. Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security. Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives. Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks. However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/17/theresa-may-to-get-enhanced-role-in-eu-referendum-to-win-over-wa/
Yes interesting. i did wonder when she would make an entrance and she does not have the baggage Cameron and Osborne have. But, she has one little problem. Immigration. Her record is so bad when compared to the promise made in 2010 and 2015 manifestos that she could get slaughtered by certain newspapers.
'pro-EU strategists' have not played this campaign well so far......it wouldn't surprise me if they manage to fluff this too - e.g. landmark speech about 3 hours before dire immigration figure release....
Brexiteers invoking Project Fear to try and invalidate every inconvenient fact is having diminishing returns, and making them look slightly paranoid.
On the contrary, the establishment of the phrase 'Project Fear' in the public consciousness is a good PR tactic because it brings into question the statements of whatever the next VIP to get trotted out (have we had Ban Ki Moon yet? Has the Dalai Lama a dire warning for us?) before it has happened. It's not a total antidote; it would be silly to kid ourselves that the establishment doesn't have some capital left to (desperately) spend, but it is useful. And therefore foolhardy of Osborne or anyone in the Remain camp to spread its usage.
If something is said often enough it can gain traction. Particularly if things are said by people not respected by key groups of the target audience. Such as left leaning voters.
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Osborne: "Brexit will cost us £4,300 per household"
PB Leaver: And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Osborne: "Brexit will cost us £4,300 per household"
PB Leaver: And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point
Osborne: "Brexit will lead to NHS cuts!"
Leave are led by people who want to privatise the NHS.
When is evidence of hiring and investment being on hold and European groups delaying investment 'project fear'. It seems to be the reality and is best recognised as the price the Country has to pay for a democratic decision by the British people.
Or it could be other reasons - like national living wage.
The FT article makes it clear that it is the referendum. The FT advocated: 1) Britain’s membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in the early 1990s; 2) it opposed the Falklands war in 1982; 3) endorsed Neil Kinnock as prime minister in the 1992 general election and 4) advocated us being part of the Euro and wailed for years after that we had made a big mistake not joining it..
It is not an editorial - it is comments by various contributors. It does seem that those that want to leave just dismiss all comments that doesn't fit their narrative as scare stories. Leave do need to accept that there will be some disruption to markets on a leave vote but that the longer term benefits of their vision outway the short term negatives But for example on the issue of London property prices we have had a mini boom to avoid the stamp duty changes from Osborne prior to 1st April followed by reduced prices thereafter probably caused by the need to shift property that missed the 1st April changes. I say probably the FT quotes people all blaming the threat of Brexit. Quality journalism? The FT Editor, Lionel Barber was rightly castigated in The Guilty Men!
I still believe that it is necessary for leave to accept there will be a short term issue in the markets. It is going to happen and it would be an honest position to take OK that is your view but the folk running LEAVE will decide what is best for LEAVE. IMHO how can anyone predict what will happen 3 months from now with certainty. It is all a risk and many of us bet on those risks.
It is the trend in the markets which is evidencing the concern over the referendum and it is happening now, not three months away Which trend in the markets are you specifically refering to?
The exchange rate to the euro has fallen considerably since I paid the deposit for my family to go to Tuscany in the Summer. The balance of the deposit due will now cost me £450 more.
Douglas Carswell MP @DouglasCarswell Douglas Carswell MP Retweeted Nick Sutton First time I met George Osborne, he told me Britain should not rule out joining the Euro. Wrong then. Wrong now
When would that have been? 1988?
He could still have those thoughts with him and cameron turning out to be massive Eurofiles.
Remember when cammers hit the labour party with joining the Euro - just laughable.
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
2) Will take us into the single currency without a referendum?
Don't tell me that you're that silly. Please.
Are you really foolish enough to imagine that it isn't conceivable? Honestly?
A UK PM permitted unfettered access to the UK for most of Eastern Europe, They went to war after telling everyone there were WMDs.
You need to open your mind to the concept that a Labour government will eventually be re-elected. The current incumbent is promising a 'Socialist EU'.
Imagine it.
Never mind, we have differing view points on the electorate.
Sometime - probably within the next decade - we are going to have a Labour Government again no matter how much you or I might not like it. Are you so sure of yourself that you can say with certainty that they will not give away many of our opt outs and drag us even further into the ever closer union? It is not a matter of if it will happen but when - at least as long as we remain a member of the EU.
Also ask yourself how long the EU will be prepared to continue with the most important financial centre in the whole organisation outside the control of the Eurozone. It is an untenable position in the medium term.
I have much more faith in the public on how they would react if their government tried to change their currency, especially without a referendum.
Then I am afraid you are being very naive. And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point.
Project Fear? Oh the irony.
Osborne: "Brexit will cost us £4,300 per household"
PB Leaver: And there are lots of things the EU can do to ruin our economy and destroy the City before we get to that point
Osborne: "Brexit will lead to NHS cuts!"
Leave are led by people who want to privatise the NHS.
Hmmm.... TSE engages in Project Fear just like his master in No. 11
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
I thought until recently that Theresa May was one of the Tories' better assets, but there was that YouGov poll the other day which said the public would prefer Corbyn to be PM rather than her....
No - I mean the opposite. It strikes many that the Fear is being ramped up way beyond any reality.
Except that "Project Fear" is bogeyman that exists only in the increasingly fevered minds of the Brexiteers, unless Cameron and Osborne have persuaded the other members of the EU, the IMF and President Obama to join their Worldwide conspiracy.
Maybe George is sitting in the Treasury right now stroking a white cat...
I can feel my IQ draining away engaging with this pish, but I'm weak, so I'll bite.
America have DECLARED an interest in the UK staying in the EU. No conspiracy, they have outright SAID it's in their interests. Hence Obama's statements. Or do you perhaps think he's motivated by a charitable concern for the British economy? That would be a funny turn of events considering he thought nothing of eviscerating BP.
Other members of the EU, and this may shock you, also have an interest in keeping the UK in the EU. Who'd have thought? Are you following me so far?
Now America's interests, and other EU member's interests, are all very well. But not being America, and not being other members of the EU, some zany people are suggesting we vote in THIS country's interests. Imagine it!
I suppose in this scenario the US and the other EU countries will get over it as best they can.
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
Today has convinced me to go and campaign for Remain.
Thanks PBers.
[Sunil and TSE confront each other, after the former has learnt that the latter has turned to the Daft Side]
Sunil: You have allowed this Europhile Chancellor to twist your mind, until now, until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
TSE: Don't lecture me, Sunil! I see through the lies of the LEAVE campaign. I do not fear the European Union as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!
Sunil: Your new Empire?
TSE: Don't make me MODERATE you.
Sunil: TSE, my allegiance is to the Republic Monarchy, to democracy!
TSE: If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.
Sunil:[realizing that TSE is consumed by evil and there's no reasoning with him anymore] Only a Europhile deals in absolutes. [draws his lightsaber] I will do what I must!
TSE: You will try! [draws his own lightsaber and confronts Sunil!]
[later during a pause in the battle]
Sunil: I have failed you, TSE. I have failed you.
TSE: I should have known the LEAVERS were plotting to take over. Chancellor Osborne has showed me the true ways of the Force.
Sunil: TSE, Chancellor Osborne is evil! The Europhiles are evil. The Daft Side of the Force is an evil presence.
TSE: From my point of view, it is the LEAVERS who are evil.
Sunil: Well, then you really are lost!
TSE:[raises his lightsaber] This is the end for you... my former master.
[the battle resumes, but even later on, Sunil manages to reach a vantage point overlooking TSE]
Sunil: It's over TSE, I have the high ground!
Sunil: Don't try it!
[TSE leaps at Sunil, but the latter anticipates his move and promptly lightsabers TSE's rather fetching Red Shoes of Power off, leaving him writhing in pain on the ground, crippled and bereft of his Force abilities!]
Sunil: You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Europhiles, not join them! You were to bring balance to PoliticalBetting.com, not leave it in Daftness!
TSE:[shouts] I HATE you!
Sunil: You were my brother, TSE. I loved you.
[Sunil, unable to bring himself to finish off poor TSE, walks away from the scene, disconsolate...
Incidentally, I still think Leave's focus on the NHS could be devastatingly effective. There are various strands to the NHS message which can appeal to people of almost any political persuasion: money which we currently "send to Brussels" being redirected into hospitals, stopping the NHS getting privatised by TTIP, stopping it getting overwhelmed with demand from immigrants.
Of course, there are arguments that some/all of those arguments are disingenuous, but no-one ever said a political argument had to be accurate in order to be effective.
Incidentally, I still think Leave's focus on the NHS could be devastatingly effective. There are various strands to the NHS message which can appeal to people of almost any political persuasion: money which we currently "send to Brussels" being redirected into hospitals, stopping the NHS getting privatised by TTIP, stopping it getting overwhelmed with demand from immigrants.
Of course, there are arguments that some/all of those arguments are disingenuous, but no-one ever said a political argument had to be accurate in order to be effective.
Leave gives the Leavers billions to promise; remain gives nothing.
This is all very reminiscent of the Nats saying the Scots won't believe what a English Tory Chancellor says during the Indyref, because of his and his party's rating in Scotland.
Given the shift in opinion during that campaign, is there any evidence the Scots did?
Today has convinced me to go and campaign for Remain.
Thanks PBers.
[Sunil and TSE confront each other, after the former has learnt that the latter has turned to the Daft Side]
Sunil: You have allowed this Europhile Chancellor to twist your mind, until now, until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
TSE: Don't lecture me, Sunil! I see through the lies of the LEAVE campaign. I do not fear the European Union as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!
Sunil: Your new Empire?
TSE: Don't make me MODERATE you.
Sunil: TSE, my allegiance is to the Republic Monarchy, to democracy!
TSE: If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.
Sunil:[realizing that TSE is consumed by evil and there's no reasoning with him anymore] Only a Europhile deals in absolutes. [draws his lightsaber] I will do what I must!
TSE: You will try! [draws his own lightsaber and confronts Sunil!]
[later during a pause in the battle]
Sunil: I have failed you, TSE. I have failed you.
TSE: I should have known the LEAVERS were plotting to take over. Chancellor Osborne has showed me the true ways of the Force.
Sunil: TSE, Chancellor Osborne is evil! The Europhiles are evil. The Daft Side of the Force is an evil presence.
TSE: From my point of view, it is the LEAVERS who are evil.
Sunil: Well, then you really are lost!
TSE:[raises his lightsaber] This is the end for you... my former master.
[the battle resumes, but even later on, Sunil manages to reach a vantage point overlooking TSE]
Sunil: It's over TSE, I have the high ground!
Sunil: Don't try it!
[TSE leaps at Sunil, but the latter anticipates his move and promptly lightsabers TSE's rather fetching Red Shoes of Power off, leaving him writhing in pain on the ground, crippled and bereft of his Force abilities!]
Sunil: You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Europhiles, not join them! You were to bring balance to PoliticalBetting.com, not leave it in Daftness!
TSE:[shouts] I HATE you!
Sunil: You were my brother, TSE. I loved you.
[Sunil, unable to bring himself to finish off poor TSE, walks away from the scene, disconsolate...
Incidentally, I still think Leave's focus on the NHS could be devastatingly effective. There are various strands to the NHS message which can appeal to people of almost any political persuasion: money which we currently "send to Brussels" being redirected into hospitals, stopping the NHS getting privatised by TTIP, stopping it getting overwhelmed with demand from immigrants.
Of course, there are arguments that some/all of those arguments are disingenuous, but no-one ever said a political argument had to be accurate in order to be effective.
I have a feeling you have more of a feeling for the political concerns of the North than many of us on here - do you think Leave's focus on the NHS would
a) cause Remainers to vote Leave b) cause Remainers to stay at home c) motivate waverers to vote Remain d) cement existing Leave vote
Half of Sun readers already 'bored' by EU referendum debate - and there are still 10 weeks to go... Our exclusive poll found just 26% of you are 'excited' by the crucial June 23 vote
The exchange rate to the euro has fallen considerably since I paid the deposit for my family to go to Tuscany in the Summer. The balance of the deposit due will now cost me £450 more.
On the day Cameron announced referendum = 1.29. Friday = 1.26. Not much of a drop. We have also had more downbeat forecasts for the UK economy starting in January (Osborne) and then the OBR in March which have I suggest more effect than Brexit.
This is all very reminiscent of the Nats saying the Scots won't believe what a English Tory Chancellor says during the Indyref, because of his and his party's rating in Scotland.
Given the shift in opinion during that campaign, is there any evidence the Scots did?
If you look after the post vote contact polling, the currency/economic uncertainty were the prime reasons that got No voters out, persuaded undecideds in the last week
Osborne is creating such bad feeling that it will make the Brown Blair battles look like fun and games. Forget bringing the party back together post referendum. Osborne and his hangers on need to be brought down low and then exterminated.
Sunder Katwala @sundersays Osborne's Treasury puts every effort into Remain case. Controversial in divided/leaning out party.(Needs v.decisive win to come out on top?)
Osborne is creating such bad feeling that it will make the Brown Blair battles look like fun and games. Forget bringing the party back together post referendum. Osborne and his hangers on need to be brought down low and then exterminated.
The daft thing is that Osborne will be driving working class voters to LEAVE and driving Conservative members to oppose Osborne.
The exchange rate to the euro has fallen considerably since I paid the deposit for my family to go to Tuscany in the Summer. The balance of the deposit due will now cost me £450 more.
On the day Cameron announced referendum = 1.29. Friday = 1.26. Not much of a drop. We have also had more downbeat forecasts for the UK economy starting in January (Osborne) and then the OBR in March which have I suggest more effect than Brexit.
Julia Hartley-Brewer @JuliaHB1 If the consequences of a Leave vote are really so awful, why did the PM ever agree to hold an EU referendum?
Same reason he granted a Scottish Independence referendum.
It is what the voters wanted.
In terms of his personal reputation and preservation, he would have been wise to present the deal as what was on his offer, leaving the electorate to decide whether it was good enough.
He should have presented it, rather than endorsed it.
Incidentally, I still think Leave's focus on the NHS could be devastatingly effective. There are various strands to the NHS message which can appeal to people of almost any political persuasion: money which we currently "send to Brussels" being redirected into hospitals, stopping the NHS getting privatised by TTIP, stopping it getting overwhelmed with demand from immigrants...
Good point. There was a key message in the no2AV campaign about the money AV would cost and the loss of money to NHS. I think it was just £50m. The £350m a week is much much bigger. The chap who ran no2av is the same chap running VoteLeave.
That is why I prefer the title Project Lie
And 100,000 North Sea job losses later....
Beyond of course 'that is what my party leader tells me'.
Maybe George is sitting in the Treasury right now stroking a white cat...
Douglas Carswell MP Retweeted Nick Sutton
First time I met George Osborne, he told me Britain should not rule out joining the Euro. Wrong then. Wrong now
Theresa May is the In campaign's secret weapon to win over eurosceptics and will be given an enhanced role in the final two months of the referendum, leading pro-EU strategists have said.
Senior figures in the Remain campaign believe the Home Secretary's record in tackling crime and terrorism gives her an unparalleled position to deliver warnings over Britain's security.
Strategists also believe her Eurosceptic credentials - having never been part of the pro-EU "starry-eyed brigade" - leave her well placed to woo undecided Conservatives.
Mrs May, who has played a backseat role since the Prime Minister's renegotiation package was revealed in February, is expected to make a major intervention on security in the coming weeks.
However critics will see the move as a reaction to concerns David Cameron's public appeal has been damaged by revelations about his tax affairs and a string of government blunders.
I have found it far more productive to take each example and show how it is wrong. Forget labeling it. Just show how it is bollocks. It is a very fruitful course of action when dealing with Remainder claims.
In fact I would suggest we rename it from Project Fear to Project Bollocks. It is far more satisfying.
Is there any form for a UK PM being elected who gives away opt-outs/rebates?
Is there any form for a UK PM taking us into 'ever closer union' having postured that they wouldn't?
Breaking: Government report written by government officials supports government line - SHOCK<
I suppose it's what happens when you are faced with the end.
Please let's just pity the man, not despise him.
'It's not working'
'Why can't we make the numbers bigger?'
'How about taking whatever numbers we can find and double them, or maybe triple them?'
'How about assuming all kinds of bad things will happen, feeding them into a model and hey presto, lots of bad things will happen.'
Any announcement by George Osborne is good news for
YesLeaveAny announcement by Theresa May is good news for
YesLeaveAny announcement by President Obama is good news for
YesLeaveAny announcement by Anybody, Ever, is good news for
YesLeaveAnyone obsessed by immigration is already voting Leave, but every time the issue is raised, it firms up floating voters/soft leavers.
@EdConwaySky: By the looks of it, HMT’s EU analysis is not dissimilar to the LSE’s recent study on this https://t.co/EsNx3oBUtj
Osborne: Everyone will get 28% less sex after brexit - official.
When is evidence of hiring and investment being on hold and European groups delaying investment 'project fear'. It seems to be the reality and is best recognised as the price the Country has to pay for a democratic decision by the British people.
Or it could be other reasons - like national living wage.
The FT article makes it clear that it is the referendum.
The FT advocated: 1) Britain’s membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in the
early 1990s; 2) it opposed the Falklands war in 1982; 3) endorsed Neil Kinnock as prime minister in the 1992 general election and 4) advocated us being part of the Euro and wailed for years after that we had made a big mistake not joining it..
It is not an editorial - it is comments by various contributors. It does seem that those that want to leave just dismiss all comments that doesn't fit their narrative as scare stories. Leave do need to accept that there will be some disruption to markets on a leave vote but that the longer term benefits of their vision outway the short term negatives
But for example on the issue of London property prices we have had a mini boom to avoid the stamp duty changes from Osborne prior to 1st April followed by reduced prices thereafter probably caused by the need to shift property that missed the 1st April changes. I say probably the FT quotes people all blaming the threat of Brexit. Quality journalism? The FT Editor, Lionel Barber was rightly castigated in The Guilty Men!
I still believe that it is necessary for leave to accept there will be a short term issue in the markets. It is going to happen and it would be an honest position to take
OK that is your view but the folk running LEAVE will decide what is best for LEAVE. IMHO how can anyone predict what will happen 3 months from now with certainty. It is all a risk and many of us bet on those risks.
It is the trend in the markets which is evidencing the concern over the referendum and it is happening now, not three months away
Which trend in the markets are you specifically refering to?
The exchange rate to the euro has fallen considerably since I paid the deposit for my family to go to Tuscany in the Summer. The balance of the deposit due will now cost me £450 more.
Remember when cammers hit the labour party with joining the Euro - just laughable.
Remain seem to be relying on Cameron's popularity and Project Fear.
Vote Leave have a strategy, and it might just work.
Thanks PBers.
Shall we just pair and stay at home/in the office?
I'm editing PB from the 30th of May through to the 20th of June
America have DECLARED an interest in the UK staying in the EU. No conspiracy, they have outright SAID it's in their interests. Hence Obama's statements. Or do you perhaps think he's motivated by a charitable concern for the British economy? That would be a funny turn of events considering he thought nothing of eviscerating BP.
Other members of the EU, and this may shock you, also have an interest in keeping the UK in the EU. Who'd have thought? Are you following me so far?
Now America's interests, and other EU member's interests, are all very well. But not being America, and not being other members of the EU, some zany people are suggesting we vote in THIS country's interests. Imagine it!
I suppose in this scenario the US and the other EU countries will get over it as best they can.
Sunil: You have allowed this Europhile Chancellor to twist your mind, until now, until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
TSE: Don't lecture me, Sunil! I see through the lies of the LEAVE campaign. I do not fear the European Union as you do. I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new Empire!
Sunil: Your new Empire?
TSE: Don't make me MODERATE you.
Sunil: TSE, my allegiance is to the
RepublicMonarchy, to democracy!TSE: If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.
Sunil: [realizing that TSE is consumed by evil and there's no reasoning with him anymore] Only a Europhile deals in absolutes.
[draws his lightsaber] I will do what I must!
TSE: You will try!
[draws his own lightsaber and confronts Sunil!]
[later during a pause in the battle]
Sunil: I have failed you, TSE. I have failed you.
TSE: I should have known the LEAVERS were plotting to take over. Chancellor Osborne has showed me the true ways of the Force.
Sunil: TSE, Chancellor Osborne is evil! The Europhiles are evil. The Daft Side of the Force is an evil presence.
TSE: From my point of view, it is the LEAVERS who are evil.
Sunil: Well, then you really are lost!
TSE: [raises his lightsaber] This is the end for you... my former master.
[the battle resumes, but even later on, Sunil manages to reach a vantage point overlooking TSE]
Sunil: It's over TSE, I have the high ground!
Sunil: Don't try it!
[TSE leaps at Sunil, but the latter anticipates his move and promptly lightsabers TSE's rather fetching Red Shoes of Power off, leaving him writhing in pain on the ground, crippled and bereft of his Force abilities!]
Sunil: You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Europhiles, not join them! You were to bring balance to PoliticalBetting.com, not leave it in Daftness!
TSE: [shouts] I HATE you!
Sunil: You were my brother, TSE. I loved you.
[Sunil, unable to bring himself to finish off poor TSE, walks away from the scene, disconsolate...
To Be Continued....]
If Zac wins, it'll be down to me.
Of course, there are arguments that some/all of those arguments are disingenuous, but no-one ever said a political argument had to be accurate in order to be effective.
Tom Newton Dunn @tnewtondunn
...ComRes/Sun #EUref poll: Remain keeps 7% lead, but don't knows up 6 points to 17%. Stay 45%, leave 38%;
Osborne's claims going down like a lead balloon on the Sky Newspaper review.
a) cause Remainers to vote Leave
b) cause Remainers to stay at home
c) motivate waverers to vote Remain
d) cement existing Leave vote
Sun readers want to leave the European Union by a ratio of almost two to one, 59% to 32%.
We have also had more downbeat forecasts for the UK economy starting in January (Osborne) and then the OBR in March which have I suggest more effect than Brexit.
Osborne's Treasury puts every effort into Remain case. Controversial in divided/leaning out party.(Needs v.decisive win to come out on top?)
If the consequences of a Leave vote are really so awful, why did the PM ever agree to hold an EU referendum?
It is what the voters wanted.
2017 Budget includes plans for Time Tunnel.
Osborne has been charged with lying low during the EU referendum. He can't be now - Treasury arsenal unleashed.
He got the lying bit right.
Who was it said on here that working class voters would not vote LEAVE?
Leave -3
Remain -3
1. Say Britain could 'thrive' outside EU?
2. Threaten to leave if some miniscule change to benefit rules were not brought in?
The first EURef phone poll of April is out and REMAIN still 7% ahead
ComRes has:
DK/WV 17%
In terms of his personal reputation and preservation, he would have been wise to present the deal as what was on his offer, leaving the electorate to decide whether it was good enough.
He should have presented it, rather than endorsed it.
If he had, he would be immune.