I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
I'm curious to see what Remain do next, still favourites but the gap narrowing and momentum undoubtedly with Leave.
They've done Project Fear and name calling, is Dave going for the "trust me, I'm a straight kind of guy" act next?
It will be interesting once the campaign proper starts and vote leave gets designation. I despise the EU with a passion but still neutral as stated previously. I will reveal my decision eventually as I do have a postal vote and will be voting
You despise the EU with a passion but still might vote to stay in?
I love the different countries of Europe and wish peace and prosperity to all but it bugs me - and it has always bugged me - to see smug, power hungry suits like Juncker and Schulz back slapping one another as if they are masters of the fucking universe, while sneering at us little people.
Sod it..I'm for out. And I think we'll do just fine.
PS - and for those who think I'm misinformed... yep, guilty as charged..But my vote still counts.
Me, too.
But I do know (1) the Eurozone and its younng unemployed are b*ggered for many years to come, (2) Europe is awash with many hundreds of thousands more un- or counterproductive people, and that's just 2015, and (3) the IMF did not warn of global economic damege when the cretinous Eurozone was started.
do remember that the eurozone has a rather better job creation record than the US
I don't know if there is such a thing as BBC2+1 but I just caught the last 20 minutes of "Europe: Them or Us" with Nick Robinson.
Very interesting, and not obviously biased, which surprised me.
Heath interviewed admitting he covered up the true intent from Day One.
Pompidou's aide stated Heath was the only British politician who truly believed in the European ideal. Politicians filmed opposing Britain's entry in the programme included Michael Foot, Hugh Gaitskill, Jim Callaghan, Tony Benn, Enoch Powell and Teddy Taylor and De Gaulle, those in favour included Macmillan (after initial reluctance), Roy Jenkins, Douglas Hurd, Christopher Soames, Shirley Williams, Norman Tebbitt (though when interviewed he called it the folly of youth), Pompidou, Helmut Schmidt and of course Heath, if anything slightly more Tories than Labour
The one politician from the last 50 or so years I detest more than any other it is Shirley Williams.
Helped take the UK into the EU and began the process of shutting down grammar schools
And now parades herself as some grandee and the font of wisdom.
Disgusting woman who has killed the aspirations of bright working class kids and reduced social mobility. It's almost like they don't want to educate the masses.
If they do then that will finally awaken the betting markets as to the direction of polling.
The general trend is exactly as it has always been, a very narrow Remain. ICM online has already had Leave leads before
Indeed the ICM panel changes its mind even more than SeanT.
The only worthy oracle is Jacks ARSE. All others are speaking out of their fundaments.
Jack's ARSE understimated LEAVE during SINDY and given this contest is closer than SINDY, were ARSE to understimate LEAVE by the same margin as it did in SINDY I think it'd be UKVTL rather than UKVTS!!!!!!!!
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
Personally I think if Dave had been a Leaver the campaign would effectively already be over and Leave would walk it
That isn't even in question. It'd be at least 65:35 to Leave.
And Big G from South Wales would be No.1 cheerleader for Leave.
Don't know a Big G from SOUTH Wales and as I have said already on several occasions I am neutral and will readily accept the will of the people
Sorry about the geography, but from everything you have posted on this issue you will do exactly as Cameron tells you to.
I am a conservative party member and do support David Cameron generally but I am not happy with foreign aid and certainly do not do what anyone tells me to. My wife of 52 years will confirm this to you
I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
You mean you hope, not suspect. Straw clutching now from Remain.
The 10/10 certainty to vote with ICM is very encouraging for Leave, Remain only take the lead with those 7/10 and under, same figures with the TNS poll.
The certainty to vote question gives an 8 point lead for Leave in both ICM and TNS. With the ORB phone poll the 10/10 certainty makes a 7 point Remain lead into a tie.
This of course tells us something that we already know, if turnout is lower than the GE then Leave get the upper hand, if it's higher then Remain get the upper hand.
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
Personally I think if Dave had been a Leaver the campaign would effectively already be over and Leave would walk it
My hunch is that if Leave look like they could win two weeks out there will be a big turnout and remain will win comfortably. I think if remain was +10 points ahead throughout the campaign it would result in a low turnout and leave could sneak it.
There are over 2 months to go - the remain side need a kick p the backside and the possibility of leave actually pulling it off should do it.
I suspect that what leave are really terrified of is a big turnout.
I don't know if there is such a thing as BBC2+1 but I just caught the last 20 minutes of "Europe: Them or Us" with Nick Robinson.
Very interesting, and not obviously biased, which surprised me.
Heath interviewed admitting he covered up the true intent from Day One.
Pompidou's aide stated Heath was the only British politician who truly believed in the European ideal. Politicians filmed opposing Britain's entry in the programme included Michael Foot, Hugh Gaitskill, Jim Callaghan, Tony Benn, Enoch Powell and Teddy Taylor and De Gaulle, those in favour included Macmillan (after initial reluctance), Roy Jenkins, Douglas Hurd, Christopher Soames, Shirley Williams, Norman Tebbitt (though when interviewed he called it the folly of youth), Pompidou, Helmut Schmidt and of course Heath, if anything slightly more Tories than Labour
The one politician from the last 50 or so years I detest more than any other it is Shirley Williams.
Helped take the UK into the EU and began the process of shutting down grammar schools
Though Mrs Thatcher did close even more while sitting n Ted Heaths cabinet cheerleading for the EU!
I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
You mean you hope, not suspect. Straw clutching now from Remain.
Err, it was Nigel Farage's former adviser who said he expected Banks to take legal action.
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
Personally I think if Dave had been a Leaver the campaign would effectively already be over and Leave would walk it
and if my auntie had balls etc etc. As I have said before there have never been a majority of Tory MPs in favour of leaving the EU so it is not altogether surprising that the current leadership is against Brexit.
Major Tory donors are preparing to fund a grassroots campaign to leave the European Union following David Cameron’s decision to spend millions of pounds on a pro-EU leaflet, the Telegraph can disclose.
Members of the Midlands Industrial Council, a group of businessmen which have bankrolled the Conservative party for 20 years, are planning to donate between £4million and £5million to the anti-EU campaign over the next 10 weeks.
It will be seen as an attempt to redress the balance following the Government’s controversial decision to spend £9.3million of taxpayers’ money in order to send a pro-EU leaflet to every home in Britain.
David Wall, the Council's secretary, says his members are "incandescent with rage" over Mr Cameron's decision to send the leaflet.
Members of the Midlands Industrial Council, a group of businessmen which have bankrolled the Conservative party for 20 years, are planning to donate between £4million and £5million to the anti-EU campaign over the next 10 weeks.
If they do then that will finally awaken the betting markets as to the direction of polling.
The general trend is exactly as it has always been, a very narrow Remain. ICM online has already had Leave leads before
Indeed the ICM panel changes its mind even more than SeanT.
The only worthy oracle is Jacks ARSE. All others are speaking out of their fundaments.
Jack's ARSE understimated LEAVE during SINDY and given this contest is closer than SINDY, were ARSE to understimate LEAVE by the same margin as it did in SINDY I think it'd be UKVTL rather than UKVTS!!!!!!!!
Jacks ARSE was more accurate than conventional polls or the bookies on the indyref, and the GE.
Watch the ARSE4EU carefully and grab what emerges.
I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
You mean you hope, not suspect. Straw clutching now from Remain.
Err, it was Nigel Farage's former adviser who said he expected Banks to take legal action.
Oh I see, now you're hanging on Raheem's every word.
I love the different countries of Europe and wish peace and prosperity to all but it bugs me - and it has always bugged me - to see smug, power hungry suits like Juncker and Schulz back slapping one another as if they are masters of the fucking universe, while sneering at us little people.
Sod it..I'm for out. And I think we'll do just fine.
PS - and for those who think I'm misinformed... yep, guilty as charged..But my vote still counts.
Me, too.
But I do know (1) the Eurozone and its younng unemployed are b*ggered for many years to come, (2) Europe is awash with many hundreds of thousands more un- or counterproductive people, and that's just 2015, and (3) the IMF did not warn of global economic damege when the cretinous Eurozone was started.
do remember that the eurozone has a rather better job creation record than the US
I love the different countries of Europe and wish peace and prosperity to all but it bugs me - and it has always bugged me - to see smug, power hungry suits like Juncker and Schulz back slapping one another as if they are masters of the fucking universe, while sneering at us little people.
Sod it..I'm for out. And I think we'll do just fine.
PS - and for those who think I'm misinformed... yep, guilty as charged..But my vote still counts.
Me, too.
But I do know (1) the Eurozone and its younng unemployed are b*ggered for many years to come, (2) Europe is awash with many hundreds of thousands more un- or counterproductive people, and that's just 2015, and (3) the IMF did not warn of global economic damege when the cretinous Eurozone was started.
do remember that the eurozone has a rather better job creation record than the US
I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
You mean you hope, not suspect. Straw clutching now from Remain.
Err, it was Nigel Farage's former adviser who said he expected Banks to take legal action.
Oh I see, now you're hanging on Raheem's every word.
Can't stand Raheem one bit.
Not since he messed us around and signed for City. Traitorous pigdog.
I think one of the reasons that Leave is doing so well in the polls at the moment is that the parties for Remain (Lab, LD, SNP, PC and Green) are concentrating on the May elections first.
I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
You mean you hope, not suspect. Straw clutching now from Remain.
Err, it was Nigel Farage's former adviser who said he expected Banks to take legal action.
Banks should be locked up for the next two months.
I'm assuming he'll go after the electoral commission.
If he really wants to damage Leave, he could ask for an injunction to stop Vote Leave from doing anything whilst the case is heard.
On what grounds can he sue the electoral commission? Funny how Banks the egotist is becoming Remain's best hope. He'll throw a tantrum, make some threats and sulk while Vote Leave get on with things.
I suspect he'll ask for a judicial review of the whole process and cite some of the deleted tweets today.
You mean you hope, not suspect. Straw clutching now from Remain.
Err, it was Nigel Farage's former adviser who said he expected Banks to take legal action.
Banks should be locked up for the next two months.
Nobody's heard of him, he's just an attention seeker, he'll issue threats but even if he sues the referendum will be long gone.
@bbclaurak: @johnwhittingdale admits he had relationship with sex worker and he didn't tell no 10 before taking Culture Sec job - more on #newsnight
Why should he have told them?
Is this going to be the second cabinet resignation in two months
No, as other leading Tory MPs have been able to "hang out" with prostitutes and have not had their career prospects harmed in the slightest.
You may be right but the problem is that his position as Culture Secretary compromised the press and he didn't tell David Cameron before he was appointed to the postion
@bbclaurak: @johnwhittingdale admits he had relationship with sex worker and he didn't tell no 10 before taking Culture Sec job - more on #newsnight
Why should he have told them?
Is this going to be the second cabinet resignation in two months
No, as other leading Tory MPs have been able to "hang out" with prostitutes and have not had their career prospects harmed in the slightest.
You may be right but the problem is that his position as Culture Secretary compromised the press and he didn't tell David Cameron before he was appointed to the postion
Wow, this is extraordinary infighting. A tory member suggesting a tory cabinet minister should stand down for having sex.
Exactly how do you expect these people to conduct themselves?
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
It's like a repeat of this:
"Oh why did we lose the Referendum, if only Nick Clegg was against AV"
Ha, ha! But a more apposite comparison with Clegg is the massive poll surges he had during the debates of 2005, which vanished like fairy dust when people came to vote. Opinion polling is now just a glorified version of the 'Like' facility on the internet - facile, frivolous and with no predictive content of how people will actually behave.
If you remember the NOtoAV campaign distributed leaflets with Nick Clegg's face.
Now the Leave camp has 2 juicy faces to put on it's leaflets, one of Corbyn to be sent to safe Tory seats, and one of Cameron to be sent to safe Labour seats.
That should do the trick.
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
To which the response from the Tory seats will be 'who?', with perhaps not much more of a negative reaction from the WWC labour vote.
The Newspaper Scandal is out in the public at last.
It's not that one that we all know about, it's the other one that we all know about
are you discussing the person who allegedly decided they were assaulted weeks after the event?
No, I mean the superinjuncted couple. Neither is it the prominent REMAINER with the compromising photograph. In both cases we cannot name nor speculate on their identities without subjecting OGH to death by lawyer.
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
It's like a repeat of this:
"Oh why did we lose the Referendum, if only Nick Clegg was against AV"
Ha, ha! But a more apposite comparison with Clegg is the massive poll surges he had during the debates of 2005, which vanished like fairy dust when people came to vote. Opinion polling is now just a glorified version of the 'Like' facility on the internet - facile, frivolous and with no predictive content of how people will actually behave.
If you remember the NOtoAV campaign distributed leaflets with Nick Clegg's face.
Now the Leave camp has 2 juicy faces to put on it's leaflets, one of Corbyn to be sent to safe Tory seats, and one of Cameron to be sent to safe Labour seats.
That should do the trick.
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
@bbclaurak: @johnwhittingdale admits he had relationship with sex worker and he didn't tell no 10 before taking Culture Sec job - more on #newsnight
Why should he have told them?
Is this going to be the second cabinet resignation in two months
No, as other leading Tory MPs have been able to "hang out" with prostitutes and have not had their career prospects harmed in the slightest.
You may be right but the problem is that his position as Culture Secretary compromised the press and he didn't tell David Cameron before he was appointed to the postion
Wow, this is extraordinary infighting. A tory member suggesting a tory cabinet minister should stand down for having sex.
Exactly how do you expect these people to conduct themselves?
I am not calling for him to stand down but others may well
Feels like Whittingdale is proving his loyalty to the PM more than anything else. Why else would they send him onto Newsnight to reveal that he slept with a prostitute the night before PMQs where the PM is bound to get some extremely awkward questions about his tax affairs.
Feels like Whittingdale is proving his loyalty to the PM more than anything else. Why else would they send him onto Newsnight to reveal that he slept with a prostitute the night before PMQs where the PM is bound to get some extremely awkward questions about his tax affairs.
After the last couple of days I expect Jezza to choose a different attack line for tommorow. Tax off the agenda methinks.
@GraemeDemianyk: It's late but Hacked Off seems to be saying papers should have published an embarrassing story about a politician's private life #newsnight
@bbclaurak: @johnwhittingdale admits he had relationship with sex worker and he didn't tell no 10 before taking Culture Sec job - more on #newsnight
Why should he have told them?
Is this going to be the second cabinet resignation in two months
No, as other leading Tory MPs have been able to "hang out" with prostitutes and have not had their career prospects harmed in the slightest.
You may be right but the problem is that his position as Culture Secretary compromised the press and he didn't tell David Cameron before he was appointed to the postion
Wow, this is extraordinary infighting. A tory member suggesting a tory cabinet minister should stand down for having sex.
Exactly how do you expect these people to conduct themselves?
I am not calling for him to stand down but others may well
Feels like Whittingdale is proving his loyalty to the PM more than anything else. Why else would they send him onto Newsnight to reveal that he slept with a prostitute the night before PMQs where the PM is bound to get some extremely awkward questions about his tax affairs.
The story was going to break I think in the traditional papers, it has been doing the rounds for a while.
I hope he doesn't have to resign. But we live in fevered times.
So are we to now assume that Corbyn's embarrassing effort of a belated tax return did not declare £6000 of taxable income? How could he get his tax deducted at source from his OAP? Surely that is always paid gross isn't it?
His local government pension may have been paid net but was it net at the basic rate or his higher rate?
Still not convinced about his lodger.
Or about not having a penny of interest or investment income.
Or about not having any taxable benefits in his Parliamentary allowances.
It is starting to look like his tax is underpaid by enough to have the Revenue threatening a member of the public with dire consequences.
But let's talk about a single man's rather sad sex life. Much more interesting.
I don't know if there is such a thing as BBC2+1 but I just caught the last 20 minutes of "Europe: Them or Us" with Nick Robinson.
Very interesting, and not obviously biased, which surprised me.
Heath interviewed admitting he covered up the true intent from Day One.
Pompidou's aide stated Heath was the only British politician who truly believed in the European ideal. Politicians filmed opposing Britain's entry in the programme included Michael Foot, Hugh Gaitskill, Jim Callaghan, Tony Benn, Enoch Powell and Teddy Taylor and De Gaulle, those in favour included Macmillan (after initial reluctance), Roy Jenkins, Douglas Hurd, Christopher Soames, Shirley Williams, Norman Tebbitt (though when interviewed he called it the folly of youth), Pompidou, Helmut Schmidt and of course Heath, if anything slightly more Tories than Labour
The one politician from the last 50 or so years I detest more than any other it is Shirley Williams.
Helped take the UK into the EU and began the process of shutting down grammar schools
Though Mrs Thatcher did close even more while sitting n Ted Heaths cabinet cheerleading for the EU!
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
It's like a repeat of this:
"Oh why did we lose the Referendum, if only Nick Clegg was against AV"
Ha, ha! But a more apposite comparison with Clegg is the massive poll surges he had during the debates of 2005, which vanished like fairy dust when people came to vote. Opinion polling is now just a glorified version of the 'Like' facility on the internet - facile, frivolous and with no predictive content of how people will actually behave.
If you remember the NOtoAV campaign distributed leaflets with Nick Clegg's face.
Now the Leave camp has 2 juicy faces to put on it's leaflets, one of Corbyn to be sent to safe Tory seats, and one of Cameron to be sent to safe Labour seats.
That should do the trick.
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
To which the response from the Tory seats will be 'who?', with perhaps not much more of a negative reaction from the WWC labour vote.
George Galloway is probably better known than most of the Cabinet
I think one of the reasons that Leave is doing so well in the polls at the moment is that the parties for Remain (Lab, LD, SNP, PC and Green) are concentrating on the May elections first.
Spot on. we are in a phoney war at the moment, it's all about the in-fighting in the Tories at the moment. PB is so overwhelmingly right wing it passes it by..
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
It's like a repeat of this:
"Oh why did we lose the Referendum, if only Nick Clegg was against AV"
Ha, ha! But a more apposite comparison with Clegg is the massive poll surges he had during the debates of 2005, which vanished like fairy dust when people came to vote. Opinion polling is now just a glorified version of the 'Like' facility on the internet - facile, frivolous and with no predictive content of how people will actually behave.
If you remember the NOtoAV campaign distributed leaflets with Nick Clegg's face.
Now the Leave camp has 2 juicy faces to put on it's leaflets, one of Corbyn to be sent to safe Tory seats, and one of Cameron to be sent to safe Labour seats.
That should do the trick.
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
Aren't UKIP doing well in many safe Labour seats?
They win a few white working class voters in coastal towns (most of those who are anti immigration are UKIP now anyway not Labour), not inner cities and certainly not the ethnic minority and public sector core vote
So are we to now assume that Corbyn's embarrassing effort of a belated tax return did not declare £6000 of taxable income? How could he get his tax deducted at source from his OAP? Surely that is always paid gross isn't it?
His local government pension may have been paid net but was it net at the basic rate or his higher rate?
Still not convinced about his lodger.
Or about not having a penny of interest or investment income.
Or about not having any taxable benefits in his Parliamentary allowances.
It is starting to look like his tax is underpaid by enough to have the Revenue threatening a member of the public with dire consequences.
But let's talk about a single man's rather sad sex life. Much more interesting.
Whittingdale is part of the SaveJez campaign.
Tories would be buggered if Labour ditched Corbyn before 2020.
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
It's like a repeat of this:
"Oh why did we lose the Referendum, if only Nick Clegg was against AV"
Ha, ha! But a more apposite comparison with Clegg is the massive poll surges he had during the debates of 2005, which vanished like fairy dust when people came to vote. Opinion polling is now just a glorified version of the 'Like' facility on the internet - facile, frivolous and with no predictive content of how people will actually behave.
If you remember the NOtoAV campaign distributed leaflets with Nick Clegg's face.
Now the Leave camp has 2 juicy faces to put on it's leaflets, one of Corbyn to be sent to safe Tory seats, and one of Cameron to be sent to safe Labour seats.
That should do the trick.
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
To which the response from the Tory seats will be 'who?', with perhaps not much more of a negative reaction from the WWC labour vote.
George Galloway is probably better known than most of the Cabinet
I think Corbyn and Cameron are better known than Galloway, Dennis Skinner and IDS. However Farage is on par as a party leader but his popularity numbers are up, higher than Cameron's I think.
So are we to now assume that Corbyn's embarrassing effort of a belated tax return did not declare £6000 of taxable income? How could he get his tax deducted at source from his OAP? Surely that is always paid gross isn't it?
His local government pension may have been paid net but was it net at the basic rate or his higher rate?
Still not convinced about his lodger.
Or about not having a penny of interest or investment income.
Or about not having any taxable benefits in his Parliamentary allowances.
It is starting to look like his tax is underpaid by enough to have the Revenue threatening a member of the public with dire consequences.
But let's talk about a single man's rather sad sex life. Much more interesting.
DWP set off one's State Pension against the initial allowance, and give you a tax code that informs the payers of your salary or other income how much remaining tax you need to be paying.
Whittingdale hardly has the looks of a Greek Adonis and is single, so if he feels he has to pay to satisfy his energies that is a private matter between him and the lady in question
I suspect this is all noise, fed by people who respond to opinion polls as a way of commenting on the current media narrative. The government has taken a media drubbing over the last week. No surprise that fewer respondents are prepared to appear sympathetic towards one of its pet projects. If Dave had been a Leaver, Remain would be surging now.
It's like a repeat of this:
"Oh why did we lose the Referendum, if only Nick Clegg was against AV"
Ha, ha! But a more apposite comparison with Clegg is the massive poll surges he had during the debates of 2005, which vanished like fairy dust when people came to vote. Opinion polling is now just a glorified version of the 'Like' facility on the internet - facile, frivolous and with no predictive content of how people will actually behave.
If you remember the NOtoAV campaign distributed leaflets with Nick Clegg's face.
Now the Leave camp has 2 juicy faces to put on it's leaflets, one of Corbyn to be sent to safe Tory seats, and one of Cameron to be sent to safe Labour seats.
That should do the trick.
You could just as easily say Remain could send leaflets with Galloway's and Dennis Skinner's face on to safe Tory seats and IDS and Farage's face to safe Labour seats
To which the response from the Tory seats will be 'who?', with perhaps not much more of a negative reaction from the WWC labour vote.
George Galloway is probably better known than most of the Cabinet
I think Corbyn and Cameron are better known than Galloway, Dennis Skinner and IDS, however Farage is on par as a party leader but his popularity numbers are up.
A decent chunk of Labour's ex-coalfield's heartland probably trusts patriotic Farage more than Jeremy 'hates our soldiers' Corbyn.
If they do then that will finally awaken the betting markets as to the direction of polling.
The general trend is exactly as it has always been, a very narrow Remain. ICM online has already had Leave leads before
Indeed the ICM panel changes its mind even more than SeanT.
The only worthy oracle is Jacks ARSE. All others are speaking out of their fundaments.
Er, I've been quite boringly consistent - for about 2 years or more - in my prediction of a fairly narrow REMAIN win. That has not changed.
This is true. Sean tends to reserve his (extremely entertaining) bouts of doubt and hysteria until they really count. Last couple of weeks and all hell will break loose. I've already bought the beanbag and the popcorn.
Whittingdale hardly has the looks of a Greek Adonis and is single, so if he feels he has to pay to satisfy his energies that is a private matter between him and the lady in question
I must admit, as a fan of salacious gossip, I'm struggling to give a sh1t about this one.
The response from Hacked Off is much more amusing. Bunch of w*nkers. (Sorry, glass of wine too many. Hic.).
EDIT: Snicker. Had to share the first comment on Guido's article on this: "Why the fuss? It's not as if he's been banging Diane Abbott."
The only worthy oracle is Jacks ARSE. All others are speaking out of their fundaments.
Who feeds you these lines?
see http://www.thstailwinds.com/the-labour-market-labyrinth/
Even I wouldn't make Leave 5000/1 though.
Disgusting woman who has killed the aspirations of bright working class kids and reduced social mobility. It's almost like they don't want to educate the masses.
There are over 2 months to go - the remain side need a kick p the backside and the possibility of leave actually pulling it off should do it.
I suspect that what leave are really terrified of is a big turnout.
and if my auntie had balls etc etc. As I have said before there have never been a majority of Tory MPs in favour of leaving the EU so it is not altogether surprising that the current leadership is against Brexit.
Never test the boundaries of the British sense of fair play.
It's not on the syllabus, but it's the most basic of British values.
Watch the ARSE4EU carefully and grab what emerges.
What has he done wrong?
The Domme looks quite nice.
Yes mate, but you've already told us you're leaving anyway.
its worth reading this too: http://www.thstailwinds.com/what-is-the-true-level-of-us-unemployment/
Not since he messed us around and signed for City. Traitorous pigdog.
Exactly how do you expect these people to conduct themselves?
PMQs is going to be fun
"Was it Blackmail ? "
How would the government react? How would the EU?
He was an irritant to them as an opposer of state regulation of the press.
Not so much dead cat, as live lion being plonked down..
I presume we can now reveal that Boris was offered Wittingdale's job before he was given it.
I hope he doesn't have to resign. But we live in fevered times.
His local government pension may have been paid net but was it net at the basic rate or his higher rate?
Still not convinced about his lodger.
Or about not having a penny of interest or investment income.
Or about not having any taxable benefits in his Parliamentary allowances.
It is starting to look like his tax is underpaid by enough to have the Revenue threatening a member of the public with dire consequences.
But let's talk about a single man's rather sad sex life. Much more interesting.
Whittingdale was the victim, the question is who could have possibly profited from not exposing him.
Tories would be buggered if Labour ditched Corbyn before 2020.
However Farage is on par as a party leader but his popularity numbers are up, higher than Cameron's I think.
Papers have something on you, but you regulate the papers and their rivals in the other media - what do you do?
Discussion of it generally sends the PB community into a state of Zzzzzzzzzz.....
But Mike considers my Donald Trump todger thread as the new gold standard of threads.
The response from Hacked Off is much more amusing. Bunch of w*nkers. (Sorry, glass of wine too many. Hic.).
EDIT: Snicker. Had to share the first comment on Guido's article on this: "Why the fuss? It's not as if he's been banging Diane Abbott."