Ynysddu (Lab defence) on Caerphilly
Result of council at last election (2012): Labour 50, Plaid Cymru 20, Independents 3 (Labour majority of 27)
Result of ward at last election : Emboldened denotes elected
Labour 719, 559 (64%)
Plaid Cymru 382, 224 (30%)
Conservatives 70, 57 (6%)
Candidates duly nomninated:
For Forks sake
Goodnight, looking forward for that Sunday story.
Pathetic as it sounds I'm not paying .34p when I do my tax this year.
Will it be on TV ?
Austerity is like taxes - only for the 'little people'.
One is injuncted but OGH knows it and the other I presume OGH also has heard and a journalist from a certain well known paper claims he is going to publish everything he knows about it this Sunday (but not in a newspaper).
No comment or "innocent face" from me.
I actually feel sorry for him, to be honest. It must be incredibly painful on a personal level to have all this sruff raked over - especially as it relates to his dead father, a man who he so loved.
Off topic, I really wish people would stop with all the petitions. This latest one is worthier than most, but I'm still sick of them, as they're usually so bloody self righteous.
Amusingly, I was looking over some old university work looking at parliaments in the 17th century, and there was one memorable bit where some petitions had come in to the parliament, said to be signed by thousands but there were no hands to it, which I presume means no proof of signature, and some members took exception to it. I just have a hard time picturing someone going door to door with a clipboard in 17th century england.
But because it makes no secret about being essentially an official In Campaign leaflet, I suspect Joe Public will just dismiss it.
I thought that mentioning the links with the Carroll Trust last night would get the ball rolling. Cameron has managed to make a complete and utter pr*ck out of himself over the past 3 days, and I get the impression from my sources that this story could well meet a spectacular ending over the weekend. Lets see.
That said, Cameron should be applauded all the more. It cannot elevate his spirits too much to think that his dad's best efforts were spent to make the rich richer, but that said, Cameron has largely repudiated his dad, and is now using his last political capital to make sure that the UK is part of a broadly socialist EU collective.
David Cameron rocks....and I seriously mean that.
'Not sure... Don't remember him doing anything about the potholes.'
'Let's put him down as a Roundhead waverer.'
The UK's output per hour in 2015q4 being lower than it was in 2007q4.
By comparison the UK's government debt is about a trillion quid higher than it was eight years ago.
Ever get the impression that the UK is living just a little beyond its means ?
I also said I bet Cameron had everything organized neatly for being PM.
The reveal today doesn't change any of that. Cameron made an investment, made profit, paid tax. He was left £300k (which we knew about) and says he doesn't know all the ins and outs of how it was made.
And as I said on the previous thread, the PM response on this has been terrible.
Lab 502 (58.9%; -2.5%)
UKIP 180 (21.1%; +21.1%)
PC 134 (15.7%; -16.9%)
LD 36 (4.2%; +4.2%)
But I knew second hand of a story second hand in 1992 that would have totally blown apart that election. It only came out in sort of dribs and drabs afterwards- but if it had come out totally, it would have created such a stir, I mean such a stir that it probably would have impacted on that election. Even now it is still pretty explosive in its full version, and that is after 25 years.
Anyway, enough of my teasing- cause that is all I'm going to give.
This is Cameron's problem and every day that goes by he looks more slippery.
Can we have some concrete ideas for the development of the EU and the UK if Brexit loses?
Very sensible for somebody looking to be PM. Don't want to get in a Mandelson style situation.
But most of all, and quite deliciously, Cameron is proving all the EU out brigade to be a bunch of zealous, swivel eyes, fucking morons. And that is being kind on my part. And for that I really do admire DC.
Journalists love this stuff. But the story hasn't caught light yet in the way the expenses scandal did (perhaps because no one really understands what the hell has been going on).
I agree David Cameron looks slippery. That's the ineptness of the presentation. A brisk early explanation of what we were told today would have been forgotten about within hours.
Of course, if there is any more to come, that might change matters completely.
Or the BCCI scandal ?
How inconvenient that your conversion to Cameron has come about after you were ever able to vote for him.
It might just be delicious on here if there is a leave vote...
Spin team want shooting, whatever the full extent of the story is.
I think the days of my man Dave being good with his back to the wall are over; he doesn't appear to want it enough any more. (And to be fair to him, is probably knackered after being party leader for 11 years)
The typical PB comments response to the occasional Remain post from Mr Meeks or others reminds me of entitled undergraduates demanding a safe space.
I would have guessed a lot more than that, given how wealthy Mrs C is both from family and from being extremely successful in her own right.
2016- the journalists know what the story is- you just need to be close to one of them, or perhaps go to the Shooting Star tomorrow night and someone will tell you....
Eurosceptic MPs warned the Prime Minister that they will block Government legislation in Parliament, creating an unprecedented split in the Party"
I always wondered how a bank founded by a pakistani in the early 70's quickly became one of the largest in the world, only to close shop once the Cold War ended.
Police officers are examining allegations that staff working for the company’s office in Britain may have falsified certificates detailing the composition of the product before they were sold.
Having said that, I agree with Alastair that, in itself, the story is small beer. That in a way makes the screw-up a more egregious error.
Perhaps next time...
So we got competing scandals both embarrassing to the government.
2016- I'll prick tease a bit on that one- because if I said anything else....... And that is that I'm afraid. Go to the Shooting Star and I'm sure you'll find someone who knows- but it won't be me.