Just a thought since I seem to all alone here right now ....... after several years, might now be a good time for OGH to consider a change in the colour of PB's masthead from its present sickly mushy pea green, to something, well just a tad more attractive? He could even make a grand announcement to such effect at next week's drinks party!
Just a thought since I seem to all alone here right now ....... after several years, might now be a good time for OGH to consider a change in the colour of PB's masthead from its present sickly mushy pea green, to something, well just a tad more attractive? He could even make a grand announcement to such effect at next week's drinks party!
Maybe a purple rosette too...
I think you might be a little optimistic there tlg .... miracles take a little longer. The closest OGH ever got to purple was with the finger nails of the mysterious female hand posting off ballot papers in a Bedford pillar box.
The closest OGH ever got to purple was with the finger nails of the mysterious female hand posting off ballot papers in a Bedford pillar box.