Looks like Betfair is adding a Republican Brokered Convention market alongside its Republican Contested Convention one. The Brokered one is betting on whether no-one wins a majority in the first round of voting whereas the Contested one is just that no-one gets 1237 votes.
Mike, I've said this before and I don't want to sound too ungrateful, but the figures you've posted above are dynamic: if I link to this page and refer back to it tomorrow, a month's hence and a year hence, they'll say something different each time. This severely limits their usefulness. If somebody asks me in a month's time what the odds were on 28th March 2016 I won't be able to tell them, because those figures are dynamically updated.
So they included a map that identifies these people and their workplaces. “We wanted for the book to allow readers to take action if they wanted, for them to really use it.”
So they included a map that identifies these people and their workplaces. “We wanted for the book to allow readers to take action if they wanted, for them to really use it.”
Action? Bloody hell...
If somebody did that against "activists" the Guardian would be screaming blue murder, but somehow its cool to promote this.
Looks like Betfair is adding a Republican Brokered Convention market alongside its Republican Contested Convention one. The Brokered one is betting on whether no-one wins a majority in the first round of voting whereas the Contested one is just that no-one gets 1237 votes.
Better hedge for people like me with Cruz and Trump covered
It's really interesting listening to the accents on the GE1966. Some beautiful English accents, even members of the public seem to be able to put a coherent sentence together (unfortunately unlike today).
It's really interesting listening to the accents on the GE1966. Some beautiful English accents, even members of the public seem to be able to put a coherent sentence together (unfortunately unlike today).
It's been a fascinating political and social history journey today. My favourite bit today was about the question of black people being able to join the police force.
Mike, I've said this before and I don't want to sound too ungrateful, but the figures you've posted above are dynamic: if I link to this page and refer back to it tomorrow, a month's hence and a year hence, they'll say something different each time. This severely limits their usefulness. If somebody asks me in a month's time what the odds were on 28th March 2016 I won't be able to tell them, because those figures are dynamically updated.
Just hover your cursor on the charts and you will get the precise odds at the day and time. These are a lot smarter than you think.
It is quite sad that Western society seems to be going backwards in terms of gender equality.
Sad? Sad?? Yes - and bloody infuriating. What the hell do people expect if you let in loads of people who don't believe in gender equality. I mean, really!
And now women need to be "protected" by being contained in some temporarily safe space, and the protection is wholly illusory because it simply moves their vulnerability to somewhere else and does nothing about dealing with the problem: those men, whether migrants or not, who think that they can get away with such attacks. The authorities should do their job and hunt down, arrest and prosecute those who commit crimes.
So not sad. A disgrace. And an abrogation of responsibility by the authorities.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
If true the Syrian government forces and Kurds are getting quite close to cutting ISIS off in the North, as well as the Kurds moving South in the North East part of the country towards Dier ez-zor, which the goverment troops are current fighting over with ISIS.
Mike, I've said this before and I don't want to sound too ungrateful, but the figures you've posted above are dynamic: if I link to this page and refer back to it tomorrow, a month's hence and a year hence, they'll say something different each time. This severely limits their usefulness. If somebody asks me in a month's time what the odds were on 28th March 2016 I won't be able to tell them, because those figures are dynamically updated.
Just hover your cursor on the charts and you will get the precise odds at the day and time. These are a lot smarter than you think.
True, and if you get up the underlying page and do "view->source", you can extract the underlying numbers. Yay! But that's only true as long as the page exists, and (based on the oddchecker precedent) I assume the EU referendum page will not be there in a year's time, and looking back at *this* page one will get "source not found" (or whatever) where previously there were nice graphs.
It's not you, it's the general trend: wheras previously people cut/paste/reformatted numbers (usually digits) into their own blog, these days people link to external sources (usually graphs) instead. This plays holy hell with archiving. I can use your site to easily extract numbers for 2010GE, but for 2015GE it's not so easy and that was less than a year ago. I've literally had to go thru your twitter feed with Topsy (a Twitter search tool) - but Apple bought Topsy and killed it in December 2015. So sucks to be me, basically.
I don't expect you to do anything as a result of this post: it's your site, it's easier to dynamically link than cut-and-paste, and I'm not paying you, so please feel free to tell me to eff off. But please understand it does cause medium-term problems that are not easily addressed.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
Well I, for one, refuse to be segregated, refuse to take this lying down, refuse to be treated with contempt by people who show themselves by their actions not worthy to touch my shoes let alone any other part of me.
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
Ok ......on a lighter note as its the end of the Bank holiday an interesting logic question posed today.....
Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not.
Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?
Yes, a married person is looking at an unmarried person.
Reasoning is as follows. If we assume that Jack, Anne and George are all people, and Anne can be either married or unmarried but not a third state, then:
* If Anne is married, then Anne (married) is looking at George (unmarried) * If Anne is unmarried, then Jack (married) is looking at Anne (unmarried)
Mr. Urquhart, quite (on both the Guardian and Sharia-compliant carriages).
It'd be useful to have some figures on whether the numbers have slowed since the €6bn bribe was flung at Turkey.
For the n'th time (and I guess not the last): it isn't a bribe. Since you are a writer, I suppose you have access to a dictionary so you can learn the meaning of such a simple word.
The money is for ongoing care of the refugees; Turkey has already spent 7 billion Euros on them that they will not get back. It's a very odd sort of 'bung' by any definition.
Since Turkey's lost (from memory) around 200 lives in five terrorist bombings recently, perhaps you should try to understand the pressure they're under.
The latest count is 3.1 million refugees within Turkey. Our populations are roughly equivalent; how long do you think we'd cope with that many refugees? Would we ask for help from the international community?
Well I, for one, refuse to be segregated, refuse to take this lying down, refuse to be treated with contempt by people who show themselves by their actions not worthy to touch my shoes let alone any other part of me.
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
Good for you. Not arguing honest
I was thinking myself along the lines of getting into said carriage if ever I saw one here. No doubt I would be arrested for doing so though.
Oh well ......At least we can rely on the NUT to teach our British values and respect to the children so we stamp this out. Oh....wait a minute?
Teachers are demanding that schools stop promoting 'fundamental British values' over claims it could make children think other cultures are inferior.
The National Union of Teachers said telling children about the country's democracy, law and traditions could encourage 'cultural supremacy' and urged a new focus on 'international human rights' instead. Under government guidelines, which are aimed at tackling extremism in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, children must be taught about being a British citizen as well as tolerance other faiths and lifestyles. However, union leaders said the term was demeaning to other cultures 'particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration'.
Delegates passed a motion in favour of campaigning to scrap it during the NUT annual conference in Brighton today.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
(Snip) And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
It doesn't have to be a man, does it? It's another step down the pernicious road that women are all victims, and men all abusers.
On a similar note, can I go in the carriage if I say I self-identify as a woman for the purposes of the journey?
Well I, for one, refuse to be segregated, refuse to take this lying down, refuse to be treated with contempt by people who show themselves by their actions not worthy to touch my shoes let alone any other part of me.
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
Good for you. Not arguing honest
I was thinking myself along the lines of getting into said carriage if ever I saw one here. No doubt I would be arrested for doing so though.
Oh well ......At least we can rely on the NUT to teach our British values and respect to the children so we stamp this out. Oh....wait a minute?
Teachers are demanding that schools stop promoting 'fundamental British values' over claims it could make children think other cultures are inferior.
The National Union of Teachers said telling children about the country's democracy, law and traditions could encourage 'cultural supremacy' and urged a new focus on 'international human rights' instead. Under government guidelines, which are aimed at tackling extremism in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, children must be taught about being a British citizen as well as tolerance other faiths and lifestyles. However, union leaders said the term was demeaning to other cultures 'particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration'.
Delegates passed a motion in favour of campaigning to scrap it during the NUT annual conference in Brighton today.
Re. the railway story: It should be noted that the railway company involved denies this policy is anything to do with sexual harassment. It would be interesting to know what their stated reason is.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
Well I, for one, refuse to be segregated, refuse to take this lying down, refuse to be treated with contempt by people who show themselves by their actions not worthy to touch my shoes let alone any other part of me.
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
Quite right too. The only legitimate response is that of the Montgomery buses.
Logic question answer is as most.noted Yes. Well done then posters.
Written down it becomes more obvious. If ‘>’ means ‘looking at’ then: Jack > Anne > George, or Married > Unknown > Unmarried
Replace Unkown with Married or with Unmarried and either way there is clearly a married person looking at an unmarried one
Apparently the question was posed to show people make lazy assumptions in this case by thinking insufficient information (Anne's marital status) had been made available. Around 67% that responded gave the answer - cannot be determined.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
(Snip) And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
It doesn't have to be a man, does it? It's another step down the pernicious road that women are all victims, and men all abusers.
On a similar note, can I go in the carriage if I say I self-identify as a woman for the purposes of the journey?
Seems to me the more likely casualty is going to be race relations rather than gender relations.
Very very disappointed about this as I regularly travel by train in Germany and in a number of cities on metros etc. It's only one operator of course on one line but as always it's the thin end of the wedge.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated. 2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.) 3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
(Snip) And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
It doesn't have to be a man, does it? It's another step down the pernicious road that women are all victims, and men all abusers.
On a similar note, can I go in the carriage if I say I self-identify as a woman for the purposes of the journey?
I am not saying that all men are abusers, have never said that and don't think it. It was my father - a real gentleman in the truest sense of that word - who taught me and showed me by his life what a real man is
But I have been attacked by a man and have fought back. And the risk of sexual assault for me and for my daughter comes from men. And the risk for my gay son comes from homophobes - and as he has been attacked - you will understand why I have no time for those who carry out such assaults or for those who turn a blind eye or excuse them or justify them.
DC. police and fire officials are responding to a report of shots fired at the Capitol Visitor Center at the U.S. Capitol complex, according to authorities. The person believed to be the gunman has been shot by police, according to two D.C. police officials. He was taken to Washington Hospital Center.
An e-mail sent to U.S. Senate staff says “gunshots have been reported” and asked workers to shelter in place. The White House also was placed on lockdown.
“There has been an isolated incident at the U.S. Capitol Center,” D.C. police tweeted. “There is no active threat to the public.”
(Snip) And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
It doesn't have to be a man, does it? It's another step down the pernicious road that women are all victims, and men all abusers.
On a similar note, can I go in the carriage if I say I self-identify as a woman for the purposes of the journey?
I am not saying that all men are abusers, have never said that and don't think it. It was my father - a real gentleman in the truest sense of that word - who taught me and showed me by his life what a real man is
But I have been attacked by a man and have fought back. And the risk of sexual assault for me and for my daughter comes from men. And the risk for my gay son comes from homophobes - and as he has been attacked - you will understand why I have no time for those who carry out such assaults or for those who turn a blind eye or excuse them or justify them.
Is it only sexual assaults you are afraid of, and not other sorts of assault? Leaving aside that AIUI women can commit sexual assaults, other assaults can be, and are, committed by women.
My point being that the words 'Any man' in your sentence should probably be 'Any one'. But I'm being unnecessarily pernickety.
Logic question answer is as most.noted Yes. Well done then posters.
Written down it becomes more obvious. If ‘>’ means ‘looking at’ then: Jack > Anne > George, or Married > Unknown > Unmarried
Replace Unkown with Married or with Unmarried and either way there is clearly a married person looking at an unmarried one
Apparently the question was posed to show people make lazy assumptions in this case by thinking insufficient information (Anne's marital status) had been made available. Around 67% that responded gave the answer - cannot be determined.
If marriage is a quantum variable, then Anne can be both married and not married at the same time, as we have not collapsed her state, and then would the answer be yes and no?
What a clusterf##k...apparently the Belgium authorities don't know and can't find out how many guns are seized each year. There is no electronic data storage for these kind of things, they are just filed on paper in each police force.
Logic question answer is as most.noted Yes. Well done then posters.
Written down it becomes more obvious. If ‘>’ means ‘looking at’ then: Jack > Anne > George, or Married > Unknown > Unmarried
Replace Unkown with Married or with Unmarried and either way there is clearly a married person looking at an unmarried one
Apparently the question was posed to show people make lazy assumptions in this case by thinking insufficient information (Anne's marital status) had been made available. Around 67% that responded gave the answer - cannot be determined.
If marriage is a quantum variable, then Anne can be both married and not married at the same time, as we have not collapsed her state, and then would the answer be yes and no?
Presupposing there is a Local and hidden variable as can be found in quantum mechanics, then such distant events can be presumed to have no instantaneous (or at least faster-than-light) effect on such local events as marriage. Hence married, not married or even divorced statistical models of physical systems (such as Quantum mechanics) are inherently incomplete, and that the apparent randomness of a system depends on the collapsing wave functions of unmeasurable ( or hidden) variables unless completed faster than light speed ...which it wasn't .....so the result can only be considered as a positive or yes answer.
Guy Martin gets the record for pointlessly going round in circles very fast.
The best one of those silly stunts he has done is fastest on a push bike.
A friend of ours knows Guy Martin from the cycling scene - he says Martin is totally and utterly obsessed with cycle and motor bikes to a perhaps unhealthy level. Any conversation with him gets diverted onto those topics.
That's rich coming from the friend, who suffers periodic seizures after a cross-country cycling race crash a few years ago, has broken many bones and has many pins from other crashes. Yet he still cycles on tracks, roads and off-road.
What a clusterf##k...apparently the Belgium authorities don't know and can't find out how many guns are seized each year. There is no electronic data storage for these kind of things, they are just filed on paper in each police force.
Guy Martin gets the record for pointlessly going round in circles very fast.
The best one of those silly stunts he has done is fastest on a push bike.
A friend of ours knows Guy Martin from the cycling scene - he says Martin is totally and utterly obsessed with cycle and motor bikes to a perhaps unhealthy level. Any conversation with him gets diverted onto those topics. (etc.)
I wonder if he might not be better employed as a test pilot.
(Snip) And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
It doesn't have to be a man, does it? It's another step down the pernicious road that women are all victims, and men all abusers.
On a similar note, can I go in the carriage if I say I self-identify as a woman for the purposes of the journey?
I am not saying that all men are abusers, have never said that and don't think it. It was my father - a real gentleman in the truest sense of that word - who taught me and showed me by his life what a real man is
But I have been attacked by a man and have fought back. And the risk of sexual assault for me and for my daughter comes from men. And the risk for my gay son comes from homophobes - and as he has been attacked - you will understand why I have no time for those who carry out such assaults or for those who turn a blind eye or excuse them or justify them.
Is it only sexual assaults you are afraid of, and not other sorts of assault? Leaving aside that AIUI women can commit sexual assaults, other assaults can be, and are, committed by women.
My point being that the words 'Any man' in your sentence should probably be 'Any one'. But I'm being unnecessarily pernickety.
Yes, you are being pernickety. I don't think we are in fundamental disagreement.
I have never been assaulted by a woman and am not scared of such an assault. I'm well aware that women can commit assaults but it is not a risk that bothers me. Sexual assault is a particularly demeaning and humiliating sort of assault because it corrupts in the most violent way possible something which is wonderful, pleasurable and life affirming. Such an assault penetrates not just my body but my very being, the essence of me, and does so in a contemptuous and hurtful way. And I fear it because in a fight with a man I will be at a disadvantage, all other things being equal.
And I see no good reason why I and other women should be put at increased risk because those in charge think that we have to pay any sort of regard to the uncivilised behaviour of others, under the pretence of culture or religion or any other pretext.
Treating women in this way is uncivilised. Pure and simple. We should not tolerate it.
Guy Martin gets the record for pointlessly going round in circles very fast.
The best one of those silly stunts he has done is fastest on a push bike.
A friend of ours knows Guy Martin from the cycling scene - he says Martin is totally and utterly obsessed with cycle and motor bikes to a perhaps unhealthy level. Any conversation with him gets diverted onto those topics.
That's rich coming from the friend, who suffers periodic seizures after a cross-country cycling race crash a few years ago, has broken many bones and has many pins from other crashes. Yet he still cycles on tracks, roads and off-road.
I've read Martin's book and it's very good. He says he thinks he might have Asperger Syndrome.
Guy Martin gets the record for pointlessly going round in circles very fast.
Doesn't that describe all motorsport?
Not most forms of rallying.
Surely it describes life, if one takes the ecliptic as one's reference point
As we're on questions, here's an easy one.
I walked a little over 6,200 miles on my coastal walk, which is 10,000 km. I walked clockwise. My average stride length is 2 and a half feet, and I walk with my feet a foot apart. If it was a perfect circle, how much further distance did my left boot cover than my right boot ?
(Some people get this very wrong, others get it immediately).
"I walked a little over 6,200 miles on my coastal walk, which is 10,000 km. I walked clockwise. My average stride length is 2 and a half feet, and I walk with my feet a foot apart. If it was a perfect circle, how much further distance did my left boot cover than my right boot?"
LOL..video transcript...Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia...more Russia...Russia..some Syrians and Iranians..but led by Russia...
Oh this is brilliant - just brilliant. We're been hearing for months how the dastardly Russians have got everyone on marionette strings and are the secret power behind Assad, but when it comes to the liberation of Palmyra, they apparently didn't take any part? Priceless.
LOL..video transcript...Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia...more Russia...Russia..some Syrians and Iranians..but led by Russia...
Assad is a tyrant and Putin is a thug but there's no denying that Russia's involvement was crucial in defeating ISIS in Palmyra.
It is simply the case. And it is also a piercing demonstration of America's diminished strength and relevance in the world. America's foreign influence is now, perhaps belatedly, dwindling at the same rate as its proportion of global GDP.
Power = economics.
No no. Of course Putin is enabling Assad to take the fight to ISIS. But the transcript of the video is amusing. Russia is literally in every sentence.
Guy Martin gets the record for pointlessly going round in circles very fast.
Doesn't that describe all motorsport?
Not most forms of rallying.
Surely it describes life, if one takes the ecliptic as one's reference point
As we're on questions, here's an easy one.
I walked a little over 6,200 miles on my coastal walk, which is 10,000 km. I walked clockwise. My average stride length is 2 and a half feet, and I walk with my feet a foot apart. If it was a perfect circle, how much further distance did my left boot cover than my right boot ?
(Some people get this very wrong, others get it immediately).
I think that we need to know how many stops you made.
Most peoples jouneys begin with a right step, but are equally likely to be an even or odd number of steps.
I think that you will have taken more steps with your right foot.
"I walked a little over 6,200 miles on my coastal walk, which is 10,000 km. I walked clockwise. My average stride length is 2 and a half feet, and I walk with my feet a foot apart. If it was a perfect circle, how much further distance did my left boot cover than my right boot?"
two Pi feet
Yep. Remarkably simple, despite all the extraneous information I put in. It's surprising how many people think it went miles further.
It would also be two pi feet if it was a 10 mile circle or a million-mile circle.
LOL..video transcript...Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia...more Russia...Russia..some Syrians and Iranians..but led by Russia...
Assad is a tyrant and Putin is a thug but there's no denying that Russia's involvement was crucial in defeating ISIS in Palmyra.
It is simply the case. And it is also a piercing demonstration of America's diminished strength and relevance in the world. America's foreign influence is now, perhaps belatedly, dwindling at the same rate as its proportion of global GDP.
Power = economics.
No no. Of course Putin is enabling Assad to take the fight to ISIS. But the transcript of the video is amusing. Russia is literally in every sentence.
It's the ABSENCE of Obama and America which strikes me, more than the presence of Putin and Russia
Global GDP by PPP. China is larger than America. Already.
China's supremacy over America will only grow, for the next 20-30 years or so (after that, India?). The question must be when China might assume the global leadership implied by its economic predominance.
Obama makes Blair golden opportunity wasted look minor. Too busy waving at MLB games and hitting the Links. I have to say I doubt Clinton will be like that, but their whole political system is not only corrupt but nothing ever gets done without a fight.
China and Russia don't have to worry about people filibustering.
LOL..video transcript...Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia...more Russia...Russia..some Syrians and Iranians..but led by Russia...
Assad is a tyrant and Putin is a thug but there's no denying that Russia's involvement was crucial in defeating ISIS in Palmyra.
It is simply the case. And it is also a piercing demonstration of America's diminished strength and relevance in the world. America's foreign influence is now, perhaps belatedly, dwindling at the same rate as its proportion of global GDP.
Power = economics.
No no. Of course Putin is enabling Assad to take the fight to ISIS. But the transcript of the video is amusing. Russia is literally in every sentence.
Perhaps they should have spent most of the video talking about the USA killing the deputy leader of ISIS (for the third time), as that obviously played an equal if not greater role in ISIS' defeat than Russia bombing the shit out of them [/sarcasm]
Guy Martin gets the record for pointlessly going round in circles very fast.
Doesn't that describe all motorsport?
Not most forms of rallying.
Surely it describes life, if one takes the ecliptic as one's reference point
As we're on questions, here's an easy one.
I walked a little over 6,200 miles on my coastal walk, which is 10,000 km. I walked clockwise. My average stride length is 2 and a half feet, and I walk with my feet a foot apart. If it was a perfect circle, how much further distance did my left boot cover than my right boot ?
(Some people get this very wrong, others get it immediately).
I think that we need to know how many stops you made.
Most peoples jouneys begin with a right step, but are equally likely to be an even or odd number of steps.
I think that you will have taken more steps with your right foot.
Ah, but I have metal in my left ankle, which means that leg is heavier.
If we take into account the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow and the current erosion rate at Happisburg, can we calculate the amount of money that will be bet on the US election ?
LOL..video transcript...Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia...more Russia...Russia..some Syrians and Iranians..but led by Russia...
Assad is a tyrant and Putin is a thug but there's no denying that Russia's involvement was crucial in defeating ISIS in Palmyra.
It is simply the case. And it is also a piercing demonstration of America's diminished strength and relevance in the world. America's foreign influence is now, perhaps belatedly, dwindling at the same rate as its proportion of global GDP.
Power = economics.
No no. Of course Putin is enabling Assad to take the fight to ISIS. But the transcript of the video is amusing. Russia is literally in every sentence.
Perhaps they should have spent most of the video talking about the USA killing the deputy leader of ISIS (for the third time), as that obviously played an equal if not greater role in ISIS' defeat than Russia bombing the shit out of them [/sarcasm]
Calm down there....just because I took the piss out of your propaganda video does mean there isn't truth in it. Nobody is denying that Putin is enabling Assad to take the fight to ISIS.
What a clusterf##k...apparently the Belgium authorities don't know and can't find out how many guns are seized each year. There is no electronic data storage for these kind of things, they are just filed on paper in each police force.
So what? Why does it matter?
Control of data is critical to the ability to map patterns
No no. Of course Putin is enabling Assad to take the fight to ISIS. But the transcript of the video is amusing. Russia is literally in every sentence.
I'd not come across Southfront before - they claim to be independent analysts and appeal for Paypal donations. The video from Luckyguy was well done. They certainly seem very interested in Russia, but not always following the Russian line - see e.gf. the Israeli analysis that they highlight: https://southfront.org/putin-building-a-new-byzantine-empire/ . Does anyone know anything about them?
Wow. A first.
Will Jahadi Jez take the credit for this idea?
Not cool at all...
Awaits Guardian article about how it is because of Germany's racist society or some such bollocks.
Mr. Urquhart, mmm, gender segregation. Very 19th century.
There's also a story about German police refusing to search an asylum seeker camp for an iPhone (obviously not the most important aspect of integration troubles, but still):
Action? Bloody hell...
It'd be useful to have some figures on whether the numbers have slowed since the €6bn bribe was flung at Turkey.
Blaming crime on refugees in general is OK
Publishing photos of bankers is a human rights violation
My favourite bit today was about the question of black people being able to join the police force.
And now women need to be "protected" by being contained in some temporarily safe space, and the protection is wholly illusory because it simply moves their vulnerability to somewhere else and does nothing about dealing with the problem: those men, whether migrants or not, who think that they can get away with such attacks. The authorities should do their job and hunt down, arrest and prosecute those who commit crimes.
So not sad. A disgrace. And an abrogation of responsibility by the authorities.
The fact that women now need such protection from a small element of mostly imported society is an utterly damming indictment of our so called leaders because it was inevitable that this came about. This small element of society, who refuse to integrate or share our values and customs have won yet again in three ways;
1) Firstly They have managed to tar all of us males with their brush and we are all now considered potential rapists and must be segregated.
2) Secondly they have achieved something in a democratic free society that they prefer to carry out in their own closed and very restricted society. ( try getting into the centre carriage in Egypt on a tram in Alexandria just as an example and see how far you get.)
3) Thirdly and the worse of all they have in a very short time utterly changed our society and our freedoms to go about our business unrestricted and certainly without being segregated from females. Of course this is precisely how they run their society and beliefs and again precisely what they want .
Sorry the " they were born here" doesn't wash anymore.
It's appalling that The women cannot freely move around and are being attacked because a certain demographic religious group can't keep their hands to themselves, their dicks in their pants and think its perfectly OK to hunt females down in packs and sexually molest and rape them.
"We should just light up landmarks in yellow, because that's what we are."
If true the Syrian government forces and Kurds are getting quite close to cutting ISIS off in the North, as well as the Kurds moving South in the North East part of the country towards Dier ez-zor, which the goverment troops are current fighting over with ISIS.
Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not.
Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?
How Tory canvassers are using PTV (propensity to vote) https://t.co/4hA8OtP1Nk Another reason to follow @Andrew__Kennedy and read his blog.
It's not you, it's the general trend: wheras previously people cut/paste/reformatted numbers (usually digits) into their own blog, these days people link to external sources (usually graphs) instead. This plays holy hell with archiving. I can use your site to easily extract numbers for 2010GE, but for 2015GE it's not so easy and that was less than a year ago. I've literally had to go thru your twitter feed with Topsy (a Twitter search tool) - but Apple bought Topsy and killed it in December 2015. So sucks to be me, basically.
I don't expect you to do anything as a result of this post: it's your site, it's easier to dynamically link than cut-and-paste, and I'm not paying you, so please feel free to tell me to eff off. But please understand it does cause medium-term problems that are not easily addressed.
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
13 hours 13 minutes 13 seconds
Gunshots reported in the Capitol Visitors Center, we hear over the loudspeaker. Shelter in place, we're told.
Reasoning is as follows. If we assume that Jack, Anne and George are all people, and Anne can be either married or unmarried but not a third state, then:
* If Anne is married, then Anne (married) is looking at George (unmarried)
* If Anne is unmarried, then Jack (married) is looking at Anne (unmarried)
You might also want to read up on where the money is going, the Refugee Facility for Turkey:
The money is for ongoing care of the refugees; Turkey has already spent 7 billion Euros on them that they will not get back. It's a very odd sort of 'bung' by any definition.
Since Turkey's lost (from memory) around 200 lives in five terrorist bombings recently, perhaps you should try to understand the pressure they're under.
The latest count is 3.1 million refugees within Turkey. Our populations are roughly equivalent; how long do you think we'd cope with that many refugees? Would we ask for help from the international community?
Well I, for one, refuse to be segregated, refuse to take this lying down, refuse to be treated with contempt by people who show themselves by their actions not worthy to touch my shoes let alone any other part of me.
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
Good for you. Not arguing honest
I was thinking myself along the lines of getting into said carriage if ever I saw one here. No doubt I would be arrested for doing so though.
Oh well ......At least we can rely on the NUT to teach our British values and respect to the children so we stamp this out. Oh....wait a minute?
Teachers are demanding that schools stop promoting 'fundamental British values' over claims it could make children think other cultures are inferior.
The National Union of Teachers said telling children about the country's democracy, law and traditions could encourage 'cultural supremacy' and urged a new focus on 'international human rights' instead. Under government guidelines, which are aimed at tackling extremism in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, children must be taught about being a British citizen as well as tolerance other faiths and lifestyles.
However, union leaders said the term was demeaning to other cultures 'particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration'.
Delegates passed a motion in favour of campaigning to scrap it during the NUT annual conference in Brighton today.
I'll get me coat...
On a similar note, can I go in the carriage if I say I self-identify as a woman for the purposes of the journey?
And I refuse to let our politicians and police off the hook.
And any man who seeks to assault me or mine will regret it.
That's all.
Good for you. Not arguing honest
I was thinking myself along the lines of getting into said carriage if ever I saw one here. No doubt I would be arrested for doing so though.
Oh well ......At least we can rely on the NUT to teach our British values and respect to the children so we stamp this out. Oh....wait a minute?
Teachers are demanding that schools stop promoting 'fundamental British values' over claims it could make children think other cultures are inferior.
The National Union of Teachers said telling children about the country's democracy, law and traditions could encourage 'cultural supremacy' and urged a new focus on 'international human rights' instead. Under government guidelines, which are aimed at tackling extremism in the wake of the Trojan Horse scandal, children must be taught about being a British citizen as well as tolerance other faiths and lifestyles.
However, union leaders said the term was demeaning to other cultures 'particularly in the context of multicultural schools and the wider picture of migration'.
Delegates passed a motion in favour of campaigning to scrap it during the NUT annual conference in Brighton today.
There must be a reasonable case for banning all NUT members from schools on the grounds of extremism.
It should be noted that the railway company involved denies this policy is anything to do with sexual harassment. It would be interesting to know what their stated reason is.
Written down it becomes more obvious. If ‘>’ means ‘looking at’ then:
Jack > Anne > George, or
Married > Unknown > Unmarried
Replace Unkown with Married or with Unmarried and either way there is clearly a married person looking at an unmarried one
Apparently the question was posed to show people make lazy assumptions in this case by thinking insufficient information (Anne's marital status) had been made available. Around 67% that responded gave the answer - cannot be determined.
I am not saying that all men are abusers, have never said that and don't think it. It was my father - a real gentleman in the truest sense of that word - who taught me and showed me by his life what a real man is
But I have been attacked by a man and have fought back. And the risk of sexual assault for me and for my daughter comes from men. And the risk for my gay son comes from homophobes - and as he has been attacked - you will understand why I have no time for those who carry out such assaults or for those who turn a blind eye or excuse them or justify them.
Edit : having read explanation I am very stupid, I blame this on the 11 days illness I have been suffering.
From the Article -
The suspect is understood to be from the Girlington area of the city.
That's the part of the city I live.
DC. police and fire officials are responding to a report of shots fired at the Capitol Visitor Center at the U.S. Capitol complex, according to authorities.
The person believed to be the gunman has been shot by police, according to two D.C. police officials. He was taken to Washington Hospital Center.
An e-mail sent to U.S. Senate staff says “gunshots have been reported” and asked workers to shelter in place. The White House also was placed on lockdown.
“There has been an isolated incident at the U.S. Capitol Center,” D.C. police tweeted. “There is no active threat to the public.”
My point being that the words 'Any man' in your sentence should probably be 'Any one'. But I'm being unnecessarily pernickety.
I may be wrong though
That's rich coming from the friend, who suffers periodic seizures after a cross-country cycling race crash a few years ago, has broken many bones and has many pins from other crashes. Yet he still cycles on tracks, roads and off-road.
I have never been assaulted by a woman and am not scared of such an assault. I'm well aware that women can commit assaults but it is not a risk that bothers me. Sexual assault is a particularly demeaning and humiliating sort of assault because it corrupts in the most violent way possible something which is wonderful, pleasurable and life affirming. Such an assault penetrates not just my body but my very being, the essence of me, and does so in a contemptuous and hurtful way. And I fear it because in a fight with a man I will be at a disadvantage, all other things being equal.
And I see no good reason why I and other women should be put at increased risk because those in charge think that we have to pay any sort of regard to the uncivilised
behaviour of others, under the pretence of culture or religion or any other pretext.
Treating women in this way is uncivilised. Pure and simple. We should not tolerate it.
The US were just as eager then as they are now that Britain should be in Europe.
I walked a little over 6,200 miles on my coastal walk, which is 10,000 km. I walked clockwise. My average stride length is 2 and a half feet, and I walk with my feet a foot apart. If it was a perfect circle, how much further distance did my left boot cover than my right boot ?
(Some people get this very wrong, others get it immediately).
two Pi feet
Most peoples jouneys begin with a right step, but are equally likely to be an even or odd number of steps.
I think that you will have taken more steps with your right foot.
It would also be two pi feet if it was a 10 mile circle or a million-mile circle.
China and Russia don't have to worry about people filibustering.
If we take into account the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow and the current erosion rate at Happisburg, can we calculate the amount of money that will be bet on the US election ?