Bottisham (Con defence) on East Cambridgeshire
Result: Conservative 421 (44% -8%), Liberal Democrat 403 (42% +10%), Labour 99 (10% -6%), UKIP 43 (4%, no candidate in 2015)
Conservative HOLD with a majority of 18 (2%) on a swing of 9% from Conservative to Liberal Democrat
-Boy Sarwar topped the list there followed by La-Mont and James Kelly with Pauline McNeill 4th. The 2 list MSPs ended in 11-12th position. Being outside the top 4 should be fatal for Patricia Fergusson and Paul Martin.
-Big Jackie is supposed to have top the WoS list. McIntosh in 4th spot
- In Central Scotland 2 newcomers at the top: Richard Leonard and Monica Lennon
Others were where no candidate had stood for party X before. 55-45 in NW Leics last time in with no UKIP candidate was never a likely tory gain when the Kipper stood this time!
Always hard to interpret, and these low turnout highly local elections can surely only be sensibly judges across many months and dozens of seats, where trends will emerge.
Bit of a leap to be going all Bob Worcester on it...
Conservative 202 (34% -11%)
Conservative 454 (33% -15%)
Conservative 367 (34% -12%)
Real results in real elections.
So we still have pretty much the same EU that he could not sell to his party at the beginning. A relationship that he has acknowledged does not always work in the UK interest. His latest epistle repeated the line that he had not ruled anything out. I would like to believe it.
Yougov Holyrood Poll converted into predicted seats
SNP 69 (nc)
Labour 25 (-12)
Conservatives 25 (+10)
Green 5 (+3)
LibDems 5 (nc)
And of course the EFTA court only rules strictly on issues related to the single market. The vast amount if additional EU regulation over and above the single market which the ECJ regularly rules on is not the arena of the EFTA court.
My point is that one of the attractions of being in the EEA for single market access is that we would not be under direct jurisdiction of the ECJ and all that entails, plus we would have a more powerful voice in the EFTA court than we do in the ECJ. Obviously you are the expert, but I've been told by many people that criminal justice in the UK is just too different to other EU nations and having their judges rule on British cases over-rides British law much too often.
Sarah Brown
To everyone who has ever worked with my husband, please click on this Gif and tell me if it reminds you of anyone!
Yes - if we are being charitable, the renegotiation strategy has been tried and has failed. Exit is therefore the only option to secure substantial change.
If we are being uncharitable, the strategy was never seriously tried. Cameron's only interest was trying to produce the appearance of something he could fool the voters with, and the party would have to just wear it.
Again, if you want real change, it won't come this way as the government just won't pursue this. Exit is the only option.
Just one more heave for the Tories to be the official Holyrood Opposition....
Central Scotland: 6 seats ( constituencies + 3 regional seats )
Glasgow: 7 (4+3)
Highlands: 2 (0+2)
Lothians: 4 (1+3)
Mid Scotland and Fife: 4 (1+3)
North East 3 (0+3)
South: 4 (2+2)
West: 7 (4+3)
They also know his form. That ''appalling!!!'' extra charge they slapped us with? He paid. Promptly. And in full.
Michael Gove's new constitutional court will not veto any EU laws, says leading Tory QC
Anthony Speaight QC, a senior Conservative lawyer, said the court’s powers were like the Trident nuclear deterrent, which could act as a deterrent to stop the EU overreaching its powers but never be used
Hannan was wrong, even a chocolate teapot would be more useful, at least you can eat it. This renegotation is turning out to be a .... corker.
From this morning’s thread I had assumed Assange was finally abandoning his Ecuadorian sanctuary today – is it still on, or has he had a change of heart?
Germany announces that 91,671 migrants entered the country in January, equivalent to 1.1 million a year, except that January is expected to be the slowest month for migration.
Yes they do, because the PM has been telling them that. And presumably telling them the referendum is the bag as well.
Hannan was wrong, even a chocolate teapot would be more useful, at least you can eat it. This renegotation is turning out to be a .... corker.
Dave has made a real pigs ear of the "renegotiation".
"The Federal Office for Migration has to handle one million asylum applications - twice as many as last year. But in 2015 up to 400,000 applications were not processed. There were not enough staff."
Do the Eurocrats even KNOW the numbers? do they even know that Britain writes an enormous net cheque to them every year for them to buy patronage in poor states?
Because we certainly do.
22 list MSPs
8 are retiring though (3 constituency and 5 form the lists).
If constituency MSPs get a good list spot, it would mean list MSPs losing their seat in some regions.
If newcomers get a good spot, it would mean both constituency and list MSPs being booted out.
I don't know what could be a realistic prediction..something like the following??
Central Scotland: 3-4 seats (-2/3 seats overall)
Glasgow: 4-5 (-2/3)
Lothians: 3 (-1 if the trend is similar to GE, SLAB could hold better in Edinburgh than in the Central belt)
MidScotland and Fife 2-3 (-1/2)
North East 2 (-1)
South 2 (-2)
West 4 (-3)
Highlands: 1-2
Range: 21-25 seats
The full resumption of the migrant crisis in Spring, the right wing rags hurling crap at him, his revolting back benchers (and soon front benchers), the back biting and lack of bonhomie from existing states....I cannot see DC wanting to put himself at the head of a doomed Yes campaign. And he has tied himself to a calendar. It all looks a bit hopeless.
Just as I've finally taken to Cameron, the world could come crashing around him rather quickly. That's politics for you.
Dave's usual contempt for anyone not a centrist metropolitan europhile liberal shines through again.
Everyone will just have to wait and see what the electorate think.
It does look as if that will have to be based on a 3-way split (at least) on the Leave side. And this is another point I wonder if people will pick up on. Leave will not be the end of the argument - it will only be a fresh beginning.
Calm down. Dave WON an election he was predicted to lose. Even the biggest Leavers in the party like and respect him. Jacob Rees Mogg in City AM today was fulsome in his praise of Dave's achievements.
Apparently was working up til nearly the end of January. There's some interesting stuff in their archives.
Labour is a party run by its grassroots.
Look what is happening there.
As I understand it the rape allegation refers to an offense that wouldn't be considered an offence in the UK (the non use of a condom). The reason he doesn't want to go to Sweden to contest it is because he believes there's a very real chance he'll be extradited from Sweden to the US where they DO want to charge him with publishing Wikileaks.
Unless my facts are wrong (wouldn't be the first time) this has nothing to do with avoiding facing rape charges but avoiding a lifetime in jail for publishing the truth
Hannan was wrong, even a chocolate teapot would be more useful, at least you can eat it. This renegotation is turning out to be a .... corker.
I do not see the point of what you or he are talking about. For a start the analogy seems bogus - it takes the Jeremy Corbyn vie of the nuclear deterrent and if you agree with this lawyer then you should be campaigning for unilateral nuclear disarmament.
On the other hand if the court by its existence prevents the enacting of legislation we do not want then its doing a good job.
On the other hand if the court by its existence prevents the enacting of legislation we do not want then its doing a good job.
He is saying that if its not going to strike down EU laws, it should not be sold to the public as if it would. I know that overselling is turning into rather a habit for this government, but a little outbreak of integrity now and again wouldn't go amiss.
But frankly that doesn't matter.
The alleged victim of the crime deserves her day in court. Regardless of the potential risks for Assange.
I would expect them to get maybe 25. Ignoring inefficiencies and newbies that means that 5 would be involuntarily retired over all. But I think the casualties will all be on the Constituency side. It is quite hard to see them holding a constituency seat at the moment. In the golden era of Labour you were not allowed to stand on both the constituency and regional lists but I presume that has been abandoned.
On the other hand if the court by its existence prevents the enacting of legislation we do not want then its doing a good job.
It won't and it can't. It can only prevent ECJ decisions by breaching UK treaty obligations and effectively removing us from the EU. It can only prevent ECHR decisions by breaching UK treaty obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights.
On the other hand if the court by its existence prevents the enacting of legislation we do not want then its doing a good job.
Is this not similar to the German Constitutional Court which has reserved the power to declare an EU law incompatible with their basic law? Its the thing AEP gets his knickers in a twist about a couple of times a year believing they are going to reject the latest shenanigans involving the Euro. They never do of course.
Anyway, we are getting carried away with ourselves. Breaking 20% will be seriously difficult for Ruth.
And anyone that matters knows they won't which makes it similar to Dave's threats to leave the EU.
He is playing the victim card brilliantly. And is the one responsible for his own "detention"
I am quite frankly fed up of his posturing. He is no saint. He knows he has broken laws and instead of fighting his case in court, he is hiding out playing the victim.
Political careers usually end prematurely in defeat, and failure. Cameron has tried to define how his will end, but sadly, I think he will be pushed out by events. And I do genuinely mean sadly- Cameron is still the Tories best asset, and Labour has become so unelectable at present, that even I would much prefer a Cameron led Tory party to remain in power until Labour sort themselves out into something that remotely feels like a party of Government.
As to the point about it not being rape under UK law, that the trouble with being in Sweden isn't it? They have their own laws. Shouldn't be surprised if they talk foreign too.
I think it's more likely the record problem (similar to the lore issue that can become a problem for long-running series). As time goes by, a PM does more stuff. People readily forget most things that benefit them, but remember more vividly things which are against their interests.
The official Labour rankings have now been published, under embargo for Saturday. No updates until tomorrow.
Bloody useless SLAB
I think he was wrong to do so, but to skulk in the shadows undermines any values that he claims to represent. Especially as he has allegedly broken the law in Sweden and definitely broken the law in the UK (as a bail jumper)
At the same time as his sidekick is threatening them with their careers? do me a favour.
Of course some will claim that as a grand conspiracy to silence whistleblowers. Others will see that the rule of law is a vital part of any civil society and breaking the law brings consequences.
When they do anything against my interest, they are evil bastards and I shall bang on about it (usually on this forum) interminably.
It's like Rosa Klebb talking sweetly to her captives, after her minions have been torturing them.
Of course that is separate from the sex crime allegations for which he should be treated like everyone else.
And Cameron wants them to make up their own minds as long as it's Remain.