Golly *some snippage below* BBC Katya Deputy Interior Min in #Germany tells me priority is to reduce numbers of #migrants coming. Says only effective if all #EU works together
Ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Aha. Ahhh.
The nerve of the f*ckers. After unilaterally causing the problem, they're now piously asking for cooperation in fixing it!
Well quite. That snippet makes it sound like a very high horse kind of comment, much as they were sanctimonious about how great they were at the time, feted by many for their humane and generous approach, and so now are trying to avoid any criticism by making any criticism criticism of the EU working together to solve a problem. Who caused it? Never mind, not important anymore.
I defended Osborne up to 2011 on the grounds he needed some time to settle in, see the books and announce what he was going to do. Likewise because he wasn't Gordon Brown.
In 2011 he chickened out on reform and ever since Ive been on his case. As Ive pointed out reform needs to take place early in a Parlt so that the benefits outweigh the short term pains but start to feed through in time for the next election.
GO has simply taken the easy way out and aped Brown, and he's doing exactly the same in this session.
2011 - it;s the Eurozone causing a slowdown
2016 - It's China causing a slowdown
Plus ca change. Activity instead of Action.
My faith in Osborne was recently shaken when the greatest PB Tory of all, the august, esteemed and, should be ennobled JohnO, heavily criticised Ozzy, using some most shocking language.
you're simply catching me up. Come on board, it's fun being an ABO
I've done an ABO thread for Sunday.
Contains a Star Trek reference, the two greatest puns in PB history, one of which is a Latin pun.
(FYI - I did do an ABO thread in 2012, saying Ozzy should be replaced by Ken Clarke)
Replace him with a vacuum cleaner, anything , just move the tit .
And the best PB pun remains Chris Huhnes trouser press claim being descibed as "the riches of creases"
I am still very proud of my pun when, in the Westminster expenses scandal, the news broke that somebody had tried to claim a house for his waterfowl. I was quite prescient when I said I really couldn't see it being a duck-billed party plus....
I must admit I've had some real good laughs from posters on site.
SeanT describing Qat as like eating a privet hedge to get the high of a double espresso, still cracks me up.
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
TSE isn't the only one treating Alanbrooke in a forthcoming thread. My next thread should also appeal to an Ulsterman.
Aww shucks and I'm back home with my brother this weekend too !
This all dependent on there being no more Corbyn/Labour fuck ups this weekend.
Jeremy Corbyn becoming Labour leader has made the pre planning of PB threads a nightmare
Indeed. That is the main reason I check into PB these days - to see what f*ck up Labour has managed today. Sometimes, like today, it is a big disappointment that there is no major story, but that it not very often. Even so, I get to read the nugget of impending doom for the party portended in the London vs rest of England and Wales statistics on Cameron vs Corbyn.
Yes they do...because all the media are Tories and everything on twitter is absolutely 100% accurate...it must it, its an infographic seems to be the usual logic, its got pictures and charts and stuff.
My twitter feed gets jammed up with these damn things that are at best just about true, at worst total and utter BS.
TSE isn't the only one treating Alanbrooke in a forthcoming thread. My next thread should also appeal to an Ulsterman.
Aww shucks and I'm back home with my brother this weekend too !
This all dependent on there being no more Corbyn/Labour fuck ups this weekend.
Jeremy Corbyn becoming Labour leader has made the pre planning of PB threads a nightmare
Indeed. That is the main reason I check into PB these days - to see what f*ck up Labour has managed today. Sometimes, like today, it is a big disappointment that there is no major story, but that it not very often. Even so, I get to read the nugget of impending doom for the party portended in the London vs rest of England and Wales statistics on Cameron vs Corbyn.
They managed to fire the one vaguely component member of staff. Or do we count that as yesterday as it broke late last night?
Although economically to the left of the Tories on some issues (The DUP), you'd be hard pushed to describe Nigel Dodds as a "lefty" in the normal sense of the word.
I find the DUP interesting.
I mean, they're obviously sectarian, but they seem to combine a base that in England would cut across traditional WWC Labour base, UKIPers and Tory WWC small businessman/white van man.
A patriotic, nationalist, strong on tradition/family/defence/Union, sceptical of the EU and very firm on immigration, but left of centre economically, party would probably do quite well here, if it existed.
Well you solve it in one with your first caveat: You can have strong cross-cutting socio-economic bases when the party system is based on ethno-religious identity The DUP also have plenty of well-off evangelical voters, but well-off people seem less influential in NI politics as a whole. The usual allusion is that they are repelled by ethnic politics and prefer golf clubs and garden centres (the cheek!)
TSE isn't the only one treating Alanbrooke in a forthcoming thread. My next thread should also appeal to an Ulsterman.
Aww shucks and I'm back home with my brother this weekend too !
This all dependent on there being no more Corbyn/Labour fuck ups this weekend.
Jeremy Corbyn becoming Labour leader has made the pre planning of PB threads a nightmare
Indeed. That is the main reason I check into PB these days - to see what f*ck up Labour has managed today. Sometimes, like today, it is a big disappointment that there is no major story, but that it not very often. Even so, I get to read the nugget of impending doom for the party portended in the London vs rest of England and Wales statistics on Cameron vs Corbyn.
Last summer, Mike and I had a chat talking about the future of PB, we thought apart from the London Mayor and The US Presidential election, it would be a quiet year for PB, after election year.
Robert Kimbell The UK can leave the EU by repealing the 1972 European Communities Act, thus rendering all EU law unenforceable in the UK and Gibraltar.
The UK entered into the EEC with a parliament vote, it can leave with a parliament vote.
If the Kippers had got 102 seats then we could have been spared this tedious referendum.
Though the referendum is just advisory, it would take a Parliamentary act to leave. The Tories would have to be very unified to pass an exit bill.
Why 102 Seats?
If the Referendum result was for leave, then I cant see many MPs voting to stay, possible quite a few abstentions, and the SNP may vote to stay anyway but beyond that, not many.
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
If London loses HSBC it will be his doing.
If the banks had not been bailed out by taxpayers most if them would have no profits and more apprentices is an excellent idea. HSBC is not going to leave anyway, Geneva is too dull, New York too tough on white collar crime and Hong Kong too much in the Shadow of the Chinese government
Osborne's handling of macro-economic issues has been freakily good. So good that you have to assume that he has had more than his fair share of luck.
Where he has undoubtedly been weaker is in reform. The banking sector should have been broken up and made more competitive. Our tax code is frankly ludicrous and is screaming out for simplification. He is far too fond of tweaks and gestures which sound good but actually achieve very little. His need for gestures means things change too often for long term investment decisions.
But he can claim a lot of credit for the employment miracle we have undergone; he has significantly reduced the deficit without creating anything like the pain that was anticipated; the emphasis on apprenticeships is a good thing; he has worked hard to reduce tax avoidance/evasion and been quite innovative on how to deal with multinationals; he has tried hard to keep London's place on the international stage in particular in relation to India, China and the middle east and he has, with his colleagues, worked wonders in getting the head count in government down to a more sustainable level.
I would give him 7 or 8 out of 10. Brown, in comparison, barely troubled the scorers.
I notice you manage to ignore the difference of what Osborne said he would borrow and what he has actually borrowed.
Perhaps as you regard his performance as 'freakily good' you'd like my share of the extra debt ?
And maybe you could tell us how much retail sales have increased compared to the increase in manufacturing output during the 'March Of The Makers' ? It makes little difference if taxpayer subsidised wealth consuming jobs are in the public or private sectors - except in how those workers vote.
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
What they have done is what they bash the Daily Rant for doing. Taking one part of the story and making it the focus. The classic Daily Mail will be x got let off y, because he claimed not being able to take a slash breached his human rights.
When the full story will be that the lawyer used that as one of a load of points in mitigation, the judge normally says nothing if anything about it, because it is nonsense, but there will have been a more pertinent reason for the final judgement.
The BBC been doing the same over the "black lives matter" stuff. There have been some cases that are genuinely terrible behaviour by the police, including a killing of a white women...but in many cases the reasons for the shootings were not because they iz black or the officer was once accused of x, it is because they are a criminal who tried to grab a police officers gun.
Lancashire police criticise BBC over 'terrorist house' story
The police visit took place because of other worrying issues in the boy’s school work, not just the “terrorist house” line, Grunshaw said. The concerns were “reported through the appropriate channels”.
“This was not responded to as a terror incident and the reporter was fully aware of this before she wrote her story,” he said. “In the event there was no further action needed, but if the school and police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.”
Seems BBC have done what they so often criticise the Daily Rant for...taking one part of the much bigger story and making that the central focus of the reasons why. They clearly thought they had a UK equivalent of the Ahmed Mohamed clock incident.
Don't know if accurate but I read somewhere that the red door story didn't stand up either, in that the company painted all doors red and they housed all sorts of people, not just asylum seekers.
I defended Osborne up to 2011 on the grounds he needed some time to settle in, see the books and announce what he was going to do. Likewise because he wasn't Gordon Brown.
In 2011 he chickened out on reform and ever since Ive been on his case. As Ive pointed out reform needs to take place early in a Parlt so that the benefits outweigh the short term pains but start to feed through in time for the next election.
GO has simply taken the easy way out and aped Brown, and he's doing exactly the same in this session.
2011 - it;s the Eurozone causing a slowdown
2016 - It's China causing a slowdown
Plus ca change. Activity instead of Action.
My faith in Osborne was recently shaken when the greatest PB Tory of all, the august, esteemed and, should be ennobled JohnO, heavily criticised Ozzy, using some most shocking language.
you're simply catching me up. Come on board, it's fun being an ABO
I've done an ABO thread for Sunday.
Contains a Star Trek reference, the two greatest puns in PB history, one of which is a Latin pun.
(FYI - I did do an ABO thread in 2012, saying Ozzy should be replaced by Ken Clarke)
Replace him with a vacuum cleaner, anything , just move the tit .
And the best PB pun remains Chris Huhnes trouser press claim being descibed as "the riches of creases"
I am still very proud of my pun when, in the Westminster expenses scandal, the news broke that somebody had tried to claim a house for his waterfowl. I was quite prescient when I said I really couldn't see it being a duck-billed party plus....
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
If London loses HSBC it will be his doing.
If the banks had not been bailed out by taxpayers most if them would have no profits and more apprentices is an excellent idea. HSBC is not going to leave anyway, Geneva is too dull, New York too tough on white collar crime and Hong Kong too much in the Shadow of the Chinese government
HSBC did not take a penny of government money. I sincerely hope you are right, but I'm sure the HK authorities will make them a very tempting offer.
I'm all for more apprenticeships, but I get the feeling that quality has been sacrificed for quantity. That said firms like JLR and Rolls Royce do a great job.
RISE poses a problem for an SNP that has scaled the heights of Scottish politics by demonising its opponents as Tories and traitors. This schtick doesn’t work with RISE, which is authentically radical on public policy and the constitution. After stirring the disaffected during the referendum with airy promises of untold national wealth and social utopia, the Nationalists find themselves having to govern in prose again. Unavoidable cuts, a funding crisis in local government, and failing health targets are just some of the bumps on the road ahead.
A socialist challenger makes life uncomfortable for the SNP, which talks left but walks centre. Until now, warm words about land reform, fracking, and public sector procurement have appeased the grassroots but a new party with a bolder agenda would pose awkward questions.
SNP loyalists don’t quite know how to handle RISE so have gone with their strengths and lashed out. (Upon hearing that there were other parties, GA Ponsonby wept that he had not yet denounced them.) Lending your second vote to one of the smaller parties, they warn darkly, will only help more Unionists escape the justice of the Scottish people. Crucially for a political strategy devised by and for furious middle aged men who spend their evenings in their Y-fronts typing “BIAS!!!!” under every Herald article, it has a hashtag. #BothVotesSNP is where frustrated extremism meets low-level neddery. It's as if residents of The Scheme joined ISIS but stuck to handing out leaflets down the precinct on Saturday afternoons instead of flying out to Raqqa.
RISE doesn't even own the hard left ground, they have to share it with Solidarity who have a much, much, much higher profile thanks to Tommy Sheridan.
But neither party will come anywhere near winning a single seat in 2016. The only impact they could have is costing the Greens a second MSP in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
Of course, the go-to presumption on here is that Muslims are jihadists Luckily PB comments is a safe space for Manichean fear of Islam
Right lads, Cadbury's is being sold for many billions. Lets have a whip round in the canteen and see if we can get the money together...
Given how Modelez are destroying the Cadbury brand, the workforce could get a chance to buy it up sooner rather than later.
If course, that workforce is in Poland now...
All of which is true, but if a law existed when Cadburys was being sold, there is no way the workforce would have been able to buy it, so the proposed idea is just bullshit. Workforces as a whole don't have £100's million or billions to buy massive companies. From time to time the management can raise the funds and do so, but they are in a position of being able to make that work. Not the lads on the shop floor.
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
If London loses HSBC it will be his doing.
If the banks had not been bailed out by taxpayers most if them would have no profits and more apprentices is an excellent idea. HSBC is not going to leave anyway, Geneva is too dull, New York too tough on white collar crime and Hong Kong too much in the Shadow of the Chinese government
HSBC did not take a penny of government money. I sincerely hope you are right, but I'm sure the HK authorities will make them a very tempting offer.
I'm all for more apprenticeships, but I get the feeling that quality has been sacrificed for quantity. That said firms like JLR and Rolls Royce do a great job.
Would HSBC's Chinese customers be happy to keep their money in London or Hong Kong? The desire to snap up London apartments 'off plan' tells one everything about where they wish to domicile their money.
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
RISE poses a problem for an SNP that has scaled the heights of Scottish politics by demonising its opponents as Tories and traitors. This schtick doesn’t work with RISE, which is authentically radical on public policy and the constitution. After stirring the disaffected during the referendum with airy promises of untold national wealth and social utopia, the Nationalists find themselves having to govern in prose again. Unavoidable cuts, a funding crisis in local government, and failing health targets are just some of the bumps on the road ahead.
A socialist challenger makes life uncomfortable for the SNP, which talks left but walks centre. Until now, warm words about land reform, fracking, and public sector procurement have appeased the grassroots but a new party with a bolder agenda would pose awkward questions.
SNP loyalists don’t quite know how to handle RISE so have gone with their strengths and lashed out. (Upon hearing that there were other parties, GA Ponsonby wept that he had not yet denounced them.) Lending your second vote to one of the smaller parties, they warn darkly, will only help more Unionists escape the justice of the Scottish people. Crucially for a political strategy devised by and for furious middle aged men who spend their evenings in their Y-fronts typing “BIAS!!!!” under every Herald article, it has a hashtag. #BothVotesSNP is where frustrated extremism meets low-level neddery. It's as if residents of The Scheme joined ISIS but stuck to handing out leaflets down the precinct on Saturday afternoons instead of flying out to Raqqa.
RISE doesn't even own the hard left ground, they have to share it with Solidarity who have a much, much, much higher profile thanks to Tommy Sheridan.
But neither party will come anywhere near winning a single seat in 2016. The only impact they could have is costing the Greens a second MSP in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The SNP will be completely untouched.
The SNP have seen off two hard-left nationalist parties already, right? But apparently the third one is going to kill them according to the PB Tory retweet machine It is a mild fantasy I'm afraid from the same people who think 2016 Tory Holyrood Majority Nailed On
Jeremy Corbyn warned that Labour faces triple whammy of election blows in May
Exclusive: Shadow cabinet told party due to lose 200 English council seats, its effective majority on Welsh Assembly and every Scottish constituency seat
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
Of course, the go-to presumption on here is that Muslims are jihadists
No it isn't, no matter how many times you insist otherwise. There is a presumption of a greater degree of problem with Islamism than is the case in other places, and, one might argue, more than is fair, but that is not the same thing as presuming Muslims are jihadists. If anything, insisting that is the general position only gives cover to those who do think that, as those who are concerned about Islamism, but do not think that, are offended at the accusation they think that more than at the few who do think that.
As fun as I find people making extreme comparisons of opposing views to ridicule them, and recognizing I have most definitely been guilty of it myself at times, it has never a tactic that makes the comparison true.
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
Of course, the go-to presumption on here is that Muslims are jihadists
No it isn't, no matter how many times you insist otherwise. There is a presumption of a greater degree of problem with Islamism than is the case in other places, and, one might argue, more than is fair, but that is not the same thing as presuming Muslims are jihadists. If anything, insisting that is the general position only gives cover to those who do think that, as those who are concerned about Islamism, but do not think that, are offended at the accusation they think that more than at the few who do think that.
Tell me what it means then when one says " It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria" If not that the presumption is that these Muslims are jihadists packing their bags for Syria?
Golly *some snippage below* BBC Katya Deputy Interior Min in #Germany tells me priority is to reduce numbers of #migrants coming. Says only effective if all #EU works together
Ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Aha. Ahhh.
The nerve of the f*ckers. After unilaterally causing the problem, they're now piously asking for cooperation in fixing it!
Well quite. That snippet makes it sound like a very high horse kind of comment, much as they were sanctimonious about how great they were at the time, feted by many for their humane and generous approach, and so now are trying to avoid any criticism by making any criticism criticism of the EU working together to solve a problem. Who caused it? Never mind, not important anymore.
Merkel is John III Sobieski. If Sobieski hadn't ridden down to smash the invading hordes and had instead sent a proclamation welcoming them in.
Jeremy Corbyn warned that Labour faces triple whammy of election blows in May
Exclusive: Shadow cabinet told party due to lose 200 English council seats, its effective majority on Welsh Assembly and every Scottish constituency seat
What an odd opening. Corbyn has been told Labour will suffer in May under his leadership, the Telegraph can disclose. I think we could all disclose that people have been telling him that; some people have been doing that since before he was elected as leader. I know it's about a presentation the party received, but still.
I like the description of the shadow Cabinet sitting in 'stoical silence' - too busy typing whinges on their phones to speak, probably.
Some good expectations management going on though.
Mark Reckless I just voted #CBB to save the excellent @westbrookdanni who supported me in by-election when she lived in Rochester https://t.co/yvyt3OZE6n
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
If London loses HSBC it will be his doing.
Don't get me wrong; compared with the horrific youth unemployment in Europe, it's brilliant. I just think we need a bigger focus on productivity.
I'm clearly not a fan of Osborne, but to quote SeanF I'd 'wade through blood' for him to stop Corbyn and McDonnell
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
Of course, the go-to presumption on here is that Muslims are jihadists
No it isn't, no matter how many times you insist otherwise. There is a presumption of a greater degree of problem with Islamism than is the case in other places, and, one might argue, more than is fair, but that is not the same thing as presuming Muslims are jihadists. If anything, insisting that is the general position only gives cover to those who do think that, as those who are concerned about Islamism, but do not think that, are offended at the accusation they think that more than at the few who do think that.
Tell me what it means then when one says " It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria" If not that the presumption is that these Muslims are jihadists packing their bags for Syria?
Some people have a presumption of that, I don't, and didn't, quibble that, in fact I deliberately acknowledged some do so you would hopefully notice EDIT, because I certainly object to that presumption. You implied it is the default presumption. Not 'your default presumption' referring to that quote, but 'the default presumption on here'.
Now you will tell me you only meant the specific quote? It was an oddly definitive tone for mere inelegant use of language, but we've all been there if that is your claim.
Jeremy Corbyn warned that Labour faces triple whammy of election blows in May
Exclusive: Shadow cabinet told party due to lose 200 English council seats, its effective majority on Welsh Assembly and every Scottish constituency seat
What an odd opening. Corbyn has been told Labour will suffer in May under his leadership, the Telegraph can disclose. I think we could all disclose that people have been telling him that; some people have been doing that since before he was elected as leader. I know it's about a presentation the party received, but still.
I like the description of the shadow Cabinet sitting in 'stoical silence' - too busy typing whinges on their phones to speak, probably.
Some good expectations management going on though.
It all depends on London whether it's a total washout for Corbyn.
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
If London loses HSBC it will be his doing.
Don't get me wrong; compared with the horrific youth unemployment in Europe, it's brilliant. I just think we need a bigger focus on productivity.
I'm clearly not a fan of Osborne, but to quote SeanF I'd 'wade through blood' for him to stop Corbyn and McDonnell
Replace him with a vacuum cleaner, anything , just move the tit .
And the best PB pun remains Chris Huhnes trouser press claim being descibed as "the riches of creases"
I have an affection for George, he's my kind of Tory.
I'll never forget his performance at the 2007 Tory conference, he and Dave pulled out all the stops to make sure Brown didn't call an election that Autumn.
Plus, I'm more forgiving of the inheritance he was bequeathed by Darling, who turned the taps on, whereas as Callaghan and Healey did their best to turn the taps off in the 70s.
He's unfortunately going the same path as Brown. He loves the Treasury for it's security and roving brief to interfere in everything. In truth he should be rotating to Foreign Secretary or Home Secretary to widen his horizons if he was serious about the top job, I think inside he knows he won't get it which is why he clings to his power base.
That's what pisses me off, he's nothing like Brown.
Look at the way Brown continually undermined Blair and his colleagues. Osborne has been loyal and tried to ensure government works fine.
Can you recall him doing anything to undermine Cameron, in the way Brown did to Blair, or Lawson at times did to Thatcher?
In that respect you are correct, but in terms of dabbling, political gimmicks and hugely on economic policy he's Brown's mini me.
You tend to judge him on his politics, I judge him on his fit for the day job .
We'll soon get the complete 2015 data and be able to see how the 'March Of The Makers' and the trillion pound export drive are progressing.
For today we'll have to make do with the tourism stats:
' Compared with the same quarter a year ago, visits to the UK by overseas residents increased by 4.7% to 10.5 million in Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2015. The number of nights spent in the UK by overseas residents, also rose by 6.0%, but the estimated earnings from these visits fell by 3.8% to £7.1 billion.
Visits abroad by UK residents during quarter 3 2015 increased by 9.1% to 22.4 million compared with Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2014. The number of nights spent abroad by UK residents rose by 13.4% and expenditure during these visits increased by 13.6% to £14.4 billion. '
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
Of course, the go-to presumption on here is that Muslims are jihadists
No it isn't, no matter how many times you insist otherwise. There is a presumption of a greater degree of problem with Islamism than is the case in other places, and, one might argue, more than is fair, but that is not the same thing as presuming Muslims are jihadists. If anything, insisting that is the general position only gives cover to those who do think that, as those who are concerned about Islamism, but do not think that, are offended at the accusation they think that more than at the few who do think that.
Tell me what it means then when one says " It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria" If not that the presumption is that these Muslims are jihadists packing their bags for Syria?
You've missed the subtlety of my remark. This story was clearly concocted to tug at our heartstrings - silly old Plod overreacted when a nice little lad got his words mixed up but we're all friends now. My fear for the media is that when they engage in this sort of propaganda it has a habit of backfiring with disastrous results. The drowned boy from Syria and the Cologne New Year's Eve are cases in point.
Golly *some snippage below* BBC Katya Deputy Interior Min in #Germany tells me priority is to reduce numbers of #migrants coming. Says only effective if all #EU works together
Ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Aha. Ahhh.
The nerve of the f*ckers. After unilaterally causing the problem, they're now piously asking for cooperation in fixing it!
Well... They do have a point. The opprobrium heaped on Merkel is basically about a decision to process people in Germany who were already in the EU in Hungary. She didn't cause the influx in the first place.
RISE doesn't even own the hard left ground, they have to share it with Solidarity who have a much, much, much higher profile thanks to Tommy Sheridan.
But neither party will come anywhere near winning a single seat in 2016. The only impact they could have is costing the Greens a second MSP in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The SNP will be completely untouched.
The SNP have seen off two hard-left nationalist parties already, right? But apparently the third one is going to kill them according to the PB Tory retweet machine It is a mild fantasy I'm afraid from the same people who think 2016 Tory Holyrood Majority Nailed On
To be honest the SNP had to do very little to see off the Scottish Socialist Party. Like all hard left groupings, they destroyed themselves. They went from 1 seat in 1999 to 6 in 2003 but made such a horrific job that they were then wiped out in 2007 before splintering into a rump party (now rebranded RISE) and Tommy's Solidarity.
The record of the hard left wasn't just one of ineffective incompetence, it was one of absolute ridicule and contempt for their own voters. They even had one of their MSPs go "on the sick" for over 18 months.
Daisley used to write some well thought out, interesting articles. But he has descended into baiting supporters of Independence and just publishes stream of conscious clickbait now.
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
I know it's a joke that Blair and Cameron both followed the papers et al when deciding what to do, but given that issue has been around awhile and only flared up again recently following a certain reshuffle, is he really planning his moves after scanning Guido Fawkes or something?
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
Although economically to the left of the Tories on some issues (The DUP), you'd be hard pushed to describe Nigel Dodds as a "lefty" in the normal sense of the word.
I find the DUP interesting.
I mean, they're obviously sectarian, but they seem to combine a base that in England would cut across traditional WWC Labour base, UKIPers and Tory WWC small businessman/white van man.
A patriotic, nationalist, strong on tradition/family/defence/Union, sceptical of the EU and very firm on immigration, but left of centre economically, party would probably do quite well here, if it existed.
They;re the Ulster SNP.
Fenian nonsense!
At GE2015, the DUP actively called upon Scots to vote for the Unionist party best placed to defeat the SNP.
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
Is this like Oldham postal votes and the assassination attempt?
Yet the legal expense limit in Thanet South for that period was £15,016.38, and according to the Conservatives’ local expense return for the constituency, submitted last June, they spent £14,837 on the campaign, just £179 short of the legal limit. If one included the hefty bills from the national figures for the Royal Ramsgate Hotel – and I suspect many experts would argue they should be – then the total to elect Craig Mackinlay as the MP comes to £29,050, almost twice the legal spending limit in that seat.
The hotel bills show that the Conservative had several rooms in the hotel throughout the campaign – on some night as many as five. The former Conservative press officer Henry McCrory was among those sent to work in Thanet South full-time.
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
The Mirror front page hitting back at the Tories on defence I see.
And of course the Tories have the easiest get out of jail free card...JJ and his bonkers subs with no missiles and give the Argies a say in the Falklands.
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
Is this like Oldham postal votes and the assassination attempt?
Yet the legal expense limit in Thanet South for that period was £15,016.38, and according to the Conservatives’ local expense return for the constituency, submitted last June, they spent £14,837 on the campaign, just £179 short of the legal limit. If one included the hefty bills from the national figures for the Royal Ramsgate Hotel – and I suspect many experts would argue they should be – then the total to elect Craig Mackinlay as the MP comes to £29,050, almost twice the legal spending limit in that seat.
The hotel bills show that the Conservative had several rooms in the hotel throughout the campaign – on some night as many as five. The former Conservative press officer Henry McCrory was among those sent to work in Thanet South full-time.
I've heard quite a few comments ridiculing Corbyn for the missileless submarines.
So have I. I think it has "cut-through" because it's funny and seems to sum up the gesture-ridden stupidity that riddles Corbyn's thinking. It will still be being brought up in 2020.
Crick may or may not be correct, but he has in the past made some crazy unfounded claims about dodgy electoral goings on. Crewe By-Election he famously said the result was massively in trouble, because he had this conspiracy theory that data the Tories had collected was being sent overseas and that was a massive breach of electoral rules and could invalidate the whole election.
So have I. I think it has "cut-through" because it's funny and seems to sum up the gesture-ridden stupidity that riddles Corbyn's thinking. It will still be being brought up in 2020.
I suspect there will be much talk of "firing blanks" in May...
Osborne is a meddler. He's happy to cut corporation tax, but burdens firms with an 'apprenticeship levy' (punishing firms with large workforces) and the banks with an extra tax on profits.
If London loses HSBC it will be his doing.
You could have copied that comment from Gabble, Ash or BenM a decade ago.
Its always possible to get more growth and jobs, its only a matter of spending more money.
Living within your means is when the difficulty starts.
Now as you like to make comparisons with the EU how does the UK's budget and balance of payments deficits compare with other countries ?
I hope there are psychological tests for whichever officer has his finger on the button, I am sure there are some fail safe mechanisms, but the commander of a nuclear submarine can arguably claim to be one of the most powerful people on the planet
"Crick is alleging that the Tories smashed the spending limits in an effort to defeat Nigel Farage. It was treated by CCHQ like a by-election. Even if UKIP prove it, would the Electoral Commission do anything about it?"
Is this like Oldham postal votes and the assassination attempt?
Yet the legal expense limit in Thanet South for that period was £15,016.38, and according to the Conservatives’ local expense return for the constituency, submitted last June, they spent £14,837 on the campaign, just £179 short of the legal limit. If one included the hefty bills from the national figures for the Royal Ramsgate Hotel – and I suspect many experts would argue they should be – then the total to elect Craig Mackinlay as the MP comes to £29,050, almost twice the legal spending limit in that seat.
The hotel bills show that the Conservative had several rooms in the hotel throughout the campaign – on some night as many as five. The former Conservative press officer Henry McCrory was among those sent to work in Thanet South full-time.
The Mirror front page hitting back at the Tories on defence I see.
Except they're not attacking the Tories on defence, but trying to save steel workers jobs.
First question - do any UK manufacturers make the steel specced for the ships?
No idea - my first thought was 'ultimate betrayal' was a bit overselling it, but the lead up including decimation of the industry and thousands on the dole makes it seem a bit more substantive an attack than merely that foreign steel was used, more that Tories are not ones to talk on defence.
Can't see it catching on though, given Corbyn's stances though.
I've heard quite a few comments ridiculing Corbyn for the missileless submarines.
So have I. I think it has "cut-through" because it's funny and seems to sum up the gesture-ridden stupidity that riddles Corbyn's thinking. It will still be being brought up in 2020.
On a serious point there have been a number of Labour MPs arguing that the arguments about the Labour position on Trident renewal "don't matter", because the decision will have been taken and effectively implemented long before the next election. Surely this attitude has been blown apart by Corbyn's musings, because it shows that his position on Trident is completely unmotivated by the monetary savings that are the usual argument put forward for opposing renewal. Since the money doesn't matter, the way is free for him to argue for a reversal of Govt policy even once most of the cost is sunk.
I hope there are psychological tests for whichever officer has his finger on the button, I am sure there are some fail safe mechanisms, but the commander of a nuclear submarine can arguably claim to be one of the most powerful people on the planet
I hope there are psychological tests for whichever officer has his finger on the button, I am sure there are some fail safe mechanisms, but the commander of a nuclear submarine can arguably claim to be one of the most powerful people on the planet
I think you need more than one person to act simultaneously. At least, that's how Hollywood does it so it must be that way.
I hope there are psychological tests for whichever officer has his finger on the button, I am sure there are some fail safe mechanisms, but the commander of a nuclear submarine can arguably claim to be one of the most powerful people on the planet
No single person can launch; it requires the co-operation of the boats crew. Those commanders are trained and fully aware of the capability and responsibility. They have families back home after all.
I ventured into Ramsgate twice at the end of last year. In November, via the direct rail route from Ashford via Canterbury, and in December via the route going through Whitstable and Margate. Still got the Dover to Ramsgate section left
I hope there are psychological tests for whichever officer has his finger on the button, I am sure there are some fail safe mechanisms, but the commander of a nuclear submarine can arguably claim to be one of the most powerful people on the planet
I recall a claim on a site years ago that British procedures for nukes was once so lax they were kept behind a bike lock, and sub commanders could fire without authorization, but it was ok because it was wrong to suggest an officer would act in defiance of clear orders.
I think it was a comedy site, which I hope is so, as it was pretty funny.
Osborne's handling of macro-economic issues has been freakily good. So good that you have to assume that he has had more than his fair share of luck.
Where he has undoubtedly been weaker is in reform. The banking sector should have been broken up and made more competitive. Our tax code is frankly ludicrous and is screaming out for simplification. He is far too fond of tweaks and gestures which sound good but actually achieve very little. His need for gestures means things change too often for long term investment decisions.
But he can claim a lot of credit for the employment miracle we have undergone; he has significantly reduced the deficit without creating anything like the pain that was anticipated; the emphasis on apprenticeships is a good thing; he has worked hard to reduce tax avoidance/evasion and been quite innovative on how to deal with multinationals; he has tried hard to keep London's place on the international stage in particular in relation to India, China and the middle east and he has, with his colleagues, worked wonders in getting the head count in government down to a more sustainable level.
I would give him 7 or 8 out of 10. Brown, in comparison, barely troubled the scorers.
Gordon Brown barely troubled the scorers? Really? He maintained growth despite turndowns in America and rising oil prices (remember them?) and kept us out of the Euro, paid off Tory debt so that we had lower government debt than America, Germany and France, and all that is before saving the world after the global financial meltdown.
SeanT describing Qat as like eating a privet hedge to get the high of a double espresso, still cracks me up.
We can then all sigh happily, chuckle at the misunderstanding and wallow in our brotherhood of man. Sentimental tosh. It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria.
My twitter feed gets jammed up with these damn things that are at best just about true, at worst total and utter BS.
You can have strong cross-cutting socio-economic bases when the party system is based on ethno-religious identity
The DUP also have plenty of well-off evangelical voters, but well-off people seem less influential in NI politics as a whole. The usual allusion is that they are repelled by ethnic politics and prefer golf clubs and garden centres (the cheek!)
Corbyn has changed everything.
If the Referendum result was for leave, then I cant see many MPs voting to stay, possible quite a few abstentions, and the SNP may vote to stay anyway but beyond that, not many.
Not that low expenses claiming is the be all and end all, but some still do take the piss with their expenses.
Perhaps as you regard his performance as 'freakily good' you'd like my share of the extra debt ?
And maybe you could tell us how much retail sales have increased compared to the increase in manufacturing output during the 'March Of The Makers' ? It makes little difference if taxpayer subsidised wealth consuming jobs are in the public or private sectors - except in how those workers vote.
If course, that workforce is in Poland now...
Damn it, that's probably not even a valid claim!
When the full story will be that the lawyer used that as one of a load of points in mitigation, the judge normally says nothing if anything about it, because it is nonsense, but there will have been a more pertinent reason for the final judgement.
The BBC been doing the same over the "black lives matter" stuff. There have been some cases that are genuinely terrible behaviour by the police, including a killing of a white women...but in many cases the reasons for the shootings were not because they iz black or the officer was once accused of x, it is because they are a criminal who tried to grab a police officers gun.
Times readers ridiculed it. The stats were nonsense too.
I'm all for more apprenticeships, but I get the feeling that quality has been sacrificed for quantity. That said firms like JLR and Rolls Royce do a great job.
Daisley reaches new levels of insanity.
RISE doesn't even own the hard left ground, they have to share it with Solidarity who have a much, much, much higher profile thanks to Tommy Sheridan.
But neither party will come anywhere near winning a single seat in 2016. The only impact they could have is costing the Greens a second MSP in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The SNP will be completely untouched.
Luckily PB comments is a safe space for Manichean fear of Islam
Don't they count? Who'd do better? No one else in the EU apparently.
RISE doesn't even own the hard left ground, they have to share it with Solidarity who have a much, much, much higher profile thanks to Tommy Sheridan.
But neither party will come anywhere near winning a single seat in 2016. The only impact they could have is costing the Greens a second MSP in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The SNP will be completely untouched.
The SNP have seen off two hard-left nationalist parties already, right? But apparently the third one is going to kill them according to the PB Tory retweet machine
It is a mild fantasy I'm afraid from the same people who think 2016 Tory Holyrood Majority Nailed On
Exclusive: Shadow cabinet told party due to lose 200 English council seats, its effective majority on Welsh Assembly and every Scottish constituency seat
As fun as I find people making extreme comparisons of opposing views to ridicule them, and recognizing I have most definitely been guilty of it myself at times, it has never a tactic that makes the comparison true.
" It will probably transpire they were a family of jihadists packing their bags for Syria"
If not that the presumption is that these Muslims are jihadists packing their bags for Syria?
Shadow cabinet told Labour will lose 200 council seats, Welsh Assembly majority and all Scottish constituency seats in May. Brutal.
I like the description of the shadow Cabinet sitting in 'stoical silence' - too busy typing whinges on their phones to speak, probably.
Some good expectations management going on though.
I just voted #CBB to save the excellent @westbrookdanni who supported me in by-election when she lived in Rochester https://t.co/yvyt3OZE6n
I'm clearly not a fan of Osborne, but to quote SeanF I'd 'wade through blood' for him to stop Corbyn and McDonnell
@SimonNRicketts: Why does Corbyn hate Scalextric so much? https://t.co/DhOG80NLsA
Now you will tell me you only meant the specific quote? It was an oddly definitive tone for mere inelegant use of language, but we've all been there if that is your claim.
Most of his expenses went on office rental and staffing.
I'm not sure any Chancellor can improve productivity, it takes shrinkage to squeeze people, not growth.
Clinton 53%
Sanders 43%
The record of the hard left wasn't just one of ineffective incompetence, it was one of absolute ridicule and contempt for their own voters. They even had one of their MSPs go "on the sick" for over 18 months.
Daisley used to write some well thought out, interesting articles. But he has descended into baiting supporters of Independence and just publishes stream of conscious clickbait now.
Why is George Galloway on @BBCNewsnight talking about Litvinenko? Is he acting as Putin's press spokesman?
I know it's a joke that Blair and Cameron both followed the papers et al when deciding what to do, but given that issue has been around awhile and only flared up again recently following a certain reshuffle, is he really planning his moves after scanning Guido Fawkes or something?
At GE2015, the DUP actively called upon Scots to vote for the Unionist party best placed to defeat the SNP.
I've heard quite a few comments ridiculing Corbyn for the missileless submarines.
I somehow doubt the Tories were running a national campaign from a hotel in Ramsgate...
Kent was high noon for the Tory v UKIP fights.
I somehow doubt the Tories were running a national campaign from a hotel in Ramsgate...
I'm going to put this down with Telford as another great UKIP by-election triumph that never happened.
First question - do any UK manufacturers make the steel specified for the ships, and in the quantities required?
Its always possible to get more growth and jobs, its only a matter of spending more money.
Living within your means is when the difficulty starts.
Now as you like to make comparisons with the EU how does the UK's budget and balance of payments deficits compare with other countries ?
Can't see it catching on though, given Corbyn's stances though.
Clearly early on his life he was gang banged by several cans of Ronseal, and the results still show
Mrs Bouquet, the lady of the house speaking, he doing to do what.....Richard you must phone the ambassador at once.
LAB: 71.1% (-3.8)
UKIP: 13.4% (+13.4)
CON: 10.8% (+3.7)
GRN: 4.6% (-3.0)
I think it was a comedy site, which I hope is so, as it was pretty funny.