This week William Hague explained why he would vote for the UK to Remain in the UK in the upcoming referendum, as a former Tory leader and Foreign Secretary this inevitably led to a lot of comment about someone who has been considered a Eurosceptic voting for Remain.
As any Labour canvasser from the last two elections will tell you, the view that you can convince voters to overlook the personality of leaders is rather optimistic.
Judging your posts today and in the past, had Cameron announced he was voting for Leave, you'd be voting for Remain.
If a month's worth of rain falls in a day, it would be logical that the rainfall for that month would be exceptional, since it wont be dry the rest of the month. Exceptional months seem to be fairly evenly distributed over the past century.
He means Fruitcakes, Nutters and Loonies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The slightest bit of criticism of Dave and you retreat to your default position, there is not a person in the world that will make a decision on the EU based on what I post on here, plenty will look at Cameron telling lies and decide whether they can trust him or not.
Ah yes, you say, but we're in govt.
I find your subservience extraordinary.
Leave the cheap insults (such as calling those wanting to leave the EU quitters) to the remain campaign.
Next time we criticise a politician for being relentlessly on message remember the opprobrium they attract when they are honest
*Innocent face*
The predictable jibe from Threequidder about the LDs functioning as "an internal opposition" within the Coalition is part of the rewriting of history from those on the Conservative side who were never well disposed toward the Coalition but didn't have the courage to challenge Cameron directly. That view is fortunately countered by those of more sensible send pragmatic disposition within Conservative ranks.
The initial Coalition agreement was a frail creature and nobody could foresee a full five year legislative programme. I regret some of the measures the LDs supported but as they were in the Agreement it's all down to that dirty concept of compromise.
I am proud the Party managed to stop or water down some measures which were not part of the Agreement and I applaud the Conservatives who voted for LD measures with which they probably disagreed but which were part of the Agreement. Again, that's compromise.
I think there was a window of opportunity in 2012-13 to renegotiate the Coalition and its modus operandi. That might have ended the Agreement or strengthened it but to simply jog on with what was effectively a botched rushed arrangement organised by tired people was and is unsatisfactory.
As an LD, I regret the 2015 GE outcome but I don't regret for a nanosecond being in Government and having the power to get things done.
Seems an excellent idea to me.
Just hope she remembers that I was one of her staunchest supporters in Hertsmere CLP in 2010.
Perhaps the proof of the pudding was the 2015 election. What measures did the Lib Dems campaign on as having successfully delivered in government? If they were right to go into office (and I agree that they were) then it follows that they should be proud of and stand on their record, yet far too often they seemed to want to distance themselves from it.
We can be like Olive and Arthur of On The Buses fame.
@PeoplesMomentum: Just to be clear this tweet is not endorsed by Momentum and we do not think it is acceptable.
@MrHarryCole: Splitter
She did change her mind on whether Britain should have signed the SEA but that doesn't imply that it was necessarily wrong to join in the first place or that even the SEA made EEC / EC membership inadvisable, though she clearly felt that the Maastricht Treaty (never mind later ones) did.
Perhaps evolve would have been a better choice of word in the thread header than change
Dredging doesn't stop flooding given extreme rainfall. When the rainfall is heavy the volume of water that drains into the river from the surrounding country side massively dwarfs the rivers capacity even if dredged.
It is the Tory party position under Cameron which has moved from the demand for significant change to one of slight tinkering.
The aim of a political party (as Jezza is now proving as the exception) is to be in power.
For the LDs, after all kinds of batshit crazy politics they found themselves...
... power.
And dear god did they get the mother of all shellackings from their own supporters (and ofc Lab=>LD switchers) for it.
Nick Clegg played a blinder IMO. To go from protest/NOTA party to being in government is an impossible hand and Nick did as well as he could, trying to balance his responsibilities to his voters on the one hand, and the government of which he was a part on the other.
I'm sure those Lab=>LD switchers would have preferred the LDs to refuse to go into coalition, but that ignored the realities of the vote share. Of course what they actually wanted was for the LDs to form a coalition with Lab.
Poor old Nick - I wonder how history will treat him. Harshly I suspect but I hope not.
SuDS in new housing developments should also make a significant difference, if expensively.
* By tolerance I mean increased run off due to concrete, building in risk areas, etc. I'm not referring to the fact that we have devolved into a bunch of whining jessies
The Liberal part of Lib Dems are economic liberals and work comfortably with Conservatives. The Social Democrat liberals are not so keen on being economically liberal. So lots of Labour lite Lib Dems left after the coalition was formed.
The shake out of Labour switchers back to Labour should enable Lib Dems to show they are neither left nor right but liberal in both economic and social policies.
However, we are yet to see how the recent new joiners will feel about policy and they are nearly a third of the membership.
Carswells reasons for leaving the tory party were all made up as well - he is no different to the typical LD, happy just to carp and not interested in the tricky problems of being in power. Instead he has joined a party of 'angry nativists'.
We have negotiations and we have a referendum, allegedly what UKIP want. Yet all you can do is pathetically bleat, 'foul!'
I will dip in in the New Year in the hope that some sort of sanity has returned.
Or rather, not only on account of it. I think also it was that Lab supporters found themselves unable to vote for Brown following the economic collapse. Pictures of queues outside Northern Rock (a long way from dodgy CDS sales) and the genuine fear of a bank run, amongst other things, rendered Lab unfit for government in the eyes of many sensible Lab types. Rightly or wrongly they perceived an enormous mismanagement of the economy.
Of course to vote Cons was unthinkable, so LDs it was.
Waterproof plaster in houses susceptible to flooding has to be a partial way forward. It means you don't have to chop out the polluted plaster that got wet, wait for the walls to dry, and then replaster before you move back in.
Lynton Crosby (Tory election strategist)is to be given knighthood for a contribution to public services,
He deserves a Royal Dukedom as a minimum, perhaps make him Governor-General of Australia too.
Eskdalemuir weather station has a gradient of 0.0225 on it's monthly rainfall
Of note is that these figures obviously don't have this December in them yet.