Mr. D, Mr. Eagles' strange fantasies are as perplexing as his dress sense.
You should see the shirt I've ordered for the Christmas do next Friday.
Someone said it were if Salvador Dali and Jackson Pollock had gotten into a drunken fight with a photocopier inside a paint factory, whilst doing drugs
Yesterday I went to the monthly Poetry Hour at Croydon library. The theme was "art" and my poem was about the paintings of Piet Mondrian. While I was writing it, I considered the thought that a Jackson Pollock painting is a Piet Mondrian painting which has been released from prison.
The best way to pay the farmers for the food we eat is by paying the price you think the produce is worth! There is no need to distort it all with subsidies on top. Farmers and retirees seem to be the two special interests that no-one ever dares to confront.
Well there are very few farmers left to confront. I grew up on a farm but nobody in my family is involved in farming now. There's simply no money in it at all - farmers are literally dying out. If I live a normal life expectancy I'm sure there'll be no farms or farmers left in the UK by the end of my life. Just the big faceless agribusinesses that have been replacing them for years.
Overall, though, the Right/Left split is about 60/36%.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
Overall, though, the Right/Left split is about 60/36%.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
Le Pen: Danger number one is two-faced. One, Islamic fundamentalism, which is a kind of totalitarianism in the 21st Century. The second is globalisation, which is another kind of totalitarianism, the ideology of free business with no boundaries. (April 2015)
They are not the words of someone with an economically right-wing platform.
Overall, though, the Right/Left split is about 60/36%.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
Le Pen: Danger number one is two-faced. One, Islamic fundamentalism, which is a kind of totalitarianism in the 21st Century. The second is globalisation, which is another kind of totalitarianism, the ideology of free business with no boundaries. (April 2015)
They are not the words of someone with an economically right-wing platform.
I agree.
The problem France has is that it is a country largely without natural resources. It therefore needs a healthy, competitive export sector to pay for the oil, gas and the like it needs to run its economy.
The FN prescribes no sensible policies to deal with this fundamental challenge. Worse, the very threat of the FN coming to power discourages investment in the country. Let's say you are a French motor parts manufacturer. Do you move production to Poland or Spain or the UK now, rather than run the risk of not being able to do so in the future if a FN government comes to power?
Overall, though, the Right/Left split is about 60/36%.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
Le Pen: Danger number one is two-faced. One, Islamic fundamentalism, which is a kind of totalitarianism in the 21st Century. The second is globalisation, which is another kind of totalitarianism, the ideology of free business with no boundaries. (April 2015)
They are not the words of someone with an economically right-wing platform. That doesn't necessarily rule out mass-thatcherite style privatisation of some of their random State-owned enterprise. (Air France for example) Do FN have a clear position on state ownership?
Overall, though, the Right/Left split is about 60/36%.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
Le Pen: Danger number one is two-faced. One, Islamic fundamentalism, which is a kind of totalitarianism in the 21st Century. The second is globalisation, which is another kind of totalitarianism, the ideology of free business with no boundaries. (April 2015)
They are not the words of someone with an economically right-wing platform.
That doesn't necessarily rule out mass-thatcherite style privatisation of some of their random State-owned enterprise. (Air France for example) Do FN have a clear position on state ownership?
Air France-KLM is a private company although the French government remains a minority shareholder.
Overall, though, the Right/Left split is about 60/36%.
I think it's a bit more complicated than that.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
Le Pen: Danger number one is two-faced. One, Islamic fundamentalism, which is a kind of totalitarianism in the 21st Century. The second is globalisation, which is another kind of totalitarianism, the ideology of free business with no boundaries. (April 2015)
They are not the words of someone with an economically right-wing platform.
That doesn't necessarily rule out mass-thatcherite style privatisation of some of their random State-owned enterprise. (Air France for example) Do FN have a clear position on state ownership?
As an aside, I think they generally believe in the "renationalisation of essential state industries".
Well, if FN get in, I assume that many Poles will be exited.
See what I did there? Polls/poles? Exploit a homonym for comic purposes, with the juxaposition of sound and meaning creating the dissonance on which all comedy arises... I said in the Glasgow Empire...
Did you hear about the psephologist from Warsaw who moved to Haiti?
Bah Humbug. When I go to the supermarket, I want to get my shopping, queue up, and pay. I do not want my time to be wasted by the self-important petty bourgeois self-indulgence of a gang of ruthless capitalists shoving Christmas down my throat. If the cashiers have practised and rehearsed to be able to do something like that, they should go and do it on Germany's Got Talent instead of delaying the shopping of ordinary normal decent shoppers by several minutes.
Provisionally final results seem to be six to the left, six to the centre-right, 1 to the Corsican regionalists, 0 to the FN (and nowhere remotely close). The death of the left seems exaggerated - I think what's happened is that the apparently impending far-right success mobilised apathetic left-wing voters. (Arguably that's part of what happened in Oldham too.) Perhaps we need a new polling term: shy anti-rightists?
Surbiton Irish Farmers are subsidised too..CAP...If you don't want to pay the farming community for the food you eat Then you will have a poor choice at the supermarket...almost none in fact...maybe you should get an allotment..grow your own... apparently you think it is easy..
The best way to pay the farmers for the food we eat is by paying the price you think the produce is worth! There is no need to distort it all with subsidies on top. Farmers and retirees seem to be the two special interests that no-one ever dares to confront.
So why does America have farming subsidies? By all means do without, do without the security of supply of life's most basic good. And then live in a countryside overrun and out of control.
It's worth noting the contents of his speeches (if that is the right word). The phrase 'resistance' is certainly worth noting and it is something which clearly marks them out as not a pacifist or 'peace' or anti war movement. They do support violence as long as it is support of their own anti west anti capitalist aims. I do not see any other interpretation ... the words are quite clear and cannot be misconstrued. Followers of Corbyn have no excuses.
The problem France has is that it is a country largely without natural resources. It therefore needs a healthy, competitive export sector to pay for the oil, gas and the like it needs to run its economy.
The FN prescribes no sensible policies to deal with this fundamental challenge. Worse, the very threat of the FN coming to power discourages investment in the country. Let's say you are a French motor parts manufacturer. Do you move production to Poland or Spain or the UK now, rather than run the risk of not being able to do so in the future if a FN government comes to power?
We have a distortedly favourable view of world free trade because it has always worked in our favour. That was in part because we were the dominant and advanced trading power, buying up raw materials and selling back manufactured goods, and if most people had an issue with it, we had the military clout to make them change their mind. That position has now reversed. America (and growingly China) are the dominant trading powers, and absolute free trade (on their terms) benefits them more than us - hence America's attempt to push through TTIP and TPTP.
On the other hand, the economic powerhouse that is Germany underwent its own industrial revolution largely by means of protectionist policies against British manufactured imports - so we can't say protectionism doesn't have its place.
As a matter of fact, free trade has never been a good mix with the welfare state (I blame the welfare state, not free trade, but still), it has meant the gradual migration of business away from our shores, because we've created an environment which had made business growth more difficult, but we still had a laissez faire attitude that business going elsewhere -mergers, acquisitions, etc.
There is probably an 'efficiency/effectiveness' style matrix you can do:
Laissex Faire + high tax high spend = fast decline }{ Laissex Faire + low tax low spend = sporadic growth Protectionism + high tax high spend = slow decline }{ Protectionism + low tax low spend = fast growth
Surbiton Irish Farmers are subsidised too..CAP...If you don't want to pay the farming community for the food you eat Then you will have a poor choice at the supermarket...almost none in fact...maybe you should get an allotment..grow your own... apparently you think it is easy..
The best way to pay the farmers for the food we eat is by paying the price you think the produce is worth! There is no need to distort it all with subsidies on top. Farmers and retirees seem to be the two special interests that no-one ever dares to confront.
So why does America have farming subsidies? By all means do without, do without the security of supply of life's most basic good. And then live in a countryside overrun and out of control.
Subsidy for people who vote Conservative is good economics......subsidy for the poor is helping the "scroungers" !
Provisionally final results seem to be six to the left, six to the centre-right, 1 to the Corsican regionalists, 0 to the FN (and nowhere remotely close). The death of the left seems exaggerated - I think what's happened is that the apparently impending far-right success mobilised apathetic left-wing voters. (Arguably that's part of what happened in Oldham too.) Perhaps we need a new polling term: shy anti-rightists?
Provisionally final results seem to be six to the left, six to the centre-right, 1 to the Corsican regionalists, 0 to the FN (and nowhere remotely close).
How superior you sound and how hollow is your argument. When Teresa May banned shock jocks and French comedians for "hate speech" there was not a peep from this site.
Now she is asked to ban an American comedian for "hate speech" you are on your high horse. Either we ban people or we don't for speaking hate. There is no position which says we ban people except Presidential candidates!
Provisionally final results seem to be six to the left, six to the centre-right, 1 to the Corsican regionalists, 0 to the FN (and nowhere remotely close).
Bourgogne - PS 34.3 FN 32.93 Rep 32.76
Yup nowhere close! Miles away!
They weren't far off in Central Loire Valley either.
Provisionally final results seem to be six to the left, six to the centre-right, 1 to the Corsican regionalists, 0 to the FN (and nowhere remotely close).
Bourgogne - PS 34.3 FN 32.93 Rep 32.76
Yup nowhere close! Miles away!
They weren't far off in Central Loire Valley either.
X Factor.. the "prohibitive favourite" Louisa just gave a shockingly bad performance IMO.
Get on Reggie & Bolli to win before they start coming in on Betfair
You having a laugh?
Having a laugh about thinking she was bad, or having a laugh about watching X Factor at all?
Its a family show and we watch it as a family. I said Louisa was going to win when I first saw her do her qualifying. I think she is going to be a serious star and I would be very, very confident that she had this won before the show even started tonight. If there was any doubt that performance will have sealed it.
It looks it will be 7 Republicains to 5 for Socialists.
Reunion to Rep. Martinique, Guadaloupe and Guyana to be count overnight.
I believe Guyana have a "other Left" vs "other Left" run off with the first other Left being a former PS who then backed Sarko in 2007 but he's now backed by local PS again...weird local politics Guadaloupe is a "other Left" vs PS run off. Martinique is "other Left" vs regional party for Martinique independence.
How superior you sound and how hollow is your argument. When Teresa May banned shock jocks and French comedians for "hate speech" there was not a peep from this site.
Now she is asked to ban an American comedian for "hate speech" you are on your high horse. Either we ban people or we don't for speaking hate. There is no position which says we ban people except Presidential candidates!
Unless a politician or comedian is on the railway, Sunil does not have a sound opinion.
Surbiton Irish Farmers are subsidised too..CAP...If you don't want to pay the farming community for the food you eat Then you will have a poor choice at the supermarket...almost none in fact...maybe you should get an allotment..grow your own... apparently you think it is easy..
The best way to pay the farmers for the food we eat is by paying the price you think the produce is worth! There is no need to distort it all with subsidies on top. Farmers and retirees seem to be the two special interests that no-one ever dares to confront.
So why does America have farming subsidies? By all means do without, do without the security of supply of life's most basic good. And then live in a countryside overrun and out of control.
Subsidy for people who vote Conservative is good economics......subsidy for the poor is helping the "scroungers" !
Farmers are a swing constituency in the UK? People getting a subsidised and secure source of food are not? We all eat and it suits poorer people who pay little tax to see that these subsidies continue.
The Left have won Bourgogne Franche Comte on 34% of the vote. They take 51 seats, to 25 FN, and 24 centre right.
An absolute majority with 34%. Never happen in this country...
The winner in round 2 gets a bonus of 25% of seats. The Left were very lucky to hold 2 Regions by very narrow margins.
I see where 25 comes from, but that's a bit after hte fact. If there are 100 seats then really they're getting a bonus effectively of 1/3 of the seats on offer, i.e. 34% of the vote gets them 51% of the seats. Without it, they'd have 26/27 seats out of 75.
How superior you sound and how hollow is your argument. When Teresa May banned shock jocks and French comedians for "hate speech" there was not a peep from this site.
Now she is asked to ban an American comedian for "hate speech" you are on your high horse. Either we ban people or we don't for speaking hate. There is no position which says we ban people except Presidential candidates!
Note: The subject Scotslass responds to the stimulus as predicted!
Bev C asked: what if Lab MPs defected to the Lib Dems?
Some of them we would welcome. Others, I hope, we would have the strength not to touch with a bargepole.
If large numbers of labour MPs and activists defected to the lib dems then the remaining Labour would cease to be 'labour'. The defectors would be no longer recognisably 'labour' and the libdems would cease to be lib dems. What they would all turn into is a matter for conjecture.
Some interesting titbits from today's Comres for the IoS. The Tories have a comfortable lead on 40% to Labour's 29% (which would suggest Labour will do slightly worse in 2020 than 2015). However Corbyn has more people thinking he is a better leader than Ed Miliband (25% to Miliband's 17%) and more people thinking he is worse too (46% to 32%).
Some good news for Hilary Benn too with 29% thinking he would be a better Labour leader than Corbyn and only 18% worse.
Also (O/T), just come back from Mauritius (via Dubai) where I have attended a wedding. A fantastic island and had a great time snorkelling, sunbathing and visiting local markets and saw giant turtles and iguanas and colourful fish of all shapes and sizes (as well as reconstructions of the dodo, whose last residence was on the island)
It's worth noting the contents of his speeches (if that is the right word). The phrase 'resistance' is certainly worth noting and it is something which clearly marks them out as not a pacifist or 'peace' or anti war movement. They do support violence as long as it is support of their own anti west anti capitalist aims. I do not see any other interpretation ... the words are quite clear and cannot be misconstrued. Followers of Corbyn have no excuses.
7,000 people in Tower Hamlets have signed the anti-Trump petition:
How many of them live at the same address?
I'm a personal friend of THbot6987, and I deny all your accusations. I'm a personal friend of THbot6988, and I deny all your accusations. I'm a personal friend of Dianne Abbot, and I deny all your accusations.
Well, they're hardly going to occur in Somerset or Shropshire or Cumbria.
You import third world people, you get third world problems.
They have enough problems coping with floods and waiting for government funds to pour in !
Ha. The government rather spends billions on flood defences all over the bloody world, but not in the English shires... you know, the shires that not only elect the government but also fund it.
Shires, pay the taxes. You are having a laugh ! Agricultural subsidies...Red diesel....miles and miles of roads with three cars.... the same postal charges......flood defence costs after building houses in river valleys. All paid by us !
Last time I was in Shropshire I didn't notice a £umpteen billion underground railway under construction ("paid by us") nor huge council estates of scroungers (natives or new arrivals).
Many of the counties near London (ie within 100 miles of the centre of the Metropolis) are also inhabited by those who earn the most in the country and pay the most in income tax etc.
Indeed, the hidden spending which is classed by Westminster as "UK Wide" is predominantly pent to benefit London. London benefits from something in the order of £6k per capita on spending which is not allocated to London (which is already the highest per capita spending in England and comparable to Wales and Scotland) and most of this is then reallocated into hidden items on the regional and national budgets of the rest of the UK via the National Infrastructure Plan.
This ensures that London are the largest subsidy junkies in the UK while the metropolitan elite can lay the lie that London deserves the spending because it pays for everywhere else.
As it is called the X Factor I assume they use FPTP. If they used AV it would have to be called 123 Factor.
Well it's a runoff system, just like France. Topping the vote in the early weeks is no good if you can't pick up the votes of the acts eliminated week by week.
Honestly, I was going to do a thread about that today, but time got away from me.
I also compared the Front National to UKIP.
Both get screwed by the electoral voting system and aren't very transfer friendly. They don't get tactical voters, just tactical voters against them.
So you were willing to write about French AV.. but not glorious British AV.... I see.....
British AV, 2011:
68 % against 32% in favour
For as long as the UK continues to exist (and let us hope it is only a few short years), the people can "thank" the Liberals for setting fair voting back massively with their deranged, stupid and moronic decision to not only set a precedent that it would require a referendum but also that the whole idea was undermined by the useless, bastardised version of FPTP that is AV.
As it is called the X Factor I assume they use FPTP. If they used AV it would have to be called 123 Factor.
Well it's a runoff system, just like France. Topping the vote in the early weeks is no good if you can't pick up the votes of the acts eliminated week by week.
[checks to see if TSE is about]
X Factor is an Exhaustive Ballot, a bit like the Tory Leadership contest.
X-Factor finalists just murdered one of the best songs of all times.
Don't know the song, but they deliberately wanted to contrast R n B with Louisa just in case anyone was in doubt as to who to vote for.
More importantly, Chelsea are into 7/1 to finish top 4! Though they are also into 250/1 to be relegated, such is the Premier League this season.
Agree it has been biased towards Louisa from the start, Lauren is a better singer.
The song is Forever Young by Bob Dylan, the lyrics are so great they read like a poem.
Results went Chelsea's way today, 7/1 despite the fact we dropped to 16th.
The record low for finishing in the top 4 in PL history is 60 points (by Liverpool in 2003-04). I was surprised to see Spurs and Liverpool drop points today, but Chelsea will need plenty more of that if they are to get back into it. That said - the likes of Leicester and Palace should not be discounted from this race.
X-Factor finalists just murdered one of the best songs of all times.
Don't know the song, but they deliberately wanted to contrast R n B with Louisa just in case anyone was in doubt as to who to vote for.
More importantly, Chelsea are into 7/1 to finish top 4! Though they are also into 250/1 to be relegated, such is the Premier League this season.
Agree it has been biased towards Louisa from the start, Lauren is a better singer.
The song is Forever Young by Bob Dylan, the lyrics are so great they read like a poem.
Results went Chelsea's way today, 7/1 despite the fact we dropped to 16th.
The record low for finishing in the top 4 in PL history is 60 points (by Liverpool in 2003-04). I was surprised to see Spurs and Liverpool drop points today, but Chelsea will need plenty more of that if they are to get back into it. That said - the likes of Leicester and Palace should not be discounted from this race.
With everyone taking points off each other, any team that puts five straight wins together will rocket up the table.
Palace look a really good side and I fancy them to finish above Leicester. Having said that I would love to see Claudio win the league, I loved him when he Chelsea manager, a complete gentleman.
X-Factor finalists just murdered one of the best songs of all times.
Don't know the song, but they deliberately wanted to contrast R n B with Louisa just in case anyone was in doubt as to who to vote for.
More importantly, Chelsea are into 7/1 to finish top 4! Though they are also into 250/1 to be relegated, such is the Premier League this season.
Agree it has been biased towards Louisa from the start, Lauren is a better singer.
The song is Forever Young by Bob Dylan, the lyrics are so great they read like a poem.
Results went Chelsea's way today, 7/1 despite the fact we dropped to 16th.
The record low for finishing in the top 4 in PL history is 60 points (by Liverpool in 2003-04). I was surprised to see Spurs and Liverpool drop points today, but Chelsea will need plenty more of that if they are to get back into it. That said - the likes of Leicester and Palace should not be discounted from this race.
With everyone taking points off each other, any team that puts five straight wins together will rocket up the table.
Palace look a really good side and I fancy them to finish above Leicester. Having said that I would love to see Claudio win the league, I loved him when he Chelsea manager, a complete gentleman.
As we left Villa Park today we all agreed that we'd be happy for Leicester to be top of the league come this time tomorrow. Ranieri's had an odd career - he's earned a lot in payoffs - but he's certainly doing the business at Leicester.
X-Factor finalists just murdered one of the best songs of all times.
Don't know the song, but they deliberately wanted to contrast R n B with Louisa just in case anyone was in doubt as to who to vote for.
More importantly, Chelsea are into 7/1 to finish top 4! Though they are also into 250/1 to be relegated, such is the Premier League this season.
Agree it has been biased towards Louisa from the start, Lauren is a better singer.
The song is Forever Young by Bob Dylan, the lyrics are so great they read like a poem.
Results went Chelsea's way today, 7/1 despite the fact we dropped to 16th.
The record low for finishing in the top 4 in PL history is 60 points (by Liverpool in 2003-04). I was surprised to see Spurs and Liverpool drop points today, but Chelsea will need plenty more of that if they are to get back into it. That said - the likes of Leicester and Palace should not be discounted from this race.
Villa currently 1/6 or so to go down. An escape no team in the PL (and I think a logn time before) has ever made. They need a point a game, they've got 6 points from 16 games. They already switched managers; they don't have any noticeable absentees. So where's it going to come from?
Also (O/T), just come back from Mauritius (via Dubai) where I have attended a wedding. A fantastic island and had a great time snorkelling, sunbathing and visiting local markets and saw giant turtles and iguanas and colourful fish of all shapes and sizes (as well as reconstructions of the dodo, whose last residence was on the island)
Just be aware, had quite a problem with credit card cloning when I went there...
Honestly, I was going to do a thread about that today, but time got away from me.
I also compared the Front National to UKIP.
Both get screwed by the electoral voting system and aren't very transfer friendly. They don't get tactical voters, just tactical voters against them.
So you were willing to write about French AV.. but not glorious British AV.... I see.....
British AV, 2011:
68 % against 32% in favour
For as long as the UK continues to exist (and let us hope it is only a few short years), the people can "thank" the Liberals for setting fair voting back massively with their deranged, stupid and moronic decision to not only set a precedent that it would require a referendum but also that the whole idea was undermined by the useless, bastardised version of FPTP that is AV.
It seems odd the have a vote to change the voting system to a more proportional system by means of a FPTP vote.
Which in itself is odd because if anyone suggested that the referendum should be conducted on the basis of 650 individual elections where a simple majority in each constituency would return a "Yes" or "No", which is what we have in a GE, then it would be clearly unfair
Provisionally final results seem to be six to the left, six to the centre-right, 1 to the Corsican regionalists, 0 to the FN (and nowhere remotely close).
Bourgogne - PS 34.3 FN 32.93 Rep 32.76
Yup nowhere close! Miles away!
Yes, hadn't seen Burgundy when I wrote that - a narrow thing with all three groups standing.
Honestly, I was going to do a thread about that today, but time got away from me.
I also compared the Front National to UKIP.
Both get screwed by the electoral voting system and aren't very transfer friendly. They don't get tactical voters, just tactical voters against them.
So you were willing to write about French AV.. but not glorious British AV.... I see.....
British AV, 2011:
68 % against 32% in favour
For as long as the UK continues to exist (and let us hope it is only a few short years), the people can "thank" the Liberals for setting fair voting back massively with their deranged, stupid and moronic decision to not only set a precedent that it would require a referendum but also that the whole idea was undermined by the useless, bastardised version of FPTP that is AV.
It seems odd the have a vote to change the voting system to a more proportional system by means of a FPTP vote.
Where there are only two candidates for one winner, all electoral systems are equivalent to FPTP.
The FN has two - somewhat contradictory - wings: one is the traditional nationalistic right, epitomised by the old M. Le Pen; the other is a more socialist, appeal to the victims of globalisation, wing, which is very much Mme Le Pen's.
The FN is not - under Mme Le Pen - economically right wing. It is, therefore, very unlike UKIP, AfD or the the PVV in the Netherlands. (All of which are economically free market.)
The FN's economic policies are a mish-mash of views, almost all of which suggest that France's lack of competitiveness are due to the government being insufficiently interventionist.
It is fair to say that the FN's economic policies - trade barriers, increased regulation, massive government spending of public projects and the - have not been especially successful where they have been tried.
Should France elect Mme Le Pen as President in 2017 or 2022, it is highly unlikely her economic policies - with the possible exception of exiting the Euro - would do much to revive the French economy.
He refuses to address Marion because "of her insults and hate"
I agree.
The problem France has is that it is a country largely without natural resources. It therefore needs a healthy, competitive export sector to pay for the oil, gas and the like it needs to run its economy.
The FN prescribes no sensible policies to deal with this fundamental challenge. Worse, the very threat of the FN coming to power discourages investment in the country. Let's say you are a French motor parts manufacturer. Do you move production to Poland or Spain or the UK now, rather than run the risk of not being able to do so in the future if a FN government comes to power?
That doesn't necessarily rule out mass-thatcherite style privatisation of some of their random State-owned enterprise. (Air France for example) Do FN have a clear position on state ownership?
Air France-KLM is a private company although the French government remains a minority shareholder.
As an aside, I think they generally believe in the "renationalisation of essential state industries".
PS 0.2% ahead in Normandie
Will we stay up to wait for Martinique and Guadaloupe?
May Sol Campbell become your MP.
But did Manchester United just get kicked out of their commodious Y-fronts?
By all means do without, do without the security of supply of life's most basic good. And then live in a countryside overrun and out of control.
Labour wtf are you doing??
The phrase 'resistance' is certainly worth noting and it is something which clearly marks them out as not a pacifist or 'peace' or anti war movement. They do support violence as long as it is support of their own anti west anti capitalist aims.
I do not see any other interpretation ... the words are quite clear and cannot be misconstrued. Followers of Corbyn have no excuses.
On the other hand, the economic powerhouse that is Germany underwent its own industrial revolution largely by means of protectionist policies against British manufactured imports - so we can't say protectionism doesn't have its place.
As a matter of fact, free trade has never been a good mix with the welfare state (I blame the welfare state, not free trade, but still), it has meant the gradual migration of business away from our shores, because we've created an environment which had made business growth more difficult, but we still had a laissez faire attitude that business going elsewhere -mergers, acquisitions, etc.
There is probably an 'efficiency/effectiveness' style matrix you can do:
Laissex Faire + high tax high spend = fast decline }{ Laissex Faire + low tax low spend = sporadic growth
Protectionism + high tax high spend = slow decline }{ Protectionism + low tax low spend = fast growth
PS 36,56%
Rep 35,64%
5% still to be counted
click on the name of the regions (choisier un region etc) at the top. The % above the table indicates how many polling places have been counted.
PS 34.3 FN 32.93 Rep 32.76
98% counted Normandie
Rep 36.49 PS 35.91 FN 27.6
91% counted Centre Val de Loire
PS 34.66 Rep 34.5 FN 30.84
Yup nowhere close! Miles away!
Get on Reggie & Bolli to win before they start coming in on Betfair
How superior you sound and how hollow is your argument. When Teresa May banned shock jocks and French comedians for "hate speech" there was not a peep from this site.
Now she is asked to ban an American comedian for "hate speech" you are on your high horse. Either we ban people or we don't for speaking hate. There is no position which says we ban people except Presidential candidates!
PS 34,68
Rep 32,89
FN 32,44
Reunion to Rep. Martinique, Guadaloupe and Guyana to be count overnight.
I believe Guyana have a "other Left" vs "other Left" run off with the first other Left being a former PS who then backed Sarko in 2007 but he's now backed by local PS again...weird local politics
Guadaloupe is a "other Left" vs PS run off.
Martinique is "other Left" vs regional party for Martinique independence.
54 Rep -27 PS -21 FN split
Some of them we would welcome. Others, I hope, we would have the strength not to touch with a bargepole.
People getting a subsidised and secure source of food are not?
We all eat and it suits poorer people who pay little tax to see that these subsidies continue.
How many of them live at the same address?
'Surely, retirement is a better alternative than joining losers ?'
A coalition of losers ?
Some good news for Hilary Benn too with 29% thinking he would be a better Labour leader than Corbyn and only 18% worse.
Also (O/T), just come back from Mauritius (via Dubai) where I have attended a wedding. A fantastic island and had a great time snorkelling, sunbathing and visiting local markets and saw giant turtles and iguanas and colourful fish of all shapes and sizes (as well as reconstructions of the dodo, whose last residence was on the island)
I'm a personal friend of THbot6988, and I deny all your accusations.
I'm a personal friend of Dianne Abbot, and I deny all your accusations.
Noel Gallagher is right about X-Factor
More importantly, Chelsea are into 7/1 to finish top 4! Though they are also into 250/1 to be relegated, such is the Premier League this season.
PS 35.43- 40 seats
Rep 34.58 - 20 seats
FN 30 - 17 seats
This ensures that London are the largest subsidy junkies in the UK while the metropolitan elite can lay the lie that London deserves the spending because it pays for everywhere else.
It doesn't.
Your coat is on its way and should arrive shortly.
The song is Forever Young by Bob Dylan, the lyrics are so great they read like a poem.
Results went Chelsea's way today, 7/1 despite the fact we dropped to 16th.
X Factor is an Exhaustive Ballot, a bit like the Tory Leadership contest.
Palace look a really good side and I fancy them to finish above Leicester. Having said that I would love to see Claudio win the league, I loved him when he Chelsea manager, a complete gentleman.
Which in itself is odd because if anyone suggested that the referendum should be conducted on the basis of 650 individual elections where a simple majority in each constituency would return a "Yes" or "No", which is what we have in a GE, then it would be clearly unfair