People seem to be going on to dangerous territory now. Putting your genitals in something disgusting as a dare and having sex with that something are not the same thing. Claiming that endangers libel, I would think.
A libel case based on that distinction is probably not one which the lawyers would recommend pursuing!
I thought that Clinton clearly demonstrated that oral sex is not "sexual relations"!
Surely "is not" is a Clintonian definition of "is".
As in "this email on my personal less secure server is not classiffied material."
Mr. Jonathan, there's also the question of what level of supporting evidence is needed for an allegation to have legs. Not read the article, but at the moment it appears to be "One anonymous source says that several decades ago...".
People seem to be going on to dangerous territory now. Putting your genitals in something disgusting as a dare and having sex with that something are not the same thing. Claiming that endangers libel, I would think.
A libel case based on that distinction is probably not one which the lawyers would recommend pursuing!
I thought that Clinton clearly demonstrated that oral sex is not "sexual relations"!
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Empress of Blandings."
@Charles - the Mail article makes it clear that the MP source of the story wasn't present at the alleged porky frolics, so those looking for Piers Gaveston members are rooting in the wrong truffle-field.
The story was recounted to them by a contemporary of Mr Cameron who went on to become an MP – and who claims that another member of the group has photographic evidence to prove it.
The unnamed individual said to possess the picture failed to respond to the authors’ approaches.
I would not regard that WIKI article as remotely accurate - the Gaveston was already notorious when I went up in '76 (it claims it started in 77) and the choice of name and sexuality of the members were not coincidences - which is why I doubt Cameron, Johnson or Stewart were members.....of course it could have changed in the intervening decade or so......but if so it must have drifted significantly from its initial purpose....
As I understand it it was for gay boys and the pretty straight boys they lusted after - from the photos I've seen Cameron would never have been pretty enough....
My understanding is that it was more bi / anything goes, but definitely a gay edge
Anyway, the story has provided plenty of fun. Luckily it won't have any political effect because Cameron and Osborne resigned years ago over Andy Coulson, Bullingdon, and a photo with a lady of flexible affections.
@Charles - the Mail article makes it clear that the source of the story wasn't present at the alleged porky frolics, so those looking for Piers Gaveston members are rooting in the wrong truffle-field.
So it's not even single sourced, it's singled sourced hearsay.
If there are photos then doesn't that make Cameron a potential target of blackmail and thus is highly irresponsible he didn't declare this incident with the appropriate authorities? Definite argument for a public inquiry.
One of the interesting aspects of this story is "where is the line".
I reckon there is little doubt that Cameron will survive this. It's embarrassing, but that's about it. In terms of political impact, it will probably stop him bringing up the pasts of others. There will be a witty conference remark and that will be that.
But where is the line in 2015?
If it happened last week would that matter? If a photo were to emerge, would that make a difference? If a second incident were to come to light, could the idea that this was a habit be enough to end a PM career?
Is the line not that it was a childish initiation prank rather than something he did for fun ?
People seem to be going on to dangerous territory now. Putting your genitals in something disgusting as a dare and having sex with that something are not the same thing. Claiming that endangers libel, I would think.
A libel case based on that distinction is probably not one which the lawyers would recommend pursuing!
I thought that Clinton clearly demonstrated that oral sex is not "sexual relations"!
I thought his defence was "oral sex is not adultery. The Bible says so."
I didn't really follow the details - that sort of petty scandal doesn't interest me (the abuse of power relationships between the intern and the president was much more significant).
All I remember was his claim that 'he did not have sexual relations with that woman'
If there are photos then doesn't that make Cameron a potential target of blackmail and thus is highly irresponsible he didn't declare this incident with the appropriate authorities? Definite argument for a public inquiry.
Anyway, the story has provided plenty of fun. Luckily it won't have any political effect because Cameron and Osborne resigned years ago over Andy Coulson, Bullingdon, and a photo with a lady of flexible affections.
No, it was the cardinal crime of buying fish at Morrisons that did them in, and something about a police horse.
The Times' are all against Ashcroft - either they don't care about the story [been there done that/I was stupid too] and/or are scathing of him as a petty man.
Nick Clegg's former adviser, Sean Kemp, said: "I'm used to Lib Dem conference being overshadowed by more interesting stories, but this is just taking the piss."
The story was recounted to them by a contemporary of Mr Cameron who went on to become an MP – and who claims that another member of the group has photographic evidence to prove it.
The unnamed individual said to possess the picture failed to respond to the authors’ approaches.
I would not regard that WIKI article as remotely accurate - the Gaveston was already notorious when I went up in '76 (it claims it started in 77) and the choice of name and sexuality of the members were not coincidences - which is why I doubt Cameron, Johnson or Stewart were members.....of course it could have changed in the intervening decade or so......but if so it must have drifted significantly from its initial purpose....
It was almost a joke in my time there. A mixture of beautiful people fucking in the woods and fat rich boys wobbling around in masks.
If there are photos, is the person who has them not already breaking the law?
Gloria De Piero played photos the best.
Super Soaraway Sun style photos of a borderline 16 year olds are beyond the pale under current laws and some people's mores, so she just asked for them to be sent to her and they did.
If he knows who it is, Cam can say hand 'em over or it goes to Mr Plod.
The story was recounted to them by a contemporary of Mr Cameron who went on to become an MP – and who claims that another member of the group has photographic evidence to prove it.
The unnamed individual said to possess the picture failed to respond to the authors’ approaches.
I would not regard that WIKI article as remotely accurate - the Gaveston was already notorious when I went up in '76 (it claims it started in 77) and the choice of name and sexuality of the members were not coincidences - which is why I doubt Cameron, Johnson or Stewart were members.....of course it could have changed in the intervening decade or so......but if so it must have drifted significantly from its initial purpose....
As I understand it it was for gay boys and the pretty straight boys they lusted after - from the photos I've seen Cameron would never have been pretty enough....
My understanding is that it was more bi / anything goes, but definitely a gay edge
It may have evolved over time but there's a pretty heavy hint in the name.....
“The pig’s head stuff is total c**p,” one source said. “He was not a member of this society. Ashcroft has made it very clear why he’s written this stuff. It is absurd.”
If there are photos then doesn't that make Cameron a potential target of blackmail and thus is highly irresponsible he didn't declare this incident with the appropriate authorities? Definite argument for a public inquiry.
A public inquiry?! Arf.
Yes, and of course Cameron had told Ashcroft where to get off and publish and be damned.
The drop in Volkswagen's value today is *more* than the entire value of the Greek stock exchange.
No no: don't you understand anything? The fun fact of the last week is that the LoTo can't do up his top shirt button and the PM can't do up his flies. Or something. Allegedly.
Anything - AV, Formula 1, rugby, train timetables - must be better than this. Even - sigh, those were the days - politics.
The story was recounted to them by a contemporary of Mr Cameron who went on to become an MP – and who claims that another member of the group has photographic evidence to prove it.
The unnamed individual said to possess the picture failed to respond to the authors’ approaches.
I would not regard that WIKI article as remotely accurate - the Gaveston was already notorious when I went up in '76 (it claims it started in 77) and the choice of name and sexuality of the members were not coincidences - which is why I doubt Cameron, Johnson or Stewart were members.....of course it could have changed in the intervening decade or so......but if so it must have drifted significantly from its initial purpose....
As I understand it it was for gay boys and the pretty straight boys they lusted after - from the photos I've seen Cameron would never have been pretty enough....
My understanding is that it was more bi / anything goes, but definitely a gay edge
It may have evolved over time but there's a pretty heavy hint in the name.....
I'm fairly sure the original Piers was bi as well.
F1: and on Singapore engines, lots suffered shifting to neutral (Sainz recovered, others didn't), which is reckoned due to electronic interference from the nearby metro.
Hamilton's problem is another kettle of monkeys. That was a massive power loss, to the extent it made sense to retire and save the engine from more mileage. If that recurs multiple times it *might* put his title at risk, but with 6 races to go he's got a 29 point lead, so I doubt it.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
Plans for Britain’s first new nuclear plant in a generation have edged closer after ministers signed a £2 billion guarantee to help fund construction of the £24.5 billion plant. Chancellor George Osborne unveiled the loan guarantee for the EDF’s proposed Hinkley Point plant while on a visit to China for talks with state nuclear companies, which are expected to take a major stake in the project.
Mr Osborne said nuclear power was “a crucial part” of Britain’s energy mix and hailed a “golden relationship between Britain and China – the world's oldest civil nuclear power and the world's fastest growing civil nuclear power”.
The Government itself is not lending any cash to Hinkley Point’s developers, but is offering a guarantee to commercial lenders that the taxpayer would step in and repay them if the developers went bust.
Without such a guarantee, it is thought EDF and partners would struggle to secure the necessary financing for the project.
Re: Volkswagen Could Face $18 Billion Fine Over Emission-Cheating Software.
Point of interest. How does a company go about raising a multi-billion dollar fine?
Point of far greater interest. Is this going to affect the amount of road tax I pay on my Audi?
Good point. and one I had not considered. - Looks as though both shareholders and road users could be clobbered for VWs criminality.
Road users aren't getting clobbered.
But it's possible (perhaps one of our lawyer friends can confirm) that someone who bought a VW car on the ground that it had lower emissions tax might have a case for fraudulent misrepresentation?
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
I concede the point about no stated amorous intent or indeed tumescence being involved in the alleged incident. It matters a little, but were it true what is reported (and plenty of people are acting as though it's not a big deal if it was, like it's getting sick in a restaurant and breaking stuff), it wouldn't be that much of a difference in weirdness.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
If you had told me last Monday that we would have a thread based on bestiality, necrophilia and porcine fellatio I'd have thought you had lost it.
Good point. and one I had not considered. - Looks as though both shareholders and road users could be clobbered for VWs criminality.
Road users aren't getting clobbered.
But it's possible (perhaps one of our lawyer friends can confirm) that someone who bought a VW car on the ground that it had lower emissions tax might have a case for fraudulent misrepresentation?
Sorry for not being clearer, - I was referring to road users you mention in your second point.
Re: Volkswagen Could Face $18 Billion Fine Over Emission-Cheating Software.
Point of interest. How does a company go about raising a multi-billion dollar fine?
Ask BP. But then again, do you believe the story, ie that it could actually be fined that amount?
Knowing the US, yes.
But look at what they've done. They've knowingly lied to consumers about the efficiency of their vehicles. This harms the environment and competitors. (*) It was hidden, showing they wanted to keep this secret.
As environmental impact is seen as a big selling point in vehicles, especially as a differentiator), it is a big thing. They will have got many sales through this lie.
Not only should they front the costs of removing the errant software, they should pay consumers who have bought affected cars a rebate, and pay a fine per car.
Then investigate all the other companies, and use the fines to start an organisation that does 'proper' measurements of emissions and MPG and the like, as I've proposed in the past. A bit like the Euro NCAP test labs.
(*) If their competitors are not doing similar things.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
If you had told me last Monday that we would have a thread based on bestiality, necrophilia and porcine fellatio I'd have thought you had lost it.
Speak your weight machine Lilian Greenwood on DP BBC2, new Labour shadow secy for transport. Of her working life prior to 2010 she spent 17 years working for Unison in the approx 23 years since leaving uni.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
If you had told me last Monday that we would have a thread based on bestiality, necrophilia and porcine fellatio I'd have thought you had lost it.
Quite right - those threads are usually scheduled for Tuesdays.
People seem to be going on to dangerous territory now. Putting your genitals in something disgusting as a dare and having sex with that something are not the same thing. Claiming that endangers libel, I would think.
A libel case based on that distinction is probably not one which the lawyers would recommend pursuing!
I thought that Clinton clearly demonstrated that oral sex is not "sexual relations"!
I thought his defence was "oral sex is not adultery. The Bible says so."
I didn't really follow the details - that sort of petty scandal doesn't interest me (the abuse of power relationships between the intern and the president was much more significant).
All I remember was his claim that 'he did not have sexual relations with that woman'
The Clinton issue was definitely about abuse of power and all the more serious for that. It was the same with Prescott and his secretary. Prescott should have been sacked... the civil service were happily keeping it all quiet at the time.
In his time as Arizona governor Clinton (allegedly!) used state troopers to procure him women. Clinton was actualy in power as President and using and abusing that power to satisfy himself. And we should all remember what gave Kennedy heafaches, and it was not just Maralyn Monroe.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
If you had told me last Monday that we would have a thread based on bestiality, necrophilia and porcine fellatio I'd have thought you had lost it.
And not to mention the 2015 Lib Dem Conference. Wow! I mean, just WOW!
Mr. Wisemann, one can reassure the site that being a morris dancer involves nothing more depraved than dressing in lace and bells whilst waving one's wiffle stick around in public.
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
If you had told me last Monday that we would have a thread based on bestiality, necrophilia and porcine fellatio I'd have thought you had lost it.
Quite right - those threads are usually scheduled for Tuesdays.
"We have had more than a full week of Jeremy Corbyn as the leader of the Labour Party. That is more than enough for those of us who have suffered at the hands of the IRA, or have lost friends to those gangster — not to mention those who are Jewish. "
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
Being pedantic, I think the correct term is "irrumate".
Why does it not surprise me that 99% of PB commentators have been in bizarre societies with degrading initiation ceremonies
Like the Mornie Onion Society at Cambridge.
'The sporting society, renowned for its hard-drinking and potent cocktails of cider, Martini and vodka, boasts an initiation ceremony that involves drinking a yard of ale with an onion floating on top while naked or wearing only a towel.'
More entertaining than the more lurid pieces, to be honest. Knowing what else is being said on the internet, and how careful they have to be as a result, makes it very enjoyable. It's knowing the bits not written down that make it for me.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
If you had told me last Monday that we would have a thread based on bestiality, necrophilia and porcine fellatio I'd have thought you had lost it.
And not to mention the 2015 Lib Dem Conference. Wow! I mean, just WOW!
Yes, a man who has just lost his seat telling a party with almost no MPs that a man who just won a leadership election with the biggest vote in living memory is unelectable was pretty surreal.
Just read a suggestion on twitter that team Cam knew somebody was desperate to rake up some muck...and so fed them something entirely bogus, and calculated to make them look foolish.
That view is confirmed by Valentine Guinness, one of the founders of the Piers Gaveston Society (it was set up in 1977), whom I spoke to this morning.
‘It is a ridiculous story,’ he says. ‘As far as I know David Cameron was never a member of the Piers Gaveston Society, so there would have been no need for an initiation ceremony. He may well have attended one of their parties, but the pig’s head story is purely malicious gossip.’
I think lots of people are missing the point here, whether Cameron snorted coke or put his nob in a pig is irrelevant, the story is that influential people within his party, aided and abetted by the Mail, are keen to damage him.
It might be true. It might be LBJ redux.
My understanding is that it was more bi / anything goes, but definitely a gay edge
I think eg most of the BP decisions are agreed settlements between BP and someone threatening to take it to court, not Court Decisions.
Aren't most US banking "fines" decided by some sort of regional official in New York, or sometimes teh State Department, without actual legal action?
I always thought that was because US Courts were such a shambles that it was like putting your future on the roll of a dice.
Whilst this was going down - Ed Miliband was probably attending a seminar on tractor production in Cuba.
It's single sourced hearsay that No 10 has just rubbished as untrue, and as every spinner knows, an incorrect denial is worse than the original action
All I remember was his claim that 'he did not have sexual relations with that woman'
Seem to have found myself on
Baker Street last week. Now this.
Wanders off again........
He also denies that the book is about settling scores. In which case, he might want to sue the Daily Mail's headline writers ...
They've published a couple of his before.|uk|dl1|sec1_lnk2&pLid=384776
Dan Smith is Ed Miliband and I claim my £5.
Point of interest. How does a company go about raising a multi-billion dollar fine?
Good day to bury bad news, profit warnings etc. Not a fan of Ashcroft, and his love of financial engineering at ADT.
No wonder the Mail headlined it as revenge.
It was almost a joke in my time there. A mixture of beautiful people fucking in the woods and fat rich boys wobbling around in masks.
I do think it will end up mattering a bit, but more in legacy terms (the Catherine the Great argument).
Maybe this is Ashcroft doing the Tory party a favour just as the heat was getting to Corbyn?
Didn't this Cameron thing happen in "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail"?
Super Soaraway Sun style photos of a borderline 16 year olds are beyond the pale under current laws and some people's mores, so she just asked for them to be sent to her and they did.
If he knows who it is, Cam can say hand 'em over or it goes to Mr Plod.
The drop in Volkswagen's value today is *more* than the entire value of the Greek stock exchange.
I see that the BBC is careful not to state whether it is a good reputation
It may have evolved over time but there's a pretty heavy hint in the name.....
“The pig’s head stuff is total c**p,” one source said. “He was not a member of this society. Ashcroft has made it very clear why he’s written this stuff. It is absurd.”
Anything - AV, Formula 1, rugby, train timetables - must be better than this. Even - sigh, those were the days - politics.
I'm fairly sure the original Piers was bi as well.
Hamilton's problem is another kettle of monkeys. That was a massive power loss, to the extent it made sense to retire and save the engine from more mileage. If that recurs multiple times it *might* put his title at risk, but with 6 races to go he's got a 29 point lead, so I doubt it.
I'm sure this will amount to nothing, unless a photo emerges, but I appreciate even some on the right have had some fun with it. I think that's a better approach then trying to act as though shaggin a dead pig is harmless student hijinks, which as sheltered a life as I have apparently led, I still don't think is the case. It's weird and twisted sh2t if it happened, not even a case of a less common feitish or something which might be embarrassing but harmless.
But it's possible (perhaps one of our lawyer friends can confirm) that someone who bought a VW car on the ground that it had lower emissions tax might have a case for fraudulent misrepresentation?
Osborne needs to think very carefully whether his own past is up to this level of scrutiny.
Youthful indescretion or not, the thought of it ever getting out would so constantly be in his thoughts he'd never get anything done.
But look at what they've done. They've knowingly lied to consumers about the efficiency of their vehicles. This harms the environment and competitors. (*) It was hidden, showing they wanted to keep this secret.
As environmental impact is seen as a big selling point in vehicles, especially as a differentiator), it is a big thing. They will have got many sales through this lie.
Not only should they front the costs of removing the errant software, they should pay consumers who have bought affected cars a rebate, and pay a fine per car.
Then investigate all the other companies, and use the fines to start an organisation that does 'proper' measurements of emissions and MPG and the like, as I've proposed in the past. A bit like the Euro NCAP test labs.
(*) If their competitors are not doing similar things.
A rollercoaster of WTF, Really?, more WTF and now this!?!
In his time as Arizona governor Clinton (allegedly!) used state troopers to procure him women. Clinton was actualy in power as President and using and abusing that power to satisfy himself. And we should all remember what gave Kennedy heafaches, and it was not just Maralyn Monroe.
You should get out more.
"We have had more than a full week of Jeremy Corbyn as the leader of the Labour Party. That is more than enough for those of us who have suffered at the hands of the IRA, or have lost friends to those gangster — not to mention those who are Jewish. "
Unless a stoat comes forward with a kiss and tell, I am done with it.
Good start to a dull week and makes a change from button inspired outrage.
'The sporting society, renowned for its hard-drinking and potent cocktails of cider, Martini and vodka, boasts an initiation ceremony that involves drinking a yard of ale with an onion floating on top while naked or wearing only a towel.'
Lucky for Labour that Burnham didn't win...
I may have watched too many celeb autospy tv shows...
The story will disappear, Ashcroft won't.
Supertramp was shocking. PPE, Pigs Prog and Etonians.