Charlotte Proudman, 27, who has been building up her media profile for the past three years by writing for the Guardian, the Independent and several magazines, as well as being a guest on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, believes men make workplaces a “repugnant world”.
Earlier this year she used the left-wing website Left Foot Forward to explain that she was a campaigner for feminism, not equality, because: “Men live and work in a brutal society, which is maintained through stratified social order based on ritual humiliation, gentleman’s clubs, fights, rites of passage, sexism, and banter.
If men and women were truly equal, she said, “men’s genitals would be sliced up” in the same way that some women are subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM).
A deliciously ironic post, given her surname.
Somehow one doubts that she'd be happy even if every man in the country gifted her their severed penis on a plate, as she seems to yearn for.
Any excuse to talk about Yes Minister. Superior to The Thick of It because despite not being as angry at politics, the satire is portrayed through actual characters, not one note caricatures able to entertain, but not engage with in any way.
Yes minister, all brilliant - the TV series may have dated slightly due to stage play type production (hasn't everything?) but the dialogue is still spot on. The additional footnotes in the books relating some of the real events that Lynn & Jay took inspiration from are also very highly recommended.
On another note, I remember reading many years ago that they were did something on American politics with a working title of "All In Favor". But Google insists no such thing exists, and if it doesn't exist on Google you begin to doubt whether it exists at all...
The Thick of It will date, in my view.
Yes, Minister is close to timeless. It's about situations that just seem to recur on a cycle.
Agree fully. The stage play type production probably helps with the timeless aspect, to be honest. I fear that modern productions, with all their jumpy cuts and handheld camera angles, are going to be pretty much unwatchable in 20 years time.
Any excuse to talk about Yes Minister. Superior to The Thick of It because despite not being as angry at politics, the satire is portrayed through actual characters, not one note caricatures able to entertain, but not engage with in any way.
Yes minister, all brilliant - the TV series may have dated slightly due to stage play type production (hasn't everything?) but the dialogue is still spot on. The additional footnotes in the books relating some of the real events that Lynn & Jay took inspiration from are also very highly recommended.
On another note, I remember reading many years ago that they were did something on American politics with a working title of "All In Favor". But Google insists no such thing exists, and if it doesn't exist on Google you begin to doubt whether it exists at all...
The Thick of It will date, in my view.
Yes, Minister is close to timeless. It's about situations that just seem to recur on a cycle.
Agree fully. The stage play type production probably helps with the timeless aspect, to be honest. I fear that modern productions, with all their jumpy cuts and handheld camera angles, are going to be pretty much unwatchable in 20 years time.
I caught a Yes,PM episode the other day.
Banking scandal, bad lending, bailout required, get tough on the banksters, threat of a run on the pound and the problems affecting some influential/important people if the PM appointed a clean-up BoE chief....
Some alleged 'middle man' 'promises' to introduce donor to Burnham for small donation shock, ie not even Burnham himself. Donors paid to meet Cameron and Miliband all the time, total non story and too late even for the last Labour ballot
Whoever wins the leadership election it will be fascinating to watch - either a leader without the support of his members or a leader without the support of his MPs
If he gets a surprise sustained bump in the polls (he's expected to get one for a time at least), they'll change their tune no doubt.
Perhaps...but you just know that JC will say something ridiculous at some point in the next few months and it'll all fall apart. On balance I think it would be actually worse for the party if JC didn't win. If he gets 45-49% of first preference votes there's no guarantee he'd get enough seconds and thirds to get home...just imagine the scenes
Ideal scenario. Corbyn is robbed and Burnham sneaks through thanks to broken (s)electoral system.
Labour's best result that would be as Burnham polls best in every public opinion poll
Burnham is hopeless.
In your opinion, in the opinion of those who count, the public, he is best of the 4, and that has been shown in every public opinion poll of the leadership campaign. He is also probably the only candidate who could now unite the Corbynite and Cooper and Kendall wings
Indeed. They're all united in contempt. Stop relying on a couple of marginal opinion poll leads and use your eyes.
If he wins he will have to have won a majority of them over to win on preferences
Some pitiful swallowing of Dave and Georges spin on that thread wasn't there?
Just political jousting :-)
For what it's worth, I think we're primed to vote Out now.
That's my intention unless things change markedly. There's never anything positive coming from the EU. It's an economic and social mess.
Ha fair do's
Lots of people on here now say they are drawn to voting out, which can only be good for the cause. Strange how Farage is still so disliked by non kippers... many of the things he warned of, dismissed as scaremongering, have come to pass and are the reason for peoples change of heart/mind
That is, perhap, the true reason why so many dislike him. Nobody likes to be proved wrong.
Some pitiful swallowing of Dave and Georges spin on that thread wasn't there?
Just political jousting :-)
For what it's worth, I think we're primed to vote Out now.
That's my intention unless things change markedly. There's never anything positive coming from the EU. It's an economic and social mess.
Ha fair do's
Lots of people on here now say they are drawn to voting out, which can only be good for the cause. Strange how Farage is still so disliked by non kippers... many of the things he warned of, dismissed as scaremongering, have come to pass and are the reason for peoples change of heart/mind
ANECDOTE ALERT, but for some people I know, the things that really put them off Farage/UKIP were the comments about gay marriage causing floods, and Farage's comments about breastfeeding. Even for people who think UKIP have a point about immigration, I feel like those two incidents made people think they were pretty weird and stuffy.
And sadly, though much of it was exceedingly unfair, that's the perception of him now, and it is fixed, he is damaged goods. He will be liked again when he is publicly dissociated from the leadership. Like everyone thought William Hague was a horrid little toad when he was Tory leader, but he became much more likeable after defeat.
"Isil fighter hiding in Calais migrant camp with 'aim of committing terror attacks in Britain', say local reports
French police under orders to find and arrest Isil fighter on an Islamist watchlist who returned from Syria in August and is hiding among migrants in Calais, La Voix du Nord reports"
Robert Fox wrote yet another excellent article in the Evening Standard the day before yesterday: this century, the global human population is forecast to increase from 6 billion to over 11 billion. That's at a time when climate change will, more likely than not, increase what pressures we already have on existing resources as it is. How much thought have Western politicians given to the big picture in this? And what that means for future state stability and migration flows? This may only be the start.
There is not much evidence of climate change - there has been no change in teps for about 18 years. Projections for future world population are around 9 billion by 2050. An extreme projection is 11 billion. Some suggestions are that population will actually decline. Fertility rates are declining.
@tnewtondunn: EXCL: Cameron issues strict “no gloating” order to all Tory ministers if Corbyn wins #labourleadership;
One of his toughest orders yet, no doubt. I almost wish for Corbyn to shine in the role just for the shock on their faces.
OT Sandwell looks a depressingly boring result, unless UKIP step it up, and Maidstone looks an interesting one with mention of the LDS holding up even during the coalition years.
Really enjoying Isam's researched gems in this thread. Have any of the guilty parties addressed this at all, or are they all washing their hair tonight?
Looks like the Sun has done a sting on Andy Burnham and released it just after poll closes. Popcorn time tomorrow maybe
Given Cameron charged Tory donors £50,000 to dine with him a £5,000 donation (which did not even go direct to Burnham himself) is small beer
Terrible timing for him
Probably the best timing actually, as the Labour leadership vote has now closed and the next general election is 5 years away so in the unlikely event he does manage to win the leadership it will not have affected one members vote while being years from the next general election
On another note does anyone know what on earth is going on in Northern Ireland?
No. From what I can gather, the unionists have just now decided that the fact the IRA still exists and commits crimes means they cannot continue on as normal, while the nationalists have decided denying the IRA still exists and commits crimes, as was sort of happening by everyone just not mentioning it much, should continue on.
Looks like the Sun has done a sting on Andy Burnham and released it just after poll closes. Popcorn time tomorrow maybe
Given Cameron charged Tory donors £50,000 to dine with him a £5,000 donation (which did not even go direct to Burnham himself) is small beer
Terrible timing for him
Probably the best timing actually, as the Labour leadership vote has now closed and the next general election is 5 years away so in the unlikely event he does manage to win the leadership it will not have affected one members vote while being years from the next general election
The cheque was not even cashed Sky News has now disclosed
What is @isam going on about? I don't really want to get involved in yet another futile attempt at explaining it, but, for the record, it was always going to be a gross £1.7bn before the rebate, and the question was whether the rebate applied or not. Some of our EU friends (and the Kippers) were claiming it didn't. Osborne got them (our EU friends, that is) to agree that it did.
OT: The LibDems proved, that in alliance with the SNP that they were totally incompetent in running the City of Edinburgh Council. They will never be able to get control of the council again.
Too many people in Edinburgh wanted to have them burned at the stake at the annual fireworks at Meadowbank instead of the Guy.
Charlotte Proudman, 27, who has been building up her media profile for the past three years by writing for the Guardian, the Independent and several magazines, as well as being a guest on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, believes men make workplaces a “repugnant world”.
Earlier this year she used the left-wing website Left Foot Forward to explain that she was a campaigner for feminism, not equality, because: “Men live and work in a brutal society, which is maintained through stratified social order based on ritual humiliation, gentleman’s clubs, fights, rites of passage, sexism, and banter.
If men and women were truly equal, she said, “men’s genitals would be sliced up” in the same way that some women are subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM).
Just the woman to tell via Linked In that you think she's top totty. Silly Alex.
A fishing expedition rewarded. I wonder how many late-middle-aged men she offered to connect with before a particularly silly one bit?
I've not tried LinkedIn before ... is it easily trollable? Let's see if I can join it under a spoof name and ask her if she takes it up the gary. Back in a bit...
What is @isam going on about? I don't really want to get involved in yet another futile attempt at explaining it, but, for the record, it was always going to be a gross £1.7bn before the rebate, and the question was whether the rebate applied or not. Some of our EU friends (and the Kippers) were claiming it didn't. Osborne got them (our EU friends, that is) to agree that it did.
Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834 November 2014 • edited November 2014 I appreciate that it's tough for the Kippers and Labour to accept they were wrong, but would those claiming Osborne hasn't achieved anything care to post some links to articles published BEFORE this meeting which explain that the £1.7bn demand was actually a demand for £850m?
Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834 November 2014 What will not be paid is the original demand for £1.7bn.
Faced with that simple fact, the usual suspects are now saying 'Ah yes, but it wasn't going to be £1.7bn in the first place.'
But, as we have shown, they didn't say that before today
"The U.K. payments in July and September totaled 2.87 billion pounds -- or 3.9 billion euros at the current exchange rate -- and the country will receive back the difference with what it owed in separate transactions, the commission, the 28-nation EU’s executive arm, said on Thursday."
I'll bet they did. They should be taking the refugees.
Even Syrian refugees wouldn't want to go to Saudi. Or Iran.
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
Isn't it an obligation of every Muslim to go to Mecca? It's not really a case of what the refugees want. It's that the Saudis should be offering refuge to fellow Muslims - to members of the "ummah" - as an act of charity (another obligation on Muslims) - rather than funding the spread of Wahabbi ideology in the West.
Still, this whole concept of the ummah is a crock of sh*t. Those rich Muslim countries are quite happy to ignore the plight of fellow suffering Muslims when they could do something to help. Hypocrites the lot of them.
I'll bet they did. They should be taking the refugees.
Even Syrian refugees wouldn't want to go to Saudi. Or Iran.
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
I think you sources may have been over egging the pudding, Mr. Eye. To be sure Saudi has a lot of problems, as do many other Arab states, but the chances of revolution in the near term are very small.
If any Arab state is going to go pop in the next few years and strike out in a new direction then possibly the most likely is Oman. That might seem unlikely as it has under the present ruler been a most stable and moderate state (ignore the nonsense from the seventies caused by the Yemenis) and HM Sultan Qaboos is genuinely popular. However, HM is one of nature's bachelors and is in failing health (he has been under treatment in Germany for a long while now) and there is no clear successor. Whether the institutions of state are strong enough to survive a power struggle, I am not sure. It could get messy and who knows who might end up on the chair when the music stops.
Of course HM Sultan Qaboos only got the job because of a British engineered, and substantially carried out, coup aimed at putting him on the throne. Though the UK still has a lot of pull in Oman (mainly because the way we have behaved towards it) I am not sure we could pull off that trick again.
If Burnham's campaign didn't cash the cheque, it sounds like this is a non-story.
Indeed, it was not cashed after concerns Sky has said, so clearly just the Sun trying to set up a sting operation because of their differences with Burnham which has amounted to very little
I'll bet they did. They should be taking the refugees.
Even Syrian refugees wouldn't want to go to Saudi. Or Iran.
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
Isn't it an obligation of every Muslim to go to Mecca? It's not really a case of what the refugees want. It's that the Saudis should be offering refuge to fellow Muslims - to members of the "ummah" - as an act of charity (another obligation on Muslims) - rather than funding the spread of Wahabbi ideology in the West.
Still, this whole concept of the ummah is a crock of sh*t. Those rich Muslim countries are quite happy to ignore the plight of fellow suffering Muslims when they could do something to help. Hypocrites the lot of them.
They haven't exactly been helpful to Palestinian refugees over the last 50 years.
@isam - I've no idea what that Bloomberg article is saying. "In euros at the time, the extra bill for the U.K. amounted to 2.1 billion euros." Then it talks about €3.9bn. It makes no sense.
I'll bet they did. They should be taking the refugees.
Even Syrian refugees wouldn't want to go to Saudi. Or Iran.
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
Isn't it an obligation of every Muslim to go to Mecca? It's not really a case of what the refugees want. It's that the Saudis should be offering refuge to fellow Muslims - to members of the "ummah" - as an act of charity (another obligation on Muslims) - rather than funding the spread of Wahabbi ideology in the West.
Still, this whole concept of the ummah is a crock of sh*t. Those rich Muslim countries are quite happy to ignore the plight of fellow suffering Muslims when they could do something to help. Hypocrites the lot of them.
What is @isam going on about? I don't really want to get involved in yet another futile attempt at explaining it, but, for the record, it was always going to be a gross £1.7bn before the rebate, and the question was whether the rebate applied or not. Some of our EU friends (and the Kippers) were claiming it didn't. Osborne got them (our EU friends, that is) to agree that it did.
"David Cameron has “quietly” paid off the bill that Britain received from the European Union at the end of last year – an issue which caused a major shift in the polls before the British General Election, and which at the time, Cameron refused to pay.
The European Commission confirmed last week that Mr Cameron stumped up for the bill, despite having called it “appalling” last October, and promising UK tax payers that he would not pay the larger bill... Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne briefed to the press that Britain would only pay half of the bill but the details revealed that they actually meant half in July, and half in September – a fact that the European Commission has now confirmed.
And the payment was actually for £2.87bn, not £1.7bn, as the British press all reported last year."
If Burnham's campaign didn't cash the cheque, it sounds like this is a non-story.
I think it's this bit that will cause Burnham problems
Last night Andy Burnham’s team dismissed Rasool as a “fantasist”. A spokesman said: “Faiz Ul Rasool has had no role, formal or informal, within the Burnham campaign.”
But the official Andy4Leader Twitter feed last week lauded his fundraising efforts. It posted a picture of Rasool at a rally in Birmingham and with the caption: “Campaign stars!”
On another note does anyone know what on earth is going on in Northern Ireland?
No. From what I can gather, the unionists have just now decided that the fact the IRA still exists and commits crimes means they cannot continue on as normal, while the nationalists have decided denying the IRA still exists and commits crimes, as was sort of happening by everyone just not mentioning it much, should continue on.
Thanks. Does this mean that Mandelson's "creative ambiguity" is now becoming unravelled as reality, belatedly, bites? Perhaps to put it another way, you can fool all of the people some of the time but it will get messy when they find out.
What is @isam going on about? I don't really want to get involved in yet another futile attempt at explaining it, but, for the record, it was always going to be a gross £1.7bn before the rebate, and the question was whether the rebate applied or not. Some of our EU friends (and the Kippers) were claiming it didn't. Osborne got them (our EU friends, that is) to agree that it did.
I imagine your "EU friends" have made a mistake and will straighten things out...
"Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834 November 2014 What will not be paid is the original demand for £1.7bn."
Saudi certainly isn't on the brink or anything close to it right now, and anyone living in the country without following economics wouldn't feel any instability. But the economy and government is so unsustainable and incapable of reform things could go very ugly in 10 to 15 years time.
@isam - I've no idea what that Bloomberg article is saying. "In euros at the time, the extra bill for the U.K. amounted to 2.1 billion euros." Then it talks about €3.9bn. It makes no sense.
I took it to mean the bill was 2.1bn Euros we paid 3.9bn and will get back the difference because of the rebate
At the time people were saying the bill was only £850m and we would pay 1.7bn and get half back
If Burnham's campaign didn't cash the cheque, it sounds like this is a non-story.
I think it's this bit that will cause Burnham problems
Last night Andy Burnham’s team dismissed Rasool as a “fantasist”. A spokesman said: “Faiz Ul Rasool has had no role, formal or informal, within the Burnham campaign.”
But the official Andy4Leader Twitter feed last week lauded his fundraising efforts. It posted a picture of Rasool at a rally in Birmingham and with the caption: “Campaign stars!”
"While insisting that the invoice had been reduced, Treasury aides conceded that Britain will pay the £850m while also returning the rebate cheque to Brussels, meaning that the full £1.7bn will still be paid.
British officials argued that it had not been clear whether the UK would qualify for a rebate since Brussels dropped the bombshell bill. But that would have been unique since Britain’s gross contributions to the EU budget have automatically benefitted from the rebate since the 1980s.
Osborne’s claims that the bill had been halved were refuted by other participants in the meeting.
“The sum cannot be challenged. We said this and so did many others,” said the Austrian finance minister, Hans Jörg Schelling. Luis De Guindos, the Spanish finance minister, said the same."
I imagine your "EU friends" have made a mistake and will straighten things out...
Not a mistake exactly, but that's what the Bloomberg article says:
the country will receive back the difference with what it owed in separate transactions, the commission, the 28-nation EU’s executive arm, said on Thursday.
Presumably that is our rebate, which was the point we were discussing at the time. I don't know why the gross figure now being quoted is higher than the original gross figure.
The Donald strikes again - gives an interview to Rolling Stone -
"Look at that face!" Trump told the magazine while sitting with a Rolling Stone reporter as Fiorina appeared on TV. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president."
"I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" Trump said, according to the magazine.
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
It does seem that isam has the evidence of what was said and it backs up his side of the argument. I was lurking around that time and many (can't remember who) were saying the 1.7 would not be paid as it had been 'halved'.
I took it to mean the bill was 2.1bn Euros we paid 3.9bn and will get back the difference because of the rebate
At the time people were saying the bill was only £850m and we would pay 1.7bn and get half back
Or alternatively the original €2.1bn before rebate was an estimate based on provisional figures, which has been increased because our GDP has been revised upwards. I think that is the most likely explanation of the change, but it's unclear from the article.
If Burnham's campaign didn't cash the cheque, it sounds like this is a non-story.
I think it's this bit that will cause Burnham problems
Last night Andy Burnham’s team dismissed Rasool as a “fantasist”. A spokesman said: “Faiz Ul Rasool has had no role, formal or informal, within the Burnham campaign.”
But the official Andy4Leader Twitter feed last week lauded his fundraising efforts. It posted a picture of Rasool at a rally in Birmingham and with the caption: “Campaign stars!”
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
I think the killer might eventually turn out to be Mr Bryan Pagliano , who took the Fifth at the Benghazi committee today. Assuming that is the FBI don't indict.
I'll bet they did. They should be taking the refugees.
Even Syrian refugees wouldn't want to go to Saudi. Or Iran.
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
Isn't it an obligation of every Muslim to go to Mecca? It's not really a case of what the refugees want. It's that the Saudis should be offering refuge to fellow Muslims - to members of the "ummah" - as an act of charity (another obligation on Muslims) - rather than funding the spread of Wahabbi ideology in the West.
Still, this whole concept of the ummah is a crock of sh*t. Those rich Muslim countries are quite happy to ignore the plight of fellow suffering Muslims when they could do something to help. Hypocrites the lot of them.
Well let's hope the euthanasia bill goes though tomorrow. First in the queue will undoubtedly be the Labour party on Saturday which will need some kind of swift and painless end.
I took it to mean the bill was 2.1bn Euros we paid 3.9bn and will get back the difference because of the rebate
At the time people were saying the bill was only £850m and we would pay 1.7bn and get half back
Or alternatively the original €2.1bn before rebate was an estimate based on provisional figures, which has been increased because our GDP has been revised upwards. I think that is the most likely explanation of the change, but it's unclear from the article.
It seems to have played out exactly how @Speedy and @bigjohnowls said it would at the time. In fact Big John explains it precisely in one post in answer to Scott P I think
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
Claire Underwood left Frank just before the NH primary, who knows what she will do in Season 4
Charlotte Proudman, 27, who has been building up her media profile for the past three years by writing for the Guardian, the Independent and several magazines, as well as being a guest on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, believes men make workplaces a “repugnant world”.
Earlier this year she used the left-wing website Left Foot Forward to explain that she was a campaigner for feminism, not equality, because: “Men live and work in a brutal society, which is maintained through stratified social order based on ritual humiliation, gentleman’s clubs, fights, rites of passage, sexism, and banter.
If men and women were truly equal, she said, “men’s genitals would be sliced up” in the same way that some women are subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM).
A deliciously ironic post, given her surname.
Somehow one doubts that she'd be happy even if every man in the country gifted her their severed penis on a plate, as she seems to yearn for.
Mens genitals are regularly sliced up, not quite as badly as FGM but Male Genital Mutilation has is reasonably close in its limitations on sexual enjoyment and function.
It seems to have played out exactly how @Speedy and @bigjohnowls said it would at the time. In fact Big John explains it precisely in one post in answer to Scott P I think
Dunno. We need to wait until there's a coherent account. The Bloomberg article doesn't explain why the figure has changed.
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
Claire Underwood left Frank just before the NH primary, who knows what she will do in Season 4
Thanks for the spoiler! Still catching up on Season 3 ...
That's the sportsbook price, I'm talking about the exchange price.
Now he's out to 65
As this will affect not one vote as voting has now closed rather an overreaction to a non story. I was about to bet on him on Ladbrokes at 20/1, will now switch to Betfair Exchange (and he has just moved back into 48)
The State Department has hired a 'transparency czar' to handle records requests, including for Hillary's emails. Her name is Janice Jacobs, and - you guessed it - she's a Hillary donor.
I'll bet they did. They should be taking the refugees.
Even Syrian refugees wouldn't want to go to Saudi. Or Iran.
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
Isn't it an obligation of every Muslim to go to Mecca? It's not really a case of what the refugees want. It's that the Saudis should be offering refuge to fellow Muslims - to members of the "ummah" - as an act of charity (another obligation on Muslims) - rather than funding the spread of Wahabbi ideology in the West.
Still, this whole concept of the ummah is a crock of sh*t. Those rich Muslim countries are quite happy to ignore the plight of fellow suffering Muslims when they could do something to help. Hypocrites the lot of them.
They haven't exactly been helpful to Palestinian refugees over the last 50 years.
Crikey, Cap'n Comrade Doc, you are just not allowed to mention that, and it is a lot longer than fifty years since the first Palestinian refugee camps were set up.
Of course, there are a lot of Palestinians, now the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the people the Arab states first failed to help, who work in many of the Gulf states. In Kuwait before GW1 is was, with some truth said, that a Kuwaiti would not scratch a flea bite on his arse because that is what Palestinians are for. However, despite the palestinians doing most of the actual work they are seldom if ever allowed to become citizens, even if born-bred in an Arab state.
Many Gulf Arabs will tell you, if only very privately, that they cannot give the Palestinians any sort of rights because to do so would undermine the claim against Israel. Personally I think they just like having subject peoples they can boss about and treat like dirt (see also Filipinos and those from the Indian Sub continent who work in the Gulf).
Whatever, the appalling treatment of Palestinians by the Arab states is just one of those subjects that cannot be mentioned and you will get thumped by all sides if you try.
'The corpse of a three-year-old child has been exploited to facilitate an invasion of economic migrants, not “desperate refugees” but aggressive, backpacking young males on the make. Why would people be “desperate” to leave Hungary? Desperate people would not throw food and water off trains at Hungarian police. Some of these migrants are richer than poor Hungarians... 'The terrifying reality is that Europe is the target of a vast, seismic migratory movement unparalleled in human history. In total, 60 million people are travelling towards us, 15 million from Africa alone.'
I took it to mean the bill was 2.1bn Euros we paid 3.9bn and will get back the difference because of the rebate
At the time people were saying the bill was only £850m and we would pay 1.7bn and get half back
Or alternatively the original €2.1bn before rebate was an estimate based on provisional figures, which has been increased because our GDP has been revised upwards. I think that is the most likely explanation of the change, but it's unclear from the article.
The €2.1bn was the increased figure - i.e. the additional contribution to the EU budget because the UK economy was doing better than expected.
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
Claire Underwood left Frank just before the NH primary, who knows what she will do in Season 4
Thanks for the spoiler! Still catching up on Season 3 ...
Apologies, but it has been out on Netflix for weeks
Re; the leadership contest. Burnham is finished and can join Ed in the wastelands. He'll likely play some kind of role under Jezza, but that is as far as it goes for him. Kendall, is likely to play a prominent role in future years, but she lacks the qualities to be leader and would be ill advised to fight again. Yvette....Yvette lives to fight another day and may well be Labour leader in 2020- between her, a returned David Miliband and possibly Chuka, or Jarvis.
'The corpse of a three-year-old child has been exploited to facilitate an invasion of economic migrants, not “desperate refugees” but aggressive, backpacking young males on the make. Why would people be “desperate” to leave Hungary? Desperate people would not throw food and water off trains at Hungarian police. Some of these migrants are richer than poor Hungarians... 'The terrifying reality is that Europe is the target of a vast, seismic migratory movement unparalleled in human history. In total, 60 million people are travelling towards us, 15 million from Africa alone.'
The €2.1bn was the increased figure - i.e. the additional contribution to the EU budget because the UK economy was doing better than expected.
Yes, I know: €2.1bn extra before rebate. It seems to have become €3.9bn extra before rebate, if that Bloomberg article is right, but it doesn't say why.
That's the sportsbook price, I'm talking about the exchange price.
Now he's out to 65
As this will affect not one vote as voting has now closed rather an overreaction to a non story. I was about to bet on him on Ladbrokes at 20/1, will now switch to Betfair Exchange (and he has just moved back into 48)
His price has been drifting like a bloody barge long before the story broke.
Re; the leadership contest. Burnham is finished and can join Ed in the wastelands. He'll likely play some kind of role under Jezza, but that is as far as it goes for him. Kendall, is likely to play a prominent role in future years, but she lacks the qualities to be leader and would be ill advised to fight again. Yvette....Yvette lives to fight another day and may well be Labour leader in 2020- between her, a returned David Miliband and possibly Chuka, or Jarvis.
Corbyn will last for a couple of years at most.
The result has not even been announced yet, there is still an outside chance Burnham will be leader by Saturday afternoon. Cooper will not be an alternative if Corbyn wins, the only likely alternative would be Johnson, maybe Jarvis
'The corpse of a three-year-old child has been exploited to facilitate an invasion of economic migrants, not “desperate refugees” but aggressive, backpacking young males on the make. Why would people be “desperate” to leave Hungary? Desperate people would not throw food and water off trains at Hungarian police. Some of these migrants are richer than poor Hungarians... 'The terrifying reality is that Europe is the target of a vast, seismic migratory movement unparalleled in human history. In total, 60 million people are travelling towards us, 15 million from Africa alone.'
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
I think the killer might eventually turn out to be Mr Bryan Pagliano , who took the Fifth at the Benghazi committee today. Assuming that is the FBI don't indict.
"Two senior analysts at CENTCOM signed a written complaint sent to the Defense Department inspector general in July alleging that the reports, some of which were briefed to President Obama, portrayed the terror groups as weaker than the analysts believe they are. The reports were changed by CENTCOM higher-ups to adhere to the administration’s public line that the U.S. is winning the battle against ISIS and al Nusra, al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the analysts claim.
That complaint was supported by 50 other analysts, some of whom have complained about politicizing of intelligence reports for months. That’s according to 11 individuals who are knowledgeable about the details of the report and who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity.
The accusations suggest that a large number of people tracking the inner workings of the terror groups think that their reports are being manipulated to fit a public narrative. The allegations echoed charges that political appointees and senior officials cherry-picked intelligence about Iraq’s supposed weapons program in 2002 and 2003."
For the first time I'm now worried that Hillary might not make it. After Iraq, accusations of counterfeit intelligence reports to serve or dupe the President is a very sensitive issue, that's a hit for all the Obama White House, Biden included.
The Donald strikes again - gives an interview to Rolling Stone -
"Look at that face!" Trump told the magazine while sitting with a Rolling Stone reporter as Fiorina appeared on TV. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president."
"I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" Trump said, according to the magazine.
That's the sportsbook price, I'm talking about the exchange price.
Now he's out to 65
As this will affect not one vote as voting has now closed rather an overreaction to a non story. I was about to bet on him on Ladbrokes at 20/1, will now switch to Betfair Exchange (and he has just moved back into 48)
His price has been drifting like a bloody barge long before the story broke.
In fact probably since the polls closed I think.
Good, as I have just bet on him, certainly far better to bet on him now than earlier in the campaign when he was frontrunner. Counting has not even started yet and not one vote will have been affected by this story
Somehow one doubts that she'd be happy even if every man in the country gifted her their severed penis on a plate, as she seems to yearn for.
Burnham in a cash for access scandal
Banking scandal, bad lending, bailout required, get tough on the banksters, threat of a run on the pound and the problems affecting some influential/important people if the PM appointed a clean-up BoE chief....
Written in the mid 1980s.
I guess the Sun had to use it before Burnham disappears into obscurity
Tim would have had great fun with one of those names ;-)
Sun Politics ✔ @SunPolitics
Tomorrow's exclusive front page: Andy Burnham caught up in cash for access row
"Saudi Arabia offers Germany 200 mosques - one for every 100 refugees who arrived last weekend"
Story to be taken with a large pinch of salt IMO.
Projections for future world population are around 9 billion by 2050. An extreme projection is 11 billion. Some suggestions are that population will actually decline.
Fertility rates are declining.
OT Sandwell looks a depressingly boring result, unless UKIP step it up, and Maidstone looks an interesting one with mention of the LDS holding up even during the coalition years.
On another note does anyone know what on earth is going on in Northern Ireland?
If you were a refugee, would you go?
From what small amount of information that I've managed to get, Saudi is on the edge of a revolution.
"This is Brick Lane" they shout.... Indeed it is
We hope ;-)
Too many people in Edinburgh wanted to have them burned at the stake at the annual fireworks at Meadowbank instead of the Guy.
I've not tried LinkedIn before ... is it easily trollable?
Let's see if I can join it under a spoof name and ask her if she takes it up the gary.
Back in a bit...
Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834
November 2014 • edited November 2014
I appreciate that it's tough for the Kippers and Labour to accept they were wrong, but would those claiming Osborne hasn't achieved anything care to post some links to articles published BEFORE this meeting which explain that the £1.7bn demand was actually a demand for £850m?
Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834
November 2014
What will not be paid is the original demand for £1.7bn.
Faced with that simple fact, the usual suspects are now saying 'Ah yes, but it wasn't going to be £1.7bn in the first place.'
But, as we have shown, they didn't say that before today
"The U.K. payments in July and September totaled 2.87 billion pounds -- or 3.9 billion euros at the current exchange rate -- and the country will receive back the difference with what it owed in separate transactions, the commission, the 28-nation EU’s executive arm, said on Thursday."
Still, this whole concept of the ummah is a crock of sh*t. Those rich Muslim countries are quite happy to ignore the plight of fellow suffering Muslims when they could do something to help. Hypocrites the lot of them.
If any Arab state is going to go pop in the next few years and strike out in a new direction then possibly the most likely is Oman. That might seem unlikely as it has under the present ruler been a most stable and moderate state (ignore the nonsense from the seventies caused by the Yemenis) and HM Sultan Qaboos is genuinely popular. However, HM is one of nature's bachelors and is in failing health (he has been under treatment in Germany for a long while now) and there is no clear successor. Whether the institutions of state are strong enough to survive a power struggle, I am not sure. It could get messy and who knows who might end up on the chair when the music stops.
Of course HM Sultan Qaboos only got the job because of a British engineered, and substantially carried out, coup aimed at putting him on the throne. Though the UK still has a lot of pull in Oman (mainly because the way we have behaved towards it) I am not sure we could pull off that trick again.
Which half depends if you are a yuppie hater or a worried non muslim
Why aren't Europeans permitted to have the same worries?
"David Cameron has “quietly” paid off the bill that Britain received from the European Union at the end of last year – an issue which caused a major shift in the polls before the British General Election, and which at the time, Cameron refused to pay.
The European Commission confirmed last week that Mr Cameron stumped up for the bill, despite having called it “appalling” last October, and promising UK tax payers that he would not pay the larger bill... Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne briefed to the press that Britain would only pay half of the bill but the details revealed that they actually meant half in July, and half in September – a fact that the European Commission has now confirmed.
And the payment was actually for £2.87bn, not £1.7bn, as the British press all reported last year."
Last night Andy Burnham’s team dismissed Rasool as a “fantasist”. A spokesman said: “Faiz Ul Rasool has had no role, formal or informal, within the Burnham campaign.”
But the official Andy4Leader Twitter feed last week lauded his fundraising efforts. It posted a picture of Rasool at a rally in Birmingham and with the caption: “Campaign stars!”
"Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834
November 2014
What will not be paid is the original demand for £1.7bn."
At the time people were saying the bill was only £850m and we would pay 1.7bn and get half back
"While insisting that the invoice had been reduced, Treasury aides conceded that Britain will pay the £850m while also returning the rebate cheque to Brussels, meaning that the full £1.7bn will still be paid.
British officials argued that it had not been clear whether the UK would qualify for a rebate since Brussels dropped the bombshell bill. But that would have been unique since Britain’s gross contributions to the EU budget have automatically benefitted from the rebate since the 1980s.
Osborne’s claims that the bill had been halved were refuted by other participants in the meeting.
“The sum cannot be challenged. We said this and so did many others,” said the Austrian finance minister, Hans Jörg Schelling. Luis De Guindos, the Spanish finance minister, said the same."
The full £1.7 billion has been paid, which was isam's point.
the country will receive back the difference with what it owed in separate transactions, the commission, the 28-nation EU’s executive arm, said on Thursday.
Presumably that is our rebate, which was the point we were discussing at the time. I don't know why the gross figure now being quoted is higher than the original gross figure.
"Look at that face!" Trump told the magazine while sitting with a Rolling Stone reporter as Fiorina appeared on TV. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president."
"I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" Trump said, according to the magazine.
Caption: "Hillary reminds me of the character in 'House of Cards,' Claire Underwood, in that she seems like a terrible person on the inside," John Weber said.
Now he's out to 65
Somehow one doubts that she'd be happy even if every man in the country gifted her their severed penis on a plate, as she seems to yearn for.
Mens genitals are regularly sliced up, not quite as badly as FGM but Male Genital Mutilation has is reasonably close in its limitations on sexual enjoyment and function.
Of course, there are a lot of Palestinians, now the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the people the Arab states first failed to help, who work in many of the Gulf states. In Kuwait before GW1 is was, with some truth said, that a Kuwaiti would not scratch a flea bite on his arse because that is what Palestinians are for. However, despite the palestinians doing most of the actual work they are seldom if ever allowed to become citizens, even if born-bred in an Arab state.
Many Gulf Arabs will tell you, if only very privately, that they cannot give the Palestinians any sort of rights because to do so would undermine the claim against Israel. Personally I think they just like having subject peoples they can boss about and treat like dirt (see also Filipinos and those from the Indian Sub continent who work in the Gulf).
Whatever, the appalling treatment of Palestinians by the Arab states is just one of those subjects that cannot be mentioned and you will get thumped by all sides if you try.
'The terrifying reality is that Europe is the target of a vast, seismic migratory movement unparalleled in human history. In total, 60 million people are travelling towards us, 15 million from Africa alone.'
Yvette....Yvette lives to fight another day and may well be Labour leader in 2020- between her, a returned David Miliband and possibly Chuka, or Jarvis.
Corbyn will last for a couple of years at most.
In fact probably since the polls closed I think.
I don't think we have a choice in Europe other than to accept them. What else can we do?
"Two senior analysts at CENTCOM signed a written complaint sent to the Defense Department inspector general in July alleging that the reports, some of which were briefed to President Obama, portrayed the terror groups as weaker than the analysts believe they are. The reports were changed by CENTCOM higher-ups to adhere to the administration’s public line that the U.S. is winning the battle against ISIS and al Nusra, al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the analysts claim.
That complaint was supported by 50 other analysts, some of whom have complained about politicizing of intelligence reports for months. That’s according to 11 individuals who are knowledgeable about the details of the report and who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity.
The accusations suggest that a large number of people tracking the inner workings of the terror groups think that their reports are being manipulated to fit a public narrative. The allegations echoed charges that political appointees and senior officials cherry-picked intelligence about Iraq’s supposed weapons program in 2002 and 2003."
For the first time I'm now worried that Hillary might not make it.
After Iraq, accusations of counterfeit intelligence reports to serve or dupe the President is a very sensitive issue, that's a hit for all the Obama White House, Biden included.