Leith Walk on Edinburgh (SNP and Green defence)
Result of council at last election (2012): Labour 20, Scottish National Party 18, Conservatives 11, Greens 6, Liberal Democrats 3 (No Overall Control, Labour short by 10)
Result of ward at last election (2012):
Remember, the £1.7b was paid in full
chestnut • Posts: 2,068
November 2014
Speedy said:
Cameron will pay the full amount
chestnut said
All £850m.
As opposed to the £1.7bn that the public have been hearing about for weeks
Richard_Nabavi • Posts: 6,834
November 2014
He will pay the full amount, £850m. Not the £1.7bn which UKIP, Labour, the EU, and the media said was the full amount, until today.
Charles • Posts: 9,777
November 2014
Speedy said:
Cameron has agreed to pay the full amount, Osborne has tried and failed to mask it as if he's agreed to pay half of it.
Charles said
Try engaging with the facts, rather than your prejudices.
I think they are paying £850m too much.
But they are paying £850m less than everyone thought they were going to have to.
Come off it, one MP is quite a long way short of a triumph. Especially, when the said MP is not your leader.
A more accurate version is...
"After winning the 2014 Euro elections, the general election for UKIP was a bitter disappointment."
Would help if she understood what words mean.
And someone needs to explains what circumcision is to her.
Losing the argument by being on the right side - a pretty hard thing to do.
Quite amusing that her surname suggests that there may be a family history of overplaying the argument.
Anyway, now that we know her ludicrous email "shaming" was simply part of an effort to build her media profile, the least we can do is ignore her and anything to do with this "story" forthwith.
Now, I doubt that any of that is true, but I think it's a sign of the times that someone has done graffiti like that. It would have been unthinkable 10 years ago but such is force with which the feminist cause is propagated it's hardly a surprise that someone's had enough.
Very many thanks for the lovely summary - I thought no-one would even see my query when I realised I'd caught the new thread.
Can the UKIP fight maintain itself in Thurrock?
November 2014 .
How is the reality of paying 850 mil somehow worse than pretending that we pay 1.7 bn?
At some point though he became party chairman, and when the PM resigned there was open war between the Foreign Minister and the Chancellor who hated each other and would split the party (the deputy PM had already been forced to resign over a scandal). Sir Humphrey in concert with, I believe, the Chief Whip, convinced Hacker to run (that he had no choice but to run, which he already wanted) by showing him their secrets (sex scandals and financial chicanery) which they justified in the absence of a PM by him being the party chairman and it would be chaos if either won. He then used that to get them to stand down and back him to stop the other.
He simultaneously manufactured an outrage and solution to an EU mess to raise his public profile while also pitching as the moderate candidate.
Oh, spoiler alert.
Scott_P • Posts: 11,002
November 2014
Socrates said:
It's still a £1.7 billion payment.
Scott P said
Except it's not.
Apart from that, spot on
Many thanks for this. Very grateful.
Any excuse to talk about Yes Minister. Superior to The Thick of It because despite not being as angry at politics, the satire is portrayed through actual characters, not one note caricatures able to entertain, but not engage with in any way, and so is more effective at seeming relative to the real world, not just a hyperrealistic version of it.
Party Games is a brilliant episode.
IDK, it loses something the 20th time you watch it.
Oh wait, no it doesn't
"UKIP advance on previous best performance in a Westminster election but fail to capitalize in terms of seats."
And with that, good night as the sun sets on the Labour party.
Hey ho.
To the 280,000 people on the waiting list for social housing.
We're sorry but you there are 20,000 Syrians in front of you.
Have a nice day.
Ah, but what about the family members they'll bring in once settled here?
French police under orders to find and arrest Isil fighter on an Islamist watchlist who returned from Syria in August and is hiding among migrants in Calais, La Voix du Nord reports"
9:55 p.m.
As tens of thousands of Syrians are desperately fleeing their homeland, at least five Syrian families are eager to leave a country that gave them shelter.
Uruguay's president says his administration will try to help the families reach another country.
Uruguay welcomed the 42 refugees fleeing Syria's civil war in October 2014. But they protested this week outside the presidency, demanding authorities help them leave for other countries, saying Uruguay is too expensive.
President Tabare Vazquez said Thursday that Uruguay has reached out to Lebanon because that's where the refugees would like to go. Since Lebanon is not willing to welcome them, his government is asking the five families to choose another country.
The refugees lack passports from their home country, and cannot get Uruguayan ones because they are not citizens. Uruguay has provided them with local IDs and travel documents, but not all countries recognize them
It'll never catch on, you know.
#BreakingNews Syria blames Europe for flow of migrants out of the country http://dlvr.it/C6fMGk
Well fancy that.
(Incidentally, I've only just noticed your user image after a comment you made on a recent thread! Very good choice. I admire a purposefully measured indifference. And I preferred Futurama to the Simpsons for a similar reason to why I liked Yes Minister, it had some moments of wonderful satire. And it brought back memories of the science fiction I was into as a child.)
If he gets 45-49% of first preference votes there's no guarantee he'd get enough seconds and thirds to get home...just imagine the scenes
Some pitiful swallowing of Dave and Georges spin on that thread wasn't there?
Pro-Palestinian Calls for Genocide of Jews at Downing Street Demo http://order-order.com/2015/09/10/pro-palestinian-calls-for-genocide-at-downing-street-demo/ …
Not at all surprised at this.
Hopefully Sky will cover it as don't want to have to listen to Nick Robinson talking over the top of everyone like 5 years ago.
Just been listening to Israeli Prime Minister. He's very impressive
On another note, I remember reading many years ago that they were did something on American politics with a working title of "All In Favor". But Google insists no such thing exists, and if it doesn't exist on Google you begin to doubt whether it exists at all...
I hope Nick Robinson isn't commentating on it again. Last time he told everyone David Miliband had won right up to the last moment when the figures were announced.
For what it's worth, I think we're primed to vote Out now.
That's my intention unless things change markedly. There's never anything positive coming from the EU. It's an economic and social mess.
Burnham says " I have an outside chance"
£1500 available for Zac at 2.82. Probably value whoever wins given that Corbyn is going to.
Just the woman to tell via Linked In that you think she's top totty. Silly Alex.
Lots of people on here now say they are drawn to voting out, which can only be good for the cause. Strange how Farage is still so disliked by non kippers... many of the things he warned of, dismissed as scaremongering, have come to pass and are the reason for peoples change of heart/mind
A fishing expedition rewarded. I wonder how many late-middle-aged men she offered to connect with before a particularly silly one bit?
Incidentally I only had heard of them myself because Mrs Burning-Ears mère had taught one of the lads at secondary school, shortly before her retirement. (Long-standing PBers may be aware that the list of well-known people that my mother supposedly taught, sold things to back when she was a shop assistant, or has otherwise interacted with, grows with every year of her retirement. But this utterly banal one - assuming the PB audience does not contain many obsessed teenyboppers - strangely enough, checked out.)
Yes, Minister is close to timeless. It's about situations that just seem to recur on a cycle.
15/8 w Fred and tote, although doubt you'll get £1500!
I have girl mates that have blatantly admitted using linked in as upgraded POF/tinder.. seems fair enough.
If you want to pull a rich bloke, go to bars in rich areas. If you want to pull one online, look for one with a top job!
Mind you, she ended up w a window cleaner from Rush Green!
In that sense, UKIP won.
How much thought have Western politicians given to the big picture in this? And what that means for future state stability and migration flows?
This may only be the start.