Ladbrokes have a market up on the next Shadow Chancellor. It is indicative of the anticipated Corbyn victory that John McDonnell is the current favourite. Meanwhile in the race to be Labour’s London Mayoral candidate Lady Jowell’s team think her name recognition and association with the 2012 London Olympics will see her win the race ahead of Sadiq Khan.
.....on the other hand?
She will overtake James VIII/III on 23rd May 2016.
I'll get my coat...
If Corbyn is going to show any interest in seeking to even pretend that he wants to hold the party together surely Burnham or Cooper is most likely. Cooper has said she would not serve but the shadow job she has probably wanted most just might tempt her as might the idea she would then be well placed when the inevitable car crash becomes too painful to ignore.
Unfortunately they had not secured the other end of the cord.
That seems to fit the situation Labour finds themselves in.
You humiliate no-one other than yourselves.
Apart from other considerations, surely Corbyn will be anxious to settle the party's nerves by appointing a safe pair of hands for this key role.
I'm amazed that Shadsy still has Khan at 50/1 .... that price surely can't last, can it?
God Save The Queen.
Surely Labour must have *some* talent available?
Pass the popcorn.
Huzzah for Her Majesty!
On-topic: good thinking, Mr. Eagles.
Mr. Charles, quite. Why Khan's racism isn't being denounced (anti-white quotas, FFS) is beyond me. Then again, the media seems to have decided than in place of a Labour Party trying to eat its own head, the role of being bleeding heart falls to it.
Diane Abbott.
Words that should never appear in 1 sentence.
On betting, I'd say Corbyn would need to shore up his position by persuading as many former opponents and ministers as he can to serve in the Shadow Cabinet, and that they would need to do so in order to stand next time.
God Save the Queen.
I await tomorrow's front pages. But if the paparazzi could keep away ...
Fitting that the official photograph of the occasion is of her working.
What on earth happened to the talented Labour politicians of yesteryear? What a sad collection of no-hopers, never-has-beens and flakes.
There is nothing wrong with helicopter QE as an option in a Depression IMHO, but not clear to me that we are still in one.
I also don't see what the problem is that people's QE is trying to solve. If Corbyn wants more Gov investment in infrastructure then say so and increase the debt levels or increase tax.
Lets say in two years Cooper decides to call for Corbyn to resign
"Random formerly famous backbencher who lost the leadership election" calls for leader to resign is manageable.
"Shadow Chancellor" calls for leader to resign is a crisis.
If Corbyn intends to survive five years he needs to fill the big jobs with the most credible of his own supporters/people who can live with him.
Look at the Tory Party for example. David Davis has gone from being a credible frontrunner and former favourite for leader to a laughing stock of a backbencher not taken seriously. Had Cameron reinstated him into the cabinet then he could resign and inflict damage, but he can't do much damage from the backbenches.
The Bank of England is talking about raising interest rates within 12 months, there is no way the Bank would support this insanity.
If Corbyn wins the leadership, we will get Syriza-style economic policy from him. One of his economic advisers is one of those who advises Syriza. It hardly matters who the Shadow Chancellor is if the policies are rubbish. Noddy would do as well, frankly.
Off topic: this is well-said by our Business Secretary -
I'm not saying anything about her policies, about which I don't know much but simply in terms of political skill.
HM however has demonstrated that the way to live a long time is to keep occupied, get a fair amount of fresh air and exercise and have someone else do the washing up. An example to us all!
I'm not convinced the SNP are that talented either. If they had been then as the SNPers so repeatedly insisted the referendum was winnable then shouldn't they have won the referendum? Why did they lose a referendum we were all told they were going to win?
The SNP don't exist in a vacuum but they might as well, as Scottish Toryism is dead and SLAB is useless and by joining a coalition with the Tories Scottish Liberalism committed Hari Kari. Under the circumstances with no credible Scottish opponents wouldn't almost any other SNP leader have done just as well as Sturgeon?
You are absolutely deluded if you think Davis is viewed by the country as a whole anywhere near as seriously as he was a decade ago, nor anywhere near as seriously as he would be viewed were he in the cabinet now.
Much more domestic responsibility for tax raising and spending will change that.
1: I have been saying we should be bringing in more refugees. Though he's now doing the right thing it shouldn't have taken a media uproar to get there.
2: I've opposed his attempts and stated goal to get immigration down into the tens of thousands - it isn't possible or desirable.
3: I thought attempts to remove purdah were wrong, if we get a good renegotiation and vote for in then we need to not just win the referendum but to settle the issue be seen to do so fairly or this whole ordeal was relatively pointless.
4: He needs to act in Syria. Just because he lost a vote to Miliband years ago is no reason not to go back to Parliament again now. He could have gotten a vote through Parliament during the honeymoon before the recess.
5: For hunting. Seriously is that what we're bothered about in the 21st century? Its over like cockfighting move on.