If this story by the Mail is true then whilst it will make the whole process look even more shambolic it might indicate one of the candidates thinks they can still win with late votes. So whomever is the first to call for a delay might be the one to back.
and these people still try to brazen their way through on their "competence"
they couldn't organise a queue with one person in it.
Just how many ways can Labour show us they can't run a piss up in a brewery let alone run the country?
You can't extrapolate a growth rate over a matter of 21 months to eight years! The people at the end of your dataset only have an employment rate of 39% at the end of your timescale, they still are nowhere near the employment rate of British nationals (around 70-80%). In fact, given the fact that most Somali-born migrants have been here far longer than 21 months, and the average employment rate is still in the 30-40% range, it is clear your trend does not continue.
Except you are still ignoring the fact that 100% of nationalised Germans are steadily employed.
I think your 1/20 money is still safe, TSE. But I wouldn't want to be on at that price.
Not once they give up their jobs to move to the UK. And not for their wives that move with them.
Labour seems to be populated by people with a mental age of six.
We shouldn't discourage them.
Are the 'forces of darkness' trying to take this away from Jezbollah do we think?
Right yes then they'll give up their steady employment and revert to being identical to people arriving who're banned from working when they arrive and legally enforced to long term unemployment.
My wife doesn't work as she looks after our daughter. I didn't realise that was against your philosophy.
But I do like Her Majesty.
Particularly given your view on Caesar.
'they couldn't organise a queue with one person in it.'
Did you forget that Harman was one of the very few ministers that actually got sacked by Blair ?
I think it's safe to say that there will be nothing on offer to keep the UK in the EU.
But rereading on the English Civil War and the Divine Rights of Kings is utter bollocks.
We need a elected Head of State.
It was all they had at the Prague Hilton and served with Czech stout I could literally feel where my oesophagus started next morning..
I'm yet to be convinced that this isn't just The Mail stirring it. If it does happen - and there's good reason for it - then they don't need the evidence, and if it doesn't, then they can always claim that the anonymous contender must have thought twice.
I should have realised your dress sense and failure to understand history were clear signs of degenerate socialism.
'The exchanges between Cameron and Merkel as described by Anthony Seldon are really interesting.'
Who could have guessed that the most effective leader for 'out' would be Merkel
Elections would be held in roller discos.
1) I have never claimed they will revert to being identical to people arriving who're banned from working. I have claimed they will be similar to the overall Somali-born population (of whom only a tiny percentage are within 21 months of having an asylum decision). You still have not provided any evidence that these two groups will be different.
2) Obviously, the employment rate of partners that come over as secondary to the one with the EU passport will affect the total employment rate that we can use to compare to the UK national average.
To be honest, I think this discussion has gone beyond its shelf life, as you are now distracting from your lack of evidence for your claims with aspersions on my motivations or misrepresenting what I have argued. This shall be my last post on the matter.
I'm totally perplexed how Labour members - inc a senior one haven't got theirs yet - there's no need to vet them surely? It's the £3ers that are the most likely to be wags, Greenies and other Trots. Kendall knows she's no chance, so that leaves Cooper/Burnham.
The headline about senior ones is not supported by the article.
The Defense is now trying to argue that overturning Carmichael's election would be terrible because it would compel candidates for election to tell the truth!
Great stuff.
How many times has Labour's leadership election "descended into chaos"? I doubt it has been out of chaos all summer.
Can they become even more feeble? Sadly, the answer is probably 'yes'.
I was thinking more along the lines of someone like Brian Blessed.
I do wonder how Cameron will play this if he has zilch all to play with next year. Perhaps a very luke warm endorsement of the proposals by a sitting PM, with a tacit acceptance that cabinet colleagues can campaign how they like whilst he takes a back seat, might be enough for some floating voters to question it.
I don't really expect us to leave even if we get a 'leave'.
That merit and hard work shall ensure you can get any job you so desire.
Your positions on immigrarion, the EU and the monarchy mark you out more as an orange-book Lib Dem to be honest.
Then again.. you do give it to the French on occassion, which is something.
At least the pies would be good and the Scots delighted to have one of their own enthroned...
If Cooper of Burnham wins, I will be surprised because it will be so different from what the surveys and opinion polls are saying.
But if Corbyn wins, I will still be surprised because the whole idea of someone like him, with his background and lack of relevant experience, becoming Leader of the Opposition, is so overtly preposterous and unthinkable that I just can't imagine it really happening until it actually does.
Then when it doesn't work you can regretfully say how reasonable you were, but [Merkel] was just intransigent so you have to recommend out.
I'm closer to you on Defence than most (whilst disagreeing about a replacement for Trident, as I want that money spent on conventional forces which have been shamefully scaled back)
Lady Thatcher was at her best when she radical and took on the old orthodoxies.
She failed to privatise the Royal Mail because she didn't want to privatise the Queen's head.
Big mistake.
You're not English if you don't sock it to the French on a regular basis in my book.
Besides, if it's a choice between self-identifying as LibDem or Con...
I know which one I'd choose.
"I'd rather have a president who is tough and puts America first than can win a game of Trivial Pursuit."
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/palin-eyes-energy-secretary-job-in-a-trump-administration-213371#ixzz3l3SuDtzS
At some juncture next year, there may be a poll that shows a substantial BOO lead.
At that point, we may find out what our continental cousins really think of us. Cameron may be screaming at them to Offer Something to make us stay in.
From Oxford dictionary :Definition of plan in English:
"A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something"
Does the Labour party have any plans?
No better alternative was offered up before sweeping "reforms" were set in motion. Are we any better off now than we were prior to Labour's vandalism?
To be honest, that fact alone is telling enough to Leave.
Should be thrown out by tea time.
In Germany, it is much more onerous. In particular, you need to have demonstrated that you will not be living off the state. (Compare and contrast with the UK, where - once you have your five years of residency - then so long as you can pass the exam, you're basically home free.)
It is highly likely that the Somalians you reference did not have jobs in the Netherlands. They certainly did not need them to become Dutch citizens.
There are therefore three important differences: Firstly, Syrians in Germany will have been there much longer than Somalis in the Netherlands; Secondly, the Syrians in Germany will need to have been almost continually employed for the last eight years, and therefore are much more likely to have put down roots; Thirdly, there was a very large Somalian population in the UK, and much more generous benefits there than in the Netherlands.
I would be interested to see how many of the 30,000 or so Turks that took German citizenship last year headed off to the UK. My guess would be bugger all.
Why should the Syrians in Germany be different to the Turks?
BTW, isn't it "C'est la vie"?
(I feel unclean at trying to help people with the French language. I think I'll go and take a shower )
The country's PM criticises Berlin for encouraging "millions" more to descend on Europe - and claims many have no case for asylum."
No country has done more to help Europe out of the messes it has got itself into than Britain.