You might expect that the polls for the first month after the Euro-elections would show a drift of support back to the main three Westminster parties, as UKIP and the minor parties receded in media and campaigning prominence. If so, you’d be wrong. The June figures, with changes on May are:
they already prevent EFDD from getting a Vice-President they would deserve using de Hondt.
Hammond confirms yes vote will not stop #QECarriers at #Rosyth: "Contracts already placed and the seal is set on that, whatever happens."
Karl Turner MP @KarlTurnerMP
In honour of @UKLabour legend Dennis Skinner I am delighted to host "An Audience with Dennis Skinner" @OwenJones84 will hopefully compere.
Retweeted by Owen Jones
Salad days, salad days ....
But it turns out they are the party who has gained most support in the last month, even disregarding the 23% TNS
People on here were already casually saying "conservatives have picked up thanks to the ukip collapse..."
Now the polls could very well all be nonsense, but even so...
As is 6 or 7 consecutive 2nd places in by elections across all areas of England for a party with no MPs
As I said earlier, I'm not sure they are right. There might have been a small shift in favour of Labour in early June, and a small shift back recently, but I'm inclined to the view that it is just noise and not much has changed.
That's what he'll be judged on. Presumably they'll give us trade, as Berlin and Brussels supports our efforts to have more trade deals, and yet we won't be in a position to stop centralisation within the EU itself?
He attends lots of European conferences for other clever, well-connected people just like him.
It's just that there are a few precedents that could set the bar quite high. So, for example, the Green Party won an MP at the last GE, so UKIP winning an MP in 2015 wouldn't be unprecedented. Similarly, the Alliance increased their vote by 11.6 percentage points in 1983, so UKIP increasing their vote to 14% in 2015 wouldn't be unprecedented.
In 1906 the Labour Party - contesting only their second general election - increased their Parliamentary representation from 2 seats to 29. Given that UKIP have contested general elections since 1997 an advance to 20-odd seats for UKIP would arguably not be unprecedented - depending on how far back you want to go.
I'm just curious what level of move away from LibLabCon would qualify as unprecedented in Herdson's view.
Well I never ....
Now who does PB know of impeccable pedigree, with a passing knowledge of politics, a sometime resident of the constituency and the full support of the Jacobite empire to fill such a vacancy ?
It's a tricky one ....
If they won a majority with 50% of the vote it would be called disappointing if they had polled 51% in a poll somewhere at some point
In the EU Parliament vote, a PR election, they got 6.6% (2009: 13.7%).
In the local elections they got 11% (2009: 25%).
With those results 8% is the low end of their range, but it's not cuckoo.
the man who is so clever he has cocked up monumentally the student loan scheme. On the bright side maybe he'll bankrupt the EU budget too.
This is merely the cherry on the parfait that is David's usual contribution on Saturday.
I also nominate Hertsmere Pubgoer
As such I regard "baroness" Ashton as a particularly well engineered UK success story.
Why don't we go down the EU tradition of nominating failed prime ministers? Give them Gordon Brown. That'll royally screw 'em and make it look like we are taking them seriously.
They hate us because we're right about globalisation and they are wrong, look at the voices from Europe declaring the death of Anglo Saxon capitalism just before we turned the corner. They would relish our exit, and for that reason I feel like they will try and push for France to get the iinternal markets poaition and as a compromise the Germans will take it.
Bugger ....
And there was I contemplating vast riches to online supporters ....
No matter .... that's £1 12/- 6d saved
I'll be near the finish, possibly going to head to Jenkin Road.
As an aside, it has been great seeing assorted Team and publicity caravan vehicles on the M25 and A1 over the last few days.
The FTPA has removed such media speculation. It has removed the concentration on the general election that would have happened repeatedly by now.
Given that politics and swings in part happen through the prism of the media lens, the change caused by Fixed Term Parliaments to the media could have subconsciously affected the polling without people directly thinking about it.
Mr. Betting, Landale's piece a few days ago about Miliband attacking Cameron was rubbish. There was no show of Cameron's response, for example.
I once accidentally got caught up in one in Belguim and the crowds were huge just to see a peleton go past in a blink of an eye.
Thought Yorkshire folk were more sensible to go mad over something like this. Its not as if its a wholesome sport or event given its past drug history
Why should voters reward them with another coalition?
As a general point, the media piss me off when they have some reporter say "Cameron said X, but Miliband retorted Y". Just bloody show them.
Mr. Away, it may interest you to know that peloton[sp] is German for a firing squad.
Must... have... football...
(pres de Sheffield!)
Nothing more
Petra is a fighter not a Kvitova?
Hope Bouchard wins. And Federer.
There is an air of protesteth too much about the whole hysteria. Like most hysteria as it goes.