It's become pretty damn clear that the Tories now have far more votes on their right than on their left. At what point do they wake up to this, stop fiddling round the edges, and start embracing some properly conservative positions:
- Start getting tough with Europe. Demand an upper limit on immigration from the EU in any one year. If we don't get it, argue for Better Off Out. - Proper action on wrong doers. Double prison sentences for violent crime and home burglaries, and get rid of concurrent sentencing. - Finally enact that British Bill of Rights, including requiring warrants or probably cause for government searches, a British court to examine evidence before extradition and stopping companies storing our personal communications without permission. - Get rid of these ridiculous bans on free speech for social media and real life. Just because we don't like an opinion doesn't mean we should ban it unless its an ongoing campaign of harassment against someone specific.
Either Baroness Hogg, Patience Wheatcroft, Diane Coyle or Marjorie Scardino
Sarah's already been a Deputy Governor, so doubt she'd want to do it again Albert Scardino is pretty ill right now, so doubt Majorie is up for more than hanging out in Savannah
A 4.5% swing from Con to UKIP on this showing would make UKIP the second largest party - seems not impossible if the Euros give UKIP enough of a media hit. That'd really mess with the "only X can beat Y" leaflets by all parties.
It's become pretty damn clear that the Tories now have far more votes on their right than on their left. At what point do they wake up to this, stop fiddling round the edges, and start embracing some properly conservative positions:
- Start getting tough with Europe. Demand an upper limit on immigration from the EU in any one year. If we don't get it, argue for Better Off Out. - Proper action on wrong doers. Double prison sentences for violent crime and home burglaries, and get rid of concurrent sentencing. - Finally enact that British Bill of Rights, including requiring warrants or probably cause for government searches, a British court to examine evidence before extradition and stopping companies storing our personal communications without permission.
Do you think any of those 'demands' possible while in coalition with the LDs/
Azerbaijan gives the Ruskies 12 points and lots of booing.
Almost unfortunate to the Russian entry that they were very good - they'll probably get quite a lot of points from many, not just the traditional bloc, and the booing is bound to get to them eventually.
It's become pretty damn clear that the Tories now have far more votes on their right than on their left. At what point do they wake up to this, stop fiddling round the edges, and start embracing some properly conservative positions:
- Start getting tough with Europe. Demand an upper limit on immigration from the EU in any one year. If we don't get it, argue for Better Off Out. - Proper action on wrong doers. Double prison sentences for violent crime and home burglaries, and get rid of concurrent sentencing. - Finally enact that British Bill of Rights, including requiring warrants or probably cause for government searches, a British court to examine evidence before extradition and stopping companies storing our personal communications without permission. - Get rid of these ridiculous bans on free speech for social media and real life. Just because we don't like an opinion doesn't mean we should ban it unless its an ongoing campaign of harassment against someone specific.
The Tories tried marching off to the right in 2005. They ended up in a wilderness.
It's become pretty damn clear that the Tories now have far more votes on their right than on their left. At what point do they wake up to this, stop fiddling round the edges, and start embracing some properly conservative positions:
- Start getting tough with Europe. Demand an upper limit on immigration from the EU in any one year. If we don't get it, argue for Better Off Out. - Proper action on wrong doers. Double prison sentences for violent crime and home burglaries, and get rid of concurrent sentencing. - Finally enact that British Bill of Rights, including requiring warrants or probably cause for government searches, a British court to examine evidence before extradition and stopping companies storing our personal communications without permission. - Get rid of these ridiculous bans on free speech for social media and real life. Just because we don't like an opinion doesn't mean we should ban it unless its an ongoing campaign of harassment against someone specific.
The Tories tried marching off to the right in 2005. They ended up in a wilderness.
Nope, they tried fighting Blair and their own wrecked reputation which was always going to be a losing battle at that point.
It's become pretty damn clear that the Tories now have far more votes on their right than on their left. At what point do they wake up to this, stop fiddling round the edges, and start embracing some properly conservative positions:
- Start getting tough with Europe. Demand an upper limit on immigration from the EU in any one year. If we don't get it, argue for Better Off Out. - Proper action on wrong doers. Double prison sentences for violent crime and home burglaries, and get rid of concurrent sentencing. - Finally enact that British Bill of Rights, including requiring warrants or probably cause for government searches, a British court to examine evidence before extradition and stopping companies storing our personal communications without permission.
Do you think any of those 'demands' possible while in coalition with the LDs/
It is not possible to change the immigration from the EU, while remaining in the EU.
Freedom of Labour is one of the four 'pillars' that underpins the EU. It will not be removed.
It is possible - however unlikely - that we might negotiate an exemption from the CAP. Where our farmers would not receive EU payments, and they would be the responsibility of the UK. In return, the UK government would not pay the 42% of its 'fees' that relate to the CAP.
But it is not possible to remove freedom of movement.
Either Baroness Hogg, Patience Wheatcroft, Diane Coyle or Marjorie Scardino
Sarah's already been a Deputy Governor, so doubt she'd want to do it again Albert Scardino is pretty ill right now, so doubt Majorie is up for more than hanging out in Savannah
I'd go with Patience.
Does she still have a column in the Times ?
As its not freely online anymore the only way of reading the Times is at a supermarket.
A question: let's assume that UKIP does better than anyone (other than MikeK) anticipates in 2015, and secures 55 seats. Together with the Conservatives 280 odd, that gives a workable majority (and no other combination is remotely possible, so assume Libs 25 or so).
There is a UKIP/Con inspired EU referendum in 2016, with individuals in the Conservative Party allowed to campaign as they wish.
Either Baroness Hogg, Patience Wheatcroft, Diane Coyle or Marjorie Scardino
Sarah's already been a Deputy Governor, so doubt she'd want to do it again Albert Scardino is pretty ill right now, so doubt Majorie is up for more than hanging out in Savannah
I'd go with Patience.
Of course in all likelihood its SamCam who wants a female head of the BBC not Dave.
Is this a hot conversation topic at Notting Hill dinner parties at present ?
At least its less dangerous than last year's 'Bomb Syria' madness and less idiotic than, albeit somewhat echoey of, the 'Golden Skirts' of 2012.
A question: let's assume that UKIP does better than anyone (other than MikeK) anticipates in 2015, and secures 55 seats. Together with the Conservatives 280 odd, that gives a workable majority (and no other combination is remotely possible, so assume Libs 25 or so).
There is a UKIP/Con inspired EU referendum in 2016, with individuals in the Conservative Party allowed to campaign as they wish.
The referendum result comes in 55/45 to stay in.
Does the Con/UKIP coalition last?
What happens then?
You're a businessman, Smithson jr., how about the following scenario?
Tories (to UKIP): We'll offer an In/Out referendum in the coalition deal.
UKIP: F*ck off! You're committed to such a referendum anyway. Those adverts on PB say so. Offer us something you're not obliged to do anyway.
Would be mildly interesting to see whose points tally was the most evenly distributed across the continent. Comes across as a bit odd when one or two of the frontrunners get nothing from one country.
Given the ever closing gap between UKIP and the conservatives I feel it is the right time to pose this question
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
On my postal ballot I'm informed that the Conservative Party stands for 'Real change in Europe'.
Perhaps one of the Conservative cheerleaders here could give explain what that means and why the present Conservative MEPs haven't already achieved this 'real change'.
I don't know if I count as a cheerleader, but I do notice that UKIP have been running ads saying they've had 'enough of open door immigration'. So perhaps some of the Kipperish Conservatives' critics could explain why the current UKIP MEPs, such as Nigel Farage, haven't already stopped it. (To be fair, what with defections and jail sentences, I suppose they could argue they haven't been on full form, but even so..)
Given the ever closing gap between UKIP and the conservatives I feel it is the right time to pose this question
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
Sure, if UKIP agrees to sensible policies, such as an In/Out referendum. Why not? Parties are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
My gripe with UKIP is that they are deliberately sabotaging what they claim to want. Either they are bonkers, or they don't actually want it. Or both, I suppose.
A question: let's assume that UKIP does better than anyone (other than MikeK) anticipates in 2015, and secures 55 seats. Together with the Conservatives 280 odd, that gives a workable majority (and no other combination is remotely possible, so assume Libs 25 or so).
There is a UKIP/Con inspired EU referendum in 2016, with individuals in the Conservative Party allowed to campaign as they wish.
The referendum result comes in 55/45 to stay in.
Does the Con/UKIP coalition last?
What happens then?
You're a businessman, Smithson jr., how about the following scenario?
Tories (to UKIP): We'll offer an In/Out referendum in the coalition deal.
UKIP: F*ck off! You're committed to such a referendum anyway. Those adverts on PB say so. Offer us something you're not obliged to do anyway.
Tories: Leaving the EU without a referendum?
UKIP: It's a deal!
The Conservative Party will not leave the EU without a referendum because there would be at least 25 of my hypothetical 280 Conservative MPs would vote against it - either because they themselves opposed exit, or because they believed the political fall-out from not offering a referendum would be too great.
You would need UKIP with at least 250 MPs, not 50, to achieve that goal. And even there, if - say - UKIP had secured only 33% of the popular vote, it would be difficult given that is hardly a mandate to implement a change of that magnitude. Many UKIP supporters, like Richard Tyndall, believe that exit requires a referendum, so you may even get a few MPs uncomfortable with your proposal.
Given the ever closing gap between UKIP and the conservatives I feel it is the right time to pose this question
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
Sure, if UKIP agrees to sensible policies, such as an In/Out referendum. Why not? Parties are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
My gripe with UKIP is that they are deliberately sabotaging what they claim to want. Either they are bonkers, or they don't actually want it. Or both, I suppose.
Given the ever closing gap between UKIP and the conservatives I feel it is the right time to pose this question
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
Sure, if UKIP agrees to sensible policies, such as an In/Out referendum. Why not? Parties are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
My gripe with UKIP is that they are deliberately sabotaging what they claim to want. Either they are bonkers, or they don't actually want it. Or both, I suppose.
Or they believe they will eventually get what they want somehow (their strength of belief is, after all, very strong), so it's not worth the price of a Cameron government to get it sooner, even if he can be trusted on it.
Given the ever closing gap between UKIP and the conservatives I feel it is the right time to pose this question
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
I won't, because I think Farage would be a truly dreadful Prime Minister.
can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out
I have never said that.
A vote for UKIP is a vote for Miliband, but that is your choice, not mine.
I won't, because I think Farage would be a truly dreadful Prime Minister.
Of course he would, but, in a forced choice of Farage vs a Labour PM, it would obviously depend:
Farage vs Mandelson: Mandelson Farage vs Darling: Darling Farage vs Brown: Farage, probably, not sure Farage vs Balls: Balls Farage vs Miliband: Dunno, tricky one, probably Farage.
But why the angst? We currently have, excluding Maggie, the best PM for half a century. It's a no-brainer.
Given the ever closing gap between UKIP and the conservatives I feel it is the right time to pose this question
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
Sure, if UKIP agrees to sensible policies, such as an In/Out referendum. Why not? Parties are a means to an end, not an end in themselves.
My gripe with UKIP is that they are deliberately sabotaging what they claim to want. Either they are bonkers, or they don't actually want it. Or both, I suppose.
What have sensible policies got to do with it? You vote conservative after all and they have no policies worth a damn.
UKIP from what I can see want a balanced referendum. The likelihood of Cameron delivering anything like an in / out referendum with a reasonable balance on both sides of the question are slightly less than me going to bed tonight and finding a super model in it.
Cameron is a spiv, a liar and slightly less trustworthy than your average shyster. He is an authoritarian big state spendthrift with tendencies to social democracy. While he stays and the conservatives remain a continuation of new labour you deserve nothing more than the voter abandonment you are experiencing
A question: let's assume that UKIP does better than anyone (other than MikeK) anticipates in 2015, and secures 55 seats. Together with the Conservatives 280 odd, that gives a workable majority (and no other combination is remotely possible, so assume Libs 25 or so).
There is a UKIP/Con inspired EU referendum in 2016, with individuals in the Conservative Party allowed to campaign as they wish.
The referendum result comes in 55/45 to stay in.
Does the Con/UKIP coalition last?
What happens then?
You're a businessman, Smithson jr., how about the following scenario?
Tories (to UKIP): We'll offer an In/Out referendum in the coalition deal.
UKIP: F*ck off! You're committed to such a referendum anyway. Those adverts on PB say so. Offer us something you're not obliged to do anyway.
Tories: Leaving the EU without a referendum?
UKIP: It's a deal!
The Conservative Party will not leave the EU without a referendum because there would be at least 25 of my hypothetical 280 Conservative MPs would vote against it - either because they themselves opposed exit, or because they believed the political fall-out from not offering a referendum would be too great.
You would need UKIP with at least 250 MPs, not 50, to achieve that goal. And even there, if - say - UKIP had secured only 33% of the popular vote, it would be difficult given that is hardly a mandate to implement a change of that magnitude. Many UKIP supporters, like Richard Tyndall, believe that exit requires a referendum, so you may even get a few MPs uncomfortable with your proposal.
If a week is a long time in politics, what about 49 weeks? A lot can change in a year and if UKIP come top in the EU elections in 12 days; it's all to play for. Just to stir it I had a dream that UKIP would get 88 seats in 2015. My dream and most PBers nightmare. Oh well.
A question: let's assume that UKIP does better than anyone (other than MikeK) anticipates in 2015, and secures 55 seats. Together with the Conservatives 280 odd, that gives a workable majority (and no other combination is remotely possible, so assume Libs 25 or so).
There is a UKIP/Con inspired EU referendum in 2016, with individuals in the Conservative Party allowed to campaign as they wish.
The referendum result comes in 55/45 to stay in.
Does the Con/UKIP coalition last?
What happens then?
About seat predictions you can try to use the constituency polls as a proxy, BBC exit polls use 100 representative constituency polls to predict seats, 13 constituency polls have been published so far, its a challenge. I may try to do the numbers tommorow based on those.
Really didn't think the Austrian entry was that great, to be honest.
It wasn't, but ticked all the right boxes for Western European eurovision watchers.
If the song has nothing to do with the result, why not rename it Eurofreak contest?
50% of the vote is based on the song, and 25% on local politics and 25% is for what the artist/country represents/fun factor
Quite so. Far from the first time the best song has not won, but people voted for it for other reasons (presentation, etc).
On topic, many Tories remain very complacent that UKIPers will eventually, in enough numbers, return to the fold for the GE. I don;t think enough will return for a Tory win to be feasible, but at what point will the Tory supporters really start to panic if the UKIP poll share does not appear to be dropping fast enough?
can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out
I have never said that.
A vote for UKIP is a vote for Miliband, but that is your choice, not mine.
Your implication is that a vote for ukip takes one from the tories. If ukip are in the lead in the polls then the boot is on the other foot and it is the conservatives taking the victory away. This is going by your arguments not mine.
Personally I pointed out that if people vote ukip and not conservatives that the only people to blame is the conservative party for not being worth voting for. Something they demonstrate admirably day after day. They have even managed to turn Taffys away now
*Innocent face*
Do they have their own panels, or do they subcontract that to a third party?
Talking of getting things over and done with, Eurovision is getting to the point where a burst spleen would be more entertaining...
- Start getting tough with Europe. Demand an upper limit on immigration from the EU in any one year. If we don't get it, argue for Better Off Out.
- Proper action on wrong doers. Double prison sentences for violent crime and home burglaries, and get rid of concurrent sentencing.
- Finally enact that British Bill of Rights, including requiring warrants or probably cause for government searches, a British court to examine evidence before extradition and stopping companies storing our personal communications without permission.
- Get rid of these ridiculous bans on free speech for social media and real life. Just because we don't like an opinion doesn't mean we should ban it unless its an ongoing campaign of harassment against someone specific.
Either Baroness Hogg, Patience Wheatcroft, Diane Coyle or Marjorie Scardino
Sarah's already been a Deputy Governor, so doubt she'd want to do it again
Albert Scardino is pretty ill right now, so doubt Majorie is up for more than hanging out in Savannah
I'd go with Patience.
DAF is a technical term used in the City. Stands for "Dodgy as F..."
Freedom of Labour is one of the four 'pillars' that underpins the EU. It will not be removed.
It is possible - however unlikely - that we might negotiate an exemption from the CAP. Where our farmers would not receive EU payments, and they would be the responsibility of the UK. In return, the UK government would not pay the 42% of its 'fees' that relate to the CAP.
But it is not possible to remove freedom of movement.
As its not freely online anymore the only way of reading the Times is at a supermarket.
(21% 2010 Con, 21% 2010 LD)
page 8
UKIP get 20% of the white vote, 8% of the non-white.
There is a UKIP/Con inspired EU referendum in 2016, with individuals in the Conservative Party allowed to campaign as they wish.
The referendum result comes in 55/45 to stay in.
Does the Con/UKIP coalition last?
What happens then?
Is this a hot conversation topic at Notting Hill dinner parties at present ?
At least its less dangerous than last year's 'Bomb Syria' madness and less idiotic than, albeit somewhat echoey of, the 'Golden Skirts' of 2012.
Ex-bank boss Paul Flowers is caught on video snorting drugs until 8am just days before he told a court he is ‘remorseful and dealing with this issue’
Becoming a two horse race at the top.
Tories (to UKIP): We'll offer an In/Out referendum in the coalition deal.
UKIP: F*ck off! You're committed to such a referendum anyway. Those adverts on PB say so. Offer us something you're not obliged to do anyway.
Tories: Leaving the EU without a referendum?
UKIP: It's a deal!
Sweden dropping back sharply for some reason
11% of UKIP voters could change their Westminster vote for Cons in 2015.
Should the unlikely happen and UKIP overtake the conservatives in the GE polling and stay there can Mssr's Nabavi, ScottP etc all assure us now, given that they have been telling us all for weeks that we should vote for a party we despise in its current form and have little in common with in order to keep Milibrand and labour out, that they will indeed practice what they preach and hold their nose while putting a tick in the UKIP box?
On my postal ballot I'm informed that the Conservative Party stands for 'Real change in Europe'.
Perhaps one of the Conservative cheerleaders here could give explain what that means and why the present Conservative MEPs haven't already achieved this 'real change'.
I don't know if I count as a cheerleader, but I do notice that UKIP have been running ads saying they've had 'enough of open door immigration'. So perhaps some of the Kipperish Conservatives' critics could explain why the current UKIP MEPs, such as Nigel Farage, haven't already stopped it. (To be fair, what with defections and jail sentences, I suppose they could argue they haven't been on full form, but even so..)
My gripe with UKIP is that they are deliberately sabotaging what they claim to want. Either they are bonkers, or they don't actually want it. Or both, I suppose.
You would need UKIP with at least 250 MPs, not 50, to achieve that goal. And even there, if - say - UKIP had secured only 33% of the popular vote, it would be difficult given that is hardly a mandate to implement a change of that magnitude. Many UKIP supporters, like Richard Tyndall, believe that exit requires a referendum, so you may even get a few MPs uncomfortable with your proposal.
Incidentally, are UKIP still keen on referendums, or are they frit of those now? In 2010, they claimed to be very keen:
A vote for UKIP is a vote for Miliband, but that is your choice, not mine.
Farage vs Mandelson: Mandelson
Farage vs Darling: Darling
Farage vs Brown: Farage, probably, not sure
Farage vs Balls: Balls
Farage vs Miliband: Dunno, tricky one, probably Farage.
But why the angst? We currently have, excluding Maggie, the best PM for half a century. It's a no-brainer.
Eurovision thing is completely bonkers. LOL
UKIP 32% (+1)
Labour 28% (n/c)
Conservatives 21% (-4)
Liberal Dems 9% (+3)
What have sensible policies got to do with it? You vote conservative after all and they have no policies worth a damn.
UKIP from what I can see want a balanced referendum. The likelihood of Cameron delivering anything like an in / out referendum with a reasonable balance on both sides of the question are slightly less than me going to bed tonight and finding a super model in it.
Cameron is a spiv, a liar and slightly less trustworthy than your average shyster. He is an authoritarian big state spendthrift with tendencies to social democracy. While he stays and the conservatives remain a continuation of new labour you deserve nothing more than the voter abandonment you are experiencing
You do not deserve to win in 2015 end of story
Just to stir it I had a dream that UKIP would get 88 seats in 2015. My dream and most PBers nightmare. Oh well.
On topic, many Tories remain very complacent that UKIPers will eventually, in enough numbers, return to the fold for the GE. I don;t think enough will return for a Tory win to be feasible, but at what point will the Tory supporters really start to panic if the UKIP poll share does not appear to be dropping fast enough?
Personally I pointed out that if people vote ukip and not conservatives that the only people to blame is the conservative party for not being worth voting for. Something they demonstrate admirably day after day. They have even managed to turn Taffys away now