Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Until the Federation a la Star Trek I presume
Until they attempt to break with their home groups - like the 13 colonies. A Mars colony attempting become self-sufficient would be the ultimate in command economy resource management. And that kind of struggle with imprint itself of the future nature of any society that evolves from any groups that survives.
I'd be happier promoting Mars colonies if we actually knew how low-gravity affects gestation in larger animals.
Partial gravity experiments have been studiously avoided by NASA for decades. The reasons are complicated, but come down to organisational politics/personal views of a small number of people. Rather like the slow motion disaster that is the space suit division.
AIUI, a big reason for the module's late cancellation was questions of how vibrations from the large centrifuge would affect long-term zero-G experiments in the rest of the ISS.
The point was made earlier about problems with gestation in different gravity situations. Unless a colony's members can reproduce themselves then it's surely not a 'colony' but some sort of 'outstation'. I don't think human reproduction has ever been tried in Antarctica, has it. At least, not to full term.
If anything goes wrong, it's a hell of a long way to Argentina/Chile....
Even further back from Mars! Seriously, I know a child was born to one of the Pilgrim Mothers fairly soon after arrival but was was the neonatal death rate compared with England. For the first five years or so, anyway. Anyone know?
This is basically just get the UK/Japan/Italy to pay for NGAD because Boeing or Lockmart would have to be the prime. P&W would expect, with some justification, to get the propulsion because the inevitable GE/RR consortium can't match their awesome lobbying power.
Like that's going to happen after the way Trump has behaved recently. If they really are asking to be part of the program (which I somewhat doubt), their lobbying power would be somewhat limited compared to what it would be domestically.
Let them be a customer of the platform and rely on BAE for maintenance...
One thing we do need to do, is pull a Germany.
That is, claim that we are ordering an absurd number of aircraft, to get workshare. Then reduce the number, later. And threaten to collapse the project unless we keep the workshare.
Germany did this for both Tornado and Eurofighter.
See also Indonesia with the Korean KF-21. And Israel with the F35 (although that was over software autonomy).
Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Within the forseeable future the chances of there being an 'off world colony' more than a human presence of a few people at most for a matter of days is close to zero. And at just the point when the realise that it would be nice to be home for tea and watch a bit of football on the telly, it will dawn on them that the journey back is not simple.
I don't actually think so.
We (humans) could establish a moon base with permanent occupation with current technology. It would be a bit harder than ISS, but not much.
Thanks. I shall wait and see.
SFAICS most of the excitable talk is about Mars colonies; with the idea of habitation of a permanent sort. Whether moon or Mars similar problems arise - the major technical ones; and the human ones of living for long in an environment utterly hostile to everything you were evolved to manage, and socially detached from what gives you meaning. Like tickling the grandchild's toes.
"O world, Your loves, your chances, are beyond the stretch Of any hand from here!"
The first step is getting the cost down to get there and back.
If moon missions are 10 billion, once every two years, you’re not going to get more than flags and footprints. Again.
We’ve seen an explosion (ha!) of orbital space usage, driven by reduced costs.
Extraterrestrial colonies are a whole different ball game to research outposts. Hell, we don't even have colonies on Antarctica, let alone the moon or Mars.
Both Chile and Argentina have small civilian "towns" which include facilities such as schools. I'm not sure how long people actually live there though, they are presumably on some sort of rotation
Do you Labour have a byelection guru they can send in?
There's plenty of positive things for them to talk about were they willing to do so consistently and repeatedly, starting with NHS waiting lists. And lots of stats are due out between now and the byelection date, so it needs a ground operation.
When do we expect the byelection to be?
Interesting that the LDs have nearly doubled in that by election poll and challenging the Tories for 3rd since the GE. You would expect them to be squeezed to nothing.
As I said a few days ago, there will be plenty of centre and left wing voters about with good reasons not to vote Labour, now they're in charge, and asking people to return a Labour MP to add to the hundreds they already have isn't a very persuasive pitch, anyway. The big card Labour had, of being the change, has gone now that people can see it for real.
Yep. I commented similarly yesterday (I think it was yesterday, great minds eh). I was convinced this was a Reform walk over until their recent troubles. Now we have the 3 leading parties in this by election that many don't want to vote for. An opportunity for LDs/Greens?
I assumed initially the LDs would get squeezed to oblivion in this by election. Now not so sure and wonder if it is worth them putting in an effort. If it is not on local election day (which I assume it will be) it would have been worth a go to get a good result.
The white working class Leave demographics of Runcorn make it a Reform v Labour fight.
Reform need Tory tactical votes and Labour LD and Green tactical votes.
So the better the LDs do there the better for Farage and Reform too
Don't disagree with any of that.
I was just wondering whether the LDs should put in an effort to get a good result rather than the votes from a small taxi, but agree if they did it would boost Reform's chances of winning, by taking votes from Labour.
If on local election day I can't see the LDs bothering.
There are only two feasible settings for the by-election: Reform win because not enough of the 70% who reject them gang up to vote Labour, as Labour are not popular enough.
Or Labour win because enough LDs/Tories/Greens lend them their votes, as they hate Reform enough and Labour are OK enough.
The million to one outsider is that everyone but Reform voters agree on votiong LD because it'sa by-election.
I think Labour will win; and if Reform win it will be a bad day.
Sorry, but you weren't under the impression I was predicting a LD win were you? I don't wish to be identified as the PB idiot. I was distinguishing between a taxi load of votes (which you would expect when being squeezed in this type of by election) or actually getting a respectable vote because of reasons as discussed and shown in that by election poll
I expect the average LD member is more likely to have been to Tuscany than 2 Pints Runcorn. Would they even be able to find it on a map? No Gails for a cappuccino and pastry break either at most they might get a Greggs sausage roll (presumably half of them would want the vegan option?)
Oh do behave HYUFD. As it happens, there isn't a Gail's in Frodsham (I've just checked) but it's exactly the sort of place you'd expect to find one. The nearest Gail's is at the Cheshire Oaks retail park just down the M56.
And there's plenty of Tory voters in this neck of the wood who very much would prefer Starmer to Farage, particularly, I'd suggest, with Farage's disappointing recent ambivalence in his positioning on Trump and on Ukraine. But I do think you're right that most of these will continue to vote Tory anyway.
I'd also add that the one voter I properly know from the Runcorn bit of the seat is a retired teacher and is a middle class Guardian-and-organic-food lefty. The stereotype of the seat is rarely the whole story, nor even the main part of it.
This is basically just get the UK/Japan/Italy to pay for NGAD because Boeing or Lockmart would have to be the prime. P&W would expect, with some justification, to get the propulsion because the inevitable GE/RR consortium can't match their awesome lobbying power.
Like that's going to happen after the way Trump has behaved recently. If they really are asking to be part of the program (which I somewhat doubt), their lobbying power would be somewhat limited compared to what it would be domestically.
Let them be a customer of the platform and rely on BAE for maintenance...
One thing we do need to do, is pull a Germany.
That is, claim that we are ordering an absurd number of aircraft, to get workshare. Then reduce the number, later. And threaten to collapse the project unless we keep the workshare.
Germany did this for both Tornado and Eurofighter.
Surprising that the Germans haven't been included in the 6th gen project, isn't it?
Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Within the forseeable future the chances of there being an 'off world colony' more than a human presence of a few people at most for a matter of days is close to zero. And at just the point when the realise that it would be nice to be home for tea and watch a bit of football on the telly, it will dawn on them that the journey back is not simple.
I don't actually think so.
We (humans) could establish a moon base with permanent occupation with current technology. It would be a bit harder than ISS, but not much.
Thanks. I shall wait and see.
SFAICS most of the excitable talk is about Mars colonies; with the idea of habitation of a permanent sort. Whether moon or Mars similar problems arise - the major technical ones; and the human ones of living for long in an environment utterly hostile to everything you were evolved to manage, and socially detached from what gives you meaning. Like tickling the grandchild's toes.
"O world, Your loves, your chances, are beyond the stretch Of any hand from here!"
The first step is getting the cost down to get there and back.
If moon missions are 10 billion, once every two years, you’re not going to get more than flags and footprints. Again.
We’ve seen an explosion (ha!) of orbital space usage, driven by reduced costs.
Extraterrestrial colonies are a whole different ball game to research outposts. Hell, we don't even have colonies on Antarctica, let alone the moon or Mars.
The lack of mining towns on Antarctica is likely due to treaty rather than tech.
Probably right. The ability for the oil and gas industry to operate at vast pressures in ultra-deep water suggests that minus 50 degrees temperatures can be managed.
I am. But pleased, because I haven't put any money on Labour yet and hopefully this will push their price out further. I'm still expecting a Labour win.
I can only find one "by party" graph in the poll - support for sending troops to Ukraine. Reform UK out of line, as per the current usual.
I'd be interested to know which factions in Ref UK constitute the 20% difference. Commentary I have seen (TBF: social media of various types) suggests that they will be thinking "send the to the channel to stop the boats".
There has to first be a peace deal to enforce between Russia and Ukraine and second Russia would have to accept British peacekeeping troops none of which applies at present
Depressing that people are seriously defending the idea Russia should have a veto on what happens within a sovereign neighbouring country.
Well no ceasefire then as it takes Russian agreement too for any ceasefire
Meanwhile Russia Hoovers up Kursk and marches for Kyiv. If Trump set Ukraine up for a ceasefire it looks like it has back fired, and instead he foolishly stacked the cards against them for a defeat
Kursk is part of Russia.
It hadn't been for a while until Trump became President.
You have to wonder if the Ukrainians have been told to get out of Kursk if they don't want things to get nastier, the Americans having seen the Ukrainian presence there as a real sticking point in any peace negotiations (in that Putin would have to make significant concessions for its return).
Do you really believe Trump's analysis is that sophisticated? Putin perhaps just sent Trump the golden shower video link as a reminder to follow his orders.
Another US aviation incident, as a plane is forced to land with engine trouble and bursts into flames while passengers stand on the wing. Boeing yet again.
That Runcorn poll is actually strategically handy for Labour. 40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance. Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
This is basically just get the UK/Japan/Italy to pay for NGAD because Boeing or Lockmart would have to be the prime. P&W would expect, with some justification, to get the propulsion because the inevitable GE/RR consortium can't match their awesome lobbying power.
Like that's going to happen after the way Trump has behaved recently. If they really are asking to be part of the program (which I somewhat doubt), their lobbying power would be somewhat limited compared to what it would be domestically.
Let them be a customer of the platform and rely on BAE for maintenance...
One thing we do need to do, is pull a Germany.
That is, claim that we are ordering an absurd number of aircraft, to get workshare. Then reduce the number, later. And threaten to collapse the project unless we keep the workshare.
Germany did this for both Tornado and Eurofighter.
Surprising that the Germans haven't been included in the 6th gen project, isn't it?
They all started off in ETAP in the mists of pre-history (early noughties). Then the core Airbus nations (France, Germany, Spain) wanted Airbus as the prime on the manned element and the non-Airbus nations (UK, Italy and at the time Sweden) didn't so it split into two underfunded 6th gen programs - GCAP & FCAS. Pragmatism may overcome pride at some point forcing a re-merger.
E2A: GCAP (UK, Italy and Japan) would take Germany in without hesitation because a) they need the money and b) it would collapse the competing FCAS program.
Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Until the Federation a la Star Trek I presume
Until they attempt to break with their home groups - like the 13 colonies. A Mars colony attempting become self-sufficient would be the ultimate in command economy resource management. And that kind of struggle with imprint itself of the future nature of any society that evolves from any groups that survives.
I'd be happier promoting Mars colonies if we actually knew how low-gravity affects gestation in larger animals.
Partial gravity experiments have been studiously avoided by NASA for decades. The reasons are complicated, but come down to organisational politics/personal views of a small number of people. Rather like the slow motion disaster that is the space suit division.
AIUI, a big reason for the module's late cancellation was questions of how vibrations from the large centrifuge would affect long-term zero-G experiments in the rest of the ISS.
The point was made earlier about problems with gestation in different gravity situations. Unless a colony's members can reproduce themselves then it's surely not a 'colony' but some sort of 'outstation'. I don't think human reproduction has ever been tried in Antarctica, has it. At least, not to full term.
If anything goes wrong, it's a hell of a long way to Argentina/Chile....
Even further back from Mars! Seriously, I know a child was born to one of the Pilgrim Mothers fairly soon after arrival but was was the neonatal death rate compared with England. For the first five years or so, anyway. Anyone know?
Talking of strange colonies, Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project was a proto-Soviet factory town in the heart of New Mexico, as far removed as possible from the American idyll it was designed to protect. It's still quite well preserved as an historic site, and as by-way to an alternate universe that wasn't taken.
Ironically quite a few actual Soviets living there..
Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Within the forseeable future the chances of there being an 'off world colony' more than a human presence of a few people at most for a matter of days is close to zero. And at just the point when the realise that it would be nice to be home for tea and watch a bit of football on the telly, it will dawn on them that the journey back is not simple.
I don't actually think so.
We (humans) could establish a moon base with permanent occupation with current technology. It would be a bit harder than ISS, but not much.
Thanks. I shall wait and see.
SFAICS most of the excitable talk is about Mars colonies; with the idea of habitation of a permanent sort. Whether moon or Mars similar problems arise - the major technical ones; and the human ones of living for long in an environment utterly hostile to everything you were evolved to manage, and socially detached from what gives you meaning. Like tickling the grandchild's toes.
"O world, Your loves, your chances, are beyond the stretch Of any hand from here!"
The first step is getting the cost down to get there and back.
If moon missions are 10 billion, once every two years, you’re not going to get more than flags and footprints. Again.
We’ve seen an explosion (ha!) of orbital space usage, driven by reduced costs.
Extraterrestrial colonies are a whole different ball game to research outposts. Hell, we don't even have colonies on Antarctica, let alone the moon or Mars.
The lack of mining towns on Antarctica is likely due to treaty rather than tech.
Yup - even the scientific facilities are limited, these days, by the idea of leaving as little permanent changes as possible. Apart from nations like Chile and Argentina - which are obsessed with trying to get mineral extraction going in Antartica, though blocked by the treaties.
Do you Labour have a byelection guru they can send in?
There's plenty of positive things for them to talk about were they willing to do so consistently and repeatedly, starting with NHS waiting lists. And lots of stats are due out between now and the byelection date, so it needs a ground operation.
When do we expect the byelection to be?
Interesting that the LDs have nearly doubled in that by election poll and challenging the Tories for 3rd since the GE. You would expect them to be squeezed to nothing.
As I said a few days ago, there will be plenty of centre and left wing voters about with good reasons not to vote Labour, now they're in charge, and asking people to return a Labour MP to add to the hundreds they already have isn't a very persuasive pitch, anyway. The big card Labour had, of being the change, has gone now that people can see it for real.
Yep. I commented similarly yesterday (I think it was yesterday, great minds eh). I was convinced this was a Reform walk over until their recent troubles. Now we have the 3 leading parties in this by election that many don't want to vote for. An opportunity for LDs/Greens?
I assumed initially the LDs would get squeezed to oblivion in this by election. Now not so sure and wonder if it is worth them putting in an effort. If it is not on local election day (which I assume it will be) it would have been worth a go to get a good result.
The white working class Leave demographics of Runcorn make it a Reform v Labour fight.
Reform need Tory tactical votes and Labour LD and Green tactical votes.
So the better the LDs do there the better for Farage and Reform too
Don't disagree with any of that.
I was just wondering whether the LDs should put in an effort to get a good result rather than the votes from a small taxi, but agree if they did it would boost Reform's chances of winning, by taking votes from Labour.
If on local election day I can't see the LDs bothering.
There are only two feasible settings for the by-election: Reform win because not enough of the 70% who reject them gang up to vote Labour, as Labour are not popular enough.
Or Labour win because enough LDs/Tories/Greens lend them their votes, as they hate Reform enough and Labour are OK enough.
The million to one outsider is that everyone but Reform voters agree on votiong LD because it'sa by-election.
I think Labour will win; and if Reform win it will be a bad day.
Sorry, but you weren't under the impression I was predicting a LD win were you? I don't wish to be identified as the PB idiot. I was distinguishing between a taxi load of votes (which you would expect when being squeezed in this type of by election) or actually getting a respectable vote because of reasons as discussed and shown in that by election poll
I expect the average LD member is more likely to have been to Tuscany than 2 Pints Runcorn. Would they even be able to find it on a map? No Gails for a cappuccino and pastry break either at most they might get a Greggs sausage roll (presumably half of them would want the vegan option?)
I’m a LD member and have been to Runcorn several times. There is a substantial petrochemicals industry there.
A seemingly disproportionate number of Lib Dem members in my experience are geography graduates and have a good grasp of where things are on the map.
That Runcorn poll is actually strategically handy for Labour. 40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance. Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
Trump: Drug dealers. There is a problem the Netherlands does not have. The Netherlands never had this problem. I could deliver some nice people to the Netherlands.
That Runcorn poll is actually strategically handy for Labour. 40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance. Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
The Tory vote can also be squeezed.
As a Tory, why would you Tories want to enhance Reform's standing?
That Runcorn poll is actually strategically handy for Labour. 40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance. Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
The Tory vote can also be squeezed.
I know that. Nevertheless. There's Reform leading, and only one potential anti-Reform vote.
That Runcorn poll is actually strategically handy for Labour. 40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance. Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
The Tory vote can also be squeezed.
As a Tory, why would you Tories want to enhance Reform's standing?
Trump: Drug dealers. There is a problem the Netherlands does not have. The Netherlands never had this problem. I could deliver some nice people to the Netherlands.
Fascinating speculation. There are some problems with that.
1 - Japan is in GCAP because the USA shafted them over F-22 technology access. 2 - Timelines of GCAP are really tight, as Japan wants them in place by 2035 due to China developing. Throwing the coalition up in the air will cause significant delays. 3 - Obviously Mr Trump stabbing all his former allies in the front is a problem. 4 - There may be problems letting the USA loose on sovereign technology, given the dodgy links of so many of Trump's administration.
I can perhaps see them coming in later. The idea of selling them 500 made in the North West, including a remote off switch, has a certain attraction.
More seriously, the USA has 2 parallel programmes running already - so there should be scope for cost-cutting. Given that Mr Musk is already cutting off the USA's nose to spite its face, I can see DOGE getting into this if not legally stopped first.
The piece reports that the envoy is Paolo Zampoli, who owned the modelling agency where Melania worked when she was introduced to Trump. He organised "parties" which afaics both Trump and Epstein attended, and reportedly had a taste for similar models himself. He is now one of Trump's millionaire diplomats (for Global Partnerships) and (says Wiki) Dominica's UN Ambassador.
Personally I don't really see it, unless there was something really amazing in return. The FCO might promote it, I guess.
Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Within the forseeable future the chances of there being an 'off world colony' more than a human presence of a few people at most for a matter of days is close to zero. And at just the point when the realise that it would be nice to be home for tea and watch a bit of football on the telly, it will dawn on them that the journey back is not simple.
I don't actually think so.
We (humans) could establish a moon base with permanent occupation with current technology. It would be a bit harder than ISS, but not much.
Thanks. I shall wait and see.
SFAICS most of the excitable talk is about Mars colonies; with the idea of habitation of a permanent sort. Whether moon or Mars similar problems arise - the major technical ones; and the human ones of living for long in an environment utterly hostile to everything you were evolved to manage, and socially detached from what gives you meaning. Like tickling the grandchild's toes.
"O world, Your loves, your chances, are beyond the stretch Of any hand from here!"
The first step is getting the cost down to get there and back.
If moon missions are 10 billion, once every two years, you’re not going to get more than flags and footprints. Again.
We’ve seen an explosion (ha!) of orbital space usage, driven by reduced costs.
Extraterrestrial colonies are a whole different ball game to research outposts. Hell, we don't even have colonies on Antarctica, let alone the moon or Mars.
The lack of mining towns on Antarctica is likely due to treaty rather than tech.
Yup - even the scientific facilities are limited, these days, by the idea of leaving as little permanent changes as possible. Apart from nations like Chile and Argentina - which are obsessed with trying to get mineral extraction going in Antartica, though blocked by the treaties.
I wonder if anyone can get Mr Trump to endorse mining the minerals in the exposed land after the Arctic ice melts ?
This is basically just get the UK/Japan/Italy to pay for NGAD because Boeing or Lockmart would have to be the prime. P&W would expect, with some justification, to get the propulsion because the inevitable GE/RR consortium can't match their awesome lobbying power.
Like that's going to happen after the way Trump has behaved recently. If they really are asking to be part of the program (which I somewhat doubt), their lobbying power would be somewhat limited compared to what it would be domestically.
Let them be a customer of the platform and rely on BAE for maintenance...
One thing we do need to do, is pull a Germany.
That is, claim that we are ordering an absurd number of aircraft, to get workshare. Then reduce the number, later. And threaten to collapse the project unless we keep the workshare.
Germany did this for both Tornado and Eurofighter.
Surprising that the Germans haven't been included in the 6th gen project, isn't it?
They all started off in ETAP in the mists of pre-history (early noughties). Then the core Airbus nations (France, Germany, Spain) wanted Airbus as the prime on the manned element and the non-Airbus nations (UK, Italy and at the time Sweden) didn't so it split into two underfunded 6th gen programs - GCAP & FCAS. Pragmatism may overcome pride at some point forcing a re-merger.
E2A: GCAP (UK, Italy and Japan) would take Germany in without hesitation because a) they need the money and b) it would collapse the competing FCAS program.
And c) Germany actually looks as though it will have real cash to spend now.
That Runcorn poll is actually strategically handy for Labour. 40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance. Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
The Tory vote can also be squeezed.
As a Tory, why would you Tories want to enhance Reform's standing?
My enemy's enemy is my friend
I hate the Tories but I wouldn't promote a bunch of racist Nazis just to give the Tories a good hiding, particularly if the face eating racist Nazis were planning on eating my face.
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Fascinating speculation. There are some problems with that.
1 - Japan is in GCAP because the USA shafted them over F-22 technology access. 2 - Timelines of GCAP are really tight, as Japan wants them in place by 2035 due to China developing. Throwing the coalition up in the air will cause significant delays. 3 - Obviously Mr Trump stabbing all his former allies in the front is a problem. 4 - There may be problems letting the USA loose on sovereign technology, given the dodgy links of so many of Trump's administration.
I can perhaps see them coming in later. The idea of selling them 500 made in the North West, including a remote off switch, has a certain attraction.
More seriously, the USA has 2 parallel programmes running already - so there should be scope for cost-cutting. Given that Mr Musk is already cutting off the USA's nose to spite its face, I can see DOGE getting into this if not legally stopped first.
The piece reports that the envoy is Paolo Zampoli, who owned the modelling agency where Melania worked when she was introduced to Trump. He organised "parties" which afaics both Trump and Epstein attended, and reportedly had a taste for similar models himself. He is now one of Trump's millionaire diplomats (for Global Partnerships) and (says Wiki) Dominica's UN Ambassador.
Personally I don't really see it, unless there was something really amazing in return. The FCO might promote it, I guess.
There is an argument in favour of tying the US into a program which is not controlled by them, but otherwise, it's a non starter. Much of the point of the GCAP program is that it's independent of US control - and the rest to retain development capability for the technologies involved.
Dura's idea that the participants might agree to become subcontractors of LockMart or equivalent all over again, is a complete non starter.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Jailing one's political opponents. Who'd have thought?
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
I suspect there is probably a lot more to that £33k bill than the now common issue of leasehold / management companies using it as a way of increasing profits. I would guess there is some huge structural issue with the building and all owners are legally required to pay a one off cost towards its repair (which would be true regardless of any changes to service charge legalisation).
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
This is why Starmer is trying to do stuff.
Also: immigration.
For some. Much of the issue about immigration has been developing-nation-style population growth (0.5%+ a year) without the policies in the public space that go with that.
Quite simply, if you want to increase the population like that, you are looking at giving up preventing stuff being built. Sorry about that, Mr Badger. You're fucked.
Those who "want to save the countryside" need to get on board. Otherwise the FuckTheGreenBeltEspecially party will be elected, in the end.
This is basically just get the UK/Japan/Italy to pay for NGAD because Boeing or Lockmart would have to be the prime. P&W would expect, with some justification, to get the propulsion because the inevitable GE/RR consortium can't match their awesome lobbying power.
Like that's going to happen after the way Trump has behaved recently. If they really are asking to be part of the program (which I somewhat doubt), their lobbying power would be somewhat limited compared to what it would be domestically.
Let them be a customer of the platform and rely on BAE for maintenance...
One thing we do need to do, is pull a Germany.
That is, claim that we are ordering an absurd number of aircraft, to get workshare. Then reduce the number, later. And threaten to collapse the project unless we keep the workshare.
Germany did this for both Tornado and Eurofighter.
Surprising that the Germans haven't been included in the 6th gen project, isn't it?
Not really. IIRC it was around the time of the Brexit Ref. They wanted a future plane so France and Germany made the beast with two backs and worked on their version, and UK buggered off and did a loose alliance with it in prime position for Tempest. Pleasingly it seems the UK method is better. 😀
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
I suspect there is probably a lot more to that £33k bill than the now common issue of leasehold / management companies using it as a way of increasing profits. I suspect there is some huge structural issue with the building and all owners are legally required to pay a one off cost towards its repair (which would be true regardless of any changes to service charge legalisation).
Oh sure, doesn’t say if it’s one off or not, but still a huge sum and something people who bought flats in council blocks found out the hard way too.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
I suspect there is probably a lot more to that £33k bill than the now common issue of leasehold / management companies using it as a way of increasing profits. I suspect there is some huge structural issue with the building and all owners are legally required to pay a one off cost towards its repair.
If the upkeep really does cost £33k a year you might as well just demolish the building. Not sure exactly how much each flat would be worth in good condition on the open market but that charge surely eventually swamps it.
I can only find one "by party" graph in the poll - support for sending troops to Ukraine. Reform UK out of line, as per the current usual.
I'd be interested to know which factions in Ref UK constitute the 20% difference. Commentary I have seen (TBF: social media of various types) suggests that they will be thinking "send the to the channel to stop the boats".
Reform voters are keen for increased defence spending, but also have the lowest appetite for actually using the armed forces to defend British interests and allies. Reminds me of a few PB posters tbh.
A deterrent is a waste of money unless it's plausible that we would actually use it. No evidence of that so far - we'll just end up with a bunch of frigates impotently observing cable cutters buzz around the Baltic.
Utterly ridiculous view. A deterrent is just that. To deter. Not to leap in engaging the enemy as soon as someone gives you some bullets like a latter day Don Quixote. Reform supporters leading in common sense once again.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
One of the better outlays I did was extending my lease to circa 200 years and turning the ground rent to a peppercorn. Cost around 10k and circa two years and legal fees, but well worth it.
I am. But pleased, because I haven't put any money on Labour yet and hopefully this will push their price out further. I'm still expecting a Labour win.
If countries wish to rearm, it's not just the finance they need, there is a whole host of items that need to be considered first.
* The site: You're talking about space and utilities - air, water, power. Bashing metal takes a lot of power so unless there is spare capacity close by, there may be a restriction on how quickly production can be ramped up. Rheinmetall and their 155mm shell plant is close to completion but ramping up production is going to take time.
Rheinmetall have been pulling the same shenanigans the Germans used to when it came to nuclear power and the Middle East, or China and silent submarine engines - using a subsidiary based in South Africa to supply ammunition plants to all and sundry eg India.
Germany’s leading defence company is a major supplier to Ukraine and ‘friendly’ Nato countries. But Rheinmetall also has a parallel business, free from German export rules, selling machinery and factories to places rarely named in public. Investigate Europe went on the trail of the arms giant’s little-known global operations.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
I suspect there is probably a lot more to that £33k bill than the now common issue of leasehold / management companies using it as a way of increasing profits. I suspect there is some huge structural issue with the building and all owners are legally required to pay a one off cost towards its repair (which would be true regardless of any changes to service charge legalisation).
Oh sure, doesn’t say if it’s one off or not, but still a huge sum and something people who bought flats in council blocks found out the hard way too.
Well yes its a nasty shock. I feel there probably is also more scope for getting ripped off as when you have a block of flats people trying to get everybody to agree, for people to take responsibility, etc is really hard, compared to if it is just your own single dwelling.
Mrs U and I rented in a block of 6 flats back in the day when we were struggling early years academics and trying to organise anything with the other 5 owners was nearly impossible. And that was just 6 flats and we actually really good friends with 2 of the couples.
That article does not mention the UK, despite the fact that GCAP (Tempest v0.2ish) is UK-led
All the partners have equal shares and the current CEO is Japanese. We won't know who is in the cockpit until the procurement plans and hence workshare are decided. Whichever countries buys the most (which will probably be Japan) will be leading it.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
What's the tariff on Canadian stuff today? 0%, 10%, 50%?
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
This is why Starmer is trying to do stuff.
And when people do try the other lot, as they will with Reform they merely get abused for their choice. But why not when other parties have lied to them and let them down time and time again. Nothing to lose really and those abusing them for their choice were never really on the side of these communities anyway.
The really big issue where I am is a group of youths in the town centre on a Friday and Saturday evening causing problems and the police know about it, have ‘spoke to them’ but it never improves and people and businesses and the town suffers as a consequence. It’s not about ‘being back the birch’ it’s just about making a visit to town enjoyable. It’s been going on a few years. Little happens.
I’ve been impressed with Starmer this year. Not just on Ukraine but on growth and a few other things. There are signs he gets it and is growing into the role.
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
This is why Starmer is trying to do stuff.
And when people do try the other lot, as they will with Reform they merely get abused for their choice. But why not when other parties have lied to them and let them down time and time again. Nothing to lose really and those abusing them for their choice were never really on the side of these communities anyway.
The really big issue where I am is a group of youths in the town centre on a Friday and Saturday evening causing problems and the police know about it, have ‘spoke to them’ but it never improves and people and businesses and the town suffers as a consequence. It’s not about ‘being back the birch’ it’s just about making a visit to town enjoyable. It’s been going on a few years. Little happens.
I’ve been impressed with Starmer this year. Not just on Ukraine but on growth and a few other things. There are signs he gets it and is growing into the role.
So many things in the UK are like that. Lots of things have been allowed to slip, lots of people in power just shrug and totality it gives the impression nothing works.
And of course on the flip side of the coin, highest tax for 50+ years.
Too many politicians have in recent past thought give a speech or two and that is that issue sorted.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
What's the tariff on Canadian stuff today? 0%, 10%, 50%?
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
What's the tariff on Canadian stuff today? 0%, 10%, 50%?
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
You mean post Grenfell?
One thing that is very hard for people to understand, is how expensive running a block of flats is - I think I've mentioned that, at my old flats, the committee of residents (all freeholders) are trying to deal with a couple of residents who don't want to pay anything and are trying to stop any repair work being done at all.
Any off world colony is going to resemble the PRC or (even North Korea!) far more than the Western Democracies - at least for the first few generations. The fragile, incredibly resource constrained environment pretty much guarantees that.
Until the Federation a la Star Trek I presume
Until they attempt to break with their home groups - like the 13 colonies. A Mars colony attempting become self-sufficient would be the ultimate in command economy resource management. And that kind of struggle with imprint itself of the future nature of any society that evolves from any groups that survives.
I'd be happier promoting Mars colonies if we actually knew how low-gravity affects gestation in larger animals.
Partial gravity experiments have been studiously avoided by NASA for decades. The reasons are complicated, but come down to organisational politics/personal views of a small number of people. Rather like the slow motion disaster that is the space suit division.
AIUI, a big reason for the module's late cancellation was questions of how vibrations from the large centrifuge would affect long-term zero-G experiments in the rest of the ISS.
The point was made earlier about problems with gestation in different gravity situations. Unless a colony's members can reproduce themselves then it's surely not a 'colony' but some sort of 'outstation'. I don't think human reproduction has ever been tried in Antarctica, has it. At least, not to full term.
I think some Argentinians have been born there, to further their claim to it.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Utter bullshit from a crook who has lost his marbles.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
What's the tariff on Canadian stuff today? 0%, 10%, 50%?
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Utter bullshit from a crook who has lost his marbles.
Partly mad but mostly realised how gullible the public can be if you control the media, and how fickle the old school Republicans are.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Utter bullshit from a crook who has lost his marbles.
I thought he stole all the marbles in the first place. Or was that the British Empire?
I can only find one "by party" graph in the poll - support for sending troops to Ukraine. Reform UK out of line, as per the current usual.
I'd be interested to know which factions in Ref UK constitute the 20% difference. Commentary I have seen (TBF: social media of various types) suggests that they will be thinking "send the to the channel to stop the boats".
Reform voters are keen for increased defence spending, but also have the lowest appetite for actually using the armed forces to defend British interests and allies. Reminds me of a few PB posters tbh.
A deterrent is a waste of money unless it's plausible that we would actually use it. No evidence of that so far - we'll just end up with a bunch of frigates impotently observing cable cutters buzz around the Baltic.
Utterly ridiculous view. A deterrent is just that. To deter. Not to leap in engaging the enemy as soon as someone gives you some bullets like a latter day Don Quixote. Reform supporters leading in common sense once again.
No, my view is perfectly mainstream. For example, the nuclear deterrent only works if Putin thinks Starmer would actually use it.
Floating a £40 billion ballistic missile submarine system around the N. Atlantic is a collosal waste of money otherwise. The same goes for our conventional forces - what's the point of them if we indicate we would never use them to defend our interests? At the very least, we should develop a new doctrine that sees us destroy any ship that inspects or interferes with subsea cables within our EEZ.
I am. But pleased, because I haven't put any money on Labour yet and hopefully this will push their price out further. I'm still expecting a Labour win.
Why do you think the poll is wrong?
I don't think it's wrong per se, but I think i) Reform will slide before the election, and ii) Reform voters will be less likely to turn out than they are claiming.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
You mean post Grenfell?
One thing that is very hard for people to understand, is how expensive running a block of flats is - I think I've mentioned that, at my old flats, the committee of residents (all freeholders) are trying to deal with a couple of residents who don't want to pay anything and are trying to stop any repair work being done at all.
Yes - post-Grenfell. My mistake.
Over the long-term I reckon on perhaps 12-15% of rent being spent on maintenance and refurb for my properties. That's for unfurnished rentals.
If you consider basically new or heavily redone kitchen and bathroom every 12-15 years, boiler, carpets and redecorate every 7-10 years, 2G every 25 years, and so on - it soon adds up.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
What's the tariff on Canadian stuff today? 0%, 10%, 50%?
There is a theory that they want to create instability to drive money into treasury bonds.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Makes one worry somewhat about how the mid-term elections will be 'managed'. And how would he have 'discouraged' Hamas?
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
I’m sure that’s a consolation to granny who needs to dig deep to pay it.
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
This is why Starmer is trying to do stuff.
And when people do try the other lot, as they will with Reform they merely get abused for their choice. But why not when other parties have lied to them and let them down time and time again. Nothing to lose really and those abusing them for their choice were never really on the side of these communities anyway.
The really big issue where I am is a group of youths in the town centre on a Friday and Saturday evening causing problems and the police know about it, have ‘spoke to them’ but it never improves and people and businesses and the town suffers as a consequence. It’s not about ‘being back the birch’ it’s just about making a visit to town enjoyable. It’s been going on a few years. Little happens.
I’ve been impressed with Starmer this year. Not just on Ukraine but on growth and a few other things. There are signs he gets it and is growing into the role.
So many things in the UK are like that. Lots of things have been allowed to slip, lots of people in power just shrug and totality it gives the impression nothing works.
And of course on the flip side of the coin, highest tax for 50+ years.
Too many politicians have in recent past thought give a speech or two and that is that issue sorted.
Some years ago, when I was living in Wiltshire, Blair & Co. had enacted a policy of non-interferences with "travellers", by the police.
So when a group moved in locally, and thefts and so forth happened, the police refused to make arrests, since a riot would develop at the encampment.
The final straw was a violent distraction robbery of a shop (old lady knocked down, ended up in A&E). The perpetrators were identified. The police specifically refused to act.
So a bunch of locals formed a vigilante group - went out to the encampment at night, wearing balaclavas and told them to leave or else.
They left.
The next day the town was full of police trying to find out who threatened the travellers.
I was curious as to the outrage by the authorities - if you withdraw your side of the social contract, what would you expect people to honour their half?
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Utter bullshit from a crook who has lost his marbles.
I think the rigged & crooked election stuff is a comfort object for Trump and he returns to it when he can't deal with the all too uncomfortable present.
If countries wish to rearm, it's not just the finance they need, there is a whole host of items that need to be considered first.
* The actual plan: Japanese tend to be good at this as they are detail conscious. Chinese just throw people at it. The Brits tend to start and get bogged down in the middle as someone hadn't thought to order the screwdrivers.
* The site: You're talking about space and utilities - air, water, power. Bashing metal takes a lot of power so unless there is spare capacity close by, there may be a restriction on how quickly production can be ramped up. Rheinmetall and their 155mm shell plant is close to completion but ramping up production is going to take time.
* Machinery: Usually you'll take any second hand plant that is close by that can be converted quickly if you are wanting to scale up sooner rather than later. New plant that is not sitting in a warehouse somewhere (unlikely) has it's own lead time. If it's on the critical path then someone grabbing it first (see PPE in Covid) will put you back.
*Raw Materials: Is the grade of material you want available. Can you use substitutes? Are the suppliers friendly or not.
Bringing this all together at scale will be for the next war and not this one. The Ukrainian developments of drones (air and sea) will be seen as an impressive response to their lack of resources. But when Russia changed the battlefield to men (they had some) and machines (they had lots), the nature of the fight changed. Especially when no airpower was offered.
So unless Europe has a few plants ready to go (e.g.Volkswagen) it could be all over if the US refuse to supply from their manufacturing base.
Off-the-wall thought. Could a manufacturer of agricultural machinery be re-tooled for military purposes? Ploughshares into swords, if you like.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
I’m sure that’s a consolation to granny who needs to dig deep to pay it.
The best bit is that the government can set a new standard, demand people meet it.
Doesn't cost anything, right?
I will be interested in the enquiry into the next big fire in a block of flats. Different holes in the cheese, I expect.
A spat over Ramadan has seen Christians in Baker McKenzie's Brussels branch arguing about Lent and citing bible passages in reply-all emails to the office.
Co-managing partners Kurt Haegeman and Dominique Maes shared a message to “encourage everyone to be respectful of our colleagues that are observing Ramadan, and mindful of the constraints that exist during this period”.
The sensitive approach follows a clean-out of the old Brussels management following racism complaints in 2023.
But, proving that firms can't win, the innocuous email lit a fire under a secretary who was infuriated that another major religion wasn't getting its due.
Replying to the whole office, she wrote, “Dear colleagues, May I kindly point out that also Christians, the original and still the largest religion in Belgium, started their 40-day fasting period on March 5?”
“Not being much of a religious person myself, I nevertheless would like to wish all our fasting colleagues much success and contemplation during this period.”
As staff snapped open their camping chairs and grabbed some popcorn, a Christian lawyer jumped in to defuse the spat before competing claims of ‘who fasts best’ could ignite an office Holy War.
“Thank you, [secretary]”, said the senior solicitor in another reply-all email. “I started the Lent yesterday with a Holy Mass in the Antwerp Cathedral. The lectures out of the Bible (Joel, 2, 12-18 / Matthew, 6, 1-6) emphasise that you should try to fast without external signs. That's why, maybe, we don't really talk about it.”
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
You mean post Grenfell?
One thing that is very hard for people to understand, is how expensive running a block of flats is - I think I've mentioned that, at my old flats, the committee of residents (all freeholders) are trying to deal with a couple of residents who don't want to pay anything and are trying to stop any repair work being done at all.
Yes - post-Grenfell. My mistake.
Over the long-term I reckon on perhaps 12-15% of rent being spent on maintenance and refurb for my properties. That's for unfurnished rentals.
If you consider basically new or heavily redone kitchen and bathroom every 12-15 years, boiler, carpets and redecorate every 7-10 years, 2G every 25 years, and so on - it soon adds up.
Apart from the double glazing, which is probably the freeholder's responsibility on a block of flats, all of that falls to the leaseholder and shouldn't be included in the service charge
If countries wish to rearm, it's not just the finance they need, there is a whole host of items that need to be considered first.
* The actual plan: Japanese tend to be good at this as they are detail conscious. Chinese just throw people at it. The Brits tend to start and get bogged down in the middle as someone hadn't thought to order the screwdrivers.
* The site: You're talking about space and utilities - air, water, power. Bashing metal takes a lot of power so unless there is spare capacity close by, there may be a restriction on how quickly production can be ramped up. Rheinmetall and their 155mm shell plant is close to completion but ramping up production is going to take time.
* Machinery: Usually you'll take any second hand plant that is close by that can be converted quickly if you are wanting to scale up sooner rather than later. New plant that is not sitting in a warehouse somewhere (unlikely) has it's own lead time. If it's on the critical path then someone grabbing it first (see PPE in Covid) will put you back.
*Raw Materials: Is the grade of material you want available. Can you use substitutes? Are the suppliers friendly or not.
Bringing this all together at scale will be for the next war and not this one. The Ukrainian developments of drones (air and sea) will be seen as an impressive response to their lack of resources. But when Russia changed the battlefield to men (they had some) and machines (they had lots), the nature of the fight changed. Especially when no airpower was offered.
So unless Europe has a few plants ready to go (e.g.Volkswagen) it could be all over if the US refuse to supply from their manufacturing base.
Off-the-wall thought. Could a manufacturer of agricultural machinery be re-tooled for military purposes? Ploughshares into swords, if you like.
Some stuff. Maaaaybe.
For example, some military transport systems (and even weapons such as artillery) use commercial, off road trucks, with a bit of rework.
Reading this article from an anti leasehold lobbyist jn the guardian, and it is something I fully support I have to say, the one thing that really struck me was his Moms service charge is £33K a year.
That 33k sounds like it is the post-COVID changes on a building under 18m to me. It's a massive outlier, at around 15x the average number for a flat in England.
You mean post Grenfell?
One thing that is very hard for people to understand, is how expensive running a block of flats is - I think I've mentioned that, at my old flats, the committee of residents (all freeholders) are trying to deal with a couple of residents who don't want to pay anything and are trying to stop any repair work being done at all.
Yes - post-Grenfell. My mistake.
Over the long-term I reckon on perhaps 12-15% of rent being spent on maintenance and refurb for my properties. That's for unfurnished rentals.
If you consider basically new or heavily redone kitchen and bathroom every 12-15 years, boiler, carpets and redecorate every 7-10 years, 2G every 25 years, and so on - it soon adds up.
Apart from the double glazing, which is probably the freeholder's responsibility on a block of flats, all of that falls to the leaseholder and shouldn't be included in the service charge
A spat over Ramadan has seen Christians in Baker McKenzie's Brussels branch arguing about Lent and citing bible passages in reply-all emails to the office.
Co-managing partners Kurt Haegeman and Dominique Maes shared a message to “encourage everyone to be respectful of our colleagues that are observing Ramadan, and mindful of the constraints that exist during this period”.
The sensitive approach follows a clean-out of the old Brussels management following racism complaints in 2023.
But, proving that firms can't win, the innocuous email lit a fire under a secretary who was infuriated that another major religion wasn't getting its due.
Replying to the whole office, she wrote, “Dear colleagues, May I kindly point out that also Christians, the original and still the largest religion in Belgium, started their 40-day fasting period on March 5?”
“Not being much of a religious person myself, I nevertheless would like to wish all our fasting colleagues much success and contemplation during this period.”
As staff snapped open their camping chairs and grabbed some popcorn, a Christian lawyer jumped in to defuse the spat before competing claims of ‘who fasts best’ could ignite an office Holy War.
“Thank you, [secretary]”, said the senior solicitor in another reply-all email. “I started the Lent yesterday with a Holy Mass in the Antwerp Cathedral. The lectures out of the Bible (Joel, 2, 12-18 / Matthew, 6, 1-6) emphasise that you should try to fast without external signs. That's why, maybe, we don't really talk about it.”
How can anyone look at what has happened to America and still want British Trump with more MPs?
What they want is stuff to happen and things to work. They want GP appointments and an NHS waiting list of less than 6 months. They want the criminals warehoused. Some improvements on the high street would be nice.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
This is why Starmer is trying to do stuff.
And when people do try the other lot, as they will with Reform they merely get abused for their choice. But why not when other parties have lied to them and let them down time and time again. Nothing to lose really and those abusing them for their choice were never really on the side of these communities anyway.
The really big issue where I am is a group of youths in the town centre on a Friday and Saturday evening causing problems and the police know about it, have ‘spoke to them’ but it never improves and people and businesses and the town suffers as a consequence. It’s not about ‘being back the birch’ it’s just about making a visit to town enjoyable. It’s been going on a few years. Little happens.
I’ve been impressed with Starmer this year. Not just on Ukraine but on growth and a few other things. There are signs he gets it and is growing into the role.
So many things in the UK are like that. Lots of things have been allowed to slip, lots of people in power just shrug and totality it gives the impression nothing works.
And of course on the flip side of the coin, highest tax for 50+ years.
Too many politicians have in recent past thought give a speech or two and that is that issue sorted.
Some years ago, when I was living in Wiltshire, Blair & Co. had enacted a policy of non-interferences with "travellers", by the police.
So when a group moved in locally, and thefts and so forth happened, the police refused to make arrests, since a riot would develop at the encampment.
The final straw was a violent distraction robbery of a shop (old lady knocked down, ended up in A&E). The perpetrators were identified. The police specifically refused to act.
So a bunch of locals formed a vigilante group - went out to the encampment at night, wearing balaclavas and told them to leave or else.
They left.
The next day the town was full of police trying to find out who threatened the travellers.
I was curious as to the outrage by the authorities - if you withdraw your side of the social contract, what would you expect people to honour their half?
Also the problem for the police, who police by consent, is they end up losing the respect and the trust of the communities they are supposed to protect.
The lack of action on stuff like shoplifting too, apparently down to an edict from Theresa May
Can you link that @Big_G_NorthWales because it is not what Ian is showing, which agrees with Mark Pack (although I am guessing that is where Ian got it).
On what Ian is showing it looks like mainly a move from Lab to Reform with a small increase in LD and a small drop in Tory.
PS. Whoops I see you have. Somebody has got something wrong, but whom?
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Utter bullshit from a crook who has lost his marbles.
Some of it is obviously him just doing a bit but it's really hard to discern where the improv ends and the mania begins. Maybe he doesn't even know himself any longer and he's just lost in the character like Andy Kaufman.
I can only find one "by party" graph in the poll - support for sending troops to Ukraine. Reform UK out of line, as per the current usual.
I'd be interested to know which factions in Ref UK constitute the 20% difference. Commentary I have seen (TBF: social media of various types) suggests that they will be thinking "send the to the channel to stop the boats".
Reform voters are keen for increased defence spending, but also have the lowest appetite for actually using the armed forces to defend British interests and allies. Reminds me of a few PB posters tbh.
A deterrent is a waste of money unless it's plausible that we would actually use it. No evidence of that so far - we'll just end up with a bunch of frigates impotently observing cable cutters buzz around the Baltic.
Utterly ridiculous view. A deterrent is just that. To deter. Not to leap in engaging the enemy as soon as someone gives you some bullets like a latter day Don Quixote. Reform supporters leading in common sense once again.
No, my view is perfectly mainstream. For example, the nuclear deterrent only works if Putin thinks Starmer would actually use it.
Might, not would. Deterrence involves uncertainty.
Exe Valley - East Devon DC LIB DEM HOLD LD, 256, 44% (+7.1%) Con, 137, 23.5% (-8.3%) RFM, 135, 23.2% (New) LAB, 54, 9.3% (-22%)
Tiny numbers, but anothr drop of near a quarter in Labour's vote should be worrying them.
The Conservatives in opposition to an unpopular incumbent national government dropping nearly 8.5% is almost even more alarming. Labour and Conservatives should clearly be knocking lumps out of each other as opponents, but at the same time both should be hitting Reform as the common enemy.
Exe Valley - East Devon DC LIB DEM HOLD LD, 256, 44% (+7.1%) Con, 137, 23.5% (-8.3%) RFM, 135, 23.2% (New) LAB, 54, 9.3% (-22%)
Tiny numbers, but anothr drop of near a quarter in Labour's vote should be worrying them.
The Conservatives in opposition to an unpopular incumbent national government dropping nearly 8.5% is almost even more alarming. Labour and Conservatives should clearly be knocking lumps out of each other as opponents, but at the same time both should be hitting Reform as the common enemy.
The tories are irrelevant as long as fucking Gogglebox is in charge.
Off topic. We binge-watched the 4 episodes of Adolescence last night on Netflix. It's an absolutely brilliant Stephen Graham thing which provides much food for thought, so I'm merely recommending it. I haven't seen anything better for years.
Can you link that @Big_G_NorthWales because it is not what Ian is showing, which agrees with Mark Pack (although I am guessing that is where Ian got it).
On what Ian is showing it looks like mainly a move from Lab to Reform with a small increase in LD and a small drop in Tory.
PS. Whoops I see you have. Somebody has got something wrong, but whom?
Exe Valley - East Devon DC LIB DEM HOLD LD, 256, 44% (+7.1%) Con, 137, 23.5% (-8.3%) RFM, 135, 23.2% (New) LAB, 54, 9.3% (-22%)
Tiny numbers, but anothr drop of near a quarter in Labour's vote should be worrying them.
The Conservatives in opposition to an unpopular incumbent national government dropping nearly 8.5% is almost even more alarming. Labour and Conservatives should clearly be knocking lumps out of each other as opponents, but at the same time both should be hitting Reform as the common enemy.
The tories are irrelevant as long as fucking Gogglebox is in charge.
I'm surprised Honest Bob hasn't been on yet to castigate Labour for abolishing the NHS.
And Israel with the F35 (although that was over software autonomy).
LD, 256, 44% (+7.1%)
Con, 137, 23.5% (-8.3%)
RFM, 135, 23.2% (New)
LAB, 54, 9.3% (-22%)
It's actually amazing what you can learn on Wikipedia, although I admit I was aware of it beforehand.
And there's plenty of Tory voters in this neck of the wood who very much would prefer Starmer to Farage, particularly, I'd suggest, with Farage's disappointing recent ambivalence in his positioning on Trump and on Ukraine. But I do think you're right that most of these will continue to vote Tory anyway.
I'd also add that the one voter I properly know from the Runcorn bit of the seat is a retired teacher and is a middle class Guardian-and-organic-food lefty. The stereotype of the seat is rarely the whole story, nor even the main part of it.
I'm still expecting a Labour win.
40% Reform, nobody else in with a chance.
Make it a two horse squeeze before the flags even dropped.
E2A: GCAP (UK, Italy and Japan) would take Germany in without hesitation because a) they need the money and b) it would collapse the competing FCAS program.
A seemingly disproportionate number of Lib Dem members in my experience are geography graduates and have a good grasp of where things are on the map.
Trump: Drug dealers. There is a problem the Netherlands does not have. The Netherlands never had this problem. I could deliver some nice people to the Netherlands.
There's Reform leading, and only one potential anti-Reform vote.
1 - Japan is in GCAP because the USA shafted them over F-22 technology access.
2 - Timelines of GCAP are really tight, as Japan wants them in place by 2035 due to China developing. Throwing the coalition up in the air will cause significant delays.
3 - Obviously Mr Trump stabbing all his former allies in the front is a problem.
4 - There may be problems letting the USA loose on sovereign technology, given the dodgy links of so many of Trump's administration.
I can perhaps see them coming in later. The idea of selling them 500 made in the North West, including a remote off switch, has a certain attraction.
More seriously, the USA has 2 parallel programmes running already - so there should be scope for cost-cutting. Given that Mr Musk is already cutting off the USA's nose to spite its face, I can see DOGE getting into this if not legally stopped first.
The piece reports that the envoy is Paolo Zampoli, who owned the modelling agency where Melania worked when she was introduced to Trump. He organised "parties" which afaics both Trump and Epstein attended, and reportedly had a taste for similar models himself. He is now one of Trump's millionaire diplomats (for Global Partnerships) and (says Wiki) Dominica's UN Ambassador.
Personally I don't really see it, unless there was something really amazing in return. The FCO might promote it, I guess.
Round here, the council is "consulting" about moving bin collections from once every two weeks, to once a month. The well off make extra arrangements. The poor people on the estates have a pile of stinking garbage. But they are all Deplorables or something. So that's all good then.
Telling people that nothing can be done and no one can do it, is a simple recipe for "Well, we will try this lot, then"
This is why Starmer is trying to do stuff.
Staggering sum of money.
Crooked Joe Biden got us into a real "mess" with Russia (and EVERYTHING ELSE!), but I'm going to get us out. Millions of people are needlessly dead, never to be seen again...and there will be many more to follow if we don't get the Cease Fire and Final Agreement with Russia completed and signed. There would have been NO WAR if I were President. It just, 100%, would not have happened. Likewise, there would have been no October 7th with Israel, the pullout from Afghanistan would have been done with strength and pride, and would not have been the most embarrassing day in the history of our Country, it could have been a moment of glory. Also, there would not have been any perceptible inflation - Instead we had Record Setting, Country Destroying Inflation, like we have never seen before. Also, we would have had an impenetrable Border, with very few illegals getting in. Oh, what a difference A RIGGED & CROOKED ELECTION HAD ON OUR COUNTRY, AND THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS TO US SHOULD GO TO JAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I also hope they change their proposals on taxing wind and solar. We need cheaper not more expensive energy.
Much of the point of the GCAP program is that it's independent of US control - and the rest to retain development capability for the technologies involved.
Dura's idea that the participants might agree to become subcontractors of LockMart or equivalent all over again, is a complete non starter.
Quite simply, if you want to increase the population like that, you are looking at giving up preventing stuff being built. Sorry about that, Mr Badger. You're fucked.
Those who "want to save the countryside" need to get on board. Otherwise the FuckTheGreenBeltEspecially party will be elected, in the end.
Germany’s leading defence company is a major supplier to Ukraine and ‘friendly’ Nato countries. But Rheinmetall also has a parallel business, free from German export rules, selling machinery and factories to places rarely named in public. Investigate Europe went on the trail of the arms giant’s little-known global operations.
Mrs U and I rented in a block of 6 flats back in the day when we were struggling early years academics and trying to organise anything with the other 5 owners was nearly impossible. And that was just 6 flats and we actually really good friends with 2 of the couples.
The really big issue where I am is a group of youths in the town centre on a Friday and Saturday evening causing problems and the police know about it, have ‘spoke to them’ but it never improves and people and businesses and the town suffers as a consequence. It’s not about ‘being back the birch’ it’s just about making a visit to town enjoyable. It’s been going on a few years. Little happens.
I’ve been impressed with Starmer this year. Not just on Ukraine but on growth and a few other things. There are signs he gets it and is growing into the role.
And of course on the flip side of the coin, highest tax for 50+ years.
Too many politicians have in recent past thought give a speech or two and that is that issue sorted.
One thing that is very hard for people to understand, is how expensive running a block of flats is - I think I've mentioned that, at my old flats, the committee of residents (all freeholders) are trying to deal with a couple of residents who don't want to pay anything and are trying to stop any repair work being done at all.
Floating a £40 billion ballistic missile submarine system around the N. Atlantic is a collosal waste of money otherwise. The same goes for our conventional forces - what's the point of them if we indicate we would never use them to defend our interests? At the very least, we should develop a new doctrine that sees us destroy any ship that inspects or interferes with subsea cables within our EEZ.
Over the long-term I reckon on perhaps 12-15% of rent being spent on maintenance and refurb for my properties. That's for unfurnished rentals.
If you consider basically new or heavily redone kitchen and bathroom every 12-15 years, boiler, carpets and redecorate every 7-10 years, 2G every 25 years, and so on - it soon adds up.
So when a group moved in locally, and thefts and so forth happened, the police refused to make arrests, since a riot would develop at the encampment.
The final straw was a violent distraction robbery of a shop (old lady knocked down, ended up in A&E). The perpetrators were identified. The police specifically refused to act.
So a bunch of locals formed a vigilante group - went out to the encampment at night, wearing balaclavas and told them to leave or else.
They left.
The next day the town was full of police trying to find out who threatened the travellers.
I was curious as to the outrage by the authorities - if you withdraw your side of the social contract, what would you expect people to honour their half?
Thankfully all other main parties are devoid of lies and bullshit 👍
Could a manufacturer of agricultural machinery be re-tooled for military purposes?
Ploughshares into swords, if you like.
Doesn't cost anything, right?
I will be interested in the enquiry into the next big fire in a block of flats. Different holes in the cheese, I expect.
A spat over Ramadan has seen Christians in Baker McKenzie's Brussels branch arguing about Lent and citing bible passages in reply-all emails to the office.
Co-managing partners Kurt Haegeman and Dominique Maes shared a message to “encourage everyone to be respectful of our colleagues that are observing Ramadan, and mindful of the constraints that exist during this period”.
The sensitive approach follows a clean-out of the old Brussels management following racism complaints in 2023.
But, proving that firms can't win, the innocuous email lit a fire under a secretary who was infuriated that another major religion wasn't getting its due.
Replying to the whole office, she wrote, “Dear colleagues, May I kindly point out that also Christians, the original and still the largest religion in Belgium, started their 40-day fasting period on March 5?”
“Not being much of a religious person myself, I nevertheless would like to wish all our fasting colleagues much success and contemplation during this period.”
As staff snapped open their camping chairs and grabbed some popcorn, a Christian lawyer jumped in to defuse the spat before competing claims of ‘who fasts best’ could ignite an office Holy War.
“Thank you, [secretary]”, said the senior solicitor in another reply-all email. “I started the Lent yesterday with a Holy Mass in the Antwerp Cathedral. The lectures out of the Bible (Joel, 2, 12-18 / Matthew, 6, 1-6) emphasise that you should try to fast without external signs. That's why, maybe, we don't really talk about it.”
For example, some military transport systems (and even weapons such as artillery) use commercial, off road trucks, with a bit of rework.
"You're Rehired !"
Judge rules that unlawfully sacked staff must be reinstated (14 minutes):
The lack of action on stuff like shoplifting too, apparently down to an edict from Theresa May
On what Ian is showing it looks like mainly a move from Lab to Reform with a small increase in LD and a small drop in Tory.
PS. Whoops I see you have. Somebody has got something wrong, but whom?
Deterrence involves uncertainty.
Who could have guessed having ISIS in blazers in charge would lead to this.
CON 23.5% -6%
RFM 23.2% [NEW]
LAB 9.3% [NEW]
Seems most of the lost LDM vote went to RFM
Despite everything RFM seem to remain NOA vote