NEW: One in six Tory voters are likely to be dead by the next electionAssuming nothing else changes, the total impact of demographic change alone would mean +29 seats for Labour and -34 for the Conservatives @Smyth_Chris @thetimes
Where they are in real trouble is that generation rent are far less likely to turn Tory as they get older than the first time buyers of my generation and the one after it. By allowing home ownership to go beyond the reach of so many they have burnt the seed corn of the next generation of Tories.
Sorry for going off-topic (although slightly related to the last thread discussion), but isn't a major problem simply that equality doesn't work well for romantic matches, hence rising singleness?
What I mean by this is that women have equality in the workplace. That's a good thing. Women also tend to want to marry up. The economic circumstances of a man matters way more to a woman than the economic circumstances of a woman do to a man.
But that's a problem because equality means roughly the same earning potential so lines drawn according to economic circumstance will average out to being horizontal between men and women. Hence, middle and lower income chaps find things very difficult, because the desire line of marrying up just cuts out a ton of men.
This tallies with what's been remarked upon here before, that overall frisky time is the same as ever, but guys at the top are having tons whereas men at the bottom are getting none. But on a societal level that's no way to reach a standard of stable families and most people being happily married with kids.
Anyway, that's some sleepy waffling psychological rambling, but it might have something to it.
The obvious is to go back to conservatism- sound finances, work and reward, home ownership. The problem is that all of these things are against what their owners want (as they profit from the reverse) and against what their remaining 7 voters have been gaslit to want.
We will instead see them flirting with whipping the flames of anger to pick up the angry young man vote because no girl wants to shag their abusive if ignorant ass.
Joey Barton has been charged with making ‘malicious communications’ towards ex-England star Eni Aluko
Barton has repeatedly criticised Aluko, who has 102 caps for England
Meanwhile, he once played 12 minutes for the Three Lions
...Curiously, TSMC stands apart here. Their Taiwanese workforce accounts for a staggering 1.8% of births in Taiwan (and growing quickly, up from 1.4% in 2019), despite being just 0.3% of the population. After adjusting for demographic differences, I estimate10 that TSMC employees have 2.8x more children than the national average, giving a TFR of around 2.45 children per woman. This is especially noteworthy since every statistical indicator predicts lower-than-average fertility. Employees are overwhelmingly urban, highly educated, irreligious, work long hours, and have a 2:1 skew in gender ratio - all of which would predict lower fertility than the Taiwanese average...
Like lions in their prides - seems to work for them.
The structural issue is that there are fewer people with mortgages now, so the Tories need to win over a much bigger proportion of them or else start to target renters.
Currently all the political parties are struggling to engage with the electorate. It might be that the electorate is now too is now too splintered for FPTP to be able to deliver an effective government or it may be that the politicians need to get their act together and start delivering what they promised. Problem is of course they always over promise to get elected.
Price/income ratios under them stabilised and started to marginally fall again, despite the low interest rates, from the peaks under Blair and Brown and home ownership rates started to rise again.
The problem is that was too little. Under Boris the party had some good ideas with planning reforms but the rebellion by May et al killed that stone dead and then Sunak made things even worse.
They knew what the problem was, but didn't fix it.
For example by tripling university tuition fees at the same time as triple locking pensions.
Some of us warned at the time that the George Osborne strategy would bring long term damage to the Conservatives.
Namely, "Employees are overwhelmingly urban, highly educated, irreligious, work long hours, and have a 2:1 skew in gender ratio - all of which would predict lower fertility than the Taiwanese average..."
We see in Korea how horrendous expectations for both men and women to work extremely hard can be for child-raising (this is exacerbated by very high living costs too). It'd be intriguing to know just why Taiwan bucks that trend.
Mr. S, it's fascinating to consider whether such a ratio would see men empowered or oppressed. An ugly man in that scenario would probably just be a labour slave. Ages ago, I tried to work out how a medieval-ish society with a huge number of women to men would work. My conclusion was it would be ****ed, because any disease or war would dramatically shaft the demographics. Men are, in that sense, far more expendable.
He ducked the issues that the country needed. Build substantially more houses, invest in the infrastructure to go with them and get industry moving.
In a world of marked gender inequality that may have been the case, and may have been a sensible strategy but these days, where's the evidence?
Whereas their much worse performance in southern England compared with 1997 would also match areas of housing unaffordability.
It really is hard to identify anything that they offer to people of working age, and it isn't just economics. The youngest boomers are now 60, and culturally they seem anathema To Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z.
It seems that rather like taste in clothes and music that taste in politics now is part of people's persona for life. Politics is now a cohort effect rather than an age effect.
Further down the line you then start moaning about where have all the people we need to do jobs gone ?
We've clearly established that on the last thread.
Good. Glad we got that straight.
They make all the most sophisticated semiconductors that run the world around you.
I heard this from my wife long before I heard it on this site, and she said bear too. The context given was that it was a stranger not a man you know in case that makes a difference to you.
A bear is likely to leave you alone. Far fewer women are attacked by bears than men. Instead of moaning about identity politics, how about we deal with the predators that make so many women feel unsafe - and those predators are not bears!
Some say that 80% of the male population over 15 were dead. The Catholic Church took the view that polygamy should be ignored.
Harris is home and dry for the nomination.
See also attitudes to planning (older homeowners don't want new stuff built), investment (better to spend the money on us now), social issues (the boomer revolution was great, everything since is an abomination), and Europe.
Unfortunately, some of those stances are things that people aren't growing into as they age, and others are just bad governance.
PB men theorising about women episode 30675
Who'da thunk it, eh?
He is criticising her punditry not her ability as a womens soccer player.
It seems the tweet that he has been charged with is one that targetted Aluko and another female pundit and likened them to Fred and Rose West.
Unpleasant, for sure. Not sure it merits a charge.
His comments about Jeremy Vine were terrible and he deserved his output
The thread is quite relevant to me personally as with my health issues I would be delighted to be able to cast my vote in GE29
However, I think it is fair to say the change to renters, rather than home owners, is laying the foundation for very difficult problems as these renters retire with rent still to pay unlike most retiring mortgage free home owners
I do not know the solution and even if the conservative party of the next GE will be unrecognisable to many of us, there will be a party of the centre right in some form or other
Kelly’s senate seat would be filled a by a fellow Democrat until the next mid terms .
Brexit was won not by Bill Cash arguing for sovereignty or John Redwood's Singapore-on-Thames. Brexit was won by a supercharged NOTA vote from habitual non-voters in left-behind communities. Brexit was a vote for levelling up.
Then Boris sacked Dominic Cummings, and Rishi, first as Chancellor, then as Prime Minister, spent the money elsewhere.
You were complaining before the election that Labour hadn't promised anything.
His career was never the same after he endorsed Scottish nationalism.
That isn’t the case if you are still renting your home. You still need to find the £700-2000 a month to pay the rent. It’s going to be a truly massive problem in 2 decades or so time.
That said, Covid.
A hell of a lot went out of the window once that hit and we loaded up the helicopters with cash.
TSMC bucks that trend - with highly educated career women having kids at nearly triple the national average rate.
In short: it would be very hard to replicate their success. And even harder with the business and political culture we suffer from in the UK.
Utterly disgusting.
And both dwarf attacks by bears.
Look at all those bears.
Labour's say nothing policy will come to bit them in the arse over the next couple of years,
And you haven’t addressed Labour’s strategy of not promising much.
What's pretty clear is that the UK is failing on both.
"Did it surprise you at all that despite women having more education and opportunity than ever before, most still prefer to marry men with higher incomes?
Yue Qian: No, I was not really surprised because prior research has found a stalling of progress toward gender equality since the 1990s, suggesting that the norm against marriages in which women have higher status than their husbands may also have changed little in recent decades. My study resonated with this line of research and showed that men and women continued to form marriages in which the wife's socioeconomic status did not exceed that of the husband."
"Do you believe that a husband’s income will continue to play a considerable role in marriage patterns in the future?
Yue Qian: My study did not discredit the importance of education in shaping marriage patterns, but it advanced prior research toward a more comprehensive understanding of mate selection by taking income into consideration. Indeed, income may have become increasingly important in the selection of marriage partners in recent decades. As individuals marry at later ages, and often after they have attained stable employment, income, and even wealth, they may increasingly use income, as opposed to education level, as the main marker of a potential spouse’s economic prospects. As long as gender pay gaps continue to favor men, the role of the remarkable advances in women’s educational attainment in redefining gender role expectations in American families may be more limited than assumed."
Study is 8 years old, mind.
Edited extra bit: also, growing income equality (married couples, US), from 2023:
Edited 2: So, it seems I was either wrong or becoming wrong.
FWIW, a grizzly bear or a polar bear sees you as lunch, and you’d better have your gun handy. A brown bear, other than a sow protecting cubs, is usually curious but will ignore you if you stay calm and carry on what you’re doing. But still have the gun handy.
Jumping the Electric Shark.
What does Chump do when the battery is *on* the shark, and will one of his pet snakes save him?
Being a little highflown, I think the important questions are:
1 - Can the Republican party take the poison out of its soul?
I think we need a Republican flip as great as the Democrat flip in the 20C.
2 - Assuming Harris wins POTUS, can the constitutional system be reformed to recover the USA as a democratic society?
If the answers to either one is NO, then Houston they have a problem, as so do we by extension since the UK is most in bed with them of perhaps almost any European country.
- Treat women with respect and people rather than objects to be won.
- Look after yourself and some semblance of being healthy.
- Acceptance and resilience in the face of failure.
There's no need for the sort of misogynistic game playing (or worse) of Tate.
House first, pension second is the sane financial approach and unless we find a way that ensures people have bought a house the pension fund is money that will just disappear.
And as I write this best buy another rental property or 3…
Brown bears are very real and ever-present danger where my in-laws live, they're in the Rockies and bears will wander into town.
I believe the facts are still more women attacked by men than bears there too.
That makes combating it a tad more complicated than us merely ridiculing the Tates of the world, though that should also be done.
Of course fewer women are attacked by bears - very, very few women come into contact with bears in their lifetime yet alone on a daily basis. If women came into contact with men as infrequently as they come into contact with a bear then violence against women by men might have similar or lower levels.
What proportion of random men attack random women in relation to the number of encounters compared to the number of bear attacks on random women.
Also bears are not “not attacking” women because bears are kinder to women - they don’t discriminate because you are a woman - if you “threaten” their cubs you are toast regardless of what you identify as.
The key words.
Anyone lamenting a supposed lack of 'levelling up' needs to first define what hey mean by 'levelling up'.
If it was full employment, high pay for those with in demand skillsets and affordable housing in an improved environment then that's been achieved.
If it was turning northern England into London and the waitrose belt then it hasn't but how many people in northern England actually want that unaffordability, inequality and congestion ?
If it was making people with low quality skillsets into millionaires this time next year then that was never going to be possible.
Our politicians have allowed themselves to think they can solve every problem - they cant. They should be looking at creating the conditions for citizens to succeed rather than pretending they can deliver success for all.
They don't encounter them much though because bears will leave people alone and vice-versa.
Too many men do not want to leave women alone.
It’s going to happen, isn’t it. Pensions seen by both parties as pots of cash to use. The govt are so good at spending money and investing. Nothing could go wrong.
My gut feeling, FWIW, is that her odds will shorten over the next week or two.
I actually increased my stake last night.
If it gets anywhere near evens, I'll take some off the table.