Nothing much. Only the front rows getting to know each other better. I was amused by the commentator saying that thirty years ago, you had to do some harm to the referee to get sent off. Probably true.
You were more entertaining when you were posting a 2005 article about a 1974 story......this recently re-hashed stuff is a bit stale....
You have read the polling evidence I'm referring to, haven't you?
We wouldn't want you looking foolish again, would we?
Perhaps if you devoted more time to Scottish independence, rather than Cameron, Osbrowne, fops and so forth, you might actually add value, rather than subtracting it?
A google search for Cammie Osbrowne returns nothing but PB pages. Seems that relentless repetition of them here isn't helping to establish them in the real world.
@MickPork An "analysis" by long time Labour supporter Lewis Baston posted on a Labour blog . Yep , let us put lots of weight into its impartiality . Alternatively we could look at the last Survation poll on Scottish VI which had LD support back up to 10% in Holyrood VI .
10%? Haud the front page!
18 months ago you bet the SLDs would beat the SCons in the next GE and No would beat Yes by 60-40, now you say you would never have taken those bets. I think that says it all about your prescience and rigour regarding Scottish politics.
You simply aren't bright enough to have worked out what the tory campaign in 2015 is going to be then I take it.
Good luck whining about dredging up the past when that starts for real.
And if you can't be bothered to understand the polling on Scottish independence it tells us all we need to know about whether you think you'll win.....why should who wins UK GE 2015 be of any interest to you......?
You simply aren't bright enough to have worked out what the tory campaign in 2015 is going to be then I take it.
Good luck whining about dredging up the past when that starts for real.
And if you can't be bothered to understand the polling on Scottish independence it tells us all we need to know about whether you think you'll win.....why should who wins UK GE 2015 be of any interest to you......?
Scottish farmer warns Salmond about independence, but will he listen ?
@MickPork An "analysis" by long time Labour supporter Lewis Baston posted on a Labour blog . Yep , let us put lots of weight into its impartiality . Alternatively we could look at the last Survation poll on Scottish VI which had LD support back up to 10% in Holyrood VI .
10%? Haud the front page!
18 months ago you bet the SLDs would beat the SCons in the next GE and No would beat Yes by 60-40, now you say you would never have taken those bets. I think that says it all about your prescience and rigour regarding Scottish politics.
If you can give proof of those bets I will honour them .
You simply aren't bright enough to have worked out what the tory campaign in 2015 is going to be then I take it.
Good luck whining about dredging up the past when that starts for real.
And if you can't be bothered to understand the polling on Scottish independence it tells us all we need to know about whether you think you'll win.....why should who wins UK GE 2015 be of any interest to you......?
Scottish farmer warns Salmond about independence, but will he listen ?
@MickPork An "analysis" by long time Labour supporter Lewis Baston posted on a Labour blog . Yep , let us put lots of weight into its impartiality . Alternatively we could look at the last Survation poll on Scottish VI which had LD support back up to 10% in Holyrood VI .
10%? Haud the front page!
18 months ago you bet the SLDs would beat the SCons in the next GE and No would beat Yes by 60-40, now you say you would never have taken those bets. I think that says it all about your prescience and rigour regarding Scottish politics.
If you can give proof of those bets I will honour them .
Log into your Disqus account which applied to PB in 2012 and you'll be able to see your replies to my posts below. Personally I couldn't give a stuff about two £25 bets but I pride myself on remembering what bets I've struck, and of course honouring them.
You replied to Mark Senior Bet? • 08/26/12 09:27 AM • Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
You replied to Mark Senior How about they'll have less votes than the Tories? £40 at evens? • 08/26/12 10:13 AM • Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
You replied to Mark Senior Cool - I'm off out for the day but I'll e-mail PtP when I'm back. • 08/26/12 10:19 AM • Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
FAO Mark Senior FPT. I see you'll take the other bet as well; good stuff. Just to confirm, on my side that's £25 at evens that the LDs will get less votes than the Cons in Scotland at the next GE. £25 at evens that the 'No' side will get 59.99% of the vote or less in an Independence referendum (straight Yes/No, agreed by Holyrood & Westminster). If you're okay with that I'll run it by Peter the Punter. • 08/26/12 05:34 PM • How many will bother to vote in the November Police Commissioner elections?
You replied to Mark Senior Evening, did you see my post at 18:34 re. bets? Let me know if they're okay with you. • 08/26/12 09:48 PM • How many will bother to vote in the November Police Commissioner elections?
Déclaration de la Commission européenne suite à la votation en Suisse sur l’initiative « immigration massive »
La Commission européenne regrette que l'initiative pour l'introduction de quotas à l'immigration soit passée via cette votation. Ceci va à l'encontre du principe de libre circulation des personnes entre l'Union européenne et la Suisse. L'Union examinera les implications de cette initiative sur l'ensemble des relations entre l'UE et la Suisse. Dans ce contexte, la position du Conseil Fédéral sur le résultat sera aussi prise en compte.
@MickPork An "analysis" by long time Labour supporter Lewis Baston posted on a Labour blog . Yep , let us put lots of weight into its impartiality . Alternatively we could look at the last Survation poll on Scottish VI which had LD support back up to 10% in Holyrood VI .
10%? Haud the front page!
18 months ago you bet the SLDs would beat the SCons in the next GE and No would beat Yes by 60-40, now you say you would never have taken those bets. I think that says it all about your prescience and rigour regarding Scottish politics.
If you can give proof of those bets I will honour them .
Log into your Disqus account which applied to PB in 2012 and you'll be able to see your replies to my posts below. Personally I couldn't give a stuff about two £25 bets but I pride myself on remembering what bets I've struck, and of course honouring them.
You replied to Mark Senior Bet? • 08/26/12 09:27 AM • Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
You replied to Mark Senior How about they'll have less votes than the Tories? £40 at evens? • 08/26/12 10:13 AM • Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
You replied to Mark Senior Cool - I'm off out for the day but I'll e-mail PtP when I'm back. • 08/26/12 10:19 AM • Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
FAO Mark Senior FPT. I see you'll take the other bet as well; good stuff. Just to confirm, on my side that's £25 at evens that the LDs will get less votes than the Cons in Scotland at the next GE. £25 at evens that the 'No' side will get 59.99% of the vote or less in an Independence referendum (straight Yes/No, agreed by Holyrood & Westminster). If you're okay with that I'll run it by Peter the Punter. • 08/26/12 05:34 PM • How many will bother to vote in the November Police Commissioner elections?
You replied to Mark Senior Evening, did you see my post at 18:34 re. bets? Let me know if they're okay with you. • 08/26/12 09:48 PM • How many will bother to vote in the November Police Commissioner elections?
A big problem for The Tory Party and Gove in particular is if Labour win, all the information being blocked by Gove at the moment, despite, F.O.I. requests, will immediately be out in the open and whatever he is hiding, will be known by all. A bit stupid of him to fight these F.O.I. requests as it will all come out in the open eventually.
So they won't extend Gove the courtesy that the Tories have extended Labour and give them a right of veto over disclosure of papers related to the last government?
Ah. I forgot. Political advantage counts for more than convention.
Switzerland will have to renegotiate its bilateral accord with the EU on the free movement of people within three years or revoke it. This in turn could threaten other bilateral agreements with the EU
@Nicola_Pork You do show the same traits as the SNP deputy leader. Whenever you have a tricky point you tried to pour buckets of shi* over the person making it. You don't get into reasoned arguments.
German regional banks, in particular, need to raise money and recognise bad debts. (Basically, it's only when you have a 'near death experience', like the UK, the US and more latterly Spain, had when you actually go through the balance sheets, and make sure loans are not being... rolled over.)
That said, this is unlikely to cause another Eurozone crisis, if only because the €50bn sum is relatively modest compared to the size of the German economy.
RMT membership has been growing strongly, if you want to give an example of a trade union that is not acting in its members' interests or whose members are not satisfied with what it is doing you'd be advised to look elsewhere.
So Neil, what proportion of this growing union voted to go on strike?
Has noone explained to Nigel that they have voted to restrict people's freedom of movement? A bad day for freedom lovers, surely.
Please dont take this as an argumentative post.
It is funny the way words mean one thing to one side and something diffferent to the other.
Farage describes it as wonderful news for freedom lovers, because he thinks nations should have the freedom to control their own destiny. He sees the EU as restricting their freedom to make their own laws
I guess you would see it as bad news for freedom lovers because it restricts people from other countries being able to move anywhere they like.
So really it is good and bad news for freedom lovers!
RMT membership has been growing strongly, if you want to give an example of a trade union that is not acting in its members' interests or whose members are not satisfied with what it is doing you'd be advised to look elsewhere.
So Neil, what proportion of this growing union voted to go on strike?
A clear majority of the members who wanted to vote, I'd have thought.
RMT membership has been growing strongly, if you want to give an example of a trade union that is not acting in its members' interests or whose members are not satisfied with what it is doing you'd be advised to look elsewhere.
So Neil, what proportion of this growing union voted to go on strike?
Starkey made this point on Question Time - Bob Crow has been an extremely good and effective leader of the RMT for its members.
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
A most important freedom is for a nation to choose who can live there. It's been a good day for the Swiss.
O/T There was an interesting comment by Nick Palmer on the previous thread:
the belief that Government economic policy is going well is not shared by Labour supporters - see today's YG: 85% of Labour voters think they're handling the economy badly, 9% "quite well", and 0% "very well". Conversely 87% of Tories think they're doing well. Partisanship rules.
Nick draws the conclusion from this that the Labour lead is reasonably safe, but you can equally draw the opposite conclusion: that those who currently say they'll vote Labour are doing so because they haven't yet been convinced by the Conservative line on the economy. Will that survive what is likely to be a pretty relentless year of the media telling them that the UK is actually doing rather well, and a lot better than most other countries?
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
So restricting the Wehrmacht's freedom of movement in the last century was bad for freedom?
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
So restricting the Wehrmacht's freedom of movement in the last century was bad for freedom?
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
Yeah I know that you think that!
I was just commenting on the semantics really, that two things could be interpreted as both good for freedom and both bad for freedom depending on who you listened to.
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
So restricting the Wehrmacht's freedom of movement in the last century was bad for freedom?
Just listening to an awful warm up man at the Ski Jump competition at Sochi.
Behind the icefest, tension over security is genuinely extremely high, even compared to other high profile events. What the world hasn't seen is that the Russians, and other authorities around Europe have taken the view that the best defense is offense. There have been anti extremist sweeps and actions in the likes of Dagestan in recent days killing some known names in the process. All such actions are designed to keep possible ne'er do wells on the back foot. Even in good old liberal loving Western Europe around 20 people, largely women, have been taken into custody, some complete with tickets to go to the Olympic city in hand.
Perhaps a sign of the determination of restive types in the former Soviet republics, or perhaps in a case of online bluster, Ingush Mujahadeen have released a stream of threats in recent hours against visitors to Sochi.
The concerning thing is the sheer number of possible problem cases lifted who actually did have plans to travel to Russia from elsewhere. Certainly the talk of people planning to have a go are most definitely not without substance.
David Cameron should publicly back her for multiple reasons:
1) He's not going to find a candidate more sympathetic to his views 2) It would be good for Britain to be seen making positive suggestions about the future of the EU 3) It would discomfit Francois Hollande, who would find it awkward to oppose a French candidate 4) Now would be a good time for him to be seen to be pushing a woman for a very senior role
Her remote chance of success is, of course, neither here nor there.
What a surprise the top man uses his site to have another dig at Govey.
As he is probably well aware short-term popularity is not the aim for Govey, he knows the course he has taken all the Educational establishment guns would be on him. The latest political strikes are part of that.
Those Unions know if he succeeds in loosening the LEA controls on schools their power will be much diminished. His thinking is this will benefit children for the future, that will be his legacy, one worth the short-term unpopularity.
What is for sure what went before wasn't working, we had the same sink schools in Derby for decades, one thing in the EL Medina debacle, action was swift, Sinfin School and others were crap for 30 years.
I presume that clock news means block moves, Mike.
Trust the MEP Tories to stick up for roaming charges. They are on their own side, Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!
I presume that clock news means block moves, Mike.
Trust the MEP Tories to stick up for roaming charges. They are on their own side, Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!
So you think the EU should decide roaming charges? That's a mega-bonkers position for a UKIPper.
What a surprise the top man uses his site to have another dig at Govey.
As he is probably well aware short-term popularity is not the aim for Govey, he knows the course he has taken all the Educational establishment guns would be on him. The latest political strikes are part of that.
Those Unions know if he succeeds in loosening the LEA controls on schools their power will be much diminished. His thinking is this will benefit children for the future, that will be his legacy, one worth the short-term unpopularity.
What is for sure what went before wasn't working, we had the same sink schools in Derby for decades, one thing in the EL Medina debacle, action was swift, Sinfin School and others were crap for 30 years.
I am simply reporting poll findings without comment. You must be paraonoid
That is basically the Economist's argument. It's hard to disagree with it.
Nor with their analysis of who is really the boss: So ignore the parliament, Mrs Merkel, and pick the best woman for the job.
She cant completely ignore them - despite having hardly any democratic legitimacy of their own they are allowed to veto her choice. If Cameron hadnt pulled out of the EPP he'd have more of a say in the process.
That is basically the Economist's argument. It's hard to disagree with it.
Nor with their analysis of who is really the boss: So ignore the parliament, Mrs Merkel, and pick the best woman for the job.
She cant completely ignore them - despite having hardly any democratic legitimacy of their own they are allowed to veto her choice. If Cameron hadnt pulled out of the EPP he'd have more of a say in the process.
more of a say = they'd listen and still ignore him
Nick draws the conclusion from this that the Labour lead is reasonably safe, but you can equally draw the opposite conclusion: that those who currently say they'll vote Labour are doing so because they haven't yet been convinced by the Conservative line on the economy. Will that survive what is likely to be a pretty relentless year of the media telling them that the UK is actually doing rather well, and a lot better than most other countries?
And also perhaps a year of the media - far from enthused at the prospect of paying 50% tax rates - telling them that Labour can't be trusted with the economy. Labour has so far shown it has no effective response to this charge. Which is a pretty big limpet mine attached to their little boat....
I presume that clock news means block moves, Mike.
Trust the MEP Tories to stick up for roaming charges. They are on their own side, Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!
So you think the EU should decide roaming charges? That's a mega-bonkers position for a UKIPper.
Roaming charges are theft by phone companies under another name. You want to keep them Richard? I don't!
However it's you and your lot that support the EU horror, and want to keep it going. While I and my lot want to exit the EU monster, and get rid of the any and all elements of it's hideous presence.
'Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!'
Including troughers like Farage.
'Ukip leader boasts of his £2m in expenses | Politics | The Observer › News › Politics › European elections 23 May 2009 - Party leader Nigel Farage claims he used EU allowances to finance his eurosceptic message.
David Cameron should publicly back her for multiple reasons:
1) He's not going to find a candidate more sympathetic to his views 2) It would be good for Britain to be seen making positive suggestions about the future of the EU 3) It would discomfit Francois Hollande, who would find it awkward to oppose a French candidate 4) Now would be a good time for him to be seen to be pushing a woman for a very senior role
Her remote chance of success is, of course, neither here nor there.
Hmmh. Lawyer backs lawyer for senior position. Hmmh.
(To be fair, I think Christine is fab. Great fan of hers - and of Baker McKenzie. I just wish I could afford their fees...)
I presume that clock news means block moves, Mike.
Trust the MEP Tories to stick up for roaming charges. They are on their own side, Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!
So you think the EU should decide roaming charges? That's a mega-bonkers position for a UKIPper.
Roaming charges are theft by phone companies under another name. You want to keep them Richard? I don't!
However it's you and your lot that support the EU horror, and want to keep it going. While I and my lot want to exit the EU monster, and get rid of the any and all elements of it's hideous presence.
Eric Pickles' limousine bill almost £500,000 | The Sun |News|Politics
EXCLUSIVE: ERIC Pickles lumbers us with a heavyweight limo bill that’s the biggest of any Whitehall department ...
The excuse will be......Labour signed up for it for 10 years and they could not get out of it. Also the chauffeur was a unionised immigrant muslim who was still claiming benefits and lives on James Turner Street in Birmingham, but when Eric asked him four years ago, he said he was a upstanding British citizen.
You have no reasoned argument. The idea that the 2012 scottish local elections were somehow a disaster for the SNP and not the lib dems is utterly ridiculous.
This entire thread is based on the spin that if the lib dems pour a large enough bucket of shite over Gove then previous lib dem and soft labour voters will somehow forget all that has gone before and forgive Clegg and the lib dems.
They won't.
The only viable strategy Clegg has in the many tory lib dem marginals is trying to boost the kippers and thus denuding the tory vote the lib dems have to beat.
It's why Clegg is trying to make the EU elections about IN or OUT. If you can't shift your own vote, shift someone elses. The lib dems can't shift their own VI from flatlining at 10% but the tory kipper vote is perfectly capable of moving about and a higher kipper vote is good news for Clegg in those marginals. That strategy has some chance of working, not least because Cammie's own backbenchers are certain to help it along soon enough.
I presume that clock news means block moves, Mike.
Trust the MEP Tories to stick up for roaming charges. They are on their own side, Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!
So you think the EU should decide roaming charges? That's a mega-bonkers position for a UKIPper.
Roaming charges are theft by phone companies under another name. You want to keep them Richard? I don't!
However it's you and your lot that support the EU horror, and want to keep it going. While I and my lot want to exit the EU monster, and get rid of the any and all elements of it's hideous presence.
Who should pay for the network infrastructure?
The phone companies make enough profit (and I don't begrudge them their profits) to maintain upkeep of networks without resorting to underhand means of getting more cash.
Blast from the past - An ex-government adviser accused of wanting to smear rail crash survivors has "unreservedly" apologised.
The apology from Dan Corry, a former transport department special adviser, comes after news that he sent an e-mail trying to discover the political sympathies of the Paddington rail crash survivors' group.
Tony Blair has expressed his "regret" over the affair and the government insists the e-mail, which was sent as then Transport Secretary Stephen Byers came under fire under fire from the group, should not have been sent.
I am beginning to find this obsession with the Marmite Education Minister Michael Gove all a bit boring to be honest. First it was the NHS and Lansley, then it was IDS and Welfare and Benefits, and now the focus is on Gove and Education. It would seem that our friends on the left are increasingly accelerating away from the most important bread and butter issues being cited by the voters in polling, like the economy....
Up here in Scotland, we now have the SNP Government's Curriculum for excellence getting its first official outing this year. I have heard nothing but complaints about it from parents and teachers, but barely a mention on PB. On a personal level, I am just so relieved that our youngest missed it and landed up in the last year of the old system. I wonder if the SNP will feel the wrath of Scottish parents come the next Holyrood elections, or not?
Eric Pickles' limousine bill almost £500,000 | The Sun |News|Politics
EXCLUSIVE: ERIC Pickles lumbers us with a heavyweight limo bill that’s the biggest of any Whitehall department ...
The excuse will be......Labour signed up for it for 10 years and they could not get out of it. Also the chauffeur was a unionised immigrant muslim who was still claiming benefits and lives on James Turner Street in Birmingham, but when Eric asked him four years ago, he said he was a upstanding British citizen.
No, no,no, no, no. A scottish tory surger will have 'heard' that it's extremely popular from 'parents and friends' and that £500,000 is nowhere near enough. If only the real world would listen.
Up here in Scotland, we now have the SNP Government's Curriculum for excellence getting its first official outing this year. I have heard nothing but complaints about it from parents and teachers, but barely a mention on PB.
What a surprise the top man uses his site to have another dig at Govey.
As he is probably well aware short-term popularity is not the aim for Govey, he knows the course he has taken all the Educational establishment guns would be on him. The latest political strikes are part of that.
Those Unions know if he succeeds in loosening the LEA controls on schools their power will be much diminished. His thinking is this will benefit children for the future, that will be his legacy, one worth the short-term unpopularity.
What is for sure what went before wasn't working, we had the same sink schools in Derby for decades, one thing in the EL Medina debacle, action was swift, Sinfin School and others were crap for 30 years.
I am simply reporting poll findings without comment. You must be paraonoid
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!
Something tells me that that is going to change. A member of the last BBC QuestionTime in Scotland was also under the impression that the Holyrood Parliament still had tax raising powers at its disposal, I notice that our Finance Minister John Swinney didn't correct that impression....
Up here in Scotland, we now have the SNP Government's Curriculum for excellence getting its first official outing this year. I have heard nothing but complaints about it from parents and teachers, but barely a mention on PB.
That's one week's troughing by Saint Alex & his mates at the Ryder Cup.
'Outcry at Alex Salmond's £500,000 Ryder Cup bill - The Scotsman 29 Nov 2012 - FM has been criticised for the cost of the trip to Medinah. Picture: Getty ... Why does Alex Salmond cost us so much more? “This comes on top of ...
Something tells me that that is going to change. A member of the last BBC QuestionTime in Scotland was also under the impression that the Holyrood Parliament still had tax raising powers at its disposal, I notice that our Finance Minister John Swinney didn't correct that impression....
The tax raising powers of the Scottish Parliament were expanded considerably by the Scotland Act 2012. They have been put into effect. Witness the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Scotland) Act 2013 and the Landfill Tax (Scotland) Act 2014 for example.
As the flooding is such a blatant example of both how useless and how anti-democratic the quangocracy are the europhile parts of the media are having to really go all out on the mini show trials. It does show how 100% europhile the Cameroons actually are that they're sitting and taking the beasting when the real causes are fully documented.
I wonder if the BBC will ever mention the EU's biodiversity directives and the EA's decision to encourage flooding to meet those EU directives?
This story has got the lot: EU, quangocracy, dishonest Cameroons and BBC news filtering all in one go.
'Mr Salmond has previously attracted criticism in 2009 for travelling 150 yards in his chauffeur-driven car between the Scottish Parliament and Holyrood Palace to meet the Queen. The next day the Queen, then aged 83, made the same journey on foot.'
Fatso can't even manage to walk 150 yards or his ego trip won't let him?
That's one week's troughing by Saint Alex & his mates at the Ryder Cup.
'Outcry at Alex Salmond's £500,000 Ryder Cup bill - The Scotsman 29 Nov 2012 - FM has been criticised for the cost of the trip to Medinah. Picture: Getty ... Why does Alex Salmond cost us so much more? “This comes on top of ...
Nothing much. Only the front rows getting to know each other better. I was amused by the commentator saying that thirty years ago, you had to do some harm to the referee to get sent off. Probably true.
Shame that that same strategy has seen an average 9% fall in SNP support in by elections both local , Holyrood and Westminster since May 2012 .
You have read the polling evidence I'm referring to, haven't you?
We wouldn't want you looking foolish again, would we?
Perhaps if you devoted more time to Scottish independence, rather than Cameron, Osbrowne, fops and so forth, you might actually add value, rather than subtracting it?
Mick Pork was that farmer.
They probably did, but have you ever spoken to a farmer when he hasn't been moaning about something? Too hot, too dry, too average etc.
Although the EA (AKA the vole catchers) probably would take no notice anyway.
Good luck whining about dredging up the past when that starts for real.
18 months ago you bet the SLDs would beat the SCons in the next GE and No would beat Yes by 60-40, now you say you would never have taken those bets. I think that says it all about your prescience and rigour regarding Scottish politics.
FFS Struggling to beat Fulham...
But Salmond out-manoevered Cameron into only having a two question referendum!
No one can out fox Eck!
You replied to Mark Senior
• 08/26/12 09:27 AM
• Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
You replied to Mark Senior
How about they'll have less votes than the Tories? £40 at evens?
• 08/26/12 10:13 AM
• Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
You replied to Mark Senior
Cool - I'm off out for the day but I'll e-mail PtP when I'm back.
• 08/26/12 10:19 AM
• Will Westminster stage the Independence referendum before Alex does?
FAO Mark Senior FPT.
I see you'll take the other bet as well; good stuff.
Just to confirm, on my side that's £25 at evens that the LDs will get less votes than the Cons in Scotland at the next GE.
£25 at evens that the 'No' side will get 59.99% of the vote or less in an Independence referendum (straight Yes/No, agreed by Holyrood & Westminster).
If you're okay with that I'll run it by Peter the Punter.
• 08/26/12 05:34 PM
• How many will bother to vote in the November Police Commissioner elections?
You replied to Mark Senior
Evening, did you see my post at 18:34 re. bets?
Let me know if they're okay with you.
• 08/26/12 09:48 PM
• How many will bother to vote in the November Police Commissioner elections?
Bloody voters! What were the Swiss thinking!
Is the 'Federal Council' being invited to ignore the result?
I didn't actually think you were trying to welch, just a 'Senior' moment, ho ho.
Ah. I forgot. Political advantage counts for more than convention.
"This is wonderful news for national sovereignty and freedom lovers throughout Europe," he said.
"A wise and strong Switzerland has stood up to the bullying and threats of the unelected bureaucrats of Brussels.
He can get everything he wants without asking...
I'm sure he'll feel the same way about an EU referendum.
Just as the will negotiate with the Scots with one eye on Catalonia....
Neither of which are likely to make negotiations easy...
German regional banks, in particular, need to raise money and recognise bad debts. (Basically, it's only when you have a 'near death experience', like the UK, the US and more latterly Spain, had when you actually go through the balance sheets, and make sure loans are not being... rolled over.)
That said, this is unlikely to cause another Eurozone crisis, if only because the €50bn sum is relatively modest compared to the size of the German economy.
RMT membership has been growing strongly, if you want to give an example of a trade union that is not acting in its members' interests or whose members are not satisfied with what it is doing you'd be advised to look elsewhere.
So Neil, what proportion of this growing union voted to go on strike?
It is funny the way words mean one thing to one side and something diffferent to the other.
Farage describes it as wonderful news for freedom lovers, because he thinks nations should have the freedom to control their own destiny. He sees the EU as restricting their freedom to make their own laws
I guess you would see it as bad news for freedom lovers because it restricts people from other countries being able to move anywhere they like.
So really it is good and bad news for freedom lovers!
I have no idea what the result of the RMT's last ballot on industrial action was. I daresay it's the kind of thing that you can google if you are very interested though.
Noone has ever doubted Switzerland's freedom to decide its own immigration policy. I dont think opting to change its immigration policy is a demonstration that Switzerland is more free, it's always been Switzerland's prerogative to do that. The impact on people's freedom of movement is clearcut though. So I still maintain it's a bad day for freedom.
A most important freedom is for a nation to choose who can live there. It's been a good day for the Swiss.
the belief that Government economic policy is going well is not shared by Labour supporters - see today's YG: 85% of Labour voters think they're handling the economy badly, 9% "quite well", and 0% "very well". Conversely 87% of Tories think they're doing well. Partisanship rules.
Nick draws the conclusion from this that the Labour lead is reasonably safe, but you can equally draw the opposite conclusion: that those who currently say they'll vote Labour are doing so because they haven't yet been convinced by the Conservative line on the economy. Will that survive what is likely to be a pretty relentless year of the media telling them that the UK is actually doing rather well, and a lot better than most other countries?
I was just commenting on the semantics really, that two things could be interpreted as both good for freedom and both bad for freedom depending on who you listened to.
Behind the icefest, tension over security is genuinely extremely high, even compared to other high profile events. What the world hasn't seen is that the Russians, and other authorities around Europe have taken the view that the best defense is offense. There have been anti extremist sweeps and actions in the likes of Dagestan in recent days killing some known names in the process. All such actions are designed to keep possible ne'er do wells on the back foot. Even in good old liberal loving Western Europe around 20 people, largely women, have been taken into custody, some complete with tickets to go to the Olympic city in hand.
Perhaps a sign of the determination of restive types in the former Soviet republics, or perhaps in a case of online bluster, Ingush Mujahadeen have released a stream of threats in recent hours against visitors to Sochi.
The concerning thing is the sheer number of possible problem cases lifted who actually did have plans to travel to Russia from elsewhere. Certainly the talk of people planning to have a go are most definitely not without substance.
There are a lot of crossed fingers.
David Cameron should publicly back her for multiple reasons:
1) He's not going to find a candidate more sympathetic to his views
2) It would be good for Britain to be seen making positive suggestions about the future of the EU
3) It would discomfit Francois Hollande, who would find it awkward to oppose a French candidate
4) Now would be a good time for him to be seen to be pushing a woman for a very senior role
Her remote chance of success is, of course, neither here nor there.
Wayne Rooney hasn't seen this many crosses since he did his English exam at school.
As he is probably well aware short-term popularity is not the aim for Govey, he knows the course he has taken all the Educational establishment guns would be on him. The latest political strikes are part of that.
Those Unions know if he succeeds in loosening the LEA controls on schools their power will be much diminished. His thinking is this will benefit children for the future, that will be his legacy, one worth the short-term unpopularity.
What is for sure what went before wasn't working, we had the same sink schools in Derby for decades, one thing in the EL Medina debacle, action was swift, Sinfin School and others were crap for 30 years.
She couldnt be any worse than the troika of Brussels veterans the three main EU political groupings are trying to foist on us.
Whose side are they on?
You dont have to be a failed Benelux politician to have a chance of becoming Commission president this year but it certainly helps.
Trust the MEP Tories to stick up for roaming charges. They are on their own side, Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!
EXCLUSIVE: ERIC Pickles lumbers us with a heavyweight limo bill that’s the biggest of any Whitehall department ...
However it's you and your lot that support the EU horror, and want to keep it going.
While I and my lot want to exit the EU monster, and get rid of the any and all elements of it's hideous presence.
'Mike: stuck to to their too comfortable EU seats and perks. Vote them out in May!'
Including troughers like Farage.
'Ukip leader boasts of his £2m in expenses | Politics | The Observer › News › Politics › European elections
23 May 2009 - Party leader Nigel Farage claims he used EU allowances to finance his eurosceptic message.
(To be fair, I think Christine is fab. Great fan of hers - and of Baker McKenzie. I just wish I could afford their fees...)
You have no reasoned argument. The idea that the 2012 scottish local elections were somehow a disaster for the SNP and not the lib dems is utterly ridiculous.
This entire thread is based on the spin that if the lib dems pour a large enough bucket of shite over Gove then previous lib dem and soft labour voters will somehow forget all that has gone before and forgive Clegg and the lib dems.
They won't.
The only viable strategy Clegg has in the many tory lib dem marginals is trying to boost the kippers and thus denuding the tory vote the lib dems have to beat.
It's why Clegg is trying to make the EU elections about IN or OUT.
If you can't shift your own vote, shift someone elses.
The lib dems can't shift their own VI from flatlining at 10% but the tory kipper vote is perfectly capable of moving about and a higher kipper vote is good news for Clegg in those marginals. That strategy has some chance of working, not least because Cammie's own backbenchers are certain to help it along soon enough.
The apology from Dan Corry, a former transport department special adviser, comes after news that he sent an e-mail trying to discover the political sympathies of the Paddington rail crash survivors' group.
Tony Blair has expressed his "regret" over the affair and the government insists the e-mail, which was sent as then Transport Secretary Stephen Byers came under fire under fire from the group, should not have been sent.
Up here in Scotland, we now have the SNP Government's Curriculum for excellence getting its first official outing this year. I have heard nothing but complaints about it from parents and teachers, but barely a mention on PB.
Eric Pickles: Spend aid abroad to stop flooding in the UK | Telegraph
'The excuse will be......Labour signed up for it for 10 years and they could not get out of it.'
Just like the Aircraft carriers.
These slobs should stretch their stumpy legs for their own good and that of the public purse.
'and that £500,000 is nowhere near enough'
That's one week's troughing by Saint Alex & his mates at the Ryder Cup.
'Outcry at Alex Salmond's £500,000 Ryder Cup bill - The Scotsman
29 Nov 2012 - FM has been criticised for the cost of the trip to Medinah. Picture: Getty ... Why does Alex Salmond cost us so much more? “This comes on top of ...
As the flooding is such a blatant example of both how useless and how anti-democratic the quangocracy are the europhile parts of the media are having to really go all out on the mini show trials. It does show how 100% europhile the Cameroons actually are that they're sitting and taking the beasting when the real causes are fully documented.
I wonder if the BBC will ever mention the EU's biodiversity directives and the EA's decision to encourage flooding to meet those EU directives?
This story has got the lot: EU, quangocracy, dishonest Cameroons and BBC news filtering all in one go.
I blame immigrants, single mothers, benefit scroungers, the unions and Crap Ed for the seven pence bulldog clip claim.
'Mr Salmond has previously attracted criticism in 2009 for travelling 150 yards in his chauffeur-driven car between the Scottish Parliament and Holyrood Palace to meet the Queen. The next day the Queen, then aged 83, made the same journey on foot.'
Fatso can't even manage to walk 150 yards or his ego trip won't let him?
Britain’s international aid budget will help reduce flooding in the UK by addressing the causes of climate change abroad, Eric Pickles has said
Seriously ?????????!!!!!!!